Mayhem: Goddesses Of Delphi Part 16

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Chapter 22.

The arrival of the weekend techs for the morning s.h.i.+ft roused Nia from the restless slumber into which she'd fallen a short while ago. She'd worked all night, putting her affairs in order and had sat at the master console just to write one final email to her new contact at NASA. After she hit send, she'd shoved the keyboard away and laid her head down, intending to simply rest a moment, and had nodded off.

Yawning broadly, and with not quite an hour before the festivities began, she raced home to change. On her return trip down the broad, tree-lined avenue leading to the planetarium, she counted three magpies sitting among the branches, and one half-bird, half human form on the roadside. As she pulled alongside Mayhem's grotesque form, she braked, and rolled down the window.

Mayhem's fully human eyes looked obscene in her tiny, half-bald bird head. Nia curled her lips and let out a shrill whistle, hoping to frighten the creature away. When it didn't take to the sky, Nia whispered a nudge to it. "Don't get too comfortable. You haven't won yet."

As it waddled away, it emitted a loud squawk, a bird's cackle with human undertones. She no longer seemed capable of flight, a fact which sent s.h.i.+vers coursing down Nia's spine. Brazen b.i.t.c.h.

By the time she pulled into the Inst.i.tute's employee lot, most of the s.p.a.ces were occupied. She circled the drive seeking a place to park, finally finding one as far from the door as it could be. She locked the car and then headed to the palatial building along with the rest of the crowd. Families with children surged around her as she dropped her keys into her bag and searched for her phone to call Atlas for a report. Worry had taken up permanent residence under her solar plexus; the resulting ache made it hard to catch her breath.

"Ms. Nia!" An excited child's voice hailed her.

When she spun around, she discovered Hailey racing toward her, with Thomas trailing behind. Blood rushed to her face at the sight of him, strong, confident, s.e.xy as h.e.l.l in a T-s.h.i.+rt that clung to his broad shoulders and fell loosely around his trim waist. Dark shorts skimmed the tops of his knees and running shoes completed his casual athlete look. G.o.ddess, his tousled sandy hair begged for her fingers to run through it.

His expression held a slight smile and his gorgeous green eyes were filled with curiosity, but no recognition. The fact sliced across Nia's heart like a rusty paring knife.

"Ms. Nia, you're here! I told him we'd find you." The girl barreled into Nia, who staggered back a step before recovering.

Holy Hades! Mnemosyne had scrubbed Thomas's memories free of Nia, but they'd forgotten about Hailey. They'd spent time together, like a family. The child would certainly recall the personal tour she'd given them and the breakfast they'd shared and remind Thomas. What else might he remember? d.a.m.n, d.a.m.n, and d.a.m.n. How could she have been so stupid?

She cast a frantic glance around. There were too many people nearby to attempt to freeze Thomas and Hailey into a state of stasis and call the G.o.ddess of memory back to finish the job. And with Hailey's arms wrapped around Nia's waist, pretending she didn't know the girl wasn't an option. Nudging a child typically had no effect on them. Nia's only option was to try to cast a thrall on the child. But carefully. It would destroy her if she harmed the kid in the slightest.

She laid her hands on Hailey's shoulders and urged the child away. Concentrating on her task, she prodded Hailey's mind, sending her a command. You don't remember me at all. We've only met here.

Hailey frowned then shuddered, confusion blatant on her face. She tucked her hands behind her back as she stepped away. "I'm sorry. I thought...I thought..." The girl's hesitant voice trailed away.

A bird squawked raucously overhead and several festival attendees stopped to stare into the trees, as though searching for the source of the noise. Pressure built in Nia's chest, similar to what she experienced as she stepped into the Hollow, but different. Around them, people turned to train their gazes on Hailey. Nia squeezed her eyes shut and mumbled softly go about your business. Life returned to normal and the people closest to them resumed chattering as they moved away.

"What did you say?" Thomas asked with a deep frown creasing harsh lines into his forehead. He laid a protective hand on Hailey's shoulder.

"I didn't say anything." Hesitancy caused her voice to rise, her tone coming across as defensive. Erasing his memories hadn't affected his clairaudient ability.

He tipped his head to the side and jammed his fist into his pocket. "That's so weird. I swear I heard you tell Hailey she didn't remember you. Not out loud, but in my head." He shook his head, as though trying to disperse a fog.

"You're right, that is weird." Nia clutched the strap of her purse, pulling it tight across her body.

"But why would you? We haven't met, have we?"

"I don't believe we have, although I've met your niece here." The lie was bitter on her tongue and hard to swallow past the lump lodged in her throat.

"Huh. Most people think Hailey is my daughter. How did you know she's my niece? You're so familiar. Are you sure we haven't met?"

Panic surged in her gut as the fight or flight instinct kicked in. She had to get away before he remembered too much. Or she burst into tears. "Of course I'm sure. I need to get to work." She pasted on a bright smile and swept her arm wide, spreading a prodding thought toward the Wildes. She voiced the nudge aloud though. "You should go enjoy the festival. Plenty to see and do."

"Right. By the way, I'm Thomas." He thrust his arm out, his gaze interested, warm and expectant.

"And she's Nia," Hailey said, pointing at her.

Nia stared at his hand a moment before taking it. The heat of his palm seared her, rousing memories of how perfectly his hands fit her body, how his fingers inside her made her shatter with bliss. The pulse that had been throbbing at the base of her throat burst into piston-speed, stopping her breath.

Thomas's eyes flared wide with the contact. His body jerked. Recognition flickered in his gaze then was replaced with heat, which faded to bewilderment. Confusion danced on his features and his ready smile melted away as Nia tugged her hand from his. He remembered for an instant. Somehow, Mnemosyne's memory wipe hadn't been strong enough. The speed with which his memory then faded matched the velocity of the spike of hurt hurtling from her gut to her heart.

Eyes watering, throat aching, Nia forced mental inspiration into her words. "Well, you should go enjoy yourselves. Forget you've ever met me and just have fun here today."

Hailey slipped her hand into Thomas's and tugged his arm. "Come on, Uncle Thomas. We have to go to the Campfire Scouts' booth. I want to see my friends."

Eyes curiously flat, Thomas offered her a nod, before trudging away with Hailey.

Following after them would have been an impossibility. Even immortals couldn't move when the last pieces of their hearts shattered. Cold loneliness washed over Nia, raising goose b.u.mps on her arms despite the warm summer breeze flowing over her skin. About twenty paces away, Thomas pulled Hailey to a halt and turned to stare back at her. Confusion and something warmer lurked in his features. Even at a distance, the longing in his gaze pierced her soul.

Jostled from behind, she jolted from a trance of pain, need and love. With a hasty glance to her surroundings, she mumbled an apology to no one in particular and the crowd moved past her. A single tear she'd tried to keep at bay trickled down her cheek.

Above her, the d.a.m.ned magpie screeched an inhuman laugh and several black and white feathers floated to the ground at her feet. She brushed the tear impatiently away and imagined an arrow plunging into the bird's breast, then let it fly. The bird squawked once again then went silent. Reaching into her handbag, her fingers curled around her phone.

Hands shaking, she dialed and waited for her call to connect. "Zeus, we have a problem."

Chapter 23.

The red-headed woman intrigued him. Something had stirred deep in his chest when he'd heard her voice. At first sight, his d.i.c.k had jumped to attention. It was easy to imagine her whispering into his ear as he thrust into her. When she'd taken his hand, he'd gotten an image of her fingers digging into his b.u.t.t, encouraging him to a faster rhythm. The snug fit of his shorts tightened as he'd held her hand for an instant. He wanted, no, craved, her lips under his.

Jesus Christ! When was the last time he'd had such a visceral reaction to a complete stranger? But...she didn't seem so much a stranger. Some part of him knew her. Magically and irrevocably knew her, and knew they were destined to be together.

If he believed in magic. Which he did not.

Around them, couples laughed together, and families raced and shrieked. Just a typical at a fair. But the sounds didn't ring true for him. It was as if he heard the noises through a closed door. Beside him, Hailey remained silent as they strolled down the path to the vendor booths.

