Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas Part 13

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That would be the worst thing that could happen, for her and Alexa. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to pull out of another nosedive like the last one. She hadn't been drinking for just that reason-because she couldn't afford to take the risk. She had to do everything in her power to avoid depression, even if that meant trusting Ted-a man she'd once scorned-to somehow see the best in her.

"I have to go to the grocery store," she mumbled. "Maybe now would be a good time."

Ted pulled a wad of bills from his pocket. After peeling off two hundreds, he handed her the money and said to get whatever she needed.

"You sure she'll come back with the groceries?" Stacy quipped.

Difficult though it was, Sophia managed to ignore him. He was trying to provoke her.

"Thanks," she told Ted. Then she retrieved her purse, shoved the money inside and slipped past both of them. She was eager for a few moments of freedom, a few moments when she wasn't worrying about whether she was cleaning the right thing or cooking the right thing or if she'd only end up disappointing Ted like she had with her typing.

She could feel Chief Stacy's gaze follow her all the way to her car. But then he disappeared inside the house and she drove off.

"What can I do for you?" Ted asked as Stacy took a seat opposite him in the living room.

The police chief pursed his lips and gazed around Ted's house. "This is kind of different, isn't it?"

He obviously didn't approve. "You came to see my house?"

"No, I came to talk about Sophia."

"With me?" Ted brought a hand to his chest. "Why?"

"I'm thinking you might be able to help. She owes me money-like she does a lot of other people."

How could he help that? "I can't garnishee her wages, not unless you get a judgment against her and go through the proper channels. And why would you waste your time? I'm guessing she'll be forced to file for bankruptcy. She can't make enough money to pay anyone. You're lucky you came out of this as well as you did."

"As well as I did?" Stacy repeated. "I've got more skin in the game than you realize."

"How's that? Was Eve wrong about the amount you invested? Or don't you think the jewelry and other stuff you took from Sophia's house has much value?"

"Neither. I've been seeing Pam Sw.a.n.k for the past four months. And I don't mind telling you that we're getting pretty serious."

How did this relate? "Who's Pam Sw.a.n.k?"

"Lives in Jackson. You don't know her?"

"Never met her."

"She invested, too-to the tune of a quarter million dollars. Everything she inherited when her parents died a year ago."

Ted flinched at the size of her loss. "That's really unfortunate. How'd she meet Skip?"

"Has family in town. Knows most everyone."

"So she believed all the stories she was hearing about making a huge return and stepped up."

"Skip told her he could double her money within a year. That gigantic house of his convinced her that he knew what he was talking about. So she signed it all over."

Ted was beginning to understand Stacy's enmity toward Sophia. He was talking about a quarter of a million dollars he would've had access to if and when he married Pam. The police chief felt that Skip, and by extension Sophia, had robbed him of a nice chunk of change his potential new wife would presumably share with him.

"Skip was a b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Ted said. "We can agree on that. I feel sorry for everyone who got hurt by him. But...the FBI looked into Sophia's culpability and found no indication that she was involved. After seeing how devastated she's been, you must know there's nothing she can do for you."

Stacy leaned forward. "I'm not so sure about that. A man doesn't walk off and leave a gorgeous woman like that behind." He lowered his voice even though there was no one in the house to overhear them. "Skip once told me she gave the best head a guy could imagine." His laugh took on a lascivious edge. "Doesn't it make you hard just to think of it?"

Ted was tempted to throw Stacy out of his house. But first he wanted to find out what had brought him over in the first place. He still didn't understand. "More proof that Skip was a p.r.i.c.k. What kind of man speaks so crudely of his own wife?"

"I agree, but that boy liked to brag. Remember what he'd make her do every Fourth? How he'd insist she ride on top of that d.a.m.n float dressed in some skimpy evening gown just to show the rest of us what we were missing? He would've put her in a bikini if he could've gotten away with it."

Ted remembered, all right. When he'd bothered to attend the parade, he'd tried to ignore the spectacle she made, but it hadn't been easy when she wore such revealing clothes. "That was his idea?"

"It wasn't hers. I heard them arguing about it once, right before the parade was supposed to start. She said it was too embarra.s.sing, begged him not to make her do it, but he wasn't about to let her off the hook. Making us envious was way too much fun."

