Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 7

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[51] =doc.u.mentos=, _commercial paper_. RELATED WORDS: =Pagare=, _promissory note_; =efectos en cartera=, _securities in hand_; =endoso=, _indors.e.m.e.nt_; =protesto=, _protest of a draft_; =giro=, _draft_; =libranza=, _bill of exchange_; =libramiento=, _warrant_; =carta orden=, _an order by letter_; =carta de credito=, _letter of credit_; =vencimiento=, _maturity_ (_of a note, balance, or account_); _carta de pago_, =receipt=; =cheque=; =al portador=, _drawn to bearer_; =a la orden=, _drawn to order_; =giro postal=, _money order_.

[52] =Supongo.= Note that in Spanish the subject p.r.o.noun is generally omitted.

[53] =comprar.= RELATED WORDS: =Compra=, _purchase_; =comprador=, _purchaser_; =gastar=, _to spend_; =ser parroquiano=, or =cliente=, or =consumidor=, _to be a customer_; =comprar al contado=, _to buy for cash_; =comprar a plazo=, _to buy on time_.

[54] =alimento y vestido.= Note the omission of the article.

[55] =toda persona civilizada=, _every civilized person_. See I, 173.

[56] Note the position of the adjective.

[57] =para.= VARIANTS: =A fin de=; =con el proposito de=.

[58] =objeto de venta=, _commercial article_.

[59] =personal=, _personnel_. RELATED WORDS: =Dueno=, _owner_; =socio, _senior member of the firm_; =patron=, "_boss_"; =gerente=, _manager_; =capataz=, _foreman_; =dependiente= or =vendedor=, _salesman_; =vendedora=, _shop girl_; _clerk_; =mancebo=, _shop boy_; =vigilante=, _inspector_ or _floor walker_; =mandadero=, _errand boy_.

[60] Note the agreement of =persona= and =dueno=.

[61] =que no es raro=, _which is not unusual_. VARIANTS: =Que es frecuente=; =que se halla= (or =encuentra=) =a menudo=.

[62] =de primer orden=. See 46. VARIANTS: =De primera clase=; =de primera calidad=; =de importancia=; =princ.i.p.ales=; =mayores=; =mas grandes=.

[63] =de poca monta=, _of little importance_. VARIANTS: =De escasa importancia=; =de poco mas o menos=; =de menor importancia=.

[64] =precio=, _price_. RELATED WORDS: =Costo=, _cost_; =valor=, _value_; =precio de costo=, =fijo=, =modico=, =reducido=, =al por mayor=, =al por menor=, =neto=, =de lista=, =corriente=, =en el mercado=, =de plaza= (or =en plaza=), =maximo=, =minimo=, =ultimo=, =valor nominal=, =valor efectivo=.

[65] =el precio fijo es la.= Note the agreement here.

[66] =El que va a comprar=, _He who is going to buy_.

[67] =cuestan=: from _costar_, _to be worth_. RELATED WORDS: =Costo=; =lista de precios=; =cotizaciones=, _quotations_; =cotizar a=, _to quote at_; =importar=, or =hacer un total de=, _making a total of_.

[68] =caro=, _costly_, _expensive_, _dear_. RELATED WORDS: =Alto precio=; =recargado=, _heavily charged_ (_too high a price_), _surcharged_; =exorbitante=; =subido=; =comprar con perdida=, =comprar con dano=, _to buy at a loss_; =no valer lo que cuesta=, _to be worth less than the cost_; =estar= (_el precio_) =por las nubes=, _a soaring price_ (literally, _in the clouds_); =costar un dineral=, _to cost a fortune_; =costar un ojo de la cara=, _to be impossibly high-priced_.

[69] =por lo que compra=. Compare with 9.

[70] =pasado de moda=, _gone out of fas.h.i.+on_. VARIANTS: =Que ya no se usan=; =que no se estilan=.

[71] =barato=, _cheap_. RELATED WORDS: =Precios economicos=; =a bajo precio=; =depreciado=; =rebajado=, _at a reduced price_; =economico=; =casi gratis=; =tirado=, _given away_; =al precio de costo=, _at cost price_; =al alcance de todos=, _within reach of all_; =articulos baratos=; =baratija=, =bagatela=, =chucheria=, _trifle_.

