Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 128

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=tequiche=, _m._, a very popular sweet in the Spanish West Indies.

=tererere=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), an infusion of _yerba mate_ in cold water.

=terneza=, _f._, tenderness, softness, affection.

=tero=, _m._, _see_ =terutero=.

=terrestre=, relating to land, terrestrial.

=terriblez=, _f._, terribleness; asperity, cruelty.

=terruno=, _m._, piece of ground; (_Coll._) one's native land.

=tertulia=, _f._, circle of friends, coterie, set; seat in a theater.

=terutero=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a river bird whose cry resembles its name.

=tesoreria=, _f._, treasury, exchequer, treasurer's office.

=testarudo, -a=, obstinate, stubborn.

=testigo=, _m. and f._, witness.

=tetrico, -a=, gloomy, sullen.

=tez=, _f._, skin.

=tibio, -a=, lukewarm, tepid.

=tiempo=, _m._, time; =en un ----=, once upon a time.

=tierra=, _f._, land, the earth; =---- caliente= (_in tropical Sp. A._), lowlands; =---- adentro=, inland.

=tijeras=, _f. pl._, scissors; =---- de rizar=, curling irons or tongs.

=timbre=, _m._, seal, bell provided with a spring; tone-color of the voice or instruments; crest of a coat of arms; _hence_, any glorious deed or achievement.

=tina=, _f._, bathtub.

=tinaja=, _f._, a large earthen jar.

=tino=, _m._, skill, knack, dexterity; common sense.

=tintoreria=, _f._, dye shop, dyer's.

=tiple=, _m._, treble, the highest musical register of instruments or voices; a musical instrument.

=tirar=, to throw; to tend toward, to approach.

=tiritar=, to s.h.i.+ver, to shake.

=tiro=, _m._, a span of coach horses or mules; (_Sp. A._) a shot.

=tiron=, _m._, =de un ----=, at a stroke.

=tironear=, to pull, to haul, to tug.

=tiroteo=, _m._, irregular discharge of firearms.

=tiste=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a beverage resembling chocolate made of corn, cocoa and sugar; also made with corn flour, _achiote_ and sugar.

=t.i.tilante=, sparkling, flas.h.i.+ng.

=t.i.tulo=, _m._, t.i.tle (_of a book_), deed (_of property_); _pl._, securities.

=tizon=, _m._, half burnt or charred wood.

=toca=, _f._, a hood, toque.

=tocador=, _m._, a lady's dressing table.

=tocante=, as to, in reference to.

=todo, -a=, all, every; all, everything; =---- el dia=, all day; =con ----eso=, notwithstanding, however; =en un ----=, together, in all its parts; =del ----=, entirely, quite; =sobre ----=,, specially; =---- el mundo=, everybody.

=toldo=, _m._, awning.

=toma-corriente=, _m._, plug, used in connecting and breaking an electric current.

=tonada=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), a popular tune or song; singsong inflection or accent.

=tonelada=, _f._, ton; =---- metrica=, one thousand kilograms.

=toneleria=, _f._, cooperage.

=tono=, _m._, deportment, manner; social category.

=toqueres=, _m. pl._ (_Sp. A._), sweet made from corn.

=toquilla=, _f._, the plant which produces the fiber from which Panama hats are made.

=torbellino=, _m._, whirlwind, cyclone.

=torcaz=, _f._, a species of wild pigeon.

=tormentoso, -a=, stormy.

=tornasolado, -a=, changing colors or hue.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 128 summary

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