The Good Life Part 20

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"No, I really don't," he answered.

"Me either," I replied, nervously.

He slanted his eyes at me in a curious way. "What are you saying?" he asked cautiously.

I held up the boxes I'd bought at the store.

"Oh," he said. I couldn't tell if that was an Oh, yay! Or an Oh, f.u.c.k!

I went into the bathroom and shut the door (Hope taught me well no more peeing in front of anyone).

I tried the plus-sign one first. Once the stick was lying flat on the sink, I opened the door to Jake's stunned face, his mouth still in the "O" form. He came into the bathroom like he was in a daze. We both stared at the test on the sink as a horizontal blue line appeared in the window. Then we watched a perpendicular line appear shortly after.

No doubt about it. It was a BFP!

I knew it was early in our relations.h.i.+p for this to happen, and it certainly wasn't part of my plan just yet. But I hoped he would be as happy as I was to see this plus sign. Who knew? Maybe things were better left unplanned.

"What do you think?" I asked him quietly.

"I think this is ..." he stopped as he searched for the right word. "I think it's ineffable."



I have to first give mad props to the other half of me, my husband, Brian. You encouraged me when I wanted to give up, you reminded me to keep writing when I got distracted, you took on most of the housework and never complained about the piles of dishes in the sink, or the fact that we were having hot dogs for dinner again. I know this is so sickeningly sappy, but you really are the Wind Beneath My Wings. Thanks, Freckle xoxo Ian, if it wasn't for you I would have been perfectly content as a career waitress. You made me want to reach higher. I couldn't encourage you to be the best person you could be if I wasn't going to lead by example. I'm sorry for being a "couch-mom" while I was writing this book, but I promise to make it up to you.

My parents, thank you for believing in me more than I believed in myself, not only while writing this book, but always.

The rest of my family and friends: I can't name them all because I am lucky to have so many. I have been truly blessed to have the most supportive and loving family. From my nucleus (my parents, step-parents and brothers), to my extended family (grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins), to my chosen family (my friends), I will NEVER forget how much you all encouraged me. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

My beta-readers: Beth Ehemann, Jamie Sager Hall, Chrystle Woods and Lisa Stallmann Thank you all for taking the time to help me and for making The Good Life a better book! Oh, and thanks for all of the gus.h.i.+ng and pimping, too.

Thank you to Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations for the cover. It's even better than the one I imagined. I hope I didn't annoy you too badly. Thanks again for introducing me to that gem, Madison, too.

Thank you to Kim for the clock; the bloggers and readers who helped spread the word; the independent authors who helped pave the road; One Republic and Katy Perry for the inspiration; and thank YOU for reading this!

My last bag of props, and it's a really big bag, goes to my fabulous editor, Madison Seidler. What a sparkly gem you are! I felt like you really "got" me right from the start. You have been so much more to me than an editor. You've been my personal cheerleader, publicist, therapist, tour manager. You've introduced me to so many great people. You taught me the difference between farther and further, towards and toward, and you broke the news that it is no longer acceptable to add two s.p.a.ces after a period. I will never be able to say or type enough thank-yous to you!

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The Good Life Part 20 summary

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