Unveiled. Part 28

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She nodded. She did believe him. And always would.

They walked back into the house, barely aware of the lights or the commotion as people, aroused by the sound of shots, appeared at the house. Eunice was waiting, her handkerchief knotted between her hands, and Sean looked worried until he saw Kate. He ran into her arms, trembling, while Eunice spoke in a demanding tone.

"Are you both all right? What happened?"

"We ran into a bit of trouble," Christopher said, acknowledging their neighbor, Mr. Armstrong, and his groom. "Everything is fine, though. Thank you for your concern."

"I heard the shot through my hedge." Mr. Armstrong looked genuinely concerned, his normal bravado gone. "I rushed over immediately. Are you certain you don't need help?"

"No," Christopher rea.s.sured him. "Katie thought she saw something and fired the gun prematurely. She gave herself a bit of a scare."

Mr. Armstrong glanced at Kate, who nodded apologetically as she soothed her son.

"I'm sorry to have disturbed you."

"It's nothing." Mr. Armstrong tucked his robe about him and accepted the coffee Eunice offered. A smile came to his stern features and he winked at Eunice. "It reminds me of that hunting trip in India. Did I ever tell you..."

Katie smiled as Eunice listened attentively. The older man joined Christopher's aunt in the parlor, obviously delighted to be there to comfort her. Katie wondered if there was more than a casual interest between them as Eunice laughed, enjoying his stories. She honestly hoped that there was, and that Eunice could find some happiness, even late in life.

"Is that what really happened?" Sean asked quietly. His arms were still tucked around his mother and he looked up at her, his freckled face full of trust.

Katie wanted to rea.s.sure him, to tell him not to worry, but Christopher's glance caught hers. She had almost cost them everything tonight because of deception, even in a good cause. Taking a deep breath, she faced her son and spoke directly.

"No, Sean. I didn't want Mr. Armstrong to worry. But I think you need to know the truth, even though it may be hard. Your father was outside tonight. The man called John Sweeney."

Sean's eyes widened and he looked to Christopher for verification. Christopher nodded, then Sean turned a confused face to Kate. "And you were shooting him? Why?"

"Sean, how can I explain?" Katie choked, but bravely continued: "There was a time when I loved your father. He was a good man then, but he's changed. He wants to cause us trouble, Sean. He is wanted by the law for committing crimes. He doesn't belong here. I was afraid of what he'd do, especially to you. Do you understand?"

Sean nodded, hugging his mother tighter. "Will he come back?"

"I don't think so," Katie rea.s.sured him. "He has no reason to now."

"Sean." Christopher rose and took the little boy's hand in his own. Sean stared at the man who'd been more of a father to him in the past few months than any blood relative, and he accepted Christopher's hand. "Sean, I want to be your father, in more than just name. You may never see John Sweeney again, but I want you to know you'll always be my son and always have a place with me. The child that your mother and I are having will be your sister or brother. I know I cannot take the place of your father completely, but if you will let me, I will do everything I can to make up for the loss. Do you understand?"

Sean nodded, then reached out and hugged Christopher as well. Katie's eyes stung with moisture and then they lifted and met her husband's.

She had never expected this, to find a love that would make her feel so tremendously complete. She was sure now that G.o.d had forgiven her, and fate had done its part, too. Trembling with emotion, she silently whispered, "I love you."

Christopher smiled in response, his eyes full of emotion. They were a family, and nothing would come between them, ever again.


"Kate, are you sure she's all right? She's not moving." Christopher poked at the sleeping infant with his finger while Katie glared at him in exasperation.

"Christopher Scott! Will you please leave that baby alone! It took me an hour to get her to sleep, and you're going to have her awake again!"

Her tone was scolding, but Kate smiled as she spoke. Christopher's fascination with his daughter was wonderful to see. He just couldn't believe that he'd helped to create this tiny, perfect human being with her jet-black hair and ivory complexion. He had insisted on calling her Ella, a name that Katie heartily agreed was appropriate.

Momentarily chagrined, Christopher finally relented and left his daughter's side to stand next to his wife. "She just looks so helpless like that. I'm afraid she isn't breathing."

"She is," Katie a.s.sured him. "All new parents go through this. You worry about everything."

"Is that right?" Leaning down, he kissed her forehead, then his expression grew serious. "At least we don't have to worry about John Sweeney anymore."

Katie nodded in agreement. John Sweeney had been arrested on several charges and was in jail for a good many years. "But what happens when he gets out?" she wondered out loud.

"I doubt if he'll be any trouble." Christopher grinned. "I don't think he wants to spend the rest of his life in prison. The man isn't that stupid."

Katie smiled, nuzzling against him. "Thank G.o.d we have him out of our life. Sean is doing so well and is so happy. He's number one in his riding and all of the boys really like him."

"There hasn't been any trouble with the gossips?"

Katie shook her head. "The Scott name is an impeccable one, it seems. Ever since you adopted him, no one asks a thing. And you are so good to him."

"Hmm." Christopher pulled her closer into his embrace and began to kiss her neck softly. "How about if we practice something else I'm good at? Or have you forgotten?"

In answer, Katie placed her arms around his neck and gave him a seductive smile. Slowly, enticingly, he slipped her gown from her shoulders, ma.s.saging her back so that she stretched like a cat in pure pleasure. Nearly purring, she raised liquid blue eyes to him and sighed.

"Have I told you today how much I love you?"

"Yes." He grinned, slipping his hands around her waist. "But tell me again. I like hearing it."

"I love you, Christopher Scott," Katie whispered. "Now and forever."


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Unveiled. Part 28 summary

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