Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 83

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=avergonza.r.s.e=, _refl._, to be ashamed.

=averiado, -a=, damaged.

=averiar=, to damage.

=averiguar=, to verify, to inquire into.

=avestruz=, _m._, ostrich.

=avezado, -a=, accustomed.

=avistar=, to descry at a distance.

=avivar=, to quicken, to enliven.

=avizor, -a=, watchful.

=avo=, _m._, termination of words indicating the denomination of fractions.

=ayuda=, help; =---- propia=, self-help.

=azabache=, _m._, jet.

=azahar=, _m._, blossom of the orange or lemon tree.

=azogado, -a=, agitated, surprised, dumfounded.

=azogar=, to coat with quicksilver; to agitate; to bewilder, to amaze.

=azotea=, _f._, flat roof of a house.

=azucar=, _f._, sugar; =---- de l.u.s.tre=, fine powdered sugar; =---- mascabada=, unclarified sugar; =---- morena= _or_ =terciada=, brown sugar; =---- negra= _or_ =prieta=, coa.r.s.e brown sugar; =---- piedra= _or_ =cande=, crystallized sugar; =---- parda=, clayed sugar.

=azufre=, _m._, sulphur.

=azulejo=, _m._, glazed tile.

=bagaje=, _m._, baggage; beast of burden.

=baja=, _f._, fall in price.

=bajio=, _m._, shoal, sand-bank, shallow _or_ flat.

=bajito, -a=, _dim. of_ =bajo=. =bajo=, low, short (referring to stature).

=balandra=, _f._, small one-masted vessel.

=balanza=, _f._, scale, balance.

=balazo=, _m._, shot; also, the wound from a shot.

=balcon=, _m._, balcony.

=baldio, -a=, untilled, uncultivated, vacant (land).

=baldosa=, _f._, square tile.

=bambuco=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a popular dance in Colombia.

=bancario, -a=, pertaining to banks and banking.

=bandada=, _f._, flock.

=banderola=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), fanlight, transom.

=bando=, _m._, edict _or_ law solemnly published by superior authority.

=bandola=, _f._, a small musical instrument resembling a tambourine.

=banqueta=, _f._, footstool, seat.

=banado=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), also =banadero=, water-hole, swamp.

=bano=, _m._, bath; =---- maria=, steam cooker, double boiler.

=barajar=, to shuffle cards; to catch on the wing.

=baratillero=, _m._, peddler.

=barbudo, -a=, bearded, having a long beard.

=barca=, _f._, boat; =---- de pesca=, fis.h.i.+ng boat.

=barco=, _m._, boat (_this word applies to all kinds of floating craft_); =---- de vapor=, steamer.

=bardo=, _m._, bard.

=barquero=, _m._, boatman.

=barra=, _f._, bar, reef, _or_ sand-bank at the mouth of a harbor; =---- de fango=, mud-bank.

=barranca=, _f._, ravine, precipice, cliff.

=barrio=, _m._, city ward _or_ district.

=barro=, _m._, clay; =loza de ----=, earthenware., -a=, spurious, illegitimate.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 83 summary

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