Love Under Two Kendalls Part 21

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"No, sweet baby. When you said that you'd let me take those pictures, file the affidavit-I wanted to kill Walters when I saw what he'd done to you. That morning, I was angry with him, but more with myself for being so f.u.c.king judgmental."

Ginny reached up and stroked his face again. "Adam, no."

"Ginny, yes." He looked up at Jake, who stayed silent, letting him have his say. He sent his brother a look of grat.i.tude, then focused on their woman once more.

"We grew up, Jake and I, in a robust family, with aunts and uncles and cousins every-f.u.c.king-where. Not a one of us has any inkling what it would be like to be alone in the world. There's always been family here, ready to catch us, ready to watch our backs."

Ginny gave him the sweetest grin he'd ever seen. "I had a taste of that today. Somehow, your mother and the others knew something could be happening, even when I didn't. They obviously came prepared, and I didn't even have a clue about it until it was all over."

"Something you'll have to get used to, I guess," Jake said. He set his hands on her shoulders, then bent over and kissed her hair. "You'll have family, and lots of it, from now on."

"I'm grateful for that, more than I can say." Ginny turned, and while she was still between them, Adam figured she did so in order to be able to look at them both at the same time. "Mostly, though, I'm grateful for the two of you. You're my family. Well, you and Benny. And maybe, more children someday. If you want them."

Adam didn't think he could be any happier. "If we want them? Sweet baby, we want it all. You, Benny, and however many more children we'll be blessed with."

"And the sooner, the better," Jake said.

"Well, gentlemen, in that case..." She took one step back and began to open the b.u.t.tons of her blouse. "I think we should leave talking for now and move on to a more physical form of communication."

Adam grinned. "You want us, do you, sweet Ginny?"

He wondered if for one moment his teasing tone had hit her the wrong way, because she stopped opening her blouse and looked from him to Jake.

"I more than want you. I need you. I need you both. But more...I need you both inside me at the same time. I want to feel us connected, together, as one."

Everything went still inside him, and he thought that he just might remember this moment for the rest of his life. He flashed a look and Jake, and knew his brother felt the same way.

"Are you sure, sweetheart? We can wait."

Jake nodded. "We can, you know. It's a lot to ask, and we understand that."

"Maybe you can wait, but I can't." She paused, and he could see she wanted to continue. A light pink kissed her flesh, and he felt his heart melt for her all over again.

"What, sweetheart? What else?"

Ginny licked her lips, and then tilted her chin up, just a little. "I want your babies. I want you to make me pregnant. I don't know if there's some sort of protocol, or what, but I-"

Adam reached out, and pulled her to him. He covered her mouth with his and used his tongue to taste her, to drink her. She took him in so sweetly, wrapping herself as close as she could, and Adam knew she had to feel how hard his c.o.c.k had gotten, just from the thought of her being pregnant with their child.

"I'm not going to ask you if you're sure. I'm just going to say, sweet Ginny, please come upstairs and lie with us."

Had they actually only been lovers for a handful of days? Ginny wondered that she couldn't seem to recall a time when Adam and Jake weren't a part of her.

She felt new and clean again.

Ginny didn't need seduction. She wanted these men so very badly. She wanted them on her and in her. But it seemed her men had a slightly different idea.

Adam gathered her in, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her with a pa.s.sion that ignited her own. His hands swept her back as avidly as his tongue swept her mouth. She gave him everything, winding her arms around his neck and combing her fingers through his hair.

Soft music filled the room, country music, which was her favorite. Then Jake stepped behind her and ran his hand down her back.

Adam stepped away, turning her, and Jake embraced her. She tilted her face up for his kiss, opening her mouth wide under his, surrendering to the energy and the power that so much mirrored the man himself.

They were two men, so very different one from the other, and yet both had become vital to her heart, and her soul, and her mind.

Both men were vital to her body.

Jake weaned his lips from hers, and when she opened her eyes, when she inhaled deeply, the scent of lilies filled the room from the candles Adam had lit.

"Y'all make me feel so special." The joy of that ran deep, swelling her heart to overflowing.

"You are special, honey. Do you imagine that Adam and I were celibate before you came into our lives?"

Ginny laughed softly. "Not for a moment and I wouldn't have expected you to be."

Adam came to her, and she noticed how naturally Jake stepped just slightly to the side to make room for him.

"Yet, you're the only woman who has ever opened our hearts, sweet Ginny. You're a very special woman. You're our woman."

