Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 14

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Arys fed on much more than blood alone. Like a cat with a mouse, he drew out his excruciating game in order to savor it completely. Most of his victims were more than a quick snack. He used seduction and fear as an intoxicant, vital to his feeding process. Arys rarely took blood without the kill. In his earlier days as a vampire, he had little regard for the value of human life and used no discretion when choosing a victim.

As I read, I began to get the impression that Catherine had been nothing more to him than a victim gone wrong. He had never meant for her to survive him. Not only did he continue to bed his victims after forming a relations.h.i.+p with her, but he also encouraged her to do the same.

Arys loved to swim in the heady s.e.xual energy of his lovers. I knew this personally. Their pleasurable responses generated higher energy production for him to consume. It made perfect sense, and yet I couldn't shake the heavy feeling that formed in the pit of my stomach.

Apparently Arys was no stranger to torture. Much of his enjoyment came from terrorizing his victims into hysterics. He took the most enjoyment from bleeding them tauntingly slowly. Though his methods were tasteless and cruel, they never crossed into the level of gruesome that I'd come to a.s.sociate with human crime. How very rea.s.suring.

My eyes flashed back to the previous page. I hadn't read anything that I hadn't already seen inside his memories. Even the girls who resisted ended up begging for fulfillment or death.

Bottom line, the vamp got off on the l.u.s.t and terror of his victims before he killed them. In fact, he went to great lengths to draw it out for extended periods of time. Once he'd consumed all of his victims' s.e.xual energy, a show of fangs and a little b.l.o.o.d.y torture generated a whole new kind of energy. Fear is the ultimate undoing of any predator. Feel it, and it's already too late.

Blood alone contains enough pranic energy for the sustenance of a vampire. Adding the often underestimated power of extreme l.u.s.t and fear to the mix was like eating a five course dinner for every meal. It definitely explained his immense power but not his reasons why.

Chills ran down my spine at the thought of being his victim. Whether consensual or not, his victims loved every moment of the fire he ignited within them, just like I had. Even as I remembered, a tingle jabbed at my core, and a drizzle of adrenaline rushed through me. Had he ever intended to kill me? Or, was the obvious fact that I wasn't human enough to keep me off his food list?

Thinking back on every exchange between us, it had always somehow been about the metaphysics going on beneath the surface. I couldn't pinpoint one time when the energy hadn't simmered when he was near. I wondered how much of my attraction to Arys had been natural and how much was his metaphysical influence. With sudden realization, I noticed that I was gently caressing the faint scar of his bite.

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h!" I shoved my chair back with a squeaky roll of wheels and narrowly avoided knocking the wine gla.s.s over.

Now that I felt like just another conquest to the power monger vampire, I was both embarra.s.sed and p.i.s.sed off. Mostly at myself. I couldn't blame Arys for seeing me as something he wanted to sample. I blamed myself for letting him. I've played this game before, and dammit, I knew better.

I hemmed and hawed for a minute, uncertain about disturbing Kylarai in her room. I wanted to burst in there rambling a mile a minute about what a fool I am. Was it love I wanted from Arys? h.e.l.l no. But, I had expected respect.

"Power! That's all that the b.a.s.t.a.r.d wanted from me." I pounced on Ky the second I heard her door open.

"Excuse me?" She attempted to set a pot of coffee to brew while I waved papers in her face.

"Here." I shoved one particular sheet into her hand. "Read this one." Screw confidentiality. This case was personal, an exception to the rule.

I watched her eyebrows rise as she read about the night both Arys and Catherine had lured a young married couple home from the theatre. As she took in the tale, she didn't pause or look up.

Cat's description of the effects of so much energy had stirred a response low in my body. In the game Arys played, s.e.x wasn't the main act at all, merely a method of foreplay.

"Well that explains why he's so d.a.m.n powerful," Kylarai said, repeating close to what I'd thought myself. "But really, he can't be the only vampire acting as an incubus to increase the high."

"You're not surprised?" I stared at her incredulously.

