Sleeping With The Frenemy Part 9

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Bridgette gave her hand a squeeze. "Don't worry. I'll make sure you don't embarra.s.s yourself."

Deborah nodded, knowing Bridgette would be by her side the entire time to make sure she didn't fumble.

The bathroom wall was cool against her back. Deborah closed her eyes and gulped in air. She'd almost ruined everything and panicked. Bridgette had introduced her to both her father and uncle, where she proceeded to tell them what an incredible graphic artist she was, even without seeing any of her supposed amazing work.

"s.h.i.+t. Why didn't I think of some other profession?" Deborah moaned and covered her face. She came up with the first thing that had come to her mind and wanted to impress Bridgette, who was an artist herself. And now Deborah was screwed. She'd never thought word would spread and people would want to hire her to create their web pages, including updating the sites of both the police and mayor's office.

Her head throbbed painfully and she turned to lean over the sink, closing her mouth to stop from vomiting. Everything had been going so well! She really enjoyed meeting Bridgette's brother, Bryan, and even her parents who, although they seemed overly interested in Bridgette's private life, were sweet and friendly people-much like their daughter.

Bridgette, the one Deborah wanted to kiss desperately and take to her bed-tasting her generous b.r.e.a.s.t.s, stomach, hips, and p.u.s.s.y lips that would- "Sharon? Are you feeling okay?"

Deborah turned upon hearing Bridgette saying her name and feeling a warm palm on her back. She shook her head as she leaned back against the sink, facing a worried-looking Bridgette.

"I think I had one too many beers," Deborah said lamely and fanned her face. She scanned the room, glad no one else had come upon her.

Bridgette tore away some paper towels from the wall and wet them under the sink. "I grew concerned when you suddenly said you had to use the bathroom and rushed away. You were gone for such a long time. Here, sit down and rest for a moment." She pulled Deborah by her arm and sat her in a wooden patio chair, pressing her head down and placing the cool, wet towel over the back of her neck.

"What if someone comes inside?" Deborah asked into her lap. Bridgette kept her one hand over the towel while her other petted her hair.

"So what if someone comes in? Everyone else is getting settled in to watch the fireworks."

"Shoot. We never got to dance like you wanted," Deborah lamented and lifted her head back up. Her face was in line with the edge of Bridgette's chest. What if she leaned forward and laid her head there as Bridgette continued playing with her hair?

"Don't worry about it. I'll take a rain check," Bridgette replied in a soft voice and her other hand came around, making circles along the sides of Deborah's head.

Deborah moaned. Her eyes flickered as Bridgette ma.s.saged her crown. "I'm sorry for freaking out back there. Sometimes I have panic attacks and don't do well in crowds," she explained, hoping Bridgette believed her lie.

"Stop apologizing. I know you're...shy and not comfortable with people. No one remarked on you leaving. I only noticed you were upset because I care for you."

Care for me? Deborah's eyes went wide as she stared up at Bridgette's face. "You've only known me for a few days. How can you care for me already? It's too soon..." Her voice drifted away as Bridgette's face came in closer to hers.

"I don't know why, but I do. And just so you know, I don't care for you only as my new friend."

When Bridgette dropped her mouth over hers, she froze. Bridgette didn't move her lips or try to slip her tongue into her mouth. She waited for both, and when Bridgette finally opened her mouth, Deborah moved her hands up until they were covering Bridgette's arms. When Deborah sucked down on Bridgette's bottom lip, Bridgette's tongue came out and swiped across the edge of her mouth.

"Bridge," Deborah whispered and dug her chewed-down nails into Bridgette's arms. She tasted the slight sugar coating Bridgette's mouth from the cotton candy she had eaten earlier.

"Hmm," Bridgette replied and continued playing with her hair as her tongue swept over Deborah's.

Deborah sat back as Bridgette's palm rested on her cheek. She shuddered and kissed Bridgette harder. As her mouth opened again to welcome more of Bridgette's tongue, Bridgette moved away and rubbed her thumb over Deborah's mole.

"That was very nice, Sharon." Bridgette bit down lightly on Deborah's lip, and with one last peck, stepped back.

Deborah blinked and flexed her hands that had found their way over Bridgette's chest. She was cupping both b.r.e.a.s.t.s and palming her aroused nipples. She dropped her hands in her lap and exhaled deeply as Bridgette pulled on her earlobe.

"Feeling better?" Bridgette asked.

The door swung open and a group of chatty teen girls came rus.h.i.+ng in.

Deborah stood, and almost fell back in the chair from her dizziness. Bridgette wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled away the damp towel resting on her shoulders. Deborah let Bridgette take her out of the bathroom.

When they got outside, Deborah found she could breathe easier. With Bridgette's arm still around her, they walked over to a bench. As Bridgette sat down, Deborah did the same, and when Bridgette rested her arm around her shoulders, Deborah placed the side of her head against Bridgette's.

Deborah closed her eyes as Bridgette lightly played with the nape of her neck where her hair didn't touch. She would've loved Bridgette to run her fingers through her once long locks, but that would never be. Just as anything long term between them would never work.