He tightened his grip on her hand. "You okay, munchkin?"

She answered in a petulant tone. "I told you we knew her. But she didn't know us. Why, Uncle Thomas?"

Thomas glanced over his shoulder. His heart weighed heavier as he discovered the beautiful woman had moved away. He tugged Hailey to the side, off the path. Crouching in front of her, he ran his hands down her thin arms. "I'm sure she meets a lot of people. She works here, right? Maybe she meets too many people to remember all of them."

"But she should remember us."

Should she? Thomas couldn't shake the feeling that they had met, and spent time together. Quality, intimate time. "What do you say we just forget about all of this and just have fun?"

Hailey's nod launched the smile he loved to see on her small features.


She nodded more vigorously.

"Let's go." He stood and offered her his hand.

The gravel path crunched under their sneakers as they resumed walking toward the festival. An elusive memory tickled his consciousness. Someone had entreated him to keep Hailey safe. "Stay close, munchkin. There are a lot of people here. I wouldn't want to lose you."

As they wandered among the attractions and booths, Thomas couldn't shake the disquiet that had gripped him when they moved away from Nia. As they pa.s.sed other patrons, many stopped to stare. Typically, it wouldn't bother him. He was accustomed to being recognized. Oftentimes, people approached him, asked for an autograph, and either wanted to discuss their favorite episode or offer him suggestions for a myth to bust.

Today was different. People stared and pointed, but not at him. Their attention seemed focused on Hailey. He gripped her small hand tighter, a cold sweat breaking out on his torso.

"Ow!" Hailey exclaimed and tugged her hand from him. "You were squeezing too hard, Uncle Thomas."

"Sorry." A couple pa.s.sed them, silent and staring. They stopped just beyond Thomas's reach and turned to stare. "Hailey, I think we should go home now. It's getting late."

"Not yet. We need to look through the telescopes to say h.e.l.lo to Daddy and Mommy."

"We can do that from our backyard."

"Please? They'll be closer here. Not as close as with the big telescope, but better." Hailey gestured toward the rust red observatory dome. She drew her brows together and pursed her lips. "Please can we stay a little longer?"

The other couple had moved on, lessening the odd sense of menace tripping up his spine. Thomas nodded, reclaimed Hailey's hand and led her toward the observation deck. Dusk was falling and the evening stars would be visible from the bank of telescopes situated on the edge of the cliff.

Several other families occupied the deck, but Thomas located a free scope. He lifted Hailey onto the small concrete pad at the base, and helped her adjust the viewer until she claimed it was in focus.

Conversation around them died, leaving heavy silence in its wake. Thomas turned slowly and immediately tensed. A semicircle of people had formed around them-every face ominously blank. Two burly men moved toward him, their steps awkward, as though they had no control over their bodies.

"Stay back," Thomas ordered as he shoved Hailey behind him. Spying a break in the circle, he firmed his grip on her arm and dodged to his left. The men moved with him, lunging to grab him. They restrained him, separating him from Hailey. One of the mothers from the crowd leaped forward and s.n.a.t.c.hed Hailey from behind him, covering the girl's mouth to stifle her sudden scream.

Chapter 24.

Nia spied Pierus in the shadow of the performance stage. His business attire caused him to stand out like a sore thumb among the casually dressed crowds.

"You'd think he'd try to blend in," Ken scoffed as he stood next to her. " son of a b.i.t.c.h, ain't he?"

"He hasn't won yet," Mars growled, glaring daggers at said son of a b.i.t.c.h.

Terri, who'd hired the bands for the events, edged closer to Nia and whispered, "He's up to something."

"Ya think?" Nia asked dryly. She lifted her chin toward the stage and pinned her stare on Pierus. Reaching out to him mentally, she taunted I have my eyes on you.

Pierus shrugged, his face a mask of arrogance as he brushed at a speck of lint on his black jacket. His smarta.s.s voice filled her head. I'm not who you should be watching.

Nia crossed her arms over her waist, trying to quell the nerves fluttering in her belly.

