Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 95

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=desenfado=, _m._, freedom, ease, calmness.

=desentera.r.s.e de=, _refl._, to pa.s.s by a thing.

=desenterrar=, to dig up, to unearth, to bring to light.

=desenvoltura=, _f._, sprightliness, cheerfulness, a graceful and easy manner _or_ delivery.

=desfilar=, to defile, to march in files.

=desfondar=, to injure the bottom of a vessel by grounding.

=desfruncir=, to loosen the strings of a bag.

=desgajar=, to lop off the branches of trees.

=desgano=, _m._, disgust, aversion, reluctance.

=desgrenado, -a=, disheveled, disturbed.

=desgrenar=, to dishevel, to disturb.

=designacion=, _f._, name.

=desleir=, to dissolve.

=deslizar=, to glide, to slip by.

=deslumbrado, -a=, dazzled, confused.

=deslumbrante=, dazzling.

=deslumbrar=, to dazzle; to confuse the sight or mind.

=desl.u.s.trar=, to tarnish or sully.

=desmesuradamente=, immeasurably.

=desmochar=, to lop or cut off.

=desmontado, -a=, unmounted, dismounted.

=desmontar=, to take anything to pieces, _hence_, to put a thing out of joint.

=desollar=, to skin.

=des.p.a.char=, to pack, to send, to s.h.i.+p goods _or_ merchandise.

=des.p.a.cho=, _m._, cabinet, office; shop _or_ place where things are sold by retail.

=desparramar=, to scatter, to spread over.

=despectivo, -a=, contemptuous.

=despegar=, to undo, to take apart.

=despejar=, to clear; to remove obstacles.

=despensa=, _f._, pantry.

=desperdicio=, _m._, waste.

=desplazamiento=, _m._, displacement of a vessel.

=desplegar=, to unfold, to display, to open.

=desploma.r.s.e=, _refl._, to fall to the ground.

=despoblado=, _m._, uninhabited, in contrast to cities and towns.

=despojado, -a=, despoiled, deprived.

=despojar=, to despoil, to strip of property.

=despreciar=, to despise, to lay aside, to belittle.

=desprenderse=, _refl._, to free one's self from; to branch out.

=desproveer=, to deprive of.

=desprovisto, -a=, unprovided, unprepared.

=despues=, afterward; =---- de=, after; =---- que=, after which.

=destacar=, to detach, to stand out in relief.

=destemplado, -a=, out of tune.

=desterrado, -a=, exiled, sent away.

=desterrar=, to exile, to send away.

=destrozar=, to destroy, to break into pieces.

=desvela.r.s.e=, _refl._, to be zealous, careful.

=desventurado, -a=, unhappy, unfortunate.

=deudo=, _m._, relative.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 95 summary

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