That Skip had treated Sophia like a prize cow infuriated Ted. But it was none of his business. He had to remind himself of that-again. "She was stupid to ever get with him."

"Rich as he was? I don't know if you could call it stupid or calculated, but it certainly came at a price." Acting as if he had all the answers, Stacy rocked back. "Skip dictated her every move. She came up to me once on the street, said she wanted to file a police report. She looked fine to me so I asked her what was going on, but before I could get an answer, Skip swerved to a stop in front of us and demanded she get in." He chuckled. "You should've seen her jump. She didn't even say goodbye, she was in such a hurry to climb into that car."

Ted had heard his friends talk about various b.u.mps and bruises. They said she always had a good excuse for the injuries, but...there'd been speculation that maybe Skip was to blame. "Any idea what she wanted to report?"

"Who knows? He was probably trying to put a lid on her spending or something," he said with a chuckle. "The point is...she knew he was boss. My wife? She was the exact opposite-so d.a.m.n difficult. She's even worse now that we're not married." He scratched his neck. "Man, am I glad to be rid of her."

Ted could only imagine how happy she was to be rid of him, too.

"Anyway," Stacy continued, "I can't believe Skip would give up a woman like Sophia. Beautiful. According to him, a dream in bed. Obedient." He ticked these things off on his stubby fingers. "So I suspect that when he decided to disappear, he had a plan that included her."

"An interesting hypothesis. Considering that it's obvious he tried to abandon her."

"He couldn't tell her what he was up to, not without worrying that she'd give him away if the police pushed hard enough. You understand that, don't you?"

Ted was losing patience. He doubted Skip had any kind of plan other than to escape with as much money as possible-at the expense of those he'd cheated and abandoned. He'd even robbed his parents. That didn't suggest he had any hope of reconnecting with his past. In Ted's opinion, he was kissing it all goodbye.

"What are you getting at, Chief? Why are you here?"

"I believe Mr. DeBussi was heading to some remote corner of the world where he could change his ident.i.ty and set himself up before sending for her and the kid."

"And how was she supposed to get by in the meantime?"

"There must be some money for her somewhere. She just needs to find it. And when she does, those of us who've been hurt should be able to collect our share."

"With your girlfriend at the front of the line."

"Why not? No one else lost as much as she did."

"That we know of."

"That we know of," he agreed.

"So you're hoping I'll keep an eye on her in case she stumbles across the key to a safe deposit box filled with currency?"

"Exactly. I don't mind telling you that Pam's beside herself over losing all that money. Absolutely inconsolable. I'd like to help her, and the others, if I can."

Ted suspected the person he most wanted to help was himself. "And what about Sophia's well-being?"

"Far as I'm concerned, she's had her taste of the good life. That party's over. Now she gets to work for a living like the rest of us. She's finally been put in her place, right? And I can promise you, you're not the only one who's been waiting for it."

"How do you know what I've been waiting for?" Ted asked. It wasn't as if he and Stacy had ever been friends. There was a decade between them; they didn't know each other all that well.

"It's never been a secret how you feel about Sophia, Ted. Six months ago, you quit the task force the mayor and I organized to clean up the mine tailings the moment she joined."

"I was on a tight deadline, and you had enough people."

"Come on-you didn't want to work with her. And I don't blame you. I told you Pam has family in town."


"Well, she's Scott Harris's aunt." He grew somber, as if Scott had just died yesterday. "You remember what she did to him."

"I remember what he did."

"Oh, stop pretending." Stacy adjusted his gun so it wouldn't cut into his stomach. "He never would've gotten behind the wheel if not for her. She caused the death of the best athlete ever to come through Eureka High. His entire family hates her, and I can see why."

That argument could certainly be made; Ted had made it once or twice himself. But Chief Stacy's sudden reversal bothered him. When Sophia had joined the mine tailings task force, he'd been her most ardent supporter. He was switching sides now because it allowed him to press for his girlfriend's money. "Sophia's had her share of detractors over the years, but I didn't know you were one of them."

Because he hadn't been, not until now. The police chief had kissed Skip's a.s.s at every opportunity. Sophia's, too. He'd been in awe of their money and the power that money gave them.

