The Philippine Islands Part 65

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1522 Elcano completed his voyage round the world (Sept. 6).

1542 The Villalobos expedition sailed from Mexico (Nov. 1).

1545-63 Council of Trent (Dec, 1545, to Dec, 1563). Decrees published in 1564.

1564 The Legaspi expedition sailed from Mexico (Nov. 21).

1565 Miguel de Legaspi landed in Cebu.

---- Austin friars' first arrival.

---- The image of "The Holy Child" was found on Cebu sh.o.r.e.

---- Cebu became the capital of the Philippines.

1571 Manila became the capital of the Philippines.

1572 Death of Miguel de Legaspi (Aug. 20).

1574 Li-ma-hong, the Chinese corsair, attacked Manila (Nov.).

1576 Death of Juan Salcedo, Legaspi's grandson (March 11).

1577 Franciscan friars' first arrival.

1578 Parish church at Manila was raised to the dignity of a cathedral.

1580 The _Alcayceria_ (for Chinese) was established in Binondo (Manila).

1581 Dominican friars' first arrival.

---- Domingo Salazar, first Bishop of Manila, took possession.

1587 Alonso Sanchez's mission to King Philip II. Consequent reforms.

1590 The walls of Manila City were built about this year.

1593 j.a.panese Emperor demanded the surrender of the Islands.

---- First mission of friars from Manila to j.a.pan.

1596 First expedition went to subdue the Mindanao natives.

1598 Ignacio de Santibanez, first Archbishop of Manila, took possession.

1603 Chinese mandarins came to see the "Mount of Gold" in Cavite.

---- Ma.s.sacre of Chinese; about 24,000 slain or captured.

1604 Los Banos hospital, church, and convent were established.

1606 Recoleto friars' first arrival.

1613 The Spanish victory (over the Dutch) of Playa Honda.

1616 Earliest recorded eruption of the Mayon Volcano.

1622 Rebellion in Bojol Island led by Dagohoy.

1626 The image of "The Virgin of Antipolo" was first brought to Manila.

---- A Spanish colony was founded in Formosa Island.

1638 Corcuera's expedition against the Moros landed in Sulu Island.

1640 Foundation of the sultanate of Mindanao.

---- Separation of Spain and Portugal.

1640 Spain made an unsuccessful attempt to capture Macao.

1641 Earliest recorded eruption of the Taal Volcano.

1642 Attempts to proselytize j.a.pan ceased.

1645 Saint Thomas' College was raised to the status of a university.

1649 Rebellion of "King" Malong and "Count" Gumapos.

1660 Ma.s.sacre of Chinese.

1662 Koxinga, a Chinese adventurer, threatened invasion.

---- Great Ma.s.sacre of Chinese in Manila.

1669 The "Letter of Anathema" was publicly read for the first time.

1684 Spanish Prime Minister Valenzuela was banished to Cavite.

1700 First admission of natives into the Religious Orders.

1718 The "Letter of Anathema" was publicly read for the last time.

1719 Friars in open riot incited the populace to rebellion.

1751 Sultan Muhamad Alimudin was imprisoned in Manila.

1754 Taal Volcano eruption destroyed Taal, Tananan, Sala, Lipa, etc.

---- First regular military organization.

---- Treaty with Sultan Muhamad Alimudin (March 3).

1755 Banishment of 2,070 Chinese from Manila.

1762-63 British occupation of Manila.

1762 Rebellion in Ilocos Province led by Diego de Silan.

1763 Sultan Muhamad Alimudin was restored to his throne by the British.

1768 Expulsion of the Jesuits ordered (R. Decree, 1768; Papal Brief, 1769).

1770 Expulsion of the Jesuits was effectuated.

---- Simon de Anda y Salazar became Gov.-General by appointment.

1776 Death of Simon de Anda y Salazar (Oct. 30).

1781 Government Tobacco Monopoly was established.

1785 The _Real Compania de Filipinas_ was founded (March 10).

1810 Philippine deputies were first admitted to the Spanish Parliament.

1811 The last State galleon left Manila for Mexico.

1815 The last State galleon left Acapulco (Mexico) for Manila.

1819 Secession of Mexico from the Spanish Crown.

1820 Ma.s.sacre of foreigners in Manila and Cavite (Oct. 9).

1822 First Manila news-sheet (_El Filantropo_) was published.

1823 Rebellion of Andres Novales (June).

1830 The first Philippine bank was opened about this year.

1831 Zamboanga port was opened to foreign trade.

1834 Manila port was unrestrictedly opened to foreign trade.

1835 Rebellion in Cavite led by Feliciano Paran.

1837 Philippine deputies were excluded from the Spanish Parliament.

1841 Apolinario de la Cruz declared himself "King of the Tagalogs."

1843 Chinese shops were first allowed to trade on equal terms.

1844 Claveria's expedition against the Moros.

---- Foreigners were excluded from the interior of the Islands.

---- The office of Trading-Governor was abolished.

1851 Urbiztondo's expedition against the Moros.

1852 Manila City thenceforth remained open day and night.

---- The _Banco Espanol-Filipino_ was inst.i.tuted.

1854 Rebellion of Cuesta.

1855 Yloilo port was opened to foreign trade.

1857 The Manila mint was established.

1859 Return of the Jesuits to the Philippines.

1801 Dr. Jose Rizal, the Philippine patriot, was born (June 19).

1863 Manila City and Cathedral damaged by earthquake; 2,000 victims.

---- Cebu port was opened to foreign trade.

1868-70 The a.s.sembly of Reformists in Manila.

1869 General Emilio Aguinaldo was born (March 22).

1870 Rebellion in Cavite led by Camerino.

1872 The Cavite Conspiracy (Jan.).

1875 Failure of Russell & Sturgis.

1876 Malcampo's expedition against the Moros. Jolo annexed.

1877 England and Germany recognized Spain's rights in Sulu.

1880 The last destructive earthquake affecting Manila.

---- The Hong-Kong-Manila submarine cable was laid (_via_ Bolinao).

1883 Tobacco free planting was thenceforth permitted (Jan. 1).

---- Tobacco free export was thenceforth permitted (July 1).

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The Philippine Islands Part 65 summary

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