Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 126

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=sobresalir=, to exceed in height, to overtop, to surpa.s.s.

=sobresaltado, -a=, startled, scared, terrified.

=sobresaltar=, to terrify, to frighten, to startle.

=sobreviviente=, _m._, survivor.

=socorro!= Help!

=solar=, _m._, city lot.

=soltar=, to yield, to give up, to render; to release, to set free.

=solteron, -ona=, old bachelor; old maid.

=sollozante=, sobbing.

=sollozar=, to sob.

=somero, -a=, superficial, shallow.

=someter=, to be subject to, to submit.

=sopanda=, _f._, brace, one of the leather thongs which support the body of a coach.

=soplo=, _m._, advice given secretly; suggestion, reminiscence; gentle breeze.

=sopor=, _m._, drowsiness, sleepiness.

=soportar=, to withstand, to bear.

=sortija=, _f._, a finger-ring; =corrida de ----=, a game on horseback in which each player tries to secure on his lance the greatest number of metal rings (suspended from a bar) as he rides by at full speed.

=soslayar= (_Sp. A._), to move obliquely aside.

=soslayo, de ----=, sideways.

=sostener=, to maintain, to support; to affirm.

=sostenido, -a=, sustained, maintained, supported.

=sota=, under; =---- cochero=, under coachman; _f._, jack, knave; deputy; a subordinate worker.

=sotreta=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), an old or vicious horse; an idle, good-for-nothing person.

=suave=, smooth; soft; delicate, mellow.

=suaza=, _m._, grade of Panama hat.

=suba=, _f._, rise; lift.

=subasta=, _f._, auction.

=subito=, sudden.

=subsistir=, to exist; to live.

=subterraneo=, _m._, subway; underground; cellar.

=sucedaneo, -a=, applied to an object or substance which can be subst.i.tuted for another.

=sucio, -a=, dirty, nasty, filthy.

=sucursal=, _f._, branch; agency.

=sueldo=, _m._, wages, salary.

=suerte=, _f._, chance, lot, luck; fate; kind, sort, species; manner, mode, way.

=sugerente=, suggesting.

=suizo, -a=, Swiss.

=sujetar=, to subdue, to reduce to submission; to fasten.

=sujeto, -a=, subdued; fastened.

=supeditado, -a=, oppressed, overpowered.

=supeditar=, to subdue, to control; to oppress.

=superar=, to surpa.s.s, to excel.

=superlirismo=, _m._, _see_ =lirico=.

=superponer=, to superimpose; to put over.

=surcar=, to surge, to pa.s.s through a liquid; to plow, to furrow.

=surgir=, to come forth, to appear, to rise.

=surtido=, _m._, a.s.sortment, stock.

=surtidor=, _m._, jet of water; hydrant, tap.

=surtirse=, to supply one's self.

=surubi=, _m._, a species of fish.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 126 summary

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