"Said just like a true Texan."

"Oh, you bet. Now, wife to be, what was that you said about less talking?"

Ginny loved the gleam in Adam's eyes, and the sweet smile that stole across his face. Jake stepped up behind her and gently wrapped his arms around her waist. She loved the heat of him seeping into her and the not-so-subtle way he ground his c.o.c.k against her a.s.s.

Truth to tell, she loved everything about these two men.

With the lights turned down low and music and perfume filling the air, Ginny felt transported out of reality, into a sanctuary of sensual pleasure.

Jake combed his fingers through her hair, tilting her face up. She melded her mouth to his, dancing her tongue along his, drinking his flavor in. His taste flooded her senses, sending a zing through her that nothing, before these men, had ever given her.

She felt Adam's hands on her clothing, and she s.h.i.+vered as his teasing caress removed them, one piece at a time. With fingers that slowly petted and fingers that silkily stroked, he set her free and then set her ablaze.

Jake released her lips and nuzzled her neck, running his hands down her back then back and forth across her bottom. Different, somehow, this loving, from all that came before. Maybe it felt different because she was different, or maybe, because they'd promised themselves a lifetime together. Ginny didn't know the reasons, and really, she didn't care.

All she cared about was that she loved, and was loved.

"You're so beautiful." Adam's reverent tone humbled her. She'd never felt beautiful before these men, never felt truly a woman until the brothers Kendall had taken her.

"Please." She ran her hand down the front of Adam's chest, tugging at his s.h.i.+rt. He grinned, that sweet, sweet grin he had, and without his gaze leaving hers, he stripped.

"You never asked, but I'll tell you. We've both been tested, Jake and I, not more than a few months ago. Remind me to show you the results."

"Me, too. Back when you took me to the hospital, that first day." Did he think he'd kicked the mood for her? Oh, he hadn't. She smiled, and ran a finger across his lips, then down, straight down until she could encircle his c.o.c.k with her fingers.

"Your c.o.c.k feels like silk over steel, Sheriff Kendall. I love the way you feel in my hand. I love even better how you feel in my p.u.s.s.y."

"Then come, sweet Ginny." He led her to the bed, then cupped her face and kissed her. Totally carnal, his kiss devoured her. With lips moist and hot and a tongue so devilishly clever, he sipped and supped on her as if she, alone, could sustain him.

She'd heard sounds and knew that Jake had tossed his clothes aside, yet still she s.h.i.+vered when he pressed his naked body against her back.

"Will you take Adam's seed into your womb, honey? I can hardly wait to set my hands on your rounded belly and know our child grows there."

"Oh, yes. I want that more than you can possibly know."

When Adam lay down on the bed and held his hand out to her, she went to him. The heat of his body as she straddled him rose up, his scent, pure man and hunger, went straight to her c.u.n.t. Already so wet, she stroked her slit up the length of his c.o.c.k, and rejoiced in his s.h.i.+ver. She stopped, her hands braced on his chest, her gaze locked with his. Her nipples had already peaked just from this little bit of foreplay, and when he cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, when his fingers tugged at her nipples, she surged her hips forward against him.

The lips of her p.u.s.s.y had separated, making room for him, and his c.o.c.k nestled between them as if coming home. Oh, the heat of his p.e.n.i.s right there, against her c.l.i.t, felt so wonderful, she couldn't help but close her eyes and moan in pure pleasure.

Adam flexed his c.o.c.k, a sweet kind of greeting. She opened her eyes again and smiled.

He'd needed to give her words. She found the same need, words she wanted to offer the men she loved. "I want to remember every nuance of this moment-the moment when we all three become one, and begin a new life-and new lifetime-together."

The bed dipped behind her, and Jake leaned forward and kissed her neck. She felt his flesh brush against hers and marveled at the wonder of them together.

"Take my c.o.c.k inside you, Ginny," Adam said. "You'll be the first woman-and the last-I'll ever be naked inside."

She held his gaze as she raised herself up. She reached for him, and encountered his hand, already holding his c.o.c.k, bringing it to her. So she wrapped her hand around his, and moved with him, slid with him, and then sank down onto him.

"Oh, yes, you feel so very good inside me."

"Sweet baby, good doesn't begin to describe how hot and wet and wonderful you feel around my c.o.c.k."

"This is special." Jake's words kissed her shoulder. "Can you feel it? It's what our fathers told us would happen, when it was right, loving that's as much spiritual as it is physical. I'm so aroused right now, and so humbled. Move on him, honey. Ride him, nice and slow."