"Not really, Lex. He's a vampire. Do you expect him to ask politely if he may drain your essence away with your life?"

I gaped at her open mouthed. Why did I suddenly feel like I was overreacting?

"Look." She touched my arm gently. "It makes sense that you feel betrayed, but you can't hold his nature against him. The past has nothing to do with you. If I were you, I'd tell this Catherine person that you can't help her. And, do it before she finds out you're doing her man."

"I am not doing him. All I was to that jacka.s.s was new power to consume." I crossed my arms over my chest. I shuffled my feet angrily and sniffed at the tantalizing aroma of brewing coffee.

"Would you rather have just been s.e.x to him?" She eyed me skeptically, and I met her gaze evenly.

"Yes." I didn't even have to think about it. "That's what it was to me. I didn't go after him with ulterior motives."

Kylarai practically laughed right in my face at that, and I bit back the rant on the tip of my tongue. "You liar." She even went so far as to jab a finger at me in the air. "It was all of that spiced up power that had you so hot for him in the first place."


"If he'd been human, there is no way you would have given him more than a pa.s.sing glance." She turned to take two mugs out of the cupboard. "You're so hopped up on the juice yourself that you don't seem to realize that you're seeking it out, too. Though, perhaps, your reasons differ from a vampire's."

Dumbfounded, I stared as she poured coffee into each mug and handed one to me. "Do you really think that?" I spoke to fill the s.p.a.ce, but part of me knew that she was right.

Arys could barely look at me without causing my senses to burn for more. Could it be that I wasn't a victim of his seduction, but an equal partner in my own right?

"You know it's true. It doesn't take a psychic to feel the energy increase when you're in the same room as a powerful man."

That was partially true. Both Raoul and even Shaz had stirred the metaphysical side of me. Not every vampire or s.h.i.+fter did though.

"So you're saying I got as much out of our encounter as he did." I nodded. The pieces were starting to fit. I didn't particularly like it.

"Exactly. Which means you could never have been his victim. He didn't kill you or even try because you aren't food. You're an equal. You gained as much as you gave. And, we both know you were a willing partic.i.p.ant."

A sudden blush spread across my cheeks. I tucked the paper back into the pile and marched back to the den.

Dammit, Kylarai always got to be the insightful one. Something in me felt abused by Arys simply because I'd been unaware of his deep need of power. I was desperate to blame him for my wanton desire, for my betrayal of Shaz. Disappointed in the loss of my fury, I closed the folder. The rest of Cat's diary pages would stay unread.

After procrastinating for a few minutes, I called the number that she'd left for me and left her a voicemail declining the job. This case was about a broken heart that had nothing to do with me. In the meantime, I had a ton to think about, my own personal issues.

At half past one, the night was by no means over. After a ludicrous attempt to read a cheesy romance novel from Ky's bookshelf, I soon gave up. I couldn't get past the first page. I could do a million things to pa.s.s the time, but I couldn't invest myself in any one of them. Nagging thoughts refused to leave me alone. I couldn't help but wonder how Arys was doing.

By ignoring our mistake, were we simply making it worse?

The last time that I saw him, Arys was fighting a deep sense of confusion. Having something that he could not control was outside his realm of comfort. For my part, bouts of nausea and bloodl.u.s.t alternatively wracked me, and though the moments were brief, they were frighteningly intense. But, I hadn't given in yet. I refused to crumple into longing the way that Arys had. I rode out every surge with willpower and sheer stubbornness. However, everyday, the need to give in to the bloodl.u.s.t grew stronger. It grew harder to resist.

Determined and curious, I zipped a dark grey hoodie over my black t-s.h.i.+rt with a bright pink Playboy bunny logo. I changed into a pair of hip-hugging, black jeans so I could actually move comfortably. I double-checked that I had both my cell phone and wallet before calling out, "I'm going out." Kylarai's response sounded affirmative, so I locked the door on my way out.

I decided to leave the Charger for the night. I was in the mood for a walk beneath the moonlight. The late night walk through the quiet town felt magically soothing. During the twenty-minute stroll to Lucy's Lounge, I hoped to accomplish some productive thinking.

