Mercenaries - Mercenaries ( Ellora's Cave) Part 3

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"G.o.d, that was good." Sebastian pulled free of the ring gag and collapsed back on the bed, panting, a sated smile on his face.

"And I want to find out just how good." With that dark growl, Nathan stepped up to Trin and slid his thick rod right into the ring-and her open, waiting mouth.

Trinity moaned as the captain's ma.s.sive shaft slid over her tongue. She felt wanton, eager. As hot as it had been when Sebastian had f.u.c.ked her this way, it was even more outrageously arousing when Nathan did it.

The gently reared virgin inside her reeled in shocked guilt as cream flooded into her c.u.n.t with every ruthless oral stroke of the big mercenary's c.o.c.k. She knew she shouldn't feel this way, shouldn't revel in the sheer kink of being forced to service him. Yet something inside her responded to his pose of dominance, loved the sense of being at his mercy.

Suckling him eagerly as her nipples burned and her c.u.n.t ached to be filled, she struggled to understand how he'd done this to her. G.o.d knew Rapture Colony was filled with swaggering males who wanted to bring her to heel. Yet Trinity had never found any of them even remotely arousing. In fact, their attempts to belittle her and force her into a submissive role had only infuriated her.

So why did she find it so wildly arousing when Nathan August did it?

Just then, his big hands rose to cup the sides of her face-not forcing her onto his c.o.c.k, but cradling her tenderly.

Trin realized suddenly there were any number of men on Rapture Colony who'd have loved to f.u.c.k her mouth, but none of them would have supported her head while they did it. Even dominating the h.e.l.l out of her, Nathan treated her with respect.

No matter what games he might play to amuse and arouse both of them, he made her feel oddly cherished. They'd known each other only a couple of hours, yet somehow he never made her feel as if he saw her as a receptacle for his sperm, an object to be used and dominated. That was more than she could say for the men of Rapture Colony, despite their sanctimonious att.i.tude.

Suddenly Nathan pulled free of her mouth and rocked back. The thick head of his c.o.c.k brushed her cheek as she glanced up at him, questioning. He looked down at her, probing her eyes with his.

"Do you want me to come in your mouth, Trinity?" he asked in a deep rumble.

She s.h.i.+vered. And nodded eagerly.

His gaze flared hot. He plunged his c.o.c.k inside her mouth again. Instantly, she began to tongue and suckle his hard, silken flesh, hot to taste his come. The big shaft jerked against her tongue, began to pulse salt and heat.

"Yes!" His shout was low and fierce. "Drink from me, Trin! Take me!"

On the verge of climax herself, she hungrily obeyed.

The d.i.l.d.o dropped from her hands, unnoticed.

For a long moment, the only sound in the room was the rasping gasps of spent breathing.

Then Nathan stepped away from her, pulling his softened c.o.c.k free of Trin's mouth. As if by instinct, she tried to suck it back in again, but he reluctantly escaped.

"Nice," Nathan rasped, reaching up to unbuckle the ring gag from around her head. "Very, very nice."

And it had been. His knees were still shaking. She might be inexperienced, but she more than made up for it with enthusiasm.

As the gag fell away from her mouth, she licked her lips and worked her jaw. Nathan knew it was probably aching after the vigorous oral use she'd just received. He reached out both hands and began to ma.s.sage her face at the hinge of her jaw. Trin sagged against him, her eyes closing in pleasure.

"d.a.m.n," Sebastian commed as he watched them from the bunk, "it's not just an act, boss. The girl really is a submissive. And d.a.m.ned if she's not one of the hottest subs it's ever been my pleasure to sample."

"Seems that way," he replied. "But I think I need one last test."

Aloud he said, "You've won your transport off-world, Trinity."

Big green eyes lifted to his and lit in relief. Then, as he watched, heat gathered in her gaze, a sweet female antic.i.p.ation. "So you'll accept me as your..." She hesitated and licked her lips, " your f.u.c.k toy?"

"That's not necessary."

He was watching closely enough to catch the disappointment that flashed across her mobile little face. "But why not? I thought... Did I...?" She clamped her teeth shut and winced, as if she'd committed some faux pas by wanting him.

"You were incredible," Nathan a.s.sured her. "But I'd never require a woman's s.e.xual submission as the price of helping her."

Confusion drew her brows into a frown. "But you said...."

He shrugged, suddenly uncomfortable. "I was drunk, I was h.o.r.n.y, and I wanted to see how far you'd go. I also wondered if you were exaggerating your situation."

"I wouldn't do that!" Trin protested, indignant.

"The captain," Sebastian announced dryly, sitting up on the bed, "is not in the habit of taking anybody or anything at face value. It's a good way to get people killed."

"There are women aboard who'd be happy to take you on as an apprentice," Nathan went on. "And..."

"Note, he said, 'women,'" Sebastian interrupted, his expression amused. "We men would be too, but the captain's the jealous type."

Trinity blinked, clearly startled. Nathan felt his cheeks heat and shot his executive officer a warning glare. "Keep it up, a.s.shole, and you'll be walking home." To Trin, he continued, "They'll provide you with whatever training and help you need, even after you get your nanotech implants."

