Love Under Two Kendalls Part 5

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And saw them, the two most wonderful men in the entire world, not fifty feet away from her and headed her way.

Adam closed his phone and tucked it into his pocket just a couple of steps before he reached her. He was wearing the most appealing smile. Ginny felt herself mesmerized by it. She blinked when Jake reached out, laughing, and took the cell phone from her hand.

Then Adam gathered her in, gathered her close in that slow, deliberate way he had and wrapped his arms tight, wonderfully tight, around her.

"Shh, sweet baby, don't cry, Ginny. Please don't cry."

"You're here. You're both here. I needed you so much and you're here."

"Of course we are, love. Because here is where you are." Jake's words sounded so very close in her ear.

Adam must have known what she needed because he eased back, ever so gently, and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. He wouldn't push, and she loved him for that. But she needed more than that little peck.

Feeling bold and daring, she pressed close to him and laid her mouth on his. She needed to taste him.

His flavor unlocked a door within her, and she went wild.

His arms banded around her as his tongue swept out and in, showing her that he needed to taste her, too. Sweet, wonderful arousal flowed through her, a seductive call to her inner woman, and she wished for one wild moment that they were all three of them naked and horizontal. Her p.u.s.s.y grew damp and began to tingle, and wasn't that an amazing thing?

Adam once more eased back. The fire in his gaze thrilled her. Then he smiled, a slow and seductive smile that tickled her arousal. And then he relinquished her to Jake.

Jake pulled her in just as Benny's shout reached her from the water's edge.

"Hey, Mom, look at what...oh yeah! Adam! Jake!"

Ginny savored the taste of Jake, sucking him in, using her tongue to gather all that she could, and then burrowed into his embrace. He turned them slightly so she could watch as her boy ran fast, oh so very fast, laughing and calling the names of the two men who'd become his heroes over the last several months.

Then Benny leapt, mid-run, and Adam caught him, laughing himself, and held his small body safe and close.

Ginny looked at them then, really looked, and finally saw the love on Adam's face, and Benny's. How could she have not seen that love before now?

In the next moment she found herself turned loose as Benny literally launched himself from one brother to the other. Oh, yes, these two Kendalls both loved her son more, far, far more than she'd realized.

Adam, grinning wider than she'd ever seen him grin, stepped closer and slid his arm around her. He hugged her tight to his side.

"Did you come all the way from l.u.s.ty to have a vacation with us?" Benny asked.

"You bet we did. We couldn't let y'all have fun without us," Jake said.


Ginny-and everyone else-turned at the sound. She hadn't even noticed her aunt approach, and tried not to blush as she realized the woman must have seen both of those very arousing lip-locks. Maggie just stood there, a bemused smile on her face, her gaze going from Adam to Jake.

"Aunt Maggie, this is Jake and that's Adam. They came to have a vacation with us. Isn't that cool?"

"Yes, I suppose it is."

Ginny couldn't help but laugh at Benny's enthusiasm. "Adam and Jake Kendall, meet Margaret Morrison, who prefers to be called Maggie."

"Ma'am," Adam didn't release Ginny as he shook hands with Maggie. Jake s.h.i.+fted his load of Benny to accomplish the same task.

"I suppose it's a fortunate thing for everyone that the room next to yours is available," Maggie said to her. Ginny tried, but failed, to stop her blush.

Maggie just laughed and turned her attention back to the men. "If you gentlemen planned to stay, that is."

"Yes, ma'am," Adam said. "We'll be staying for as long as Ginny and Benny are. And yes, we'd like the room next door to them."

Maggie waved her hand. "Just Maggie, please. I doubt I'm much older than either of you."

"I'd have said younger," Jake said.

"Oh, aren't you sweet?" Maggie smiled as she said that. "Well then, how about if one of you comes up to the office, and we can do the paperwork on that unit?"

"I'll go," Jake said. "My guide, here, can give me directions."

"Why don't we all go?" Adam reached out and ran his hand down Benny's back. "Then we can get our bags out of the car, settle in, and see about having lunch." He turned to look at Maggie. "Will you join us?"

"I'm on duty here until seven, when my night manager comes in. But I'll let you take me out to dinner. There're a couple of pretty good steak and seafood restaurants in Wildwood."

