Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 98

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=encendido, -a=, inflamed, glowing, redhot.

=encerra.r.s.e=, _refl._, to closet one's self.

=encierro=, _m._, enclosure, confinement.

=encomendar=, to commend, to order (_work_).

=encomiar=, to extol, to praise.

=encordar=, to string a musical instrument.

=encurtidos=, _m. pl._, pickles.

=enchilada=, _f._ (_Sp. A._.), a kind of griddle cake made of grated corn, served with highly seasoned chopped meat and peppers.

=endeble=, feeble, weak, flimsy.

=enderezar=, to erect; to rectify.

=endoso=, _m._, indors.e.m.e.nt.

=energumeno, -a=, possessed of a devil.

=enganchar=, to hook, to attach, to harness the horses to the carriage.

=engana.r.s.e=, _refl._, to be deceived.

=engano=, _m._, deceit, fraud, falsehood.

=engendrar=, to produce, to bear fruit.

=englobar=, to reunite, to consider several things in one.

=enhestar=, to erect, to place upright.

=enhiesto, -a=, upright.

=enhorabuena=, _f._, congratulation, felicitation.

=enjalma=, _f._, kind of packsaddle.

=enjaular=, to cage.

=enjugar=, to wipe off moisture.

=enlazado, -a=, joined, connected.

=enlazar=, to join, to connect.

=enredado, -a=, entangled, perplexed; abashed.

=enredar=, to entangle, to confound, to perplex, to abash, to annoy.

=enrejado=, _m._, trellis, lattice, grating, grill-work.

=enriquecerse=, _refl._, to grow rich.

=enriza.r.s.e=, _refl._, to bristle, to curl.

=enroscado, -a=, coiled, twisted.

=enrosca.r.s.e=, _refl._, to coil itself.

=ensanchar=, to widen, to extend, to enlarge.

=ensayar=, to try, to rehea.r.s.e.

=enseres=, _m. pl._, chattels, fixtures.

=ensopado, -a=, soaked, wet.

=ensopar=, to soak.

=ensueno=, _m._, sleep, fantasy.

=entablar=, to cover with boards; to initiate, to begin.

=entable=, _m._, sown field.

=entapizar=, to adorn with tapestry, to cover.

=entenderse=, _refl._, to understand (each other).

=entereza=, _f._, integrity, rect.i.tude, fort.i.tude, firmness.

=enterrar=, to bury.

=entiempado, -a=, _p. p. of_ =entiempar=; (_Sp. A._) to be in heat.

=entortar=, to bend, to make crooked.

=entrada=, _f._, income, receipts.

=entrambos, -bas=, _pr. pl._, both.

=entranas=, _f. pl._, entrails, bowels.

=entreacto=, _m._, between the acts; interlude.

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Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader Part 98 summary

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