Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair Part 6

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"You and I both know that's a pile of c.r.a.p. Did you do the research for them? They'l be wanting their money back for that investigation." Kitty got up, then turned back to Harry. "Thanks for the file on Nicole. That was very helpful." She left his office with Frank hustling to catch up.

"Wait." Harry cal ed from his office.

Kitty stopped and waited for him to continue.

"That file from Blake? It belongs to me. You need to return it."

Kitty chuckled. "Yeah, right. Don't hold your breath."

Frank opened the Jeep door for Kitty. "You have nerves of steel. I'm impressed. You didn't give away anything and Blake has to be wondering what else is in that file. Good work Kitty. I'm glad I'm on your side."

"Let's see if we can find my phone."

"The coast is clear. I don't see Sheila's car. We can retrace our steps and cal your phone.

Kitty fol owed behind Frank looking careful y along the path they had taken. Frank cal ed the phone. "Listen. I hear something." They ran to the back door and heard Kitty's phone ringing in the gra.s.s.

Frank handed it to Kitty. "Your lucky day. Let's get out of here."

"We need to take a close look at the file that I found in the recipe box." Frank's phone rang. "Hel o? . . . Maddie is gone? What are you talking about? . . . Nicole? . . . I'm on my way." The color drained from Frank's face. "Nicole has Maddie. Sheila doesn't know where they are." The scenery was a blur as Frank raced back to Wil ow Fal s.

Sheila and Corey were waiting at Kitty's house.

"How could you let that girl watch Maddie? She's not responsible at al . The judge wil hear about this Frank." Frank ignored Sheila's ranting for the moment. "Corey. What happened? Try to remember everything exactly as it occurred."

"I'm so sorry Frank. Nicole was here for Mia's birthday party and I thought she and Kitty were friends. She came looking for Kitty but when I said she wasn't here, she told me that Sheila sent her to pick up Maddie. I tried to cal Kitty's phone but there was no answer." Corey was distraught with worry.

"Why didn't you cal me you stupid girl?" Sheila screamed at Corey.

"Sheila! That's not helping. Have you tried to cal Nicole? How wel do you know her anyway?"

"She isn't answering her phone. I haven't known her for long. We're just sharing an apartment." Sheila nervously replied.

Kitty had disappeared inside to cal Nicole away from the drama. "Nicole? Where's Maddie? . . . I'l get rid of her, just bring Maddie back to the farm."

"Frank? Can you help me in here?"

Frank stormed into the house. "That woman knows how to push al my b.u.t.tons. And she's lying."

"Listen. I just talked to Nicole. She's bringing Maddie here but you have to get Sheila to leave. We have to find out what these two are up to. My hunch is that they're in cahoots on this whole Maddie disappearing thing."

"Thank you Kitty. It's a good thing one of us can keep a cool head."

Frank took a deep breath and went back outside to face Sheila. "Listen Sheila, you may as wel go back to your apartment just in case Nicole decides to bring Maddie there. Cal me if you hear anything."

Chapter 9.

Kitty used her nervous energy to make sandwiches. They had to do something while they waited for Nicole to return Maddie.

Frank paced around the kitchen. "Kitty? Do you believe what Nicole told you on the phone? Wil she actual y bring Maddie here?"

"I have to believe it for now. If she doesn't show up, we'l try plan B, okay?"

"What's plan B?"

"Cal ing the police. Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

"Here's that folder from the recipe box and the folder I got from Harry. Let's see if we can make any sense out of this information." Kitty put the sandwiches and the folders on the table. "The papers al have the date they were printed. We could start with that and see if the dates make some kind of time line that works. The first one is the information on you, Frank. It lists the times you spent in Wil ow Fal s and the times you visited me at Fat Hen Farm. Was Blake fol owing you or having you fol owed? What would be the point of that?"

