Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 25

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Raoul grunted in pain. His ebony eyes glared at me as he refused to acknowledge the vampire holding him immobile.

I'd winded Zoey with the psi ball, but she scrambled to her feet. "You don't get to kill him!" She screamed like someone who hadn't known sanity for a very long time. It made me stop to consider my plan of action.

"Who's going to stop me?" I challenged.

Fangs filled my mouth. The sticky blood that adorned her wounds was sweetly human. I ached to taste her human blood, laced with the energy of the wolf. I wanted her to rush me, the final push to finish what Kylarai had begun.

I didn't expect her to break so easily. A torrent of tears streamed down her face, and a sob broke from her. Her misery pained and confused me amidst my need to kill.

"I didn't do all of this just to have you take it from me. Kill me if you must, but I'll be d.a.m.ned before I die without killing him first." The girl's determination was admirable. All she wanted was to make Raoul hurt. I could relate to that.

"Does it really mean so much to you?" I met her gaze evenly with my own wolf eyes. "To kill your own father."

I followed her eyes to where Raoul knelt, straining against Arys's powerful hold.

"Yes," she conceded with her chin held defiantly. "I thought I wanted to bring him down, have him locked away in some wretched facility like he did me. But now, I just want this over."

"Zoey please," Raoul ground out through clenched teeth. "We can talk about this. It doesn't have to be this way."

I couldn't believe he was so convinced they could talk it out and live happily ever after like a sitcom family. His reaction was deeply disturbing on a level that I didn't understand.

"You're f.u.c.ked, old man." Zoey scowled but didn't attempt to pa.s.s me in order to reach him. "You never cared about my well-being before I murdered your b.i.t.c.hes. Why would you start now?"

She sounded resigned, as if she'd antic.i.p.ated this discussion for a long time. I wished I could erase the past week and never let Raoul drag me into this in the first place.

Hunger and instinct gnawed at me, and I fought the urge to s.h.i.+ft. My mind was running in the "act now, think later" mode.

"I always cared about you. There has never been a day that pa.s.sed when I haven't thought about you." Directing his temper at me, Raoul shouted, "For G.o.d's sake Alexa, could you call off your vampire?"

"I don't think so." I shook my head and my dyed gold bangs fell in my eyes. "You both need serious help."

The deathly glare that Zoey shot me was worth a thousand nasty words. "What do you know about growing up with a deadbeat father who's responsible for the death of your mother? He left me to suffer, surrounded by people that he knew I could never relate to."

She ran a hand through her stringy locks, and I was reminded of Raoul's penchant to do the same. "Do you have any idea what it's like to live each day trapped in this body while your every instinct cries to get out?"

After a moment of silent contemplation, I shook my head no. I didn't. But, Arys did now, and the sympathy s.h.i.+ning in the depths of his stunning eyes was too much for me. If we started to identify with her, her death would be that much harder.

"I can't relate to that." I s.h.i.+fted into a stance that appeared less threatening but didn't release the energy I held ready. "But, I can relate to being scared and inhuman. And being in need of a strong leader but finding none."

"Alexa." Raoul's tone rose in warning at the end of my name. Arys jerked his arm enough to make him gasp.

"Shut up." Zoey and I spoke simultaneously.

"Your father is a self-centered egomaniac, Zoey," I said, finding strength in the incredulous expression splayed upon Raoul's finely sculpted features. "As long as I've known him, he's been selfish, conceited and intent on his own personal interests. You were better off not being here during your youth. I can guarantee you that."

"Thanks a lot, you b.i.t.c.h." The hate in Raoul's deep voice struck me to the core. "After everything I've done for you, after I save you from being raped and used like a piece of meat, this is how you repay me?"

My face flamed with the sudden heat of embarra.s.sment. My wolf wanted to throw off this skin and make the short work of him that he so richly deserved. So, he wanted to air our dirty laundry, did he?

"You saved me Raoul? My a.s.s you did. What kind of knight in s.h.i.+ning armor do you mistake yourself for? You turned around and took me to your bed. I was seventeen, d.a.m.n you. You took my innocence, all I had left!"

