Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 90

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=concurrencia=, _f._, compet.i.tion (in business); attendance; audience.

=concurrente=, _m._, attendant; compet.i.tor.

=concurrir=, to concur, to contribute, to coincide.

=conferencia=, _f._, lecture.

=confiar=, to trust in, to depend upon, to hope.

=confinado, -a=, confined, imprisoned; =aire ----=, foul air.

=confinar=, to confine _or_ shut in.

=confite=, _m._, candy, _pl._ goodies.

=confiteria=, _f._, candy-store.

=confuso, -a=, obscure, confused, confounded.

=congelacion=, _f._, freezing.

=congelado, -a=, frozen; =carne ----=, frozen meat.

=congelar=, to freeze, to congeal.

=congenere=, of like kind.

=congojoso, -a=, afflicting, causing grief.

=conmover=, to affect, to disturb, to move.

=conocimiento=, _m._, bill of lading.

=consagrar=, to consecrate, to hallow, to devote.

=conseja=, _f._, tradition, legend, fable.

=consejo=, _m._, counsel, advice; council.

=conserva=, _f._, preserve, jam; =pescado en ----=, pickled fish.

=conservar=, to keep, to preserve, to pickle.

=consignatario=, _m._, consignee.

=consola=, _f._, consol, side-table, shelf.

=constar=, to vouch for, to be sure of.

=contado, -a=, scarce, rare; =de ----=, instantly; =al ----=, for cash; =por de ----=, of course.

=contador=, _m._, auditor, accountant.

=contaduria=, _f._, accounting department, auditor's office.

=contaminado=, corrupted, polluted.

=contaminar=, to corrupt, to pollute.

=contar=, to count; to depend upon; to refer, to tell.

=contemplacion=, _f._, complaisance; meditation.

=contener=, to contain, to refrain, to repress.

=contiguo, -a=, close by, adjacent.

=continuo, -a=, constant; =de ----=, continually.

=contorno=, _m._, neighborhood.

=contrabando=, _m._, smuggling.

=contrahacer=, to imitate, to mimic, to counterfeit.

=contramaestre=, _m._, boatswain.

=contraponer=, to compare, to contrast, to oppose.

=contrapuesto, -a=, compared, contrasted, opposed.

=contratiempo=, _m._, disappointment, setback.

=contravencion=, _f._, violation of the law.

=controversion=, _f._, conversion, equivalence.

=conuco=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a very small piece of land, formerly given to slaves by their masters to cultivate for themselves.

=convenio=, _m._, pact, agreement.

=convenir=, to agree, to be of the same opinion; to fit, to suit, to be convenient.

=conversador=, _m._, he who is conversing. Commonly used as an adjective, meaning one who talks too much.

=conversion=, _f._, to change the currency from one kind of legal tender to another; =caja de ----=, conversion fund.

=convoy=, _m._, cruet stand.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 90 summary

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