Little Journey to Puerto Rico Part 14

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8. Description of our voyage, by a pupil who has made an ocean voyage.

9. Harbor and city of San Juan.

10. Points of interest in the city.

11. Homes and home life of the people of the island.

12. Characteristics of the people of Puerto Rico.

13. Child life and education.

14. Amus.e.m.e.nts.

15. Burden-Bearing.

16. Travel.

17. The farmer.

18. The laborer.

19. Glimpses of cities in Puerto Rico.

20. A country home.

21. Animal life.

22. Plant life.

23. Recitation, "Puerto Rico," poem.

24. Conclusion.

25. Announcements.

26. Song--"America."

Before the concluding song, announcement may be made of the plan for a series of afternoons or evenings abroad. Speak of the purpose of these entertainments and express a hope that all those present will attend the next entertainment--"An Afternoon [or Evening] in Hawaii."


Yes! let us mount this gallant s.h.i.+p, Spread canvas to the wind;-- Up! we will seek the glowing South,-- Leave care and cold behind.

Let the shark pursue, through the waters blue, Our flying vessel's track; Let the strong winds blow, and rocks below Threaten,--we turn not back.

See, where those shoals of dolphins go!

A glad and glorious band, Sporting amongst the roseate woods Of a coral fairy land.

See on the violet sands beneath How the gorgeous do glide!

O sea! old sea! who yet knows half Of thy wonders and thy pride?

Look how the sea-plants trembling float, As it were like a mermaid's locks, Waving in thread of ruby red Over those nether rocks,--

Heaving and sinking, soft and fair, Here hyacinth, there green, With many a stem of golden growth, And starry flowers between.

But oh, the South! the balmy South!

How warm the breezes float!

How warm the amber waters stream From off our basking boat!

And what is that?

"'Tis land! 'Tis land!

'Tis land!" the sailors cry.

Nay! 'tis a long and narrow cloud Betwixt the sea and sky.

And now I mark the rising!

The purple hills! the trees!

O what a glorious land is here, What happy scenes are these!

See how the tall palms lift their locks From mountain clefts,--what vales, Basking beneath the noontide sun, That high and hotly sails.

Yet all about the breezy sh.o.r.e, Unheedful of the glow, Look how the children of the South Are pa.s.sing to and fro!

What n.o.ble forms! what fairy place!

Cast anchor in this cove, Push out the boat, for in this land A little we must rove!

We'll wander on through wood and field, We'll sit beneath the vine; We'll drink the limpid cocoa-milk, And pluck the native pine.

The bread-fruit and ca.s.sava-root And many a glowing berry, Shall be our feast; for here, at least, Why should we not be merry?


NOTE.--The following poem may be given as a recitation by changing the t.i.tle to "Puerto Rico." The words apply to this island as well as to the island which is described.


Betwixt old Cancer and the midway line, In happiest climate lies this envied isle: Trees bloom throughout the year, soft breezes blow, And fragrant Flora wears a lasting smile.

Cool, woodland streams from shaded cliffs descend, The dripping rock no want of moisture knows, Supplied by springs that on the skies depend, That fountain feeding as the current flows.

Sweet, verdant isle! through thy dark woods I rove And learn the nature of each native tree, The fustic hard; the poisonous manchineel, Which for its fragrant apple pleaseth thee;

The lowly mangrove, fond of watery soil; The white-barked palm tree, rising high in air; The mastic in the woods you may descry; Tamarind and lofty bay-trees flourish there;

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Little Journey to Puerto Rico Part 14 summary

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