See Jane Die Part 43

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address. Could you get it for me?"

"Lisette's?" Her s.h.i.+ft of subject had surprised him. "Now?"

"Yes. Thanks."

He turned, crossed to the computer and called up the address book. He looked over his shoulder at her.

"If you need me to send her another invitation-"

"I don't. Lisette was a patient of Ian's. I want to talk to her before the police do."

He looked alarmed. "What you're doing is dangerous, Jane. It could blow up in your face. You don't

need that right now."

"I've made up my mind. That address, please."

"Are you going to talk to all his patients? What will it prove? What if one of them-" He bit the thought

back. "Never mind. You're a grown-up, do what you want."

He turned back to the computer, scribbled the address on a Post-it, then held it out to her.

"What if they what?" she asked, taking the Post-it.

"What if one of them tells you something you don't want to hear?"

The words rocked her. She hadn't really considered that option. What would she do?

He touched her cheek, his finger a whisper against her skin. "You're not that strong, Jane. I know you're


"You're wrong." She jerked away from him, angry. "You don't know me at all."

"Go then," he said shortly. "Have a ball."

She made a sound of regret. "I'm sorry, Ted. I shouldn't have said that." She paused. "But I have to do



"Will you be here when I get back?"

He looked at her then, emotion akin to anger s.h.i.+ning from his eyes. "You really don't know me, do you?"

She opened her mouth to apologize again, thought better of it, turned and left the studio.

The day was bright but cool. She slipped into her jacket and walked up the block to her vehicle. Jane

knew where Ian's ex lived because it was the home the couple had shared when the two were married. It was located in University Park, home to prestigious Southern Methodist University and bordered on the south by equally prestigious Highland Park.

Jane found Mona's street, Bryn Mawr, then the house number. She parked in front of the Mediterranean-style home and climbed out. The landscaping was lush, the fall azaleas, autumn crocuses and fire bushes were all in bloom, their colors a visual feast.

Ignoring the b.u.t.terflies in her stomach, Jane rang the front bell.

A middle-aged woman wearing a crisp black uniform answered the door. With a heavy Spanish accent, she invited Jane into the foyer and asked her to wait.

Several minutes later, Mona appeared. She wore a pair of tight white slacks and a black, V-neck

sweater. Diamonds sparkled at her ears and throat.

Jane had forgotten how beautiful the woman was.

"h.e.l.lo, Mona," she said.

The woman smiled, the curve of her lips practiced rather than warm. "Why, if it isn't Ian's new Mrs. How

can I help you?"

"Not me. Ian."

"He is in a bit of a jam, isn't he? Poor baby." She motioned the parlor to the right of the foyer. "Come in."

Jane followed her. The room was richly feminine, slightly understated. They sat across from each other.

As soon as they had, the woman who had answered the door appeared. "Can I get you anything,


"I don't think so, Connie." Mona waved her off without, Jane noticed, thanking her. She returned her attention to Jane. "How can I help Ian?" she asked.

"He didn't murder those women. I know he didn't. I was hoping you would agree with me."

"And what? Vouch for him in court? As a character witness?"

"If our attorney agrees, yes."

"The police beat you to it, doll."

Jane's stomach fell. "They've been here?"

"Days ago, actually."

"What did they ask you?"

The woman smiled again and crossed her legs. Jane noticed how long they were. The kind of legs that

won beauty pageants.

"If Ian had been faithful to me. Or if know, hadn't been."

Jane's mouth went dry. She thought of Ted's question: What if one of them tells you something you don't

want to hear?

Mona leaned forward, angelic smile in place. "You know, I always thought that d.i.c.k of his would get him in trouble. It looks like it has."

Jane made a sound of shock. Mona went on, voice as sweet and smooth as fresh honey.

"At best, the man's a womanizer. At worst, a s.e.x addict. He cheated on me and every other woman he's

ever been with. But you knew that when you married-"

An expression of pity came over her beautiful face. "Oh, I see. You didn't. You thought he would be

faithful to you. That he was faithful to you." Mona shook her head, her blond hair brus.h.i.+ng her shoulders with the movement. "That man doesn't know the meaning of the word. His d.i.c.k is his life."

"You're lying."

Mona made a sound of sympathy. "It doesn't mean he doesn't love you, sweetie. Just that he has needs

you can't take care of."

"It's not true." Jane stood and took a step backward, hating the telltale quiver in her voice. "You're a liar."

Mona stood. She held out a perfectly manicured hand. "I am sorry. Believe me, I know how you feel. He

did it to me, too."

Tears choked her. Turning on her heel, Jane started toward the door. Mona caught her before she reached it. She gripped her arm tightly.

"After that night we ran into each other at the museum, Ian called. Asked me if I wanted to get together.

You know, to f.u.c.k. For old time's sake. I told him to go to h.e.l.l. Looks like he followed my advice."

She laughed then and Jane saw the woman Ian had described. The ugliness that bordered on evil.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way," she continued. "I know it hurts. I remember. He married me for

my money, too. Though from what I hear, you have lots more of it than I did."

Jane yanked her arm free. She grabbed the door handle, then stumbled out into the suns.h.i.+ne. Blinded by tears, she all but ran down the front steps. "For what it's worth," Mona called after her, "I don't think he killed those women. That's what I told the police, too."

Jane managed to make it home without falling apart. As soon as she reached the safety of her downstairs foyer and the door locked behind her, she dissolved into tears.

That's how Ted found her. He rushed to her side. "Jane? My G.o.d, what's happened? Are you all right?"

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See Jane Die Part 43 summary

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