Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair Part 1

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Sandy Vale.

Fat Hen Farm.

Fowl Play at the Fair.

Chapter 1.

Kitty slowly guided Maddie into the barn. "Keep your eyes closed Maddie. No peeking. We're almost there. Okay. You can look now."

"A PONY! A PONY!" The seven year old screamed and danced and hugged Kitty and hugged her daddy and jumped up and down and screamed again.

Frank winked at Kitty. "You were right when you said you knew how to please a seven year old girl. Who knew?"

"You have to be a girl to understand the love they have for horses Dan. I guess you'l just never understand." Kitty laughed and picked Maddie up, plopping her on the pony's back.

"Kitty, what's her name?" Maddie managed to ask.

"HIS name is Henry. He's a boy pony not a girl pony." Kitty explained.

"Oh." Maddie sounded disappointed.

"What's the matter honey?" Frank held her so she wouldn't slip off Henry's back.

"I want to braid the mane and tail and put ribbons in but a boy pony won't like that."

"Don't worry about that Maddie," Kitty laughed. "Henry won't care."

Maddie's face lit up again. "Okay. But maybe I should use boy colors for the ribbons instead of pink."

"That's a good idea. What do you think Henry?"

Henry swished his tail, turned and looked at the little girl on his back and nickered softly.

Everyone laughed. "See, Maddie? Henry says he can't wait."

"Who's Henry?" Corey asked as she walked into the barn.

"Corey. Corey. Come see my pony. His name is Henry. Isn't he handsome?"

"Slow down there cowgirl." Frank interrupted. "Henry is Kitty's pony. But I'm sure she'l let you come visit Fat Hen Farm a lot." Frank looked at Kitty. "You've started something now that I hope you are ready for."

Kitty hugged Maddie. "You can come as often as your dad wil let you. I'l teach you how to brush and feed Henry and I think Corey wil be happy to teach you how to ride by yourself. Right Corey?"

Corey had a smile from ear to ear. "I was riding ponies before I knew how to walk. I'd love to teach Maddie how to ride. I think we'l need another horse though so I can ride with her." She looked at Kitty hopeful y.

"You might be in luck Corey. The farm that Henry came from cal ed me today. Henry lived with an older Morgan, named Poco that is heartbroken now that Henry is gone. The owner asked if I would be wil ing to take him too."

"And?" Corey held her breath.

"And what?"

"And what did you say about taking the other horse?" Corey held her breath.

Kitty looked around as if she hadn't made a decision yet, then smiled. "I said yes, of course. He'l be here tomorrow." Now it was Corey's turn to jump up and down and hug Kitty. "I can't believe this. Kitty, you are the best." Frank nodded in agreement as he took Maddie off of Henry's back. "Come on Suns.h.i.+ne. We have to go home. Maybe Kitty wil let us come back tomorrow to see Poco."

"Can we Kitty? Please? Please? Please?"

"Definitely. I expect Poco to be here in the morning. Come for breakfast if you want."

"Wil you make your pancakes if we come?" Maddie's eyes were big as saucers.

"How about pancakes in the shape of a horse head with maple syrup?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Please daddy? Can we come for horse pancakes tomorrow?"

"How can I say no to that? Kitty, if you keep this up, Maddie wil want to move in with you."

"I can think of worse things. See you at seven?"

"It's a date."

Kitty found her horse head cookie cutter to make the horse pancakes. She loved making Maddie happy and she was surprised how easy it was.

"Anyone home?" Frank cal ed as he walked in. Max woofed his hel o.

"Max." Maddie wrapped her little arms around his neck. She didn't have any pets at her mom's house and she couldn't get enough of Kitty's animals.

"Come on in. Pancakes are just about ready. Pul up a chair next to me Maddie. You can help me flip the pancakes." Frank kissed Kitty on the cheek. "You look content this morning."

"I guess I am. Cooking for my friends makes me happy."

Frank poured himself some coffee, watching his daughter careful y use the spatula to move a horse pancake from the griddle to the plate.

Seeing Maddie so happy made Frank know he made the right choice moving to Wil ow Fal s, Vermont to be near Kitty.

"Here daddy. You can have the first horsie cake." Maddie exclaimed with great pride in her voice.

Kitty took over cooking to get the process moving a little faster.

"Thanks Suns.h.i.+ne. Come sit down with me so we can eat together."

"Is this your own maple syrup Kitty?" Frank poured the sweet syrup on the pancakes.

"It sure is. Maddie wil be able to help us next time when we tap the trees. It's sel ing wel in the farm store. Everyone loves Vermont maple syrup."

"Poco should be here soon. We better finish eating and get out to the barn." Maddie was down in a flash and eager to go to the barn. "Kitty. I have my cowgirl boots on. Do you like them?" Maddie stuck one pink covered foot in the air.

"They are beautiful. Did your dad get them for you?"

"Yup. And he got my favorite color too. Pink."

Kitty winked at Frank. It had been Kitty's idea to get the pink cowgirl boots. Frank thought it was sil y but he got them anyway. She wasn't going to say she told him so, even though she was tempted.

"Let's go. You can help me feed Henry and we can make sure the stal is ready for Poco." Kitty pul ed on her muck boots, took Maddie's hand and headed to the barn. Frank stayed behind to clean up the dishes.

