Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 28

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Compared to Arys and me, Shaz hadn't adjusted any better to the link, but he accepted that it isn't going away. My heart belonged to Shaz like all of me that is wolf, but the root of my own personal power longed for Arys as if we'd always been a part of the same flame. It was complicated. The frequent dreams about Raoul didn't help the confusion.

After postponing our date night for almost two weeks, Shaz and I went out for the cla.s.sic dinner and a movie. It was amazing how something as mundane as a real date could mean so much to me.

We asked Kylarai to join us for a run, but she just smiled and said that she'd agreed to help Kale nail a target. I'd asked her if "nail a target" was code for anything and received a nice open handed slap on the arm. A blade between the ribs hadn't been so bad for Kylarai.

Outside, in the dark of night, I saw a black wolf framed by trees in the field. A sliver of moonlight cast a soothing glow, and I was sure my keen eyes were not playing tricks on me. When I blinked, the ghostly wolf was gone.

I sensed Shaz's welcome approach and turned to admire his form as he stripped. Upon reading the letter from Raoul, he had responded with a fury to match my own. I felt amused that he, too, wished Raoul was still alive to take the beating that he deserved. Slowly I would learn to live with Raoul's confession. It was a betrayal I never expected to get over.

I gently sc.r.a.ped my fingernails along Shaz's firm shoulders, down his chest to his navel. He s.h.i.+vered in response, and I licked my lips invitingly.

With the most delicate touch, he traced the line of my jaw before nibbling ever so softly on my lower lip. His white blond hair fell across my nose, and I giggled in that girlish way that I so despise. Naked with him felt so right.

"Before or after?" His whisper tickled the inside of my ear so that I had to rub the feeling away.

"After, otherwise you'll say you're too tired to run. Again." I gave him a playful shove and turned away to embrace the change to wolf.

Before I could s.h.i.+ft, his arms snaked around my waist. I gave a small squeal and fought back by reaching behind me to the ticklish spot in his side that made him come undone. He released me immediately, and I turned to continue my a.s.sault with both hands.

"Alexa!" He tried to sound mad, but it didn't come out that way. "Ok, ok, have it your way." The desperation that comes from being tickled made his voice high on the last two words, and he grimaced.

Unable to resist such a cute expression, I pulled him close for a heart melting lip lock that I knew would get him panting. He tasted of mint and smelled of wolf.

"You little tease," he called as I walked toward the field beyond the back gate. "I can't wait to sink my teeth into you."

I paused long enough to tap my bare bottom in invitation. He answered with a growl that added a spring to my step.

I ran and leaped, arching my body, gracefully becoming wolf in midair. Though it may have had the finesse of Hollywood graphics, it took Shaz and I almost three years to perfect the move. I couldn't count the number of naked spills in the dirt that we'd both taken.

As I'd antic.i.p.ated, Shaz was only a few seconds behind me. His paws kicked up dirt as he scrambled to catch up, and I poured on the speed as we raced to our tree.

I knew I had to go forward regardless of mistakes and lessons learned the hard way. Though life would be a lot simpler without the drama, power, and bloodshed, I have a sneaking suspicion that's not about to end anytime soon.

Alexa O'Brien Huntress Series Book Two: The Wicked Kiss Alexa O'Brien is a magnet for trouble. Due to the power she shares with bad a.s.s vampire, Arys Knight, power hungry creatures are eager to get a taste of her. That includes Arys' s.a.d.i.s.tic sire, a vampire that sees her as a toy, perfect for his personal collection. If he doesn't kill her, she just might wish he had.

Alexa is in danger, something her wolf mate Shaz blames entirely on Arys. The tension runs high when an argument blows up into a full physical confrontation between the two men. Alexa learns there is one way to protect herself from those who see her as a walking, talking power trip. Now she is faced with her biggest decision yet.

But can the two men she loves put aside their differences when it matters most? Because this is one sacrifice that will forever alter her very mortality.

Excerpt at:

About the Author.

Trina M. Lee has walked in the darkness alongside vampires and werewolves since adolescence. Trina lives in Alberta, Canada with her fiance and daughter, along with their 3 cats. She loves to hear from readers via email or twitter.

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Book 1.

The Crush Saga: Book 1.

by Chrissy Peebles.

Copyright 2013 by Chrissy Peebles.

Story 2.

BLURB: His precious touch could prove deadly...

When Taylor Sparks moves from New York City to Big Bear Lake, California, her life is forever changed when she meets a hot guy with winter-blue eyes named Jesse. Their attraction is instant, the chemistry undeniable. But sadly, things aren't adding up. Taylor wonders what her 'crush' is hiding. When her new friend, Fred tells her his suspicions about Jesse being a paranormal creature, Taylor laughs. But when Fred turns up dead, she believes every warning he ever told her.

Taylor is shocked to learn that Big Bear Lake isn't just glittering lakes, towering pines, and breathtaking mountains...there's more...way more than meets the eye.

Will Taylor dive into a paranormal world she knows nothing about? To be with the one her heart can't live without?

Or will her life spiral out of control when she learns her blood is lift an ancient curse from a group of supernatural beings.

Werewolves will serve as her guardians and

protect her until the first full moon of the new year.

The night of her sacrifice...

Will she accept her destiny?

Or will she refuse to let evil swallow her up?

Chapter 1.

Big Bear Lake, California is located in a lush green valley, surrounded by mountains and the towering pines, sparkling streams, wildlife, and hidden lakes of the San Bernardino National Forest. We'd just moved into a cute, two-story brick house along the south sh.o.r.e of Big Bear Lake, a beautiful, quaint little home left to us by my grandmother when she'd pa.s.sed away. She'd spent her whole life in the house and had loved it, so my parents thought it would be fantastic to dump our city life and move out to the smog-free middle of nowhere, where we could get lost in the peace and quiet tranquility. It wasn't the easiest place to get to, and only three roads led in and out of the valley.

My parents loved the solitude because they were writers. My father wrote mystery thrillers, and Mom penned romance novels. They hated the hustle, bustle, and noise of the city and were sure they'd be better able to concentrate out in the peaceful wilderness. "It'll be a fresh start for all of us," my mother a.s.sured me just after my bad breakup with my boyfriend, "a very healthy experience all around."

I wasn't sure, though, if I could so easily adjust to the simple life after living in New York City, but once we got there, I loved the place. It was a far cry different, going from honking taxicabs and towering buildings to honking geese and towering trees, but I knew my mother was right; it would be the perfect spot to forget about my depressing love life.

I had two brothers and one sister, but they had already moved out of the house, so now I was virtually an only child, with the two most wonderful parents. We were a loving, close-knit family, and I couldn't have been more thankful for that.

It was only June when we moved in, so I had almost the whole summer to get used to California and my new home before school started. I carried in the last heavy box to my cluttered room; everything was a mess. I bit my lip hard as I looked around at all the boxes and bags, