Braxi-Azea - In Conquest Born Part 5

Braxi-Azea - In Conquest Born -

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~ Braxana greeting. What's wrong?

~ You feel . . . different.

~ In what way?

~ (Uncertainty.) More like your red-headed protegee.

~ Who is very Braxin.

~ I know. That's what worries me. Be careful. Feran.

~ I am. Director.

~ How's business?

~ Very pleasant. I spent a night with D'vra-her initiative, of course.

~ Marvelous. Accomplish anything?

~ That depends on how you- ~ Feran! You know d.a.m.ned well what I mean.

~ Sorry. You get so into it over here, and then I have to turn it all off when the relay comes through. . . .

~ Well, have better control of yourself. Are you doing anything constructive?

~ I moved into Kurat. I knew enough people to be safe and it seemed a better place for observation. I am Braxana, you know.

~ Only half-and both halves belong to the Inst.i.tute.

~ I know, I know. All right, I'm in excellent spying position. I'm established, reasonably respected, and my telepathic contact with you is unsuspected. I'm waiting to get a grasp on local politics before I go any further. And I'm looking for a Mistress.

~ A what?

~ Someone to take care of the House. You can't expect a man to run his own household, can you? Say, who's in the relav todav?

~ (Four voices respond, mentally.) ~ Good, all male. Taste this image. Director. . . .

~ Feran. . . .

~ Honored, Director.

~ Never mind that. Our elementary reception cla.s.s picked up that last transmission. No more telepathic p.o.r.nography, is that clear?

~ But it was relevant to- ~ Not relevant enough. Is that clear?

~ (Pause.) Yes, Director.

~ I've spoken to my aides, and we all agree. You're to take a vacation from Braxi proper at the first opportunity. I don't like what I sense happening to your psyche.

~ What happens to my psyche is my business, Director, let's make that very clear! You want information, and I'm trying to get it for you! But don't tell me how to live, or where, or whom to have s.e.x with, or how often, or anything!

~ Calm down, Feran.

~ Right now I'm very busy trying to find out who fathered me. Your spying can wait.

~ You're not serious.

~ It matters to me. Do you know what it's like not to know your father?

~ No one cares. You have a cover story- ~ But it isn't true. It's a shameful thing, A Braxana knowing only his mother.

Your "mission" will just have to wait. Director. I'm sorry. I'll get to it, I promise.

~ (Pause.) As you wish, Ferian.

~ That's Feran.


Standard 2D transmission, augmented/superluminal, reaching to Base One/Azea, and Stabilized/subluminal, retransmitted: "Director Ebre ni Kahv, please."

The head of StarControl stirs, flicks on the visual. "Speaking."

"Nabu li Pazua, of the Inst.i.tute."

"Li Pazua . . . yes, I remember." An aide supplies the proper shortfiles; he glances at them as they talk. "What can I do for you?"

"You said to check in regarding Ferian del Kanar. I'm doing so."

The files says Ferian del Kanar, prod rape Lia ki Jannor by Braxin (Braxana?) ID unknown, conquest Lees. Potential Telepathy rated 9.38+, FT = 9.33.

Security note: FULL EXTENT OF CONDITIONING UNKNOWN. He frowns, thoughtful. "Is everything going as planned?"

"He's fitting in well-perhaps too well. I worry that we may have overstressed the Braxana side of him."

"If what you tell me is accurate, I see no harm in that. Unless there are other factors to be considered-''

"I've told you everything relevant to the situation."

"Of course." He finds the place on li Pazua's shortfile where the phrase CONFLICTING LOYALTIES? appears, and underlines it again. "And if that's the case, there's no reason to worry. You conditioned him carefully, and he'll adapt accordingly. Am I correct?"

"That was our intent."

"Then trust your plans. Trust Ferian."

After a moment he added, somewhat untruthfully, "I do."

~ Ferian?

~ That's Feran, Director, and I'm here. I've been waiting.

~ You were hard to reach this time. The last link in our relay couldn't find you- ~ I haven't moved.

~ No. (Pause.) But you've changed.

~ Perhaps.

~ What's happened?

~ Not much. Lina's pregnant.

~ Who's Lina?

~ My Mistress.

~ Oh. Congratulations.

~ (Image: Ferian del Kanar shrugs.) The celebration begins when the child lives. Director, not before. The Race is weak in that regard-practically sterile, in fact. We don't acknowledge pregnancies, only successful births.

~ Ferian. . . .

~ Can it be Azean?


~ I said, can the child be born with Azean characteristics.

~ I don't think so. I'll check the codes on your reproductive process. (Pause.

Alarm.) Why? Surelv you're not waiting out the year- ~ I want to see my son born.

~ Ferian- ~ I will see my son born. Director! Is that too much for a Braxana to ask?

~ This is going a bit too far; I think you had better come home. . . .

~ I'm not coming home. Director. I have no place in the Empire, you know that. I'm staying here. I'll do the work you want, but I'm staying here. That's final.

~ Does your Mistress know how to make scrambled eggs?

~ What's that?

~ Never mind. Nothing. How's the food?

~ Fine. The cook's work is a bit bland, but that's all right- I can live with it.

I'm hoping to import someone a bit more accustomed to Central flavoring. I had Zatar over for dinner the other night, and it was embarra.s.sing to serve him food so Azean.

~ Any interesting information?

~ Some. I think Sechaveh may have fathered me. I've learned to respect his untrustworthiness, not to mention his influence; to share his bloodline would make me proud.

~ Is that all?

~ For now. Walk in danger. Director.

~ You, too.

~ Feran?

~ The relay must be weak, Director. I can barely feel you.

~ The relay's fine; it must be you.

~ Just as well.

~ I don't suppose you've been earning your keep over there at last.

~ Oh, but I have! Ketir and I went into a joint venture in the Belekor slave market-all very secretive, of course- miserable business for a Braxana to be found dealing extensively in aliens. I've been able to add considerably to my estate from the profits.

~ Anything else?

~ You must bear with me. Director. I've been using my telepathy to enhance s.e.x; that takes a good deal of effort after all you did to divorce the two within me.

~ It was all for your survival.

~ The need has pa.s.sed. I find the power less and less obtrusive. Braxana were not meant to be telepaths, I'm afraid.

~ You were. Distinctly so.

~ That was twenty of your years ago, Director. A lot has changed since then.

Sechaveh and I had a long talk yesterday- ~ You told him who you were?!!

~ Not what I was, but who I was, yes. I'm half Braxana, after all. It takes more than an alien upbringing to cause one of these men to deny his offspring. And Sechaveh isn't overly fond of women, at least in the conventional sense, which means he has even fewer sons than most . . . anyway, whatever his reasons, he's accepted me. He granted me official bloodline rights and gave me an ancestral Zhaor which I'm busy training with . . . did you know the Braxana females fence also? Viciously, too! . . . I don't know if I can make the next relay. Director.

There's a costumed gathering at the Museum Archives at that time and we're all having Braxana barbaric tribal outfits constructed. . . . I'm afraid that once D'vra and the others come like that, I really won't have the time or interest to get in touch. Live in danger, Director. And thanks for saving my life.

~ You're welcome, Ferian.

~ That's Feran.

~ Whatever.

"Director ni Kahv?"


"Director li Pazua. We have some results on Ferian del Kanar."

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Braxi-Azea - In Conquest Born Part 5 summary

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