[72] =rebajando=: from _rebajar_, to reduce the price. RELATED WORDS: =Reducir=; =reduccion=; =rebaja=; =bajar el precio=; =abaratar=; =conceder descuento de tanto por ciento=; =liquidacion=; =liquidacion forzosa=, _a forced settlement_; =regatear=, _to haggle_.

[73] =mal ano=. See 46.

[74] =a bajisimo precio=. The suffix _-isimo_, added to certain adjectives, has the force of _muy_ with the positive form. VARIANTS: =A precio muy bajo=; =a muy bajo precio=.

[75] Note the use of the preterite.

[76] =percibir el importe=, _to collect the amount_. RELATED WORDS: =Pagar=; =pago=; =pago de una cuenta=; =hacer= (or =satisfacer=) =el pago=; =satisfacer una= =deuda=; =abonar= (or =pagar=) =a cuenta=, _to pay on account_; =abonar en oro=, =abonar en plata=, =en efectivo=, _to pay in gold_, _in silver_, _in currency_; =hacer efectivo el pago= (or =el cobro=), _to collect_ (or _to cash_); =hacer efectiva una letra=, _to cash a draft_.

[77] =cada uno=, _each one_.

[78] =El cajero o la cajera entrega.= Note the agreement here.

[79] =a su vez=, _in his_ (or _her_) _turn_. VARIANT: =Por su parte=.

[80] =recibo=, _receipt_. RELATED WORDS: =Resguardo=, _security for the performance of an agreement_; =talon=, _stub_; =comprobante=, _voucher_; =cargareme=, _voucher_.

[81] =tengan.= Note the subjunctive mood.

[82] =inspire.= Note the subjunctive mood.

[83] =cada cual=, _each one_. See 77.

[84] =abrirse un credito=, _open an account_.

[85] =se cargan en cuenta=, _are charged_; =cargan en cuenta=, _to charge_.

[86] =cada mes=, _every month_; _each month_.

[87] =Y si...?= _And in case...?_ VARIANT: =Y en caso que ... pague= (or =pagare=)=?=

[88] =paga=: from _pagar_. RELATED WORDS: =Deber=, _to owe_; =concursar=, _to secure an injunction upon the goods and chattels of an insolvent debtor_; =estar concursado=; =estar inhibido=; =reunir concurso de acreedores=; =suspender pagos=.

[89] =insolvente=, _one who is bankrupt or insolvent_. RELATED WORDS: =Quebrar=, _to fail_; =declara.r.s.e en quiebra=, or =en bancarrota=, _to be declared bankrupt_; =quiebra fraudulenta=; =ruina=; =pasivo=, _liabilities_; =no poder c.u.mplir compromisos=, _to be unable to meet one's obligations_; =caer en falta=.

[90] =abolida=: from _abolir_, to abolish. This verb is used only in the following forms: Gerund, past participle, present indicative [_abolimos_, _abolis_], imperfect, preterite, future, imperative subjunctive future, and subjunctive imperfect.

[91] =todos y cada uno=, _each and every one_.

[92] =Se envian las compras=, _to deliver goods_ (from the store to the buyers). RELATED WORDS: =Remitir a domicilio=; =envio= or =remesa=, _remittance_; =enviar por expreso=; =enviar por correo= (or =por encomienda postal=), _to send by mail or by parcels post_; =enviar por mandadero=; =carro del reparto=, _delivery wagon_.


_Nouns; Uses of =se= and =de= (continued)_

--Donde se compran los muebles?

--Pues[1] se compran, ya en las tiendas de departamentos, ya en casas especiales, llamadas mueblerias. Entre estas, no pocas[2] procuran traer parroquia y evitar la concurrencia de los competidores, vendiendo[3]

los muebles a plazos, sistema que esta en mucha boga.

--Y si Ud. necesita una pieza especial de mobiliario, verbigracia, una manija para una gaveta, un candado, clavos, tornillos, o herramientas de uso casero como un martillo, una lima, unas tenazas o alicates, donde los compra Ud.?[4]

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 7 summary

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