Magical Moments Part 19

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"More cherry bread?" Ali asked with a self-satisfied grin as she extended the basket across the table to her husband.

He accepted a piece with a suspicious sniff.

"It's absolutely delicious, dear," Sydney said, having broken off a small piece from the slice on her bread place and reaching to take another more generous one.

"It is," Dagon said with surprise after finis.h.i.+ng a sample and deciding on a bigger slice.

Sebastian popped a piece into his mouth, and his taste buds raised a ruckus, demanding more of the deliciously flavored bread. "This is really good."

Ali beamed proudly. "I told you we would have cherry bread for supper."

"Margaret didn't help you?" Dagon asked, certain someone had lent an experienced hand somewhere.

"No," Ali a.s.sured him, "though I could have never baked such a marvelous-tasting bread without Sarina's help and firm kindness."

"Firm kindness," Sebastian repeated.

Ali thanked the server, who placed a bowl of steaming leek soup in front of her, and then continued with her explanation. "After you both left us in the kitchen, Sarina took charge. She told me that we were going to clean up the kitchen, and then I was going to make cherry bread under her strict supervision. I was to follow her every word and ask for her advice before I decided to alter the recipe. And you know it works quite well following a recipe."

"You actually followed her instructions?" Dagon asked, surprised.

"She can be quite persuasive, and in a strange way she seemed more knowledgeable when she took control of the messy situation. It was almost as if she were a wise teacher confronting an irate pupil that she was adequately equipped to handle."

"You should have invited her to share supper with us," Sydney said and looked to Dagon sitting at the opposite end of the table. "I don't think Dagon would have minded."

"Not at all, Sydney, she would be more than welcome to join us," he said and wished for her presence beside him.

"I asked her," Ali informed them, "but she said she had other plans."

"What plans?" Dagon asked, sitting straighter in his chair and intent on Ali's answer.

Ali shrugged. "Don't know, it wasn't my place to inquiry as to her personal business."

Dagon wondered over her plans. Had she remained in the castle or had she gone out? And if so, where would she go? He was suddenly very curious.

Ali purposely changed the subject. "I am finalizing the dinner party plans. You will have ten guests here the night after tomorrow; all eagerly accepted and are looking forward to the evening. Margaret is seeing to the menu and no doubt will outdo herself as usual. Your staff is excellent in their duties. The silver is polished, the crystal and china s.h.i.+nes, and the table linen is all ready for use. I requested that the gardener make certain there were fresh flowers for the dining table-"

Dagon interrupted. "Did Sarina say she was going out?"

Sydney, Sebastian, and Ali smiled, though Ali answered him. "I really couldn't say, Dagon. She didn't

mention what her plans were, and as I said I didn't feel I should snoop."

Dagon nodded but made no other reply.

"Is there anything else you feel that is needed for the party?" Ali asked, though she didn't wait for a

reply. "I had thought to ask Sarina to join us, but I didn't think it was my place to invite her without your

permission." Dagon stood abruptly, nodding his head. "With all the help she gave you today, I think it would be only fitting to invite her."

Ali smiled sweetly at him. "Perhaps you should ask her now before she makes plans."

"A good idea," Dagon said, continuing his nod. "Please excuse me."

Sebastian laughed at his quick exit. "Poor guy, he's nodding and shaking his head. He's got it bad and

doesn't even realize it. At least I knew I was crazy about you."

"But you took your sweet time in admitting it," Ali informed him, raising the bread basket across the

table to him again.

"You're going to make me eat the whole loaf, aren't you?" he asked and s.n.a.t.c.hed up another piece.

"Just think of it as if you were eating your own words," she advised him pleasantly.

Sebastian's smile was pure wicked. "No problem, sweetheart, I love cherries, especially yours."

Dagon entered the kitchen in a rush.

"Something I can do for you, sir?" Margaret asked, busy slicing the roasted lamb for the main course.

"Do you know where Sarina is? Ali said she mentioned something about having plans this evening."

"Those would be the same plans she has every Thursday evening, sir."

Dagon waited, concerned by her weekly rendezvous.

"She's in the laundry room doing her laundry," Margaret said and continued slicing the lamb.

Dagon breathed a sigh of relief. "That looks and smells delicious, Margaret."

"Thank you, sir, shall I wait to serve it?"