"This crowd is quieter than is warranted." Ken twisted at the waist, surveying the area around them. "I don't like it."

Nia didn't like it either. Across from her, Pierus lifted the corners of his mouth in a smirk as he leaned a shoulder against the bandstand.

A scream rent the air. It sounded panicked and terrified.

"Let's go." Ken grabbed her hand and dragged her in the direction of the noise. Mars and Terri followed closely behind. Heart pounding heavily against her ribcage, Nia and the rest raced up the path to the observation deck. The screams grew louder and were joined by yelling. Her blood iced as they crested the hill and took in the tableau by the decorative concrete fence bordering the steep cliff.

In the midst of a silent mob, Thomas fought to free himself from the grip of two men while a third held a screaming Hailey over the precipice.

Oh, dear G.o.ddess. Hailey was the innocent foretold by Pierus. And the mob had her in their unaware clutches. Only Thomas seemed immune to the influence that had spread over the crowd. The horror and determination etched into his face mobilized Nia.

Concentrating her energy, she covered the twenty feet to the observation deck in the blink of an eye, too short a span for her aura or sparkling lights to appear. She swept in next to the man holding Hailey and seized the girl around the waist. Ken was right behind her and knocked the man to the side. Then he turned the force of his gaze on the semicircle and spread his hands wide, holding them at bay.

Hailey flung her arms around Nia's neck, screaming in fear. Running her hand along the child's spine, Nia infused her fingers with calming vibes, and urged them into Hailey's chest. Her fingers sparked gently as she sent her influence through Hailey. The girl's screams dissipated, and Hailey buried her face against Nia's neck, sobbing quietly.

"Nia, we need your influence here." Ken nodded to the hillside above them. More people moved toward their position, everyone walking stiffly, as though in a trance. "This has Pierus all over it. How the f.u.c.k is he doing this with Cratus in custody?"

"Hailey!" Thomas yelled, still tussling with the brutes holding him.

Mars materialized behind the two men and crashed their heads together. Zeus, Gaia and all of Nia's sisters blinked through the Hollow. Without a word, all the immortals formed a protective flank around Nia and Hailey. Mars grasped Thomas's arm and jerked him toward the center.

"Gaia, take her," Nia commanded, without turning to face her mother.

Gaia stepped forward and removed Hailey from Nia's arms. She nestled the child close to her chest, stepping backward. Mel, Terri, Thalia, and Polly formed a protective ring around their mother and the child. Thomas surged toward them, but stopped short as he encountered the energy field surrounding the small group.

"Leave them," Mars commanded as he gripped Thomas's shoulder. "They'll protect her."

"She's okay," Gaia shouted. "We've got her.

Thomas reeled toward Nia. "What's going on?"

Busy gathering energy from the heavens, Nia couldn't spare him any attention. She jabbed a fast thought into his brain. "I'm sorry."

Power palpated in her chest, pulsing heavily, like a second life form inside her skin trying to escape. The crowd edged forward, murmuring loudly. Menace and determination replaced the blank stares. The mob wanted Hailey and they weren't going to give up.

"Nia, up on the hill." Zeus's voice was strained as he indicated the crest.

Pierus and his half-formed offspring crowned the top of the rise. Mayhem had sprouted human legs, but hadn't lost her wings or beak. Raven black hair streamed from her head, snarled and tangled but wafting in a supernatural breeze. Nia repressed a shudder and refocused her attention on the task.

Picturing a in her mind, Nia flung the imaginary rope heavenward, wrapping it around the descending sun. Hot electrical current spiraled downward along the invisible tether. Nia arched involuntarily as blazing heat surged into her. Her skin glowed as the power took possession of her body. The top of her head burned as though ready to burst into flames.

The crowd continued to approach, urged on as Pierus raised his arms, palms out. His fingertips glowed as he twisted his wrists and brought his hands together. Energy, red tinged and angry, gathered between his palms. He slammed his hands toward the ground and the mob surged forward in response.

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Mayhem: Goddesses Of Delphi Part 16 summary

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