"Dinner it is."

Ginny felt herself relax in the easy camaraderie between her aunt and the Kendalls. She already knew that Maggie had a way of making a body feel at ease, which she imagined came in handy, in her business.

As for the brothers Kendall, she didn't think there was a woman or child alive who could resist their charm.

At least, she and her son sure hadn't been able to.

"Is that all right with you, sweetheart?"

Adam's voice, pitched in just that way, sent delicious s.h.i.+vers down her spine. She decided that she loved the way he called her sweetheart. She loved it a lot.

"That sounds wonderful," Ginny said. "And because y'all didn't even have a reservation, I think we should go to the most expensive restaurant on the island."

"Yes, ma'am."

Since both Adam and Jake said that at the same time, Ginny reckoned it was a done deal.

It didn't happen very often that Adam liked a person right off the bat. But he liked Maggie Morrison. He'd never tell Ginny, of course, that he'd had the woman checked out when he first learned of her existence a few months back. And because Adam was a sheriff with connections in interesting places, he'd learned more about the woman than, say, would be available to the average person running a credit check-or even the average private investigator hired to do a deep background search.

He knew that Ginny's aunt had never been married, and that she'd cared for her severely ill mother-Ginny's grandmother-for the last six years of that woman's life. He knew she ran her business well, made a moderately good income, paid her bills on time, and had never been in trouble with the law. She'd had a few speeding tickets, but none serious.

He knew one more thing, too, something that for him was easy to see. Maggie Morrison genuinely liked Ginny and Benny Rose, and they liked her right back.

"These two units are the only ones that face the ocean on this floor," Ginny said as Jake unlocked the door.

"So that means we'll have privacy," Adam said, and enjoyed the blush that statement brought to Ginny's pretty face.

"Well now." she sent him a smoldering look in return that heated his blood and made his c.o.c.k begin to harden. "Privacy is a relative thing, isn't it, Sheriff?"

"Oh, wow, it's almost exactly like our room!" Benny raced into the s.p.a.ce, and Ginny grinned. Adam couldn't decide if she smiled at Benny's enthusiasm or his own inability, because of little eyes and ears, to respond the way he wanted to.

However, their woman did have a point. They'd have limited privacy, because Benny would be with them every waking moment.

Adam mentally shrugged. He certainly wouldn't have it any other way.

"It's like our room only backwards," Benny said. "It even has that weird door that goes nowhere 'cept to another door!"

Jake looked at Adam and then Ginny and raised his eyebrows in a comic gesture. Then he opened the door in question and looked down at Benny. "This door actually goes to your room."

"It does?"

Could anyone invoke a tone of wonder like a curious child? Adam didn't think so.

"Go on over to our room and open that door, Benny," Ginny said.

Almost super excited, Benny raced out one unit, and then right into the next. It took the little guy only a few moments to fumble with the lock and then open the connecting door.

"Hi Jake! Hi Adam! This is cool. It's like we've got one big room and we're all staying together!"

"Yes, indeed," Jake said. "It's like we're all staying together."

Adam and his brother both chuckled, because Ginny's face had gone beet red. He couldn't resist giving her a hug, and neither, apparently, could Jake.

"I like that there's a sitting area that's a separate room from the bedroom," Adam said. "That means we television and not wake Benny."

Ginny surprised him when she gave him a light punch in the arm. "Behave, Sheriff."

"I'm not a sheriff here, Ginny Rose. I'm just a man." He swooped in and stole a quick kiss. It was all he could do to keep the caress light.

"Adam Kendall, you're a sheriff to the bone everywhere, all the time."

Ginny's words warmed him. He often thought of all the things he knew about the pretty brunette-and what he knew was quite a bit. So it was nice to know she'd been paying attention and learning him, too.

"I think the lady has your number, bro," Jake said. "Mine as well, come to think of it."

"She has a h.e.l.l of a lot more than that." Adam kept his gaze locked with Ginny's so she would see his desire for her.

"Isn't that the truth?" Jake's tone dipped.

Adam liked seeing the look of shy pleasure on Ginny's face in response to their flirting. Whether she realized it or not, she'd come a long way in a few months.