"Let me see that. This is strange. I never kept it a secret from Sheila that I was here. I wasn't hiding anything from her. It's like he was trying to find some dirt on me. But why?" Frank sounded confused. "What's the next date?" Corey held up a paper. "This one is about you, Kitty. There's a lot about your grandparents and the farm and when you moved in. It also has a little blurb when your husband was murdered." Corey looked up at Kitty and Frank. "When did you two meet?"

"Frank was investigating a car theft ring in Wil ow Fal s when my husband was found dead in my barn. Everything was connected. I found some key evidence which impressed Frank. Romantic, huh?" Kitty smiled at Frank.

"Whatever works." Corey said shaking her head.

"The page on Nicole is the next date. There's not much here. Her grandmother, Becky moving to Connecticut from Wil ow Fal s, Vermont. The baby being born. Becky's daughter died in childbirth." Kitty looked around the table. "That must have been Nicole's mother. Nicole was raised by her grandmother? Sheila reconnecting with Nicole when Nicole's grandmother died. Is it the same as the information Harry gave me?" Kitty put the two papers next to each other. "Not exactly. Blake's file is more detailed. Blake must have kept a short version at the office or Harry was doing his own investigation for some reason."

Frank picked up the next page. "This one is about Sheila. Blake was fol owing her too? She met with Harry a lot." Frank looked up. "This is odd." Max barked and went to the door.

"It's Nicole with Maddie." Frank sounded relieved.

"Daddy, daddy. Nicole took me out for ice cream. I had chocolate with sprinkles on top." Nicole looked guiltily at Frank. "I hope that's okay?"

"The ice cream is okay. Taking her was not. What were you thinking?" Anger laced his voice.

"I'm so sorry. I was mad at Sheila and I didn't think about how you would worry. Maddie's a lot of fun. A great kid. We had fun didn't we Maddie?"

"It was so much fun daddy. Can I take Nicole out to the barn and show her Henry?" Maddie looked at Frank with her big eyes and chocolate covered mouth.

"Sure. Go ahead to the barn."

"Come on Corey. You should come too." Maddie was al smiles.

Kitty put her arm around Frank's waist. "Maybe Nicole isn't the problem. I should talk to her and see what she can tel me about Sheila."

"Or else she's a very good actress." Frank said with disgust.

"You should take Maddie home and I'l see if I can get some information from Nicole. You need to let Sheila know you have Maddie. Her reaction might give you a clue if Nicole and Sheila planned this together to make you look bad."

"You're right. I hope Nicole sheds some light on al these strange events."

Kitty poured two cups of tea and carried them to the living room.

Nicole was sitting at the edge of the couch. "Why are you being nice to me Kitty?"

"I want to give you a chance to explain what's going on Nicole. I was shocked when you first approached me but I've had some time to think about what you told me and I want to get to the bottom of it."

Nicole accepted the tea, leaning back against the soft couch cus.h.i.+ons. She gazed out the window at the view of the fields and the river.

"This is a peaceful spot. I can see why you like it. You grew up here? With your parents?"

"My parents were kil ed in a car crash when I was thirteen. I moved here to live with my grandparents. I always loved the farm." Kitty sat back, relaxing.

"I didn't know that. My mom died when I was born. I never knew her. My dad was never in the picture either. My grandmother raised me." Nicole sat up. "It's been exciting to meet the women who knew grandma when she was young. When she lived here. She never talked about the past."

"That's a big thing we have in common. My grandma was tough but I loved her to death and I bet you loved your grandma too. Do you miss her?"

"Everyday. She died three years ago." Nicole's eyes teared up. "Sheila came to the funeral. That's when we started talking."

"Sheila knew your grandma?"

"Yeah. We're related. My grandma lived with Sheila's grandma. Grandma left Wil ow Fal s when she was sixteen. She was pregnant." Nicole paused to let this information sink in. Waiting for a reaction.

"That must have been difficult for her. To leave her friends and everything she was familiar with." Kitty put her tea cup on the table.

"I guess so. I found a diary she kept through those years. That's how I learned about her life. Sheila read the diary from cover to cover too."