The nightlife in Stony Plain vastly differs from that of the city center. The streetlights here don't s.h.i.+ne brighter than the stars. Traffic maintains a steady flow, but the vehicles are much fewer and farther in between. And, of course, the only businesses open at this hour consisted of the bars, the 7/11, and the McDonald's twenty-four hour drive-thru.

A fountain bubbled, and a creek flowed near the small, off-road path. I preferred to avoid the main walking routes. I sought the shadows. The path and the creek successfully wound the length of Stony from the north to the south end. Comforting and familiar, the sound of the creek held a soothing quality.

As I walked, several jackrabbits broke from frozen positions and ran for safety as I crossed through the playground of an elementary school. They didn't fear the trucks barreling through the street, yet they still feared me upon catching the scent of wolf. I paused to allow them to run without feeling as if I was giving chase. They were too small and helpless. I liked my quarry big enough to put up a fight. In fact, I preferred that they deserved it.

A group of teenagers looked up in alarm when I rounded a bend in the grey stone walkway. The joint they pa.s.sed was frozen in midair. The kid holding it had the widest eyes. I almost laughed aloud. At their age, I'd been learning how to protect myself from true danger as well as my own predatory urges. What I wouldn't have given to be a kid with a joint instead.

I couldn't hide my smile when I pa.s.sed them. One kid dared to give me a sneer, a challenge. The youthful scent of his blood was tangy and metallic, inviting me to taste it. A brief thought flashed through my mind. How easy it would be to take him right here in a frenzy of blood and fear. The others would try to run, but I'd catch them, too. I forced myself to keep walking and the urge dissipated almost as fast as it had come.

No sooner had I vanished from sight than they resumed their laughter and juvenile jokes. Enjoy it boys. You'll have to grow up some time.

I ambled on toward Lucy's until the overpowering scent of fear made me stop in my tracks. Standing in the shadows, I was hidden from view by the tree-lined path as vehicles flew by on the four-lane strip to my right. I saw nothing out of place.

For a moment, I thought my nose was playing tricks on me, but then the scream came. High pitched and terrified, the helpless sound thrilled me with excitement, bringing Arys's smile to my lips.

I followed the sound down the gaping black hole of an intersecting path. I suppose I'm lucky that my night vision is d.a.m.n good. It's better than that of the two humans that I had smelled in the darkness ahead, and that's what really mattered.

As I crept down the eeriest bike path in town, I stifled a giggle. My wolf didn't drive me forward. No, I had succ.u.mbed to the intoxicating temptation of the bloodl.u.s.t. I suddenly wanted it so bad that I could already taste the sweet copper on my tongue.

I didn't need the whimpering to guide me to the couple. I could see them fighting near the thin tree line. The scent of fear hung thick on the air, as enticing as bread, fresh from the oven. But, there was also the heavenly scent of pain, which I despised myself for loving.

As I got closer, I realized how dire the situation was for the humans. They grappled in the dark for control, and one was fated to lose. The she-wolf in me reared her head at that, and a surge of rage hit me as the warm and cool energies of the wolf and vampire struggled for dominance.

"Please, David, don't!" I heard the shrill and terrified cry, and I saw his hand rise before the deafening smack followed.

"Nothing but a G.o.dd.a.m.ned tease." Flesh struck flesh, and then I heard a m.u.f.fled whimper.

The vampire may have gotten more enjoyment out of the fear heavily lacing the air. I on the other hand took greater pleasure in the display of caveman mentality and knowing this guy would die for it.

The barest shred of realism appealed to my quickly fading sanity. I realized that what little was left of my humanity was falling away. Power rode me in an overwhelming rush. I knew such undeniable hunger when the vampire's appet.i.te rose to the surface. The side of me that was wolf looked on the scene before me with apathy: he was a danger; he had to die. The scent of blood hit me, and the power building in my core broke free.

My head swam as instinct took over, and the beast within was unleashed. When I lifted my victim off his feet with one hand, I only wished he could see me better in the dark and fear me even more. With my fangs bared, a growl erupted from my throat. As I jerked the man away, the woman let out another ear-piercing wail.