Overcome with long repressed emotions, I took a step toward Arys and Raoul. I launched my ready energy so that it blasted a hole the size of my fist in the floor between Raoul's trembling knees.

"And don't you dare start with that s.h.i.+t about how I was willing. I was a new werewolf, and you took advantage of that. You're seventeen years my senior, yet you claim no responsibility."

I stood before him shaking as I stared down into his dark eyes. Aware of my b.l.o.o.d.y desires, Arys released his hold, but Raoul didn't attempt to get up. The power in my eyes had him wary.

My mind was a ma.s.s of confusion as my senses were overwhelmed by the lovely sources of energy to consume. I wanted to taste all three.

"What the h.e.l.l are you?" Raoul murmured. An entranced expression smoothed his face into a look of wonder.

My eyes focused on the pulse in his throat. It leapt so very fast beneath his skin. I moved to brush his hair away and bent to breathe in his familiar scent, the perfect mix of cologne, man and wolf. Desire reared its head inside me, and I almost gagged on it. The urge to taste his hot blood dripping on my tongue was so powerful, accompanied by the need to have him writhing naked beneath me. My mind was swimming as I fought Arys's hunger.

I sensed a sudden motion behind me; in the same moment, Arys sprang into action. I gave Raoul a shove that sent him reeling. The heavy thud of bodies colliding sent a sick chill through me as I whirled around. Arys pinned Zoey successfully to the floor, but a new rage surged through me when I saw the glint of the silver knife handle lodged in his side.

"Arys?" Adrenaline hit me hard, and I dropped to my knees beside him. "Are you ok?"

Zoey was squirming like a junkie on Cops, but he held firm with one forearm tight across her airway. "Yeah, just get it out."

As my fingers touched the handle, the jolt of pain in my side was instant, and I nearly lost my grip. The phantom of his pain felt so very real. With one solid pull, I drew the blade from his body. Bright vampire blood shone wet on the knife. The energy within his blood was as delectable as the scent of fresh roses. A crimson stain grew on Arys's t-s.h.i.+rt.

Across the room, Raoul was on his feet, but stiffness limited his movements. I worried that he would s.h.i.+ft in order to compensate.

"Get the f.u.c.k off of me." Zoey growled. Four sharp canines distorted her words. Arys gave her a backhand that even made me flinch, yet she didn't cease her struggle.

Before Raoul could even consider intervening, I threw an energy wall between him and us. The clear sheet of immoveable power wouldn't last long if I didn't feed it continuously, but it would keep him occupied for a moment or two.

Voices reached me from beyond the broken front door. "Wait," I heard Jez say in her no nonsense, ringleader tone. "Something's not right."

I'd say. The half-breed wolf from h.e.l.l was a real pain in the a.s.s. With our backup in place, I took a moment to lift Arys's s.h.i.+rt. The wound was already healing.

"It's cool, Jez," I called. "Come on in."

"What in the f.u.c.k?" Raoul slammed his large fists against my barrier, causing a faint ripple. The wall held, though. "What do you think you're doing, Alexa? d.a.m.n you. Let me out of this d.a.m.n thing."

"I'm fine," Arys admonished as I studied the healing stab wound. "Trust me, I've had worse." When I raised an eyebrow in response, he added, "Seeing you with my eyes is absolutely heart stopping."

c.r.a.p. That's why Raoul had reacted the way he did to me. I was suddenly very afraid to turn and look at Shaz.

"Alexa? Are you guys ok?" Jez's head poked into the kitchen from the front room. She took in the scene before her with little surprise. "My, isn't this interesting?"

Shaz was barely a step behind her, and he faltered when he saw me on the floor next to Arys with my matching blue eyes. Slowly, I got to my feet, brus.h.i.+ng non-existent dust from my knees.

"Kill her," I said to Arys, unable to take my eyes from my white wolf. His presence alone was creating the balance that I didn't know I'd been missing.

"No!" Raoul's voice thundered through the house, and my energy wall dropped.

With no hesitation, the vampire forced Zoey's head to the side and bared her beautiful throat. G.o.d help me, but I eagerly antic.i.p.ated the moment her blood would flow. As Arys sunk fangs into her tender flesh, Raoul growled and leapt.

