All Aboard or Life on the Lake Part 19

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"Charity, Paul!" exclaimed the n.o.ble little fellow. "Look here;" and he pulled the note he had received from Mr. Munroe out of his pocket. "Do you call this charity?"

"Perhaps he can never pay you; at least it will be a long time."

"No matter; it is a fair trade. We lent him the money."

And Tony argued the point with as much skill as a lawyer would have done, and finally so far succeeded in convincing Paul, that his face brightened with a cheerful smile, and he joined with hearty zest in the preparations for the May-day picnic.

A long spruce pole, which had been prepared for the occasion by Uncle Ben, was towed to the island by the Zephyr, and erected in a convenient place. The brushwood in the grove was cleared from the ground, the large stones were rolled out of the way, and were used in constructing a pier for convenience in landing. When their labors were concluded it was nearly dark, and the boats pulled for home, each member of the clubs antic.i.p.ating a glorious time on the approaching holiday, for such the committee had decided the First of May should be.



May day came--warm, bright, and beautiful. At six o'clock in the morning the Zephyr and the b.u.t.terfly were manned, and the boys went over to the island to trim the May-pole with evergreen and flowers. The Sylph was degraded for the time into a "freighting vessel," and under command of Uncle Ben conveyed to the island chairs and settees for the use of the guests, tables for the feast, music stands for the band, and other articles required for the occasion.

About nine o'clock the guests began to arrive, and were conveyed to the island by the two club boats--the Sylph having gone down to Rippleton after the band. The Sedleys, the Westons, Mr. Hyde, the parents of all the members of the clubs who could attend, all the boys and girls of the school, and a few gentlemen and ladies from the village who had manifested a warm interest in the welfare of the two a.s.sociations, composed the party; and before ten they were all conveyed to the scene of the festival.

"Have you got them all, Frank?" asked Captain Sedley, as the c.o.xswain was ordering his crew ash.o.r.e.

"All but the Munroes, and the b.u.t.terflies are going for them by and by."

"Tom is hoisting the signal," added Captain Sedley, pointing to a blue flag on the sh.o.r.e, which the gardener had been directed to hoist when anyone wished to go to the Island.

"We will go, Frank," said Tony; and away dashed the boat towards the main sh.o.r.e.

"Ah, my b.u.t.terflies," said a voice, as they approached the landing.

"Mr. Walker!" exclaimed Tony. "Ready--up! Now let us give him three cheers. I was afraid he would not come."

The salute was given, and acknowledged by Mr. Walker.

"I am glad to see you again, my brave boy," said the gentleman, as he grasped Tony's hand.

"I was afraid you would not deem our invitation worth accepting."

"I would not have missed of coming for the world, my young friend. Here is Mrs. Walker; you know her."

Tony shook hands with the lady, and she said a great many very pretty things to him, which made the gallant little hero blush like a rose in June, and stammer so that he could hardly make them understand him.

"Shall I help you into the boat, Mrs. Walker?" said Tony.

"You shall, my little gallant; though I shall not be so glad to get into it as I was the other day."

The boat put off again, and Mr. and Mrs. Walker were filled with admiration of the excellent discipline of the rowers. They were warmly greeted by the party at the island, and l.u.s.tily cheered by the crew of the Zephyr, which was again manned for the purpose of giving their liberal friend this complimentary salute.

"Off again, my lads?" asked Mr. Walker, as the b.u.t.terflies prepared to go for the Munroe family.

Captain Sedley explained to him the nature of their present errand; and, of course, the warm-hearted gentleman found renewed occasion to applaud the n.o.bleness of Tony and his companions. He could hardly find terms sufficiently strong to express his sense of admiration, especially when he learned the sacrifice which they had made.

"A fleet of boats!" exclaimed he. "If it would raise up such boys as these, it ought to be procured at the public expense. Thank G.o.d! I am rich."

"I understand you, Mr. Walker," replied Captain Sedley; "but I beg you will not let your generosity do anything more for the boys."

"Captain Sedley, I _love_ those boys! They are good boys, and good boys are a scarcity nowadays. There is nothing too good for them."

"You are enthusiastic."

"But I tell you, sir, there are no such boys as those in the world!"

exclaimed Mr. Walker, with a gesture of earnestness.

"O, yes, sir; I presume, under the same discipline, other boys would be the same."

"Then let them have the same discipline."

"It would cost a fortune. It is a very extravagant recreation, this boating."

"But it makes men of them. I read the const.i.tution of the clubs, and Tony tells me it is carried out to the fullest extent."

"No doubt of it. There are boys among them, who, under other circ.u.mstances, would be bad boys. I am satisfied the club keeps them true to themselves and their duty."

"That's just my idea; and these n.o.ble-hearted little fellows have bestowed the money I gave them in such a commendable manner, I mean to give them as much more."

"That was my own feeling about the matter; but I do not think it is a good plan to make good all they sacrifice. This fleet scheme was a cherished project, and it was n.o.ble in them to give it up that they might do a good deed."

"n.o.ble! It was heroic--I was just going to use a stronger word."

"It is good for them to practise self-denial. That is all that makes the deed a worthy one."

"Exactly so."

"Therefore, my friend, we will not say anything more about the fleet at present."

"But if they bear it well, if they don't repent what they have done, why, I should not value one or two thousand dollars. Besides, it might be the means of bringing a large number of boys within the pale of good influences."

"That is my own view; and by and by we will talk more of the matter."

Captain Sedley then introduced Mr. Walker to the company, and the benevolent gentleman took a great deal of pains to inform himself in relation to the influence of the boat clubs upon the boys. He asked a great many questions of their parents, and of Mr. Hyde, the teacher.

They all agreed that the young men were the better for the a.s.sociations; that the discipline was very useful, and the physical exercise very healthy; but some of them were afraid their sons would acquire such a taste for the water as to create a desire to follow the seas. But few of them considered boating, under the discipline of the clubs, a dangerous recreation; so that the only real objection was the tendency to produce longings for

"A life on the ocean wave, A home on the rolling deep."

Mr. Walker tried to make the sceptical ones believe that Wood Lake was so entirely different from the "rolling deep" as scarcely to suggest the idea of a s.h.i.+p, or of the ocean. But the disadvantages were trivial compared with the benefits which all acknowledged to have derived from the a.s.sociations, even independently of the libraries, the lectures, and the debating societies at the halls.

Tony and his companions soon returned with the Munroe family, who were cordially received by the guests. Captain Sedley expressed his sympathy for the poor man, regretting that he had not known his situation before.

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All Aboard or Life on the Lake Part 19 summary

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