Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 91

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=copa=, _f._, cup; =---- de arbol=, foliage of a tree; _pl._ the bosses of a bridle.

=copete=, _m._, crest, tuft, aigret.

=copihue=, _m._, a very rare vine found only in Chile.

=copioso, -a=, abundant.

=copo=, _m._, flake.

=coral=, _m._, choral.

=corcel=, _m._ (_Poet._), a horse.

=corcovo=, _m._, the action of a horse in bucking.

=corcho=, _m._, cork.

=cordon=, _m._, cord, string.

=corillo, -a=, diminutive of coro.

=coro=, _m._, choir.

=corona=, _f._, wreath; part of a sugar-mill.

=coronar=, to reach the goal, to crown an effort with success.

=corral=, _m._, corral, barn _or_ poultry-yard.

=corralon=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a large corral; timber-yard.

=correa=, _f._, leather strap.

=corredor=, _m._, corridor, gallery; =---- de bolsa=, stockbroker.

=correr=, to run; =---- con=, to take charge of.

=corretaje=, _m._, brokerage.

=corrida=, _f._, race, course; =---- de la sortija=, ring race; =---- de toros=, bullfight.

=corriente=, common, ordinary.

=corrillo=, _m._, a circle, a set (of persons).

=cortapisa=, _f._, obstacle, hindrance, stumbling-block.

=corte=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), the capital city.

=corteza=, _f._, bark of a tree.

=cortinado=, _m._, portiere, screen, curtain.

=cosecha=, _f._, harvest.

=cosechar=, to reap.

=costal=, _m._, sack _or_ large bag.

=costanero, -a=, coastwise.

=costarricense= _or_ =costarriqueno, -a=, a Costa Rican; relating to Costa Rica.

=costear=, to defray the cost; to skirt the coast.

=costurera=, _f._, seamstress.

=cotidiano=, _m._, daily.

=cotizar=, to quote prices.

=coulisse= (_French_), side scene, wing.

=covacha=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), place for the baggage in stage coaches, called the boot.

=coz=, _f._, kick.

=crecida=, _f._, freshet.

=crepuscular=, _m._, a Mexican bird.

=cria=, _f._, breeding; brood.

=criador=, _m._, breeder.

=criandera=, _f._ (_Sp. A._), wet-nurse.

=criollaje=, _m._, _criollos_ referred to collectively.

=criollo, -a=, the Spanish American born with the exception of the full-blooded Indian; _adj._, indigenous, national, American in spirit.

=cristianar=, to baptize.

=crudo, -a=, raw, crude, savage.

=crujido=, _m._, crack, noise made by an arrow, creak.

=cruzar=, to cross the strain in breeding.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 91 summary

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