Mercenaries - Mercenaries ( Ellora's Cave) Part 4

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He was huge.

Arms bound under her, calves draped over Nathan's shoulders, Trinity whimpered in need as he forced still more of his c.o.c.k into her c.u.n.t, filling her by relentless millimeters.

Her a.s.s stung and burned from the spanking, but she really didn't care. She'd never felt like this before, never known such pleasure or such desire. It made her entire life up until now seem pallid and bland as milk. He fed another centimeter of c.o.c.k into her, and she felt the huge, glittering wave of her gathering o.r.g.a.s.m swell even brighter, hotter.

Finally he was all the way inside. Her legs still draped over his shoulders, Nathan came down over her, bracing his hands on the mattress. He searched her eyes. "Are you all right?" His voice was deep and strained.

"Yeah." Need clawed at her. She wanted to feel him riding her. "Shepherd's Crook, what are you waiting for? f.u.c.k me!" She'd never said the words before today, but in the last couple of hours, she'd lost track of how many times she'd used them.

And she'd meant it each and every time.

He gave her a flas.h.i.+ng white grin. "Don't mind if I do." The long, long shaft began sliding from her, the friction of its movement maddening and delicious.

"Oohh, that's good!"

His grin widened. "It certainly is." He reversed the stroke. Innnnn. And outtttt. And innnn. And outtt. Slowly. So slowly.

She found herself squirming, trying to hurry him, to get more of that magnificent c.o.c.k. But bound and pinned under his big body, she was helpless. Nathan would use her just the way he wanted, at just the speed he wanted, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Goaded, she tossed her head on the mattress. "Please Nathan," she heard herself begging. "I can't take any more of this!"

His gaze flickered. "Want me to stop?"

"No!" It was a scream of frustration. "I want you to f.u.c.k me faster!"

He boomed out a laugh-and obeyed.

Nathan began pounding her as hard and fast as he'd spanked her a.s.s earlier, shafting her in short, delicious thrusts that ground his pelvis against her c.l.i.t. With every stroke, ribbons of hot pleasure snaked around her spine and jerked her tight. Her thigh muscles began to jerk and spasm.

Trin could feel the o.r.g.a.s.m building, getting bigger and hotter and fiercer with every thrust, ready to break free. "Yes!" she gritted, half-insane with antic.i.p.ation. "Yes, Nathan! More!"

He gave her exactly that, f.u.c.king harder, faster, jolting his c.o.c.k in and out of her, sweat flying from his face. "G.o.d," he gasped. "You feel so d.a.m.n good..."

Dazed, she looked up to meet his wild gaze. The cords and muscles of his chest stood in hard relief from effort. His c.o.c.k felt like a length of fire as it shuttled in and out, his pelvis grinding against hers.

And then the fire exploded.

She screamed as it flooded her in a soundless explosion of ecstasy, pleasure whipping like a storm through her battered nervous system.

As she convulsed, she heard Nathan bellow. "Yes! G.o.d, Trinity!"

Then the heat drowned out everything else.

It was several hours later before they finally emerged from Nathan's quarters, driven out more by hunger than anything else.

He took Trin to the s.h.i.+p's mess and settled her into a seat she had trouble sitting in-and not just because of that spanking. Her embarra.s.sment was mitigated by the fact that the captain's knees seemed no more steady than her own.

He'd just handed over one of those prepackaged meals and slid in beside her when Sebastian plopped down opposite them. The blond's gaze was openly a.s.sessing.

"Well, you both seem in one piece-more or less."

Nathan's smile was openly smug. "More or less."

"Uh-huh." Sebastian eyed his captain speculatively.

Obviously attempting to ignore his friend, Nathan started telling Trin about their next mission. She listened eagerly and managed to come up with some observation she thought reasonably intelligent.

He'd segued into a discussion of the politics of that particular star system when Sebastian suddenly announced, "I give it a month."

Trin frowned, unable to follow his conversational detour. "You give what a month?"

"Him." Sebastian tilted his head at his captain. "Before he begs you to put him out of his misery and marry him."

Trin stared at the blond in flabbergasted astonishment, trying to ignore the hopeful leap of her heart. "Don't be ridiculous. We've only known each other a few hours."

"And I've known him twenty years, and I've never seen him so besotted."

"Besotted?" Nathan glowered, dark brows drawing low over his blue eyes. "I am not besotted."

Sebastian smirked. "Fifty cred says you're on your knees before the month's out."

"There's no way in h.e.l.l I'd make a bet like that, you insensitive b.a.s.t.a.r.d," Nathan growled.

The blond nodded, satisfied. "My point exactly."

"What do you mean by that crack?" Nathan growled.

"You're a h.e.l.l of a captain, Captain, but sensitivity is not one of your character traits." He grinned smugly. ''Like I said. Smitten."

It was a good thing Nathan didn't take the bet. He'd have lost.

They were married a month later by a star station chaplain, soon after Trin got her nanotech implants.

That night, they celebrated their marriage with another session of bondage-except this time, Trinity tied up Nathan. He wasn't surprised when he enjoyed it as much as she did.

Meanwhile, Sebastian counted his winnings from all the fellow crewmen stupid enough to take his bet.


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Mercenaries - Mercenaries ( Ellora's Cave) Part 4 summary

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