Both Jez and I reacted, but she was faster. Raoul's weight was at least twice that of hers, and they rolled in a ball of flailing limbs. The angry yowl of a p.i.s.sed off cat filled the silence as they grappled tooth and nail to gain the advantage.

I hung back and waited for an opening. To use metaphysical power would risk injury to Jez. I feared Raoul would overpower her simply because of his desperation to save his daughter.

Turning to Shaz, I found him hovering between the front room and the s.p.a.cious kitchen. I saw the conviction in his eyes, and it cut deep.


"You have his eyes." The disbelief was strong in his tone. He could barely look me in the face.

"Shaz, I need you. Don't you see that?" I positioned myself so that I could see the entire room.

Jez and Raoul took out two of the four table legs with a crash. A decorative fruit basket hit the floor hard enough to send grapes flying like bouncy b.a.l.l.s.

Shaz looked at me with lost puppy eyes, and I grew desperate for him to understand. "I need you to balance out what he does to me." I reached for him. I needed his wolf so badly that I could taste it.

"I can't share you with him." His jade green eyes flicked to the feasting vampire then back to me. "Lex, she's s.h.i.+fting!"

When Zoey's human body had ceased fighting for life, the wolf trapped within her was free to take over. The essence of the wolf flowed over her, and she began to s.h.i.+ft beneath Arys. Blood spilled from his lips as he put a safe distance between himself and the writhing creature on the floor.

Raoul had Jez pinned beneath him and growled down into her face. He gripped both of her slender wrists in one hand, while the other stroked a claw along the soft skin under her chin. I didn't waste another second. I kicked him in the temple with as much force as I could muster.

He must have been seeing stars from the way that he slumped over with both hands on his head. Jez got to her feet. I watched as she picked a chunk of long black hair from a perfectly shaped claw. Her previously sleek up do was now a mess of long, tangled curls in disarray about her shoulders.

"This isn't good," she murmured, watching the spectacle in the middle of the floor.

I didn't want to watch, but what choice did I have? I whispered a prayer beneath my breath that Zoey wouldn't get stuck in mid-s.h.i.+ft, a horror too cruel for anyone to endure.

"Lex?" Shaz's evident worry mirrored my own.

On the floor, Zoey writhed and flailed as if having a seizure. Her hands reached and flexed over and over as clawed fingers became fully formed paws. I wanted to look away from her face, but I just couldn't. Her face lengthened and narrowed into a muzzle. The worst high-pitched wailing filled the house. Her s.h.i.+ft was so slow and agonizing.

It dawned on me that s.h.i.+fting might be a good idea right about now. I slipped out of my top and jeans, thankful for the steady rush of power and adrenaline that prevented me from feeling any embarra.s.sment. Once I was furry, the awkwardness would be left to Shaz and Arys.

"Watch my back."

I directed those famous last words at Jez and my two lovers before I freed the side of me that was scratching to get out. Much like springing the latch on the cage at the zoo, I went down on my hands and knees and was wolf before they touched the floor.

This kitchen wasn't going to be big enough for all of us if everyone decided to sprout fur. This had to end quickly. My one weakness was that in this form I had little to no use of my psychic side.

I'd have to trust Arys with that as I trusted Jez and Shaz to be the fangs and claws at my back should I need them. I had a feeling Raoul may be the unpredictable one here.

'If I didn't know better,' a cool velvet voice echoed in my thoughts. 'I might think the lady wolf has feelings for me after all. I'm honored to have your trust.'

'How is it that you're able to do this when I'm wolf?' I thought back to what he'd said in the coffee shop about seeing me running with Shaz.

I knew I'd sensed his presence then, but I had been distracted by Zoey. Our link seemed to vary quite dramatically based on what form I was in. Strange.

'Be thankful for limitations.'

Raoul leaned heavily on the kitchen counter. Heavy lines in his face betrayed his distress. Four ugly cuts marked his neck as well as his face just below his right eye. I doubted if he could stand much more.

He stared in mixed horror and relief at Zoey. With her slow metamorphosis complete, a small black female wolf stood on shaky legs and fought to get her bearings. She was wearing a wolfish expression of absolute shock. She sniffed the air and eyed each of us in turn. With a gentle swish of her thick tail, she shook off the remnants of her shredded clothing. She pawed lightly at the floor and a confused whine escaped her.

