Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 94

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=defecacion=, _f._, to free a liquid from lees or sediment.

=dehesa=, _f._, pasture ground.

=dejar=, to leave; =---- de lado=, to leave aside; =dejeme pensar=, let me think.

=dejo=, _m._, a lingering taste after eating or drinking.

=delantero, -a=, foremost.

=delicia=, _f._, delight, satisfaction.

=demanda=, _f._, complaint, claim.

=demoledora=, _f._, a crus.h.i.+ng machine used in making wine.

=demora=, _f._, delay.

=dependiente=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), clerk; =----, chief clerk.

=deponer=, to lay by, to put aside, to depose.

=deporte=, _m._, sport.

=depositar=, to deposit, to lay down.

=deposito=, _m._, depository, repository.

=deprimir=, to depress, to humble, to reduce.

=depuesto, -a=, _p. p. of_ =deponer=.

=derechito= (_Colloq._), straight ahead.

=derecho=, _m._, law, tax, duty, import, toll, due, fee; =---- de gentes=, fundamental rights of a people; =libre de ----=, duty free.

=derretir=, to liquefy, to melt; _refl._, to become sentimental _or_ tender.

=derribar=, to demolish, to throw down.

=derrochar=, to scatter, to waste.

=derroche=, _m._, waste, destruction, dissipation.

=desagrado=, _m._, displeasure.

=desague=, _m._, outlet, drain, channel.

=desahogo=, _m._, relief, ease, alleviation, domestic convenience.

=desalojar=, to dislodge, to oust.

=desarbolado, -a=, unmasted; (_Agr._), without trees.

=desarbolar=, to dismast.

=desatar=, to loosen; to lose all control or restraint.

=descarga=, _f._, volley.

=descendencia=, _f._, descent, extraction; offspring, family.

=descollar=, to overtop, to excel.

=descomedido, -a=, rude, impudent, insolent.

=descompasadamente=, out of measure _or_ proportion.

=descomunal=, monstrous, enormous, colossal.

=desconocido, -a=, unknown; ungrateful.

=descontar=, to discount; to allow for.

=descuajar=, to weed.

=descubierto=, _m._, unpaid balance; =al ----=, in blank.

=descuento=, _m._, discount.

=descuidar=, to neglect, to overlook.

=desde=, from, since; =---- ... hasta=, from ... to; =---- que=, since; =---- luego=, therefore, to begin with; =---- entonces=, ever since.

=desdicha=, _f._, misfortune, calamity, unhappiness.

=desecado, -a=, dried up, desiccated.

=desembarazar=, to free, to disengage, to remove an enc.u.mbrance, to unburden.

=desembocar=, to empty, to flow into (_as a river_).

=desempenar=, to acquit, to discharge an obligation, to fulfill.

=desempeno=, _m._, performance, fulfillment.

=desencajado, -a=, out of joint, out of gear; changed countenance.

=desencajar=, to disfigure, to change in expression.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 94 summary

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