Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 172

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"We won't stay long at Becca's. We can leave the giant in the car. Looks like he's sleeping like a baby again."

"Think he'll be okay?"


"You don't have to keep helping us, you know. I get the feeling you're sort of forced into it. But it's my mess. And it's gotten a lot worse. So if you need to head on without us, I totally understand."

I bit my lip, wanting him to stay. It was nice having the company.

"You're never gonna help Carl by yourself," he said with a teasing smile. "Someone has to keep an eye on you two. You seem to be getting on okay though. You know, with that drinking blood problem."

"Yeah, the thing Eddie reckons will solve all our problems. I'm doing okay with it. Mostly thanks to something Eddie gave me."

"Is it hard?" he asked. "Feeling thirsty all the time?"

I nodded, thinking about the sleepless nights I'd spent listening out for heartbeats and imagining what I could do to their warm-blooded owners.

"It's never good. And I've no idea what makes Eddie think it will help me out to just do it already. That's not going to end well."

"Have you bitten anyone since, you know, before you left Nancy?"

"No," I barely managed to speak. I had forgotten he would know all about me.

"He was okay, Ava. Wesley, I mean. You didn't hurt him, and he hadn't a clue what happened. You didn't have to leave."

I was flung back into the past at the mention of his name. My only boyfriend, one I had craved. I was attracted to Peter and l.u.s.ted for Carl's blood, but with Wesley, it was the whole package. I could barely keep my hands off him, and I ignored the warning signs. Blood l.u.s.t was so deeply coupled with attraction that I couldn't see straight.

And then I made my mistake. Alone together, we decided to take the next step. He was sweet and loving, and I was crazy about him. In the darkness, his kisses made me feel sure we were doing the right thing. Every touch, every kiss, every heartbeat was just right. But as our bodies moved together in a perfect rhythm, I lost control. One second I was throwing my head back in unbridled ecstasy, the next my fangs were shooting out and zoning in on his neck.

Wesley had cried out as soon as my fangs sank into his skin, but he was still enjoying himself. The pain hit him a couple of seconds later. Too late. Rich, spicy blood had already flooded my mouth, so much better than his touch. Mesmerised, I had lapped it up in a strange sort of frenzy. Warmth had rushed over me, and my body had rocked in o.r.g.a.s.mic waves even as he desperately tried to get me off him.

Finally, his screams had disturbed me. I released him and looked up in surprise. The fear in his eyes had been plain to see. I knew the monster he saw before him, recognised the blood-stained animal that had feasted on him. I was my own worst nightmare.

Horrified with myself, I grabbed my clothes and fled. I kept running until I couldn't anymore. That took a long time; I must have been fuelled up on adrenalin or something. I rang my grandmother, Nancy, but her first words were-"What did you do?" I knew I couldn't go back home ever again.


Peter's voice broke through my memories. I shook myself, realised my eyes were wet and quickly brushed them with my sleeve. I still couldn't go back, no matter what Peter said.

"Ava." He seemed reluctant to speak. "We're here. Carl can stay in the car, let's go see Becca."

Chapter Nine.

Becca lived in a narrow block of apartments not so different to my own. It was nicer than my place though. My own street always seemed to be covered in perpetual darkness even on sunny days.

"She's up on top," Peter said, squinting as he looked upward. "Lift or stairs?"

"Stairs." No way was I risking being stuck in a lift with Peter. Plus, I couldn't chance leaving Carl alone for too long if the lift jammed. I was becoming fond of him, as though he were a pet I was babysitting for a friend. Odd to have around, but I suspected I might even miss him once he left.

We ventured up the stairs in silence.

"Number 6b," Peter informed me.

I gulped. Six was never a good sign. My gut reaction intensified when we reached the apartment and saw the door was wide open. Inside, most of the furniture had been toppled over.

I sniffed the air. "I smell blood."

Peter put his finger to his lips and gestured for me to follow him. He crept past the wide open door, glancing left and right. His heart thudded loudly in his chest, distracting me.

"Wait here," he whispered and headed toward what might have been the bedroom or bathroom. The place was brightly coloured, a dramatic contrast to the bar, but something bothered me. I couldn't figure out what had triggered the warning signals in my brain.

