Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 125

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=seguro, -a=, secure, free from danger, easy, a.s.sumed, confident; firm; =estar ---- de=, to be sure of, to depend upon a thing; _m._, insurance; =poliza de ----=, insurance policy; =---- sobre la vida=, life insurance; =---- contra incendios=, fire insurance; =---- contra accidentes=, accident insurance.

=seleccionar=, to select, to choose.

=selva=, _f._, forest.

=selvatico, -a=, _from_ =selva=; pertaining to a forest.

=sello=, _m._, seal; =---- de correo=, postage stamp.

=sembrado=, _m._, ground sown with grain.

=sembradora=, _f._, seeder, a machine for sowing seeds.

=sencillo, -a=, plain, single; =linea ----=, one-track line.

=sendero=, _m._, path, footpath.

=seno=, _m._, bosom, breast; security, support, asylum, refuge.

=sentar=, to plant a blow.

=senalado, -a=, famous, celebrated, distinguished.

=senorona=, _f._ (_Coll._), great lady.

=sequia=, _f._, dryness, drought.

=sequito=, _m._, retinue, suite.

=sereno=, _m._, night policeman _or_ watchman.

=serio=, solemn, serious; rude, cold.

=servicio=, _m._, servants taken collectively; =entrada para el ----=, delivery entrance.

=servidor=, _m._, servant, waiter.

=servidumbre=, _f._, servitude, slavery; servants of a house.

=serrano=, _m._, mountaineer, highlander.

=sesos=, _m. pl._, brain.

=si=, yes; =---- por cierto=, certainly; =por= =---- o por no=, by chance; =un ---- es no es=, something.

=si=, himself, herself, itself, yourself, one's self, themselves, yourselves; =de por ----=, apart, separated.

=si=, if, whether; =---- acaso=, by chance; =---- bien=, although.

=siembra=, _f._, seedtime, planting time.

=sierra=, _f._, the mountain region in some of the Spanish American countries.

=siesta=, _f._, the hottest part of the day; a noonday nap.

=siga=, _from_ =seguir=.

=silbido=, _m._, whistling.

=silenciar=, to impose silence.

=silla de hamaca=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), rocking-chair.

=sillon=, _m._, a large armchair.

=sima=, _f._, abyss, gulf.

=simon=, _m._, name applied to cabs and cab drivers.

=simpatico, -a=, attractive, lovable, showing a fellow-feeling; sympathetic.

=simple=, simple, single, plain; mere.

=sin=, without; =---- que ni para que=, without cause; =---- embargo=, notwithstanding, however.

=sincera.r.s.e=, _refl._, to excuse, vindicate or justify one's self.

=siniestro, -a=, left (_as opposed to right_).

=sinnumero=, innumerable.

=sino=, but; =no ... ----=, only.

=siquiera=, at least, though, although, or; scarcely; otherwise.

=sitio=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), farm, lot, location.

=sobra, de ----=, over and above; superfluously.

=sobradamente=, abundantly, excessively.

=sobrar=, over and above, to be more than enough.

=sobre=, on, upon, over; above; besides; _m._, envelope.

=sobrentendido=, _m._, what is understood though not expressed.

=sobrepujar=, to excel, to surpa.s.s, to exceed.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 125 summary

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