She still had to mourn the death of her other relations.h.i.+p first. Shouldn't she?

"You're thinking too hard," Bridgette said and gave Deborah a kiss on her cheek.

"My Mom used to say that to me when I was a kid. I tend to go over things in my head to the point where I can't think of anything else."

"Like the kiss we shared in the bathroom just now?" Bridgette dropped her hand on Deborah's lap and gently poked the ridges of her knuckles.

"That, among a few other things," Deborah said and jumped when a loud boom went off somewhere behind them.

"It looks like they're getting ready for the fireworks. Do you want to go find my parents and sit with them?" Bridgette asked and clasped her hand around Deborah's limp ones.

Deborah linked her fingers with Bridgette's and looked at all the people in the distance sitting in lawn chairs or on blankets as they listened to the band still playing. "I think I'd rather go home. I'm not up for being around a lot of people right now."

Bridgette gave her an understanding nod and stood, still holding her hand. "The fireworks aren't set to go off for another half-hour, around nine thirty. We can see them perfectly from my backyard. Why don't we go back and watch them from there? That is, if you're not too tired or don't want to be around me."

Deborah stood up from the bench upon hearing the hurt tone in Bridgett's voice. She dropped her hands on Bridgette's shoulders. "Now who's the one worrying? I don't want the night to end. I don't want to be here, but do want to be with you."

When Bridgette gave her a sunny smile, Deborah grabbed her hand in hers again and started walking back home.

"Rotquel, heel!" Bridgette ordered her excited dog as she rested her paws on Deborah's legs in welcome. Deborah patted Rotquel and gave her a loose hug. Finally, when Rotquel seemed pleased, she backed away and walked over to her doggy bed, where she started chewing on a ratty knotted rope.

"Want something to drink?" Bridgette asked as she rubbed her hand down Deborah's arm.

"I'd love some of your homemade lemonade," Deborah said.

"Two lemonades coming right up." Bridgette tugged on a piece Deborah's hair and went into the kitchen.

Deborah watched the way Bridgette's a.s.s looked in her denim skirt as she walked away. When Bridgette was out of sight, she crossed her arms over her chest as she took in the room. A few loud booms went off outside and she flinched, shaking her head at her skittishness.

"Look at this music collection." Deborah whistled through her teeth as she went over to the tall bookcase filled with CDs. Tilting her head to the side, she inspecting the cases, surprised to see most of the music was from the seventies and eighties.

"What type of music do you listen to?" Bridgette asked as she came up beside her and handed her a gla.s.s.

Deborah took a sip and took out a CD case to look over the songs from a band she never heard of. "I used to listen to Top 40 music and some pop country."

"You used to? You don't anymore?" Bridgette asked as she looked over the rim of her gla.s.s at her in skepticism.

"The people I was recently friends with had more selective tastes, like opera and cla.s.sical music," Deborah said, hoping Bridgette would change the topic.

"Seriously? I don't think I know anyone who listens to that type of music." Bridgette made a face and s.h.i.+vered.

Deborah snorted. "I feel exactly the way you do." She looked back down at the case she held. "The Bay City Rollers?" She snuck a peek at Bridgette, who watched her closely.

"You have to know the Bay City Rollers! They're my favorite band from the seventies. Their biggest hit, Night, is such a fun song to sing and dance to."

Deborah shrugged. "Sorry, never heard of them. Or the song."

Bridgette took the case from her and turned on the stereo, sliding the disk in. "You're going to be in for a real treat, then." She fiddled with a few b.u.t.tons and soon peppy rocklike music came on.

Bridgette swayed to the music and snapped her fingers as the phrase " night" kept repeating. "Gonna keep on dancin' to the rock and roll. On night. Dancin' to the rhythm in our heart and soul. On night. I just can't wait, I got a date."

Bridgette's off-tune singing made Deborah hug her waist and giggle as Bridgette twirled around the room. Rotquel lifted her head from her dozing, yawning widely, then lying back down, as if this was an everyday occurrence and nothing spectacular.

Deborah sat on the arm of the couch and tapped her fingers on her knee along with the beat as Bridgette sang. If she was brave enough, she'd join Bridgette, perhaps wrap her arms around her close.

Bridgette made the decision for her when she came over with her arms extended and grabbed her. "Come, join me."

"I can't dance," Deborah said over the music as Bridgette moved around her in circles.

"Come on! Let yourself go!" Bridgette practically yelled and reached for her hand.

Deborah gave in and soon she swayed with Bridgette, singing the chorus of "It's night."

"I'm going to get dizzy," Deborah said as Bridgette twirled her around in a circle.

Bridgette laughed, and they turned around the room until Deborah backed into a wide burgundy chaise longue, her arms flaying out as she tripped. Her a.s.s landed on the chaise and she lay back as Bridgette fell on top of her.

She lost control and began laughing to the point where her sides ached. Bridgette joined in with her as the song faded and silence filled the room.

