Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 108

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"Thanks," said mom, "but maybe another time. I have too much to do this afternoon."

"No problem. I'll be around the shop all evening. Hope to see you there," said Duncan, his eyes drifting back to me again. Then he started the engine and was gone.

"That's cool," said Nathan as he got back on the boat after Duncan left. "Now I can check out some nice boats while Nikki checks out Duncan."

"Very funny."

He smiled. "Come on, I saw the way you were drooling over him!"

"I was not!" I retorted, scowling at him. "I was just checking his boat out."

He threw his head back and laughed. "Right! Since when do you have an interest in boats?"

"I always have."

My mom smiled and added her two cents. "Actually, I also noticed that you were checking out more than the boat."

"Whatever. You guys are seeing things. Anyway, you both should talk, what, about that redhead in the parking lot yesterday, and... Sheriff White Strips?"

My mom looked confused. "Sheriff White Strips?"

Nathan nodded. "Yeah, Caleb. His teeth were whiter than your pasty skin, mom. Bleached white."

She snorted. "You're funny."

"Sorry, couldn't resist," replied Nathan as he started the engine. He grabbed his bottle of water and took a swig. "I say we go back to the cabin now, I'm starving."

"Sounds good," she replied. "I've got plenty to do."

Nathan set his water in the cup-holder, turned on the engine, and we started back across the lake. A few seconds later, he grinned like a little kid and told us to hold on.

I grabbed the handle next to my seat right as he punched it down and we took off across the lake. I squealed in delight as we sped over the calm waters, the wind practically blowing my hair dry as we flew. Soon, we were near our neck of the woods and I pulled my beach-dress back over my bathing suit. As we slowed down, I noticed a middle-aged woman sitting on her dock, fis.h.i.+ng. She smiled and raised her hand in greeting.

"Must be our neighbor," said mom, waving back. "Ernie mentioned that she was recently widowed. I think he said her name was Abigail. Very nice woman, I guess. Maybe it would be a good idea if I stopped by later and said h.e.l.lo."

I stared at the woman and nodded. "I would. She's probably sad and lonely."

She nodded. "I'm sure."

Nathan docked the boat near the end of the dock and we helped him secure it to the posts.

"That should be good enough for now," he said, testing the ropes. "I'll leave it out here in case we want to take it out again, later."

I stood up and looked down into the brown water. "So, um, it must be pretty deep, right here."

"Yeah," replied Nathan, grabbing his s.h.i.+rt from the boat. "That's why they built the dock this distance from the sh.o.r.e. It's safer for the boat if the lake ever gets low."

The water was so murky looking and I wondered if there were any more dead bodies below. I imagined someone's dead eyes staring up at me from below the surface and started to feel sick to my stomach.

"I'll meet you guys on sh.o.r.e," I said, getting up quickly.

"Are you okay?" called my mom.

"Just a little too much sun," I shouted back as I raced towards the cabin, feeling dizzy and anxious. As I pa.s.sed the area where the body was found, I averted my eyes and tried not to panic any worse than I already was. When I made it to the cabin's porch, I closed my eyes and took a couple deep breaths.

"Hey," said my brother as he climbed the steps a minute later.

I smiled weakly.

He stared at me with concern. "You're really freaked out about that girl, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah. Aren't you?"

He sighed. "I'm trying to forget about it. She made a huge mistake when she started drinking that night, and hopefully her friends have learned from it. But I'm not going to dwell on it, and neither should you. Heck, you didn't even see the girl, I discovered her. I should be the one freaking out about it."

I nodded. "I know. It's just so... creepy."

He put an arm around my shoulder. "It is, but you have to let it go. Or mom will send you to a shrink, which, actually, she should have done a long time ago."

I pushed him away. "Ha-ha."

She met us on the porch and took out her keys. "Whew, it's getting hot out here. Thank goodness for air conditioning."

"Summer's almost over, mom. Then you'll be complaining about the cold. In fact, I've read that it gets very cold here," I said.

"That's when the fireplace will come in handy," she replied.

Nathan put the boat keys on one of the end tables. "Nikki, go get dressed and we'll drive into town to check it out. I need to start looking for a job, too."

"Okay," I replied. I'd worked at a boutique back home and my savings was starting to dwindle. I wanted my own car soon so I didn't have to rely on Nathan all the time.

"Then we'll go check out your boyfriend's boat repair shop," he said with a smirk.

"You're just full of jokes today."

Just then, mom, who'd been checking her voicemail, started smiling. She hung up the phone and stared at us. "Guess who asked me to dinner?"

I groaned. "Sheriff Snaggletooth?"

She frowned. "That's not fair, Nikki. Like I said before, he seems like a very nice man."

"You going for it?" asked Nathan, with a s.h.i.+t-eating grin.

She tapped her fingers on the banister. "Oh, I don't know. I'm not looking for anything right now, obviously, but it never hurts to get in good with a town's sheriff. Maybe I'll just invite him over to our house tonight for dinner. Can you pick up a couple of steaks in town, Nathan?"

He nodded. "But if you want wine, you'll have to get that yourself."

She snorted. "That's the last thing I need, to get tipsy in front of the town's sheriff."

Nathan smiled wickedly. "It might be fun. He can handcuff you if you get too out of hand."

Her eyes lit up. "Oh, I never thought of that."

"You're sick," I said, climbing the staircase. "Both of you."

"Oh, Nikki, I can't wait until the love bug nips you in the b.u.t.t. I am going to tease the c.r.a.p out of you," she said.

"Don't hold your breath. That's not happening anytime soon," I said.

"We'll see," she said.

"Be ready in thirty minutes, twerp," called Nathan. "We'll go cruising."

Chapter Five.

I took a quick shower and changed into a dark blue halter sundress and white sandals. I pulled my hair into a loose up-do and applied a smidgeon of lip gloss.

"You look pretty," smiled mom as I entered the kitchen, looking for Nathan.

I looked down at my dress and shrugged. "Oh, it was one of the few things already unpacked."

She gave me a knowing smile and kissed the top of my head. "Don't break too many hearts in town."

"Ha-ha, mom. Very funny," I said, although I did feel sort of pretty in the new dress. It also wouldn't hurt to make a good impression on any kids who were hanging out in town.

Nathan was polis.h.i.+ng up his Mustang when I found him outside. The red paint gleamed in the sun when he was finished.

"Now I'll definitely be a chic magnet," he teased, flexing his muscles. "Don't take offense if I ask you to duck down when the ladies are scoping me out."

I rolled my eyes. "Right."

"You'll see."

I got into the car and we took our time driving back into town.

"Hear from Deanna yet today?" I asked.

He grimaced. "Yeah. She called freaking out, again. I just don't know what to do about her. I mean, the more I think about it, the more I realize that I'm tired of the drama. Then I look at this town we've moved to and I think about all of the possibilities."

I smiled. "You mean all of the chicks?"

"h.e.l.l yeah," he laughed.

I shook my head at my brother, who was so predictable.

"Okay, keep your eyes peeled for something interesting," said Nathan, brus.h.i.+ng his bangs away from his eyes. "Both of us need jobs."

As we entered the town I pointed right away to a diner called 'Ruth's.' "Let's stop in there and see if they're hiring."

"Good idea. I'm hungry again, anyway."

We were seated by a frazzled-looking waitress who appeared to be one of only two working. It was only three in the afternoon, but the place was packed.

"You wouldn't be hiring, would you?" I asked the other waitress, Amy, a blond with light blue eyes and an easy smile.

"Actually, funny you should ask, we're hiring for the nights.h.i.+ft," she said. "We're always hiring for that s.h.i.+ft, so I guess it really isn't funny."

"That's fine. I'm desperately broke and need a job. Could you please get me an application?" I asked. "Oh, and," I handed her back the menu. "A Caesar salad?" I pointed to Nathan. "He's buying."

She laughed. "Okay, so anything to drink?"

"Just water," I replied.

"How are the burgers here, Amy?" asked Nathan.

"Oh, they're very good. That's why this place is always so busy. That and the fact that we're the only diner open twenty-four hours."

He smiled. "I'll take your word for it, then. I'd like a bacon double cheeseburger, an order of onion rings, and a chocolate milkshake."

She smiled back. "Hope you're hungry because they serve big portions here."

That's when Nathan turned on the charm. He leaned forward and smiled. "You know what... I already like this place, sis. Nice portions and even nicer waitresses. What more could a guy ask for?"

Amy blushed. She was very pretty and I'm sure that guys were always coming on to her, but even I had to admit, Nathan was a good-looking guy himself. Obviously, he knew it, too.

"I'll be back with your malt and water in just a moment," she said softly before she walked away.

"I guess Deanna is beginning to fade from your memory as the day progresses," I mused.

His face became serious. "Not really. I mean, there will always be a special place in my heart for her, but, I've decided to keep my options open. Heck, I'm young and shouldn't be tying myself down to one girl; especially one who's a few hundred miles away."

I folded my hands and nodded. "That's why I'm not going to waste time pining for any of the guys in town. After high school there will be college, and I don't want anything holding me back."

Amy returned with his milkshake and handed me an application.

"Um, if I were you I'd only request hours during the day or early evening."

"Why?" I asked, puzzled.

She looked around nervously and then whispered, "It's too dangerous around here at night."

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 108 summary

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