She shook her head in a gesture that Adam thought of as typical Ginny. That tiny shake, with her head tilted slightly to the right seemed to say, "Just what am I going to do with you?" If she would just put that thought into words, he'd tell her, in very hot and s.e.xy detail, exactly what she could do with them.

She looked from him to Jake. "Oh, you two!"

Jake reached out and touched her hand. Adam saw her s.h.i.+ver and understood what that s.h.i.+ver meant.

They were getting to her. She was as attuned to the s.e.xual vibes between them as they were.

Adam couldn't help it. He sent her what felt like a smug look and said, "Yes, sweetheart. We two." He took a step closer to her. He lowered his voice, not only to be more intimate, but also to keep his words from intriguing young ears.

"Tonight, after Benny's asleep, will you let us play with you?"

She licked her lips, and Adam had to use every bit of willpower at his disposal to keep his c.o.c.k from exploding into a raging hard-on.

Ginny's voice, just as low, and very sultry, caressed his flesh. "Just what do you mean by 'play?'"

Not a no, thank G.o.d. He leaned in just a little bit more. "A little kissing, a little exploration. What my folks used to refer to as heavy necking and petting. And, Ginny?" He waited until she met his gaze. "You're in control, baby. Always. And the moment you want to stop, you say stop."

"Even if you're so h.o.r.n.y you think..." She stopped talking, and Adam didn't need to be a shrink to know she'd gone back to another time, and another man.

"Baby, I could be leaking pre-c.u.m all over the d.a.m.n place, and if you say stop, I will."

"What he just said." Jake reached out again and stroked her hair, just once. "That's a promise, and Kendalls always keep their promises."

Ginny looked down for a moment before lifting her head to meet their gazes in turn. On her face bloomed the sweetest smile he'd ever seen.

"All right. Maybe...if it's not too cool out tonight, we could spend some time alone, together out on the balcony. Benny's had a pretty full day. I reckon he'll be down for the count before nine, and he tends to sleep very soundly."

She didn't flinch from their stares, as if willing them to see her eagerness.

Did she think if she kept them to the deck they wouldn't be tempted to persuade her to take them inside her sweet body?

He looked at his brother. They both were thinking the same thing. Ginny's s.e.xual horizons were about to be expanded, dramatically.

Chapter 6.

The b.i.t.c.h has to be somewhere.

Deke scanned the sidewalk, left and right, as if the answer he sought was out there waiting for him to discover. He hated staying huddled in Jer's car. When he got his hands on Ginny, she was going to pay for making him behave like a f.u.c.king fugitive.

The driver's door opened, and Deke tensed, because he'd let his mind wander. But it was just Jerry, sliding in behind the steering wheel. "That f.u.c.king super of yours was no help at all. He said, 'Miss Rose didn't leave a forwarding address,' all snooty-like." Jerry started the car, let it idle and turned to face him. "I've got a pretty good bulls.h.i.+t detector on me. p.r.i.c.k wasn't lying. He really doesn't know where your woman went. Now where do you want to look? How about her girlfriends? These b.i.t.c.hes always have their little girlfriends they like to cling to. Gossip is as necessary as breathing to them."

"Yeah, you're right. But Ginny was different. She didn't have any close girlfriends." It was one of the things about her he'd liked best. No close girlfriends meant no one could tell her she shouldn't let him treat her the way he f.u.c.king well wanted to treat her. No close friends meant she was one lonely little honey just waiting for someone to pay attention to her.

d.a.m.n it to h.e.l.l, he'd almost had Ginny Rose completely under his control. Didn't she go to work every d.a.m.n day and hand over her pay at the end of the week like a good little slave?

He knew Jerry was waiting for him to come up with a bright idea. Deke focused hard, recalling the months he'd been with Ginny. She'd spent so much of her time and energy on that sniveling b.a.s.t.a.r.d of hers. He should have worked at separating them a lot sooner. h.e.l.l, every day when she came home from work, first thing she did was head for that kid. Work. Yeah, she still has to work, doesn't she? And even if she's not at the coffee shop anymore, she would have had someone call for a reference, wouldn't she? "We could try the coffee shop where she worked. Let's go there. It's over on-"

"I remember where it is. You took me there once, remember?"

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Love Under Two Kendalls Part 5 summary

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