"If she eventually does the right thing, I'm sure we'll get along just fine." Stacy came to his feet. "I'll let you return to work. I wanted to see if you'd keep an eye on her for the rest of us, now that you're aware of what's at stake. Since you'll be seeing her every day, you'll probably be the first to know if she comes into some money."

Ted followed him to the door. "And you think I'd tell you, just because you came out here and asked me to?"

Stacy turned around. "A lot of innocent people have lost money. You'd be a hero if you could get even some of it back. Why wouldn't you want to do that? You have no loyalty to Sophia, no more reason to like her than the Harrises do."

"I hired her, didn't I?"

"I a.s.sumed the idea of her scrubbing your toilets appealed to you. That you enjoy having the upper hand, for a change."

Ted scowled. "It has nothing to do with being so petty."

"Then what's going on?" Stacy narrowed his eyes, obviously rea.s.sessing the situation. "You can't be making a play for her, not after what she did to you...."

"No." Ted denied it immediately and, possibly, too emphatically.

"Then you want to get in her pants? Make her pay on her back? That's between the two of you. I'm just looking to recover what I can of Pam's money."

"Wait." Ted got him to hold up. "For the record, I'm not trying to punish her. I'm not still in love with her. And I can find plenty of other women to sleep with. I need a housekeeper. It's that simple."

"Sure it is," Stacy said and laughed as he walked out the door.


Sophia stood near the gla.s.s doors of Ted's office, watching him at his computer. She had his lunch on a tray, the salad perfectly arranged. With the colorful berries and white poppyseed dressing it looked as appetizing as it had in the cookbook. But she was nervous again. She didn't know what to expect from one encounter to the next. And she was curious as to what Chief Stacy had wanted when he came by earlier. Had he managed to convince Ted that she was even more of a villain than he already thought?

She couldn't guess the answer to that question, because Ted had been in his office since she returned from the grocery store. She hadn't dared interrupt him. She'd also been in a hurry to get lunch on-she was running thirty minutes behind schedule as it was, didn't want that to count against her, too.

When she b.u.mped the door with her knee, he got up to let her in.

"If you don't mind leaving that door open a crack, I could deliver your food without disturbing you," she said as she carried the tray past him.

"Good point."

"Do you shut it when you're home alone?"

He seemed too preoccupied-or too diplomatic-to answer as he cleared a spot on her desk. Maybe he felt that if he left the door open she'd take it as an invitation to drop in and chat. Or she'd be too noisy.

"Looks great," he said.

He sounded mildly surprised, so she took that to be a sincere compliment. "I hope you like berries."

"I do. I like most foods."

"Including broccoli?"

"Broccoli's a personal favorite."

"Good news for dinner. Remember I'm leaving as soon as Alexa gets out of school, so you'll have to get it out of the fridge and warm it up."

"Don't make anything for tonight. I've got a Halloween party."

She knew which party he was referring to. His friends always got together on Halloween. Sometimes, depending on who was hosting and whether Skip was out of town, she'd attended. She didn't go last year because it was here at Ted's.

"I'll make it tomorrow, then." She put the tray down but backed up instead of turning to go. "Before I leave you to your lunch, could I ask what Chief Stacy wanted? I mean, if his purpose in coming involved me?" She clasped her hands behind her back so that he couldn't see what she'd done to her cuticles. She couldn't have a drink. And, after Friday, she'd decided that smoking wasn't for her, either. Because of the smell, she couldn't hide it from Alexa and didn't want to set a bad example. Her latest bad habit was destructive, too, but at least it relieved some of her stress and anxiety without hurting anyone else. Now that Skip was gone and could no longer belittle her, she could do whatever she wanted.

Ted met her gaze. "He thinks you have money hidden away."

"And I'm working as a housekeeper because..."

"You haven't found it yet."

"I see. But...why would he want to meet with you about that?"

"That was my question. The answer? He's hoping I'll be the first to notice if you come into money. So if you happen to stumble across a pot of gold lying around the house, be sure and tell me so I can spread the word."

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Whiskey Creek: Take Me Home For Christmas Part 13 summary

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