Her fear fed my fire like gasoline, and I struggled to say, "Run," before I reached for her, too. She didn't have to be told twice. With David long forgotten, she ran screaming into the night. She would need a good twenty minutes to find someone even to look for the monster eating her loser boyfriend.

A cold sweat broke out on my skin, and I s.h.i.+vered despite the warm summer air. Conflicting urges toyed with my emotions, but all I felt was the hunger coursing through me.

David's attempt at a strangled scream was music to my ears. I smiled and licked my lips. Even in the dark, I could see the whites of his bulging eyes as he fought to breathe around my crus.h.i.+ng grip.

"So you don't like to take no for an answer? Well, neither do I." I gave him a mind-numbing shake. His sudden resurgence of terror hit me like an overdose. I didn't need more fear to feed my inner fire. I saw through a red haze. The sky, stars and moon all shone down on us with a blood red glow. I don't have a clear recollection of sinking fangs and tearing flesh. I know only that David's noises stopped instantly as his blood sprayed in hot drops, like lava, and spattered my face.

My intention went out the window when I tasted his blood. Any remaining thread of my humanity broke. I blacked out.

It was absolute carnage, nothing like the two neat holes of a practiced vampire. When I came back to myself and took in the scene, a cry escaped me that sounded foreign, like somebody else. I'd killed the wretch of a man, and the remnants of David were strewn about everywhere, most of them unidentifiable. The fact that his head remained just barely attached to his torso was sickening enough. The pile of intestine near my feet had me scrambling backward. I clawed at the pavement in my haste to retreat.

Blood coated the back of my tongue bitterly, and I made it a few feet before vomiting a stream of blood and flesh. My hands and face felt sticky. My heart raced so fast that I expected it to give out. Silent tears zigzagged twin paths down my cheeks as I gasped for air.

My mind was reeling. What in the f.u.c.k just happened? Desperately, I tried to wrap my mind around what I had done. I was haunted by how good it had felt, better than any physical sensation that I'd ever known. Once I'd accepted the taunting lure of the vampire's need, there had been no going back.

I began to sob even as I spat blood and tissue. Crying wasn't going to help anything so I forcibly bit back my sobs, though the tears refused to stop. I recognized the copper flavor of blood, G.o.dd.a.m.n vampire tears. My stomach rolled again with nausea and bile rose in my throat. I had to get out of there.

I was scared s.h.i.+tless but not stupid. As soon as David's girlfriend reached the heart of town, she'd send someone. With any luck, he wouldn't be found before daylight, but I needed to get the h.e.l.l away from the scene. I quickly checked for any personal evidence. No human dental records in the world would match any bite marks on the body parts.

My clothes, my face, and my hands were gory. I looked like I had been finger painting with vital fluids. I had to clean up, but the darkened path led away from the creek. If I turned back, I'd expose myself to the light from the main road. Out of the question. I'd have to get back home without anyone seeing me.

Deeper in the darkness, away from the main road, was another intersecting trail. That one however led only a short way to a residential sidewalk and ended. I glanced over my shoulder to the headlights on the busy street. I had no choice but to take the quiet residential streets.

My legs moved with Jez's speed as I hopped fences, ducked in between houses and slunk through the dark alleys. I stopped twice more to vomit. By the time that I arrived at home, I was dizzy and nauseous.

I didn't even consider going inside. If Kylarai saw me like this, she might just kick my a.s.s herself. I worried that I was losing my mind. I had to ask myself if what had just happened was real. It already felt like a faded dream.

Unfortunately, the moment I entered the garage and looked at myself in the Charger's side mirror, it became painfully real. My wolf eyes glowed with an eerie light in the dimly lit garage. Thankfully, they were my wolf eyes and not Arys's dizzying blue orbs.

The bright red smear across my mouth had turned brownish red around the edges. My blonde hair was chunky with red and pink tissues. I swore softly, but I wanted to pitch a d.a.m.n fit.