"Do you stil have the diary?"

"Sheila has it."

"Was there something in the diary about this farm?"

Nicole looked away. "No. Not specifical y about the farm. But there's a lot about Bernie. Sheila made me believe that he was my grandfather."

"Where did that doc.u.ment come from?"

"Sheila and Harry worked together on that."

"What about Blake? Where did he fit into al this?"

"Blake wasn't part of it as far as I know. I only met him once. He wasn't very friendly." Nicole jumped when her phone buzzed. "It's Sheila. What should I do?"

"Answer the phone. Stay calm. Be vague."

"Hel o? . . . Hi Sheila . . . I'm on my way to the apartment. Where are you? . . . okay . . . see you soon." Nicole put her phone away and looked at Kitty. "She sounded furious. She can't know that I've been here talking to you."

"Don't worry about that. Just act like everything is the same. Apologize for taking Maddie, you won't do it again."

"Oh, that. It was al planned. She wanted me to take Maddie. Make Frank look irresponsible. She's trying to get custody. She's angry about something else."

"What is she angry about?"

"I . . . I can't tel you." Nicole wouldn't look at Kitty.

"Thanks for talking to me." She watched Nicole get in her car and drive off, thinking about what Nicole had told her. I wonder if all that is true.

Kitty saw Sam walking up the driveway. Fast. "Let's go Max. Sam looks like he's on a mission."

"Kitty." Sam stopped to catch his breath. "Kitty. Mia just had an accident. June cal ed to tel me she's on her way to the hospital. Can you give me a ride? Aaron has my car."

"What happened? Never mind. I'l get my keys."

Jumping into her car, she looked at Sam. "Do you know any details?" Kitty asked as she drove out of her driveway.

"Not real y. It sounds like her pride and joy mini cooper is totaled. I hope she isn't too badly hurt. Ya know, Kitty, I've known Mia since I was a boy.

I had a crush on her way back then. I don't want anything bad to happen to her."

"No need to jump to conclusions. We'l be there in five minutes and we'l get more details. Does she know you had a crush on her Sam?"

"I don't think so. She always had her eye on someone else. We've been friends through the years. Close friends." They finished the drive in silence. Kitty was always learning something new about her friends that surprised her. She had known Sam for most of her life too. He didn't usual y share much with her about himself. Kitty reached over and held Sam's hand.

"Thank you Kitty. I'm thankful every day that you are living at the farm."

"Here we are. Get that worried look off your face Sam. You need to be strong in front of your friends. Go in and find June and Dottie. I'l come in after I park."

Kitty saw Sam sitting with June and Dottie, deep in conversation. She grabbed a coffee from the vending machine and joined them.

June eyed Kitty's coffee. "Where'd you get the coffee? I could use one too."

"Anyone else?"

Three hands shot up.

"Here Sam, you take mine, I'l get more. Be right back." Kitty returned to the vending machine. Balancing the three hot coffees, she delivered them to her friends.

"Anyone know what happened with Mia? Is she okay?"

Dottie sipped her coffee. "Oh Kitty, her poor car is completely squished. She rear-ended a big SUV." Frustrated, Kitty said. "I don't care about her car. How's Mia?"

June turned toward Kitty. "She'l be okay. The doctor said she has a broken leg. Nice clean break. And she's sore where the seat belt stopped her from going through the winds.h.i.+eld. But she's going to be extremely upset about that car. It was like a baby to her. I always told her she was too attached to that car."

"She's a good driver. Did something distract her?"

"You'l have to ask her yourself. Here comes the doctor." Sam stood up hopeful y.

"Mia can have visitors now. She's doing pretty wel , but she's a little groggy." Kitty fol owed behind her friends to Mia's room. She looked tiny in the hospital bed with her leg wrapped in a big cast.

Sam was the first one in. "I guess we have to cal you Mario now instead of Mia, you speed demon." He tried to coax a smile from her lips without success.

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Fat Hen Farm - Fowl Play At The Fair Part 6 summary

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