Presentation Pieces in the Museum of History and Technology Part 7

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[4] H. MAXSON HOLLOWAY, "American Presentation Silver,"

_New-York Historical Society Quarterly_ (October 1946), vol. 30, p. 228.

[5] "The Journal of the Proceedings of the Commissioners Plenipotentiary, Appointed on Behalf of the United States to Treat with the Northwestern Tribes of Indians," _American State Papers ... Indian Affairs_, vol. 1, pp. 826-836.

[6] G. Carroll Lindsay, "The Treaty Pipe of the Delawares,"

_Antiques_ (1958), vol. 74, no. 1, pp. 44-45.

[7] Gift of Thomsen H. Alexander (acc. 63880, cat. 22995), Division of Political History, USNM.

[8] Bequest of Amy Wetmore May (acc. 190331, cat. 387945), Division of Political History, USNM.

[9] Gift of Estate of Sophie P. Casey (acc. 171620, cat.

44364), Division of Political History, USNM.

[10] Bequest of Henry R. Magruder (acc. 47577, cat. 10793), Division of Political History, USNM.

[11] EARL CHAPIN MAY, _Century of Silver 1847-1947: Connecticut Yankees and a n.o.ble Metal_ (New York: McBride and Co., 1947), pl.


[12] Loan of Mrs. Samuel Reber (acc. 87949, cat. 35145), Division of Armed Forces History, USNM.

[13] _Infantry_ (vol. 2 of _The Army Lineage Book_), Was.h.i.+ngton, 1953.

[14] Loan of Metropolitan Museum of Art (acc. 64761, cat.

26209), Division of Political History, USNM.

[15] ISABELLA FIELD JUDSON, ed., _Cyrus W. Field, His Life and Work_ (New York, 1896), p. 110.

[16] Gift of Isabella Field Judson (acc. 116488, cat. 37662), Division of Political History, USNM.

[17] Gift of Isabella Field Judson (acc. 32290, cat. 7214), Division of Political History, USNM.

[18] Gift of William Lilly (acc. 103012, cat. 35780), Division of Political History, USNM.

[19] Gift of William Lilly (acc. 103012, cats. 35781-82), Division of Political History, USNM.

[20] JOHN D. CHAMPLIN, Jr., ed., _Narrative of the Mission to Russia in 1866 of the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox from the Journal and Notes of J. F. Loubat_ (New York, 1873), p. 264.

[21] Snuffboxes were given by sovereigns to those who were not allowed to receive decorations. Such boxes were of three grades: plain gold boxes, boxes set with diamonds, and boxes having both diamonds and the sovereign's miniature. The latter were given only to persons of the highest distinction.

[22] CHAMPLIN, p. 359.

[23] Gift of Elizabeth Hardenburg (acc. 53695, cat. 12782), Division of Political History, USNM.

[24] From a speech by c.o.x delivered in the House of Representatives, April 24, 1888.

[25] Gift of Katherine Batch.e.l.ler (acc. 112477, cat. 36871), Division of Political History, USNM.

[26] Collection gift of Mrs. R. S. Wortley (acc. 136891), Division of Naval History, USNM.

[27] Gift of Nellie G. Gunther (acc. 84594, cat. 35647), Division of Naval History, USNM.

[28] Loan of Robert E. Peary (acc. 52878), Division of Naval History, USNM.

[29] Loan of Mrs. Robert E. Peary (acc. 177710, cat. 46014), Division of Naval History, USNM.

[30] Gift of Lincoln Isham (acc. 227132.1), Division of Political History, USNM.

[31] Gift of Mrs. James R. Mann (acc. 70676, cats. 34113-14), Division of Political History, USNM.

[32] The cup (acc. 66168, cat. 30852) was deposited in the United States National Museum (Division of Political History) by the Honorable John. H. Small, who was chairman of the group of traveling Congressmen.

[33] Gift of Harriot Stanton Blatch (acc. 127776, cat. 38762), Division of Political History, USNM.

[34] Gift of Harriot Stanton Blatch (acc. 127776, cat. 38763), Division of Political History, USNM.

[35] Gift of National American Woman Suffrage a.s.sociation (acc.

64601, cat. 26162), Division of Political History, USNM.

[36] MARY GRAY PECK, _Carrie Chapman Catt_ (New York: H. W.

Wilson Co., 1944), pp. 121-122.

[37] Gift of National American Woman Suffrage a.s.sociation (acc.

147840, cat. 42083), Division of Political History, USNM.

[38] PECK, op. cit., pp. 220-232.

[39] Gift of National American Woman Suffrage a.s.sociation (acc.

147840, cat. 42084), Division of Political History, USNM.

[40] PECK, op. cit., pp. 457-458.

[41] Gift of National American Woman Suffrage a.s.sociation (acc.

147840, cat. 42085), Division of Political History, USNM.

[42] Gift of Mrs. Charles Duryea (acc. 144429, cat. 311338), Division of Transportation, USNM.

[43] Statistics on the cup for the races held from 1904 to 1916 are an interesting record of the development of the automobile.

For instance, the winning speed increased from 52.2 miles per hour in 1904 to 86.99 miles per hour in 1916.

[44] These trophies were received as a transfer from the Department of Defense (acc. 83961).

[45] Gift of the Misses Simpson (acc. 104604), Division of Political History, USNM.

[46] (Acc. 138182, cat. 311087), Division of Transportation, USNM.

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Presentation Pieces in the Museum of History and Technology Part 7 summary

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