Ginny did feel it, such reverence, such joy, that she could no longer imagine making love without this connection, this sense of rightness.

Slowly, oh so slowly, she moved on Adam's c.o.c.k. He held her waist in his hands, helping her, raising her up and then pulling her down into his thrusts.


Jake's whisper preceded the glide of his lube-covered fingers up and down over the rosebud of her a.n.u.s.

She clenched her pelvic muscles because that sliding caress felt so incredible, making her arousal soar.

"Are you ready for me, honey? I'll be gentle."

She needed to feel his c.o.c.k inside her a.s.s, to have him there so that they would climax together. She sucked in a breath when Adam's right hand left her waist and brushed her c.l.i.t.

"Yes, Jake, please. Please f.u.c.k me. Please f.u.c.k my a.s.s."

"Ginny. Yes, here, honey, take me."

He moved over and then he moved in, the press of his c.o.c.khead against her a.n.u.s feeling more erotic than anything, ever.

The burn of his entry, as her tiny rosebud stretched and then opened seemed to add to the arousal that sang through her entire body. Adam continued to brush her c.l.i.t and pump his c.o.c.k inside her and she marveled anew that she could feel so much, so many amazing tingles of electric excitement. She continued to move, up and down, but added a little backward nudge.

Jake grasped her hips as he hissed his pleasure. "You're going to make me lose control."

"I won't break." She looked down and met Adam's gaze. "I won't break. I'm stronger than I was, stronger than I knew. And I, I need."

Words split apart and scattered as the physical took over. The pressure of Jake's c.o.c.k entering her a.s.s became pain, a burning pain that sent shafts of heat to her c.l.i.t. Her body stretched to admit him, and as he slid slowly into her, she began to s.h.i.+ver. Never had she felt so full. Never had she felt so h.o.r.n.y.

"Oh, lord. Give me more. Move! f.u.c.k me!"

The need exploded inside her, a hunger that demanded to be fed, and she whimpered as she tried, on her own, to make it happen. She pushed up and back, down and in, and clenched her pelvic and her a.s.s muscles, rippling the lengths of the c.o.c.ks inside her.

"Oh, Jesus." Jake gripped her hard, pulled almost all the way out of her, then surged into her again.

Adam made a sound more feral than a wild stallion as he began to thrust into her again and again.

Ginny came, the waves of Eros so overpowering she cried out and collapsed on Adam's chest, letting go every muscle, every thought, as she let the rapture consume her.

Adam continued to thrust in her, and she could only lie there and take him, and relish the sensation of being taken by him.

Jake moved faster, cursing as he pounded inside of her. And then both men stiffened, and cried out-in triumph or surrender, Ginny didn't know. All she knew was that she felt the spurts of hot s.e.m.e.n enter her body, and their e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns sent her over the edge once more.

Hearts thundered, her own and the ones on top and below her. She s.h.i.+vered, because her climax tapered only slowly, sending tiny aftershocks to every part of her body that kept her c.l.i.t vibrating in ecstasy.

"Christ, we're all going to kill each other for sure."

Jake's breathless declaration made her giggle. The movement sent a strange sensation through her as the seed inside her s.h.i.+fted slightly.

"Be a h.e.l.l of a way to go," Adam said. "Maybe the town would erect a statue, or something, in tribute. Being l.u.s.ty, and all."

"Don't make me laugh." Ginny nuzzled the side of her face against Adam's chest.

"Hold still, honey." Jake kissed her shoulder and then gently pulled out of her. She heard his movements as he went into the bathroom, and smiled when he returned and cleaned her.

"I'll move." She raised her head and met Adam's very smug expression.

"You don't have to. Hang on."

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them so that she was on her side, snuggled against him. She regretted losing the warmth of his c.o.c.k inside her, but she figured the loss would only be temporary.

"I love you both so very much."

Jake got into the bed and snuggled her back. "I love you right back. I can hardly wait until we tell Benny."

Ginny grinned, because she knew that as much as these wonderful men loved her, they loved her son, too.

"He'll be over the moon," she said. Rolling onto her back, she took their hands in hers, laced her fingers with theirs. "I can tell you without hesitation that he adores you both."

"You have to know we already consider him our son." Adam propped himself up beside her then bent down and kissed her forehead.

"I know you do."

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Love Under Two Kendalls Part 21 summary

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