"No, continue to serve and advise my guests I will return momentarily."

Margaret nodded and smiled when he left the room. "An interesting day."

Sarina sat in one of the three wooden rockers provided for the staff that chose to wait until their clothes finished was.h.i.+ng and drying instead of running up and down the many flights of steps. Lady Lily slept peacefully in the wicker laundry basket on top of Sarina's freshly laundered flannel nightgown.

She had changed into comfortable clothes, a long brickred knit jumper with an ivory cotton tee beneath and thick ivory socks on her feet. She disliked confining her feet to shoes and went barefoot whenever possible or wore socks, which kept her shoe selection extremely limited. She pinned her hair up with a clip and as usual stubborn strands fell loose to tease her neck. She brought a book to occupy her time, though her jumbled thoughts did not allow for concentration.

The rocking motion soothed her, and she gave free rein to her disturbing thoughts and the words that haunted her mind.

You are quite beautiful, dear heart.

Why had he told her that? When he leaned down to whisper in her ear, she had been prepared for a scolding, and his words took her completely by surprise. And it wasn't only his words that had startled her but the sincerity in which he delivered them. He had meant every word. Truly and honestly he thought her beautiful.

She sighed, drawing her legs up to rest on the seat edge of the rocker, wrapping her arms around them and resting her head on her knees. She had to remain patient and yet she wanted so badly for him to take her in his arms and love her.


When had it become so important in her life? Her long life had always been busy, active, and happy. She had many friends and had a few relations.h.i.+ps along the way. And love had simply been a word. Now love was an emotion that tore at her heart, touched her soul, and made her act foolishly.

Foolishness was not something she was accustomed to and yet-she smiled. She enjoyed those unexpected moments with Dagon. Magical moments. When he lost his senses as badly as she did and they surrendered to their unbridled desires. Almost surrendered.

She wondered what it would be like to completely surrender to him. To release her fear, her doubt, and her vulnerability. An unconditional love that held no promise or commitment only love in its purest form.

Was that what she truly wanted? To disregard the spell and love him whether he could help her or not?

And if he couldn't, would she be able to walk away from him in the end?

The sad thought brought a tear to her eye.


His gentle familiar voice startled her, and her feet slipped off the rocker so swiftly that the sudden movement caused the rocker to jerk forward, smacking her in the back of the head.

"d.a.m.n," she heard him say and he rushed toward her.

He went down on bended knees in front of her, his hand going to the back of her head to tenderly survey the damage. But it was the tear that fell from her eye that brought another "d.a.m.n" to his lips.

He wiped the lone tear off her cheek with his finger. "Are you all right?"

How did she tell him that now that he was here she was fine? That his presence was a necessity in her life? That she wanted nothing more than to be with him here and now and if possible forever?

So this was love?

Another tear slipped from her eye. No one had ever warned her that it would hurt so much.

"I'm fine," she said quickly, not trusting her voice.

"I'm sorry," Dagon said. "It's all my fault."

She stared at him. Why did she sense that he wasn't talking about the on her head?

"I should have been more careful, more attentive, more-"

She stopped him with a finger to his lips. "It's all right."

He kissed her finger and moved her hand away. "No, it's not."

He kissed her then, a gentle, soft, and achingly tender kiss as though he were afraid she would break or fade away from him. His hands reached up and cupped her face, and after a lingering brush of his lips over hers, he rested his forehead to hers.

"Whatever am I going to do with you, Sarina?"

"Whatever you'd like?" she invited freely.

He pulled back to look into her eyes, his hands still cupping her face. "Don't tempt me."

"Why? You forever tempt me."

"And what if I invited you to do whatever you liked?"

"Then we tempt fate," she said softly. "Do you have the courage?"

"Now you issue me a challenge," he said with a brief laugh and a smile that melted her insides.

"Do you accept?" she asked hopefully.

He gave her a quick kiss and said, "I never turn down a challenge."

Her smile was teasing. "I rather thought you didn't."

He looked about to kiss her and grew hesitant, his hands falling away from her face to rest in her lap.

"You think of your plans," she said, knowing his troubled thoughts and also knowing that he questioned


"You brought chaos to my orderly world."

She wanted to kiss him badly but instead ran her finger over his tempting lips. "Perhaps it was your

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Magical Moments Part 19 summary

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