Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 129

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=torneo=, _m._, tournament, contest.

=torno, en ---- de=, roundabout.

=toronja=, _f._, grape-fruit.

=torpe=, dull, stupid, rude.

=torrefaccion=, _f._, act of roasting.

=torta=, _f._, a round cake.

=tortilla=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), a baked cake made of grated corn.

=tortola=, _f._, turtle-dove.

=tostado, -a=, tanned; of a light-brown color.

=tostar=, to roast (_coffee beans_), to toast.

=totora=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), cat-tail, bulrush.

=tournee=, f. (_French_), trip; theatrical tour.

=tragar=, to swallow.

=trago=, _m._, draught of liquor, a swallow.

=tramway=, _m._, street-car tracks (_an Anglicism much used in Sp. A._).

=transcurrir=, to elapse, to pa.s.s (_time_).

=transeunte=, transient, temporary, changing from place to place; _m._, a pa.s.ser-by.

=transferir=, to transfer, to carry over, to s.h.i.+ft.

=transitable=, that which may be pa.s.sed; relating to transit.

=tranvia=, _m._, street-car.

=trapecio=, _m._, trapezium, trapeze.

=trapiche=, _m._, place where sugar-cane is crushed, sugar mill.

=traqueteo=, _m._, shaking, jolting.

=trasbordar=, to transs.h.i.+p.

=trasiego=, _m._, the decanting of liquors.

=trasijado, -a=, lank, meager; thin flanked.

=trasladar=, to move, to remove, to transport.

=trasquilar=, to shear sheep.

=trastornar=, to overthrow, to upset; to confuse.

=trata.r.s.e=, _refl._, to become acquainted, to have social intercourse.

=trato=, _m._, manner, address; dealing, intercourse; trade, traffic.

=travesia=, _f._, road, journey, voyage; (_Sp. A._) journey by land, especially over a desert.

=travesura=, _f._, practical joke, prank, mischief, trick.

=trazado=, _m._, plan of the railroad or street-car lines.

=trecho=, _m._, distance; gap.

=trenza.r.s.e=, _refl._, to grasp each other when fighting, to clinch.

=trepador, -a=, climbing.

=tribuna= _f._, stand, platform.

=tricromia=, _f._, three-color work, printing in three colors.

=trigal=, _m._, wheat-field.

=trillado, -a=, thrashed.

=trilladora=, _f._, thres.h.i.+ng machine.

=trillar=, to thrash (_Agri._).

=trinchera=, _f._, trench.

=tripa=, _f._, the inside part, filling; =---- de cigarro=, cigar filler.

=tripulacion=, _f._, crew.

=triste=, _m._, a gaucho folk-song.

=tristeza=, _f._, sadness.

=trocar=, to exchange; =----se los papeles=, to turn the tables, to exchange roles.

=trova=, _f._, verse, ballad, metrical composition.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 129 summary

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