Trinity took a deep breath. "Thank you, Captain. I'm grateful."

"You deserve it," he told her. "You've got the courage and intelligence it takes to succeed in this business. It won't be easy, but you can do it."

Her eyes widened, startled. "That's very flattering, but..."

"Nate's an excellent judge of character, Red," Sebastian said. "He can size up a man or a woman faster than anybody I've ever known. If he says he thinks you've got what it takes, you do." The blond's amused gaze slid to his. "Whether he's entirely objective about the a.s.sessment or not."

"Kiss my a.s.s."

"I repeat, you're not my type."

Nathan returned his attention to Trin and hesitated, finding the next words far more difficult than he'd expected. He found his gaze sliding back to Sebastian's.

His first officer's eyes widened as sudden, knowing understanding flooded them. "All the sudden, I'm beginning to feel like a third wheel." Sebastian levered off the bed and bent to grab his uniform, boots and half armor. "It's been delicious, Red." He lifted a blond brow at Nathan as he jerked on his pants. "I get the distinct impression it'll never happen again, but it was certainly tasty while it lasted." Sealing his fly, he headed for the door, which slid open at his approach. Just before he ducked through, his boots and armor in hand, he gave Trinity a wink. "Be gentle with him."

She turned to Nathan as the door closed behind him. "What was that all about?"

Nathan shook his head. "A twenty-year friends.h.i.+p that has enabled him to read my f.u.c.king mind, that's what it's about." When she looked no more enlightened, he added, "Sebastian knows me far too well. Well enough to know I was about to make a proposition to you that I didn't particular want an audience for."

Trinity frowned. "What proposition?"

He rose to his feet. "I'm a dominant, Trin." Realizing she might not know what the term meant, he added, "I like to take the dominant role in s.e.x."

She grinned. "Yeah, I'd pretty much figured that part out."

"The question is," he said, feeling his mouth going suddenly, surprisingly dry, "are you a submissive? More to the point, do you want to be my submissive?"

d.a.m.n, Trinity thought, staring at the mercenary captain. He's serious. She licked her lips. "What does that mean?"

"It means I'd like to have you as my lover. It's not a requirement of service on this s.h.i.+p," he added quickly. "And if my request makes you uncomfortable, I'll arrange to get you a berth with another mercenary company. But there's something between us-an intensity I've rarely experienced-a chemistry. Something. I'd like the opportunity to explore it, find out if it's real."

She looked up at him, at the hard, sculpted muscle of his big body, at the angles of his rough-hewn face and the threatening sensuality of his mouth. If wanting more of this was wrong, she didn't give a crook. "I'd like to find out too," she said. "I don't know if I'm a...submissive or not. But I do know you arouse me. The things you do, the way you touch me. I want..." Summoning her courage, she met his hot blue gaze. "More. I want to feel your hands on me again. I want to feel your c.o.c.k inside me." Trinity took a deep breath. "Please."

"G.o.d, I want that too," he told her roughly. "But...I need to know. I need to make sure what I want won't frighten you or repulse you." His eyes met hers, suddenly fierce and very blue. "I've got one more test, Trinity. Do you want to take it?"

Her heart began to pound, not with fear but with a sudden dark excitement. "Yes. Whatever you want."

His gaze probed hers. "Are you certain? You've got to be certain, Trinity."

"I'm certain. I want you to take me, to do whatever you want to do, however you want to do it." Shepherd's Crook, it was arousing to say those words, to surrender to him like this.

A grin spread slowly across his face, hot and wicked. "Be very sure, Trinity. Because I mean to spank that pretty little a.s.s."

Big green eyes widened. "What?"

"You heard me." Nathan felt his c.o.c.k lengthen and throb at the flare of shocked arousal in those clear emerald depths. Good. She was as turned on by the idea as he was. "I want to watch those cheeks turn a pretty pink under my hand." He moved to stand over her, deliberately looming over her, over her small bound body. "Then," he growled, "I'm going to f.u.c.k you." Heat gathered in his b.a.l.l.s as he looked down at her lush, vulnerable curves. "Hard."

She stared up at him, her eyes lingering on his c.o.c.k, gone once more hard and eager. Her smile sent a bolt of l.u.s.t right into his groin. "Good. I want to be f.u.c.ked." Pausing, she licked her lips. "Hard."

With a rough growl of hunger, Nathan bent and scooped her into his arms, then sat down on the bed with her. Unable to resist, he inserted a finger into her tight c.u.n.t. She was even hotter than she'd been the last time he'd probed her. When he reached for the restraint cables around her wrists and ankles, his hands actually shook with need. Her present hogtied pose was not suited to what he had in mind.

When Nathan finally finished untying and retying her, Trin's wrists were bound at the small of her back, her ankles were free, and her slim little bottom was uplifted, awaiting his hand.

He brushed his fingers over the sweet, round curves, savoring the smooth skin. "Mmmm," he purred, "what a perfect pair of cheeks. I'm going to enjoy heating them up."

Trin moaned, a hot, excited sound as she squirmed over his knees, her a.s.s flexing and lifting in blatant invitation.

