Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 82

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=arrojar=, to throw, to total, to sum up.

=arrojo=, _m._, a spurt of bravery.

=arrostrar=, to face.

=arruga=, _f._, a wrinkle.

=artificio=, _m._, artifice, ruse.

=asado=, _m._, roast (meat).

=asaltar=, to a.s.sault, to a.s.sail; to occur to one.

=asamblea=, _f._, a.s.sembly, meeting.

=ascensor=, _m._, elevator; =---- domestico=, dumbwaiter.

=ascua=, _f._, red-hot coal.

=aseado, -a=, clean, neat.

=asear=, to clean.

=asegurar=, to secure, to insure; to a.s.sure.

=aseguro=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), _see_ =seguro=.

=asentar=, to affirm, to a.s.sure, to set forth, to set as a basis.

=asentir=, to acquiesce, to a.s.sent.

=asi=, so, thus; ---- =como=, in the same way as; ---- =como= ----, any way; ---- =que=, so that; =como ----?= how so?

=asistencia=, _f_., attendance.

=asolar=, to devastate, to pillage.

=aspero, -a=, rough, rugged, harsh.

=astillero=, _m._, s.h.i.+pyard, navy-yard.

=asusta.r.s.e=, _refl._, to shy (_a horse_).

=atajar=, to stop, to intercept.

=atambor= (_Obs._), drum.

=atar=, to tie, to bind.

=atenacear=, to tear off with pincers.

=atender=, to attend.

=atenerse=, _refl._, to abide.

=aterciopelado, -a=, smooth, velvety.

=atesorar=, to h.o.a.rd, to save.

=atestado=, packed full.

=atestar=, to pack full.

=atezado, -a=, black.

=atiplado, -a=, sharp, acute, out of tune.

=atisbar=, to watch.

=atrapar=, to overtake, to catch.

=atraso=, _m._, backwardness.

=atrio=, _m._, the open s.p.a.ce before a church.

=at.u.r.dido, -a=, stupefied with a blow.

=at.u.r.dir=, to stupefy with a blow.

=aura=, _f._, gentle breeze (_Poetical_).

=aureo, -a=, golden, gilt.

=auto=, _m._, judicial decree or sentence.

=autoctono=, native to the country.

=avaluo=, _m._, appraisal, valuation.

=avanzado=, _m._, outpost, advance guard.

=avellano=, _m._, hazelnut tree.

=aventajado, -a=, surpa.s.sing the ordinary or common.

=aventajar=, to surpa.s.s.

=aventar=, to move the air, to toss in the wind, to winnow grain.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 82 summary

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