"Come on Kitty. Faster. I want to see Henry. He probably missed me."

Laughing, Kitty told Maddie. "You're probably right. Ponies like company. He'l be happy to see you and Poco."

"We need to give him fresh water and a couple of flakes of hay. I'l show you how to brush him while he's having his breakfast." Maddie brushed and brushed while Kitty got another stal ready for Poco. She dumped in shavings, fil ed his water bucket and put hay in the feeder.

"I hear a truck coming Maddie. Let's go outside."

Frank joined them. Maddie jumped on one pink cowgirl boot then the other. This was more excitement than she was used to.

"Here he is." A beautiful black Morgan backed down the ramp of the horse trailer. He whinnied and Henry answered. Kitty led him into the stal next to Henry so they could see and smel each other.

"Come on Maddie. Your mom and Blake are meeting us at the fair. We need to stop at my house and pick up your things."

"I don't want to go. I don't like Blake."

"Why not? He's a nice guy." Frank was concerned that Maddie said she didn't like her stepfather. Frank didn't real y like him either, but he had good reason to dislike him.

"He ignores me and yel s at me when I want mommy to play with me." Maddie pouted.

"I'l talk to mommy about it. Come on. They'l be wondering where we are. See you at the fair Kitty."

"Mommy. Mommy. Guess what?" Maddie ran to Sheila, jumping into her arms.

"What dear?" Sheila looked at Frank suspiciously as she slipped her silver cel phone into her bag.

"I sat on a pony at Kitty's house. His name is Henry."

"That's nice. Go take a look at the baby chicks in the pen."

"Frank? Pink cowboy boots? Ponies? What are you up too?" Sheila scowled at Frank. You are spoiling that girl too much.

"What are you talking about Sheila? Look how happy she is."

"You know Blake and I can't compete with ponies. She won't want to come home with us."

"This isn't a compet.i.tion for our daughter's time. When she's with me, I can entertain her how I feel is appropriate. And what's this that Maddie is tel ing me about Blake yel ing at her? That's why she won't want to go home with you. She doesn't feel wanted." Frank glanced at Blake not caring that he was hearing this whole conversation.

Blake stepped closer. "Frank, get over that Sheila dumped you for me. Don't put Maddie in the middle."

"Don't worry, Blake, I'm completely over it. Sheila did me a big favor. And I'm not putting Maddie in the middle. If she tel s me any more bad things about how you treat her, I'l go right back to the judge for custody." Frank turned to leave but not soon enough.

Blake sucker punched him on the side of his face. Maddie ran to her daddy screaming. "I'm okay Suns.h.i.+ne. Give me a hug. I have to go now but mommy wil drop you off at my house after the fair."

Frank put Maddie down, glaring at Sheila. "I expect to see her by five." Blake looked at Maddie sobbing in Sheila's arms. "Don't reinforce that behavior. She needs to grow up. I'm going outside to have a smoke." Sheila was furious. Blake changed after the honeymoon and she wasn't thril ed with his att.i.tude toward Maddie. She had ignored it until now.

She would have a talk with him once he cooled off.

"Come on Maddie, show me the chicks. Did you hold one?" Sheila took Maddie's little hand and held on for dear life.

"Ouch mommy."

"Sorry. Here, aren't these just the cutest babies?" Sheila gently picked up a chick and handed it to Maddie.

"Mommy. I love animals. You should come to Kitty's farm. She has chicks too and big chicks that lay eggs. And Corey said she would teach me how to ride Henry."

"I don't think so. Kitty is daddy's friend. Let's see if we can find Blake."

"Look, there's Kitty." Maddie ran over to hug Kitty while Sheila stood glued to her spot.

Kitty brought Maddie back to Sheila, extending her hand. "Hi, I'm Kitty. Your daughter is a real sweet heart."

"Yes, thank you. Could you watch her for a minute? I need to find my husband. He stepped out for a cigarette." Sheila pul ed a black cel phone from her pocket.

"I'd be happy to. We'l be over looking at the roosters. Okay Maddie?" My rooster Garbanzo is over here on display." Maddie pul ed on Kitty's hand. "Come on. I wanna see Garbanzo."

Laughing and walking quickly to keep up with Maddie's pace, Kitty maneuvered through the crowd. "Here he is. He's a buff brahma. See how his feathers go al the way down his legs? Some roosters can be mean but Garbanzo is a nice guy."

"He sure is beautiful." Maddie stared at the regal rooster.

Kitty was surprised to see Frank walking toward them. "I thought you went home?"

"I changed my mind. I was talking to Mia when I got to my car and realized I was over reacting. Why should I let me ex-wife make me feel like I have to leave? I want to spend the day with you and my daughter and that's just what I'm planning to do. Where did Sheila go?"

"She went to look for her husband. Said she'd be right back."

Sirens cut through the noise of the hustle and bustle of the fair activities. Police cars, an ambulance, fire trucks al careened toward the back of the chicken barn.

"Daddy. Look at al the lights. Let's go see the trucks."

Frank gave Kitty a puzzled look. "Is this part of the fair demonstration?"

"I don't think so. Maybe you should see what's going on. I'l wait here with Maddie in case Sheila comes back looking for her."

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Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair Part 1 summary

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