Nathan paused, studying that luscious b.u.t.t , anxiety suddenly coiling through his arousal. The next five minutes would determine whether she really was the submissive he suspected-the one he'd unconsciously been seeking since he'd realized how dark his own needs ran.

d.a.m.n, he hoped he didn't f.u.c.k this up.

Trinity took a deep breath as the mercenary's muscled thighs flexed under her body. His erect c.o.c.k rested against her hip, long and hard and eager. To her astonishment, she could feel She was totally at his mercy. And Shepherd's Crook, it made her hot. She burned for the thick shaft that twitched against her as if antic.i.p.ating the pleasures of pounding her a.s.s.

"Here it comes," he rasped. "Ready?"

Trinity s.h.i.+vered. "Ready."


The first slap was loud, but barely even stung. It was more a hard pat than anything else.

A measured interval went by as she waited for the next spank. She squirmed against Nathan's thigh as her antic.i.p.ation and arousal grew.

Whap. That one was no harder. Whap! The one that followed came a little faster, but with that same ruthless control.

Then he started spanking her faster, a constant patter of light slaps that didn't really hurt. Whap, whapwhapwhap!

Faster and faster, heat spread across her b.u.t.t with each impact of Nathan's broad palm. Slowly, they started getting a little harder, then a little more harder until she found herself squirming, as much with sheer arousal as from the gathering sting. Each time she bucked against his powerful thighs, she felt a hum of pleasure burning under her skin like a low-level electric charge. And every time Trin writhed under each hard smack, the rough hair on Nathan's thighs teased her sensitive nipples, sending another zing of pleasure through her.

Her a.s.s was really beginning to burn now. She pictured herself draped a.s.s-up across the mercenary's lap, bound and helpless, cheeks reddening steadily as he enjoyed paddling her b.u.t.t.

Suddenly Nathan's hand paused in its rise and fall. For a moment, there was silence except for Trinity's gasps. She realized with surprise the mercenary captain was breathing just as hard. She knew it wasn't from exertion.

"Ready to beg for mercy?" Nathan asked, his voice rough with arousal.

Her a.s.s felt hot and inflamed. So did her p.u.s.s.y and the tips of her aching b.r.e.a.s.t.s. She clenched her bound hands, feeling the rise of a reckless heat. "I can take anything you can dish out, Captain."

"Ohhhh," Nathan growled. "We'll see about that."

Trinity squirmed and bucked and screeched under the next half-dozen swats, unconsciously rubbing her satin hip against his rock-hard, aching c.o.c.k. Watching her struggle in an erotic symphony of quivering female curves, Nathan couldn't remember the last time a spanking had turned him on more.

And he wasn't alone. Innocent or not, she was responding just as he'd hoped.

He was so hot, it took him a moment to realize she'd stopped yelping under his smacks.

Then she groaned. "Starrunner!"

Nathan froze as she voiced the safe word, ice stealing over him. "G.o.d, did I hurt you?" he demanded, examining her a.s.s anxiously.

But though he'd paddled her thoroughly, he'd been careful. There was no sign of any bruising at all.

"I can't take it any more," she said, her voice rough with desire. "f.u.c.k me! I'm going insane!"

He nearly melted into a puddle of relief. She wasn't hurt, just teased to the end of her endurance. "s.h.i.+t! Don't do that to me! You only supposed to use the safeword if you're in distress."

She turned her head and shot him a mock glare. "Believe me, I'm in distress. In fact, I'm going to die in the next five minutes if you don't f.u.c.k my brains out. Right now."

Nathan laughed in sheer relief. "As my lady commands." Scooping her into his arms, he surged to his feet, turned, and tossed her down across the bed before grabbing her delicate ankles.

Her face was flushed as red as her well-spanked a.s.s, but her gaze was bright with laughing hunger. l.u.s.t surged high in him as he eagerly spread her long, slim thighs. Looking between them, he saw that her c.u.n.t lips were swollen from a combination of arousal and his careful spanking. Her bush, red as a fox's pelt, was damp and matted with cream. Her wrists were still bound behind her back, and the arch of her spine lifted her full b.r.e.a.s.t.s. They quivered with every panting breath she took, nipples hard and flushed red.

Sliding a knee onto the bed, Nathan s.h.i.+fted his grip to the backs of her knees, rolling her onto her shoulders and taking the pressure off her bound arms. And, in the process, angling that ripe, wet c.u.n.t up for his c.o.c.k.

Almost shaking with the force of his l.u.s.t, Nathan draped her calves over his shoulders and took his c.o.c.k in one hand. The thick head brushed red, springy curls, then velvet lips, then began working its way into thick, clotted cream and deliciously snug flesh.

He didn't think he'd ever had anything wetter or tighter.

"Shepherd's Crook!" Trinity gasped. "You're...ahhh!"

Nathan echoed her cry with a long groan of his own as he arched his b.u.t.tocks, forcing his way deeper into her silken heat. She clamped around him, unbelievably slick and tempting. He could feel a pulse throbbing hard in his b.a.l.l.s.

He only hoped he could hang on long enough to make her come before he blew like a sonic grenade.

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Mercenaries - Mercenaries ( Ellora's Cave) Part 3 summary

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