Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 97

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=educando=, _m._, student.

=efluvio=, _m._, exhalation.

=efusion=, _f._, effusion, efflux.

=egida=, _f._, s.h.i.+eld.

=egresar= (_Sp. A._), to leave school after graduation.

=eje=, _m._, axis.

=ejercer=, to perform.

=ejercita.r.s.e=, _refl._, to practice.

=ejote=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), string bean.

=elaborar=, to manufacture, to work out.

=elenco=, _m._, the actors and actresses who make up a theatrical company; list, catalogue, index.

=elote=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), tender ear of corn.

=embalar=, to pack, to bale.

=embarazado, -a=, entangled, embarra.s.sed.

=embarazar=, to embarra.s.s, to perplex.

=embarcacion=, _f._, any vessel _or_ s.h.i.+p.

=embarque=, _m._, loading a s.h.i.+p, s.h.i.+pment.

=embate=, _m._, the das.h.i.+ng of the sea.

=embestir=, to a.s.sail, to attack, to offend.

=embocadura=, _f._, mouthpiece (_of an instrument_); mouth of a river.

=embolsar=, to pack in bags or sacks.

=emboza.r.s.e=, _refl._, to m.u.f.fle one's self up.

=embudo=, _m._, funnel.

=embutir=, to inlay, to chase, to mix confusedly.

=emitir=, to issue.

=empalme=, _m._, railway junction; splicing; connection.

=empanizado=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), applied to brown sugar in irregular broken pieces.

=empapado, -a=, soaked.

=empapar=, to soak.

=empaquetar=, to pack.

=emparrado=, _m._, arbor _or_ bower.

=empecatado, -a=, wily, evil minded.

=empedrado=, _m._, pavement.

=empellon=, _m._, push, heavy blow.

=empeno=, _m._, earnest desire or purpose; a favor asked of another.

=empeorar=, to impair, to grow worse.

=empinado, -a=, steep.

=empleado=, _m._, employee.

=empleo=, _m._, occupation, business, employment.

=emporio=, _m._, emporium, center.

=emprendedor=, _m._, an enterprising person., _m._, loan.

=enaltecer=, to extol, to exalt.

=enaltecido, -a=, aggrandized, praised, exalted.

=encaje=, _m._, _Gallicism, used in certain parts of South America meaning_ gold reserve which guarantees the paper currency in circulation.

=encaminado, -a=, guided, directed, forwarded.

=encaminar=, to guide, to put on the right road.

=encasquetar=, to put on one's hat.

=enceguecer=, to blind.

=encender=, to kindle; to light; to heat.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 97 summary

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