"That was great fun," Deborah said through her t.i.tters and placed her hands on the top of Bridgette's back. She bit her lip when Bridgette rubbed against her and her legs opened on their own.

"Wasn't it?" Bridgette pulled back the hair falling around her face and when she lifted up on her hands, her nose b.u.mped Deborah's chin.

Deborah tried to catch her breath, but it was a lost cause as Bridgette traced her finger across her cheek and mouth. She s.h.i.+vered and gulped when her nipples tightened and her p.u.s.s.y dampened.

"Are you cold?" Bridgette asked as she dropped soft kisses across Deborah's face.

"No-no...your touch makes me..."

"Want you like I want you?" Bridgette asked softly and pressed her mouth against hers.

Deborah gasped and grabbed hold of Bridgette by her head, loving how her springy curls wrapped around her fingers. She couldn't wait to find if they were just as curly over her c.u.n.t that she longed to lick and suck as Bridgette was doing to her mouth.

Her head tipped back as Bridgette mouth left hers and kissed along her collarbone and lower-tugging down the straps of her dress and peppering kisses across her shoulder. Deborah arched up as Bridgette pushed her knee between her legs and dug into her p.u.s.s.y. She sighed, wanting Bridgette's mouth on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"What do you want, honey?" Bridgette asked as her hand went under her dress and cupped her between her legs.

"Oh!" Deborah squeaked and rolled her head to the side. Whimpers escaped her mouth as Bridgette caressed her through her wet panties.

"Your mouth on my b.r.e.a.s.t.s."

"You got it," Bridgette replied in a throaty whisper and her hand curved around Deborah's bodice. Deborah removed her hands from Bridgette's head and wiggled as the top of her dress loosened.

The cool air from the vent overhead met her heated flesh and her nipples became even more pointed.

"Wow, Sharon, you have amazing-looking t.i.ts," Bridgette said in longing and circled one.

"My nipples are too large and always aroused." Deborah swallowed, tears forming in her eyes from the pleasure Bridgette gave her.

A moan left Bridgette's mouth and her tongue came out and lapped over Deborah's left nipple. Deborah couldn't turn away as Bridgette licked her.

"I want you to come hard for me," Bridgette said and swallowed her nipple whole as her fingers reached inside her panties and lightly scratched her p.u.s.s.y.

"Yes. Me too." Deborah sobbed as Bridgette sucked down hard, her teeth biting once, making a trickle of her desire cover Bridgette's fingers.

"I want some of that." Bridgette released her nipple and gave Deborah a deep, wet kiss, only to move down and lift up the hem of her skirt.

Deborah plucked her nipples with her fingers and tilted her head back as Bridgette removed her panties. Bridgette's bouncy curls brushed the inside of her legs. When a tongue came out and licked a line from the inside of her knee to the edge of her p.u.s.s.y, she yelped.

"Oh Bridge, eat me now," Deborah lifted her leg to land on Bridgette's shoulder. She hooked her ankle around to pull her in.

"That's it...let go, my special girl..." Bridgette whispered and latched her mouth over her core.

Deborah's whole body stiffened upon hearing Bridgette speak. Her inner muscles clenched around the tongue and fingers that had given her such pleasure a moment ago now frightened her.

Yes, that's it, my special girl. My bad girl needs to be punished...

Genevieve's voice echoed in her ears and she sat up as Bridgette's finger moved in between her a.s.s and near her rosette.

"No!" Deborah screamed and scrambled off the chaise, hitting Bridgette in the side of the head. She fell off to the side and crawled back; the loud sounds of barking and a woman's voice calling her name all became one.

"Don't touch me. Leave me alone," Deborah sobbed and covered her head with her arms.

All Deborah heard was her panting in her ears. Then a second later, loud booms came from somewhere outside and she cried out. On trembling legs she climbed to her feet and backed away.

"Sharon, dear, calm down." Bridgette took a step toward her.

"Don't call me that!" Deborah snarled and pulled hard on her own hair, wanting to feel the pain to drown out the aching in between her legs and chest.

"You're scaring me. Did I hurt you?" Bridgette asked carefully and held out an arm as Rotquel made her way over to her side.

"Yes, you did. You-you tried to rape me." Deborah shook her head and wiped the tears away from her face. She was cold and scared by what Bridgette wanted to do to her. She'd touch her like Genevieve did, invading that part of her body with her fingers, mouth, and some sort of instrument that always made her feel dirty afterward.

Bridgette's face went pale and she looked stunned. "I-I would never-"

"Yes, you would. She did! Gen never cared what I wanted and when I told her no, she'd laugh and tie me up and used-" Deborah cut herself off and covered her mouth. She shook her head again and turned, grabbing her bag and running over to the front door and out the house as Bridgette yelled out her name.

Deborah never looked back, and with shaking hands she unlocked the door to her house. As soon as she went in, she engaged the locks and ran upstairs. She hit the upper landing and went right into the bathroom, slamming the door.

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Sleeping With The Frenemy Part 9 summary

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