I jumped with fright as something crashed to the floor in the room Peter had entered. I heard him yell and raced after him. He was on the ground, Becca on top of him. Her face was covered in blood. My stomach did a flip as I realised it was Peter's blood.

"What the h.e.l.l?'

She whipped her head around at my words and showed her teeth. Her eyes were so red that I had to double check to see if she had fangs. She didn't. But her very ordinary human teeth were covered in blood from where she had bitten Peter's shoulder. He was too dazed to struggle.

"You crazy b.i.t.c.h" I shouted as I lunged at her. She barely had time to get to her feet before I collided with her. We rolled on the floor and crashed into the corner of the bed. She was quicker to recover than me and pinned me down. It took less than two seconds for me to get scared at the sheer force of her strength. I could barely move. I was getting pretty sick of everyone pinning me down with such apparent ease.

Becca wrapped her hands around my neck, moaning with excitement as my heartbeat raced.

"You... monster," I said, gasping and desperately pinching at her hands to no avail. My air supply was depleting rapidly, and her fingers were making a good effort at crus.h.i.+ng the bones in my neck. Not again. Peter was still on the ground, Carl wasn't around, and I was on my own.

I tried to buck her off me, but she gripped my waist tight with her knees. I kept moving as much as I could to distract her while I desperately reached out with my hands for something to use as a weapon. Under the bed, my fingers brushed against something cool and metallic. I struggled to grip onto it but finally managed to take a firm hold. I pulled, but it was stuck on something. Black dots marred my vision; I knew I hadn't long left. With one last blast of adrenalin, I pulled as hard as I could and felt a release. I swung into the air and realised I was holding a hair straightener.

My heart sank as it barely connected, but the wire managed to whip around into the air, the p.r.o.ngs of the plug connecting with her eye.

"Ow!" She howled with pain, letting go of my neck to instinctively touch her eye socket. Blood seeped from her eye, but I didn't care. Air slammed into my lungs making me want to retch, but I concentrated on tackling her. The back of her head smacked to the ground as I held her down. Peter stirred behind me, but I couldn't turn to check on him. Becca was much stronger than me, and I knew I couldn't keep her pinned for much longer. I had only one weapon-my fangs. They shot out, but I hesitated, unwilling to commit.

I felt cold air blow on the back of my neck and heard one word whisper in my ear.


Excitement flooded through me. I shuddered as I sank my teeth into flesh. Her skin tore easily. She tasted funny, but her screams of pain and fear encouraged me to keep going. Instead of lapping, I sucked and dug my fangs deeper into her arteries. I relished the feeling of pure raw energy flowing through my system. As she weakened, I became stronger.

"Ava, stop it!" Peter shouted, but his words were dull behind the wall of power I was creating. Becca's heartbeat slowed, and the humanity inside pulled me away from her.

"Oh, G.o.d," I said, horrified, even as I licked her wound and the blood from my chin.

I covered my mouth and looked up at Peter, appalled by how little I regretted what I had done.

"Is she okay?" he said, pus.h.i.+ng me out of the way to check her pulse. "Why did you do that?"

"You told me to bite her!"

"You wish."

I remembered the cold presence I felt and realised he was telling the truth.

"s.h.i.+t," I murmured to myself. "Eddie." The cold air turned into a sharp blast of icy protest against my neck. I rubbed it hard, trying to warm up again. "Okay, sorry."

"What are you on about?" Peter snapped. Becca was too pale, but I could see her shallow breaths, hear her slow heartbeat. Everything was louder, clearer, more intense than before. The first time I had bitten someone, I barely drank and was so freaked out afterwards I could have sprouted wings and not noticed. This time I had drunk my fill. Satiated for the first time in my life, I now saw colours on a whole new spectrum. Performing the act of a dead creature had made me feel more alive than ever.

"Her wound is healing," Peter said, in awe. "Did you do that?"

I shook my head, unable to stay calm. "She bit you. What the f.u.c.k, Peter?"

He s.h.i.+vered noticeably and backed away from Becca-and me. "She jumped on me from behind, almost knocked me out. Then she bit me and banged my head off the ground. I must have pa.s.sed out or something. I woke up and you were on her." He wrapped his arms around himself, his face pale. "You're all scary as h.e.l.l, I hope you know that."