I blamed Arys for all of this. He had to have known the risks far better than I did. d.a.m.n him for adding to my already screwed up existence.

Careful not to touch Kylarai's white Escalade, I went to the small sink near the workbench. For the first time, I was glad that the man who had built the place had thought of it. I stripped off my bloodstained sweater. My t-s.h.i.+rt beneath was unblemished. With a sigh of relief, I ran the water until it was warm and cleansed every spot from my hands and face. I wasn't happy about rinsing my hair with no shampoo or conditioner, and it really sucked that my precious toothbrush was in the house. But, if I went in, Ky would try to stop me from going back out, and I wasn't risking that.

Something was drawing me to Lucy's Lounge. Whether it was my inherent need to throttle Arys with my bare hands or something else entirely, I wasn't sure.

After stas.h.i.+ng my b.l.o.o.d.y sweater in a gap behind the stairs, I studied my black jeans. The few splatters were barely noticeable on the dark denim. They would do for tonight and would join my hoodie in the burn barrel tomorrow.

I got in the Charger and backed out of the garage. I hoped that Ky wouldn't hear the mechanics of the garage door. I'd just have to explain later.

Arys was nowhere to be seen, but I felt him as strongly as if I were standing right next to him. A strange sensation told me that he sensed me, too. I cast my gaze around frantically for him. Something didn't feel right, like someone was out of place.

I felt Shaz's eyes on me, and I turned to give him a wink and a smile. I couldn't read anything in his expression, which gave me pause. I would have approached him if the pressing line of patrons hadn't stood in my way. He didn't look exceptionally distraught or beckon me over, so it couldn't be that bad.

When I didn't immediately spot Arys downstairs, I began to ascend the wide staircase. A rush of coolness stirred the hot bar air behind me. I turned to face him, suddenly on the offensive.

"You son of a b.i.t.c.h!" I cursed Arys from where I stood on the third step looking down at him.

His midnight eyes widened as he took in my blood-scented jeans and damp hair, now drying in dread-like chunks of blonde and gold.

"You killed a human." It was a comment, not a question. The Goth rock music boomed all around us. His words reached only me. "What have you been up to, Alexa?"

"Why don't you tell me? You're the one skilled in cold blooded murder." I glared at him. I tried so hard to blame him, even as I tasted the blood that lingered on the back of my tongue. He fixed me with a hard stare and, though my temper faltered, I refused to back down.

"What in the h.e.l.l are you on?" Arys grabbed my forearm and jerked me down the stairs. He pulled me against him and forced me to crane my neck. He looked into my eyes. "I never forced you into anything, and you know it. Did I blame you when I slaughtered Mrs. Olson's dog?"

I raised an eyebrow at him and made a face that indicated how stupid I thought his statement was. After a moment, he relented.

Arys admitted, "Ok, I did blame you. But now, I blame us. But seriously, we have more important issues at hand."

"What the h.e.l.l can be more important than the fact that I just tore a man apart? Literally! He's probably been found by now."

"When you say you tore him apart, you mean..."

"I said literally, didn't I? I mean just what I said. I left the f.u.c.ker in pieces, ok?" His eyes sparkled with gruesome curiosity, which disgusted me enough that I had to fight back another wave of nausea.

"As much as I'd love to hear all of the sweet and, I'm certain, juicy details, I'm afraid we have bigger problems."

"Like what?" I didn't really want to hear what he had to say. In fact, I had made a mistake by coming to Lucy's at all.

"Like the hit job on me that you've been thinking about taking." He said it so matter of fact.

Dumbfounded doesn't even begin to describe my instant reaction. I stared up at him like he'd slapped me as I took a step back. s.h.i.+t. Good news travels fast.

"What?" I mumbled, glancing around anxiously for whatever was out of place. My poor attempt at casual had bombed, but I forced myself to maintain eye contact. "I was never going to take the job."

"Don't even try it. If we weren't facing a s.h.i.+t load of trouble right now, I wouldn't hesitate to take a bite out of you. But, that will have to wait."

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 14 summary

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