Raoul moved with the instinct of a parent to comfort her, and she turned on him in a blur of black with her hackles raised and her lips peeled back in a snarl. Hands up in defense, he stared down into her dark face with a strange look on his hard features.

I wanted to speak, to warn him not to get so close. I wasn't sure how much of her human mind remained. All of it, I hoped.

I glanced at Arys, as if he should speak for me, but he carefully ignored my eyes.

What the h.e.l.l was Raoul thinking to walk up to her like that? She could tear his b.a.l.l.s off and spit them back in his face before he could react. Ok, maybe not. She didn't know how to use her new body yet, but her instincts drove her actions.

"Might want to back up a little, buddy," Arys decided to give voice to my concern.

He had moved so that he stood a few feet behind me, where he could also see the entire room. His fingertips danced with blue energy outlined in yellow gold.

Raoul didn't look up from Zoey's true wolf eyes. "I'm not your buddy, you useless f.u.c.king vampire."

Everyone else immediately looked at Arys. I expected him to launch that power ball at the arrogant werewolf, but Zoey and Raoul had eyes only for each other, though they wore extremely differing expressions.

I felt rather than saw Arys bristle because he never moved a muscle. An absolutely wicked smile tugged at his lips, warming my insides against my will. He gave me a quick wink as he sensed my reaction to him. I wanted to glare, but my furry eyebrows wouldn't form the expression. vampire.

"Zoey please, you have to listen to me." Raoul begged, his tone both pleading and placating. "I can help you through this. But, you have to trust me."

I scoffed mentally to myself. This was ludicrous. The man had truly lost his mind.

"You can't do a d.a.m.n thing, and you know it. She's not ever getting back into a human body." Jez feigned casual with her crossed arms and relaxed stance against the fridge. She was in a good position to keep everyone trapped within the kitchen with just one step. The double paned gla.s.s sliding doors were an unlikely exit for those of us without fingers.

"Shut up!" Raoul snapped. He glanced at the leopard who clearly wanted another shot at clawing his eyeb.a.l.l.s out. "None of you have any right to be here."

"We were invited. And now, we're not leaving until somebody's dead, or Lex decides you're not worth all this trouble." Jez nodded in my direction.

A sliver of guilt nagged me. I shouldn't have dragged my friends into this personal drama.

'You know she didn't mean it that way.' Arys's voice was soothing in my mind. 'We're all going to call in our favors down the line.'

'Stop that.' It felt like a mental fly that I wanted to swat. 'I don't even want to hear your favor.'

Arys chuckled aloud, and everyone but Zoey turned and looked at him. She took advantage of the moment to lunge her newly gained weight into Raoul. The fool never saw it coming. She hit him hard in the chest and took out his legs easily. They slid together in a heap across the tiled floor. With a snarling wolf in his lap, Raoul did the only thing he could with less than a second to react. He threw his arms up to protect his face and throat. All four of Zoey's fangs sank in the tender underside of his forearm. Dissatisfied, she released her hold and struck again.

I winced inwardly at Raoul's blood and crossed the twenty feet separating us in a leap. I threw all of my weight into Zoey, taking her down in a frenzy of snapping jaws. She twisted beneath me in a struggle to get to her feet. When I got a mouthful of thick flesh at the back of her neck, I held tight.

Shaz dragged Raoul to his feet. The bigger man was bleeding from both arms, long red rivulets that fell to stain the white tile.

When I felt Arys's reaction to the fresh blood, I was glad that he'd sated the worst of the bloodl.u.s.t. I wasn't sure that I could have maintained control otherwise. I resisted the urge to look at Shaz, my stronghold of control.

Powerful jaws closed around my front right leg as Zoey scrambled to get a hold on any part of me. I gave a small yelp of pain, certain this would result in a broken wrist.

A scuffle broke out behind us, and I worried. I could only see the top of Zoey's head from my angle. I let her go so that she would let me go, and we sprang apart. My leg ached. Even the minor bite left my ash colored fur with bloodstains.

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 25 summary

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