Carl burst through the doorway, ready to save us, presumably. He looked from me to Becca, and I bit down a wave of nausea.

"Carl, you watch Becca. Don't let her leave. Or bite anyone," I said, needing a minute away from everyone.

I headed to the bathroom to clean my face. Looking at myself in the mirror, I noticed a pale red gleam in my eyes. I had to sit on the side of the bath to settle myself. My entire body buzzed with excess energy. I'd done it-but not because I couldn't help myself. I looked at the silver cross. Red swirls of colour skimmed the surface. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see. The hit of adrenalin had faded away, and I was left with a funny, shaky feeling.

I almost killed Becca-but she might have killed me if I hadn't fought back. She was crazy strong, stronger than me until I fed on her. What on earth had possessed her? She might be human, but she was acting like more of a vampire than I was. Even her blood tasted funny.

I left the bathroom and looked around for a reason not to join the others. Remembering Becca's red eyes, I inspected her kitchen. A serious lack of food, but plenty of chilled blood.

"That's just weird," I said to myself.

The cold presence blew gently on the back of my neck as if in agreement.

"Ava! She's awake," called Carl.

Becca was awake all right, and mad as h.e.l.l.

"Get your slave off me!" she spat, reminding me of a hissy cat.

"He's not my slave. What's with all the blood in the fridge, you freak?"

"Blood?" Peter said. "What the h.e.l.l's wrong with you, Becca?"

"I need it, okay? Look, Petey, let me go. I'll be good, promise," Becca said, the whine in her voice making me angry. She gazed up at Peter, her eyes wide with innocence, but the dried blood all over her chin ruined the effect.

He looked away in disgust.

"Why did you attack Peter? Did you know we were coming?"

Her eyes narrowed. "I don't have to answer your questions, b.i.t.c.h."

Carl shoved at her. It was like having a guard dog, only better. She seemed to be offended that he was the one containing her.

"I don't feel good," she said in a tiny, pitiful voice. "You drank too much, you silly cow."

She was pretty pale. "I know," I said, beating down panic. "Answer a couple of questions, and I'll take you to hospital."

"We can't take her there. She might bite someone," Peter said.

"Just give me a drink," Becca snapped.

Peter recoiled in unconcealed horror.

"I meant one from my fridge," she amended, but she looked thrilled by his reaction.

"Okay, Peter go and get some." I told him, seeing I had to take the lead this time. "Don't heat it up."

Becca glared at me but didn't argue.

I sat on her bed. "Spill, Becca. We'll feed you if you do."

She rolled her eyes with disdain, but when Peter returned with a bag of blood, her face lit up. She licked her lips greedily. "They told me to watch out for you. I was supposed to hurt you if I could. 'Cause I can go out during the day."

"Give her the blood," I said. She ripped it open and gulped it down, barely pausing to take a breath. Her eyes rolled upward with pleasure when she drained the last drop.

"Why are you drinking blood, Becca?" Peter had a funny look on his face, like he was barely holding it together.

"No choice." She sighed softly, her eyes fluttering closed.

"Ava, I changed my mind. She looks like h.e.l.l. We have to take her to the hospital. f.u.c.k the blood bags. She might need a transfusion," Peter said.

"I don't. Just give me another drink, and I'll be fine."

He got one, threw it at her, and stormed out of her flat.

"What did they do to you?" I asked her, disgusted by how eagerly she was drinking. I hoped I didn't look like that to Peter.

She shrugged. "They're turning me into one of them."

"That's not possible," I said, scoffing at her delusions.

"It is now. There are these Spanish vampires, yeah? They kept testing on people, trying to turn them, trying to figure out how to trigger the change. Finally it worked on one guy. The rest all died."

"They figured it out? They can turn humans into vampires?" So not good.

"Yeah, but it's pricey. Max reckons I'm a good candidate, so I get an injection every week-he bites me daily. I haven't changed yet, obviously, but I'm close. I can feel it. I'm so thirsty now. I think I'd die if I didn't drink blood.

"Have you even tried?" I said.

She ignored me. The whole thing was insane; I couldn't believe the vampires were actually testing on people like that. Worse still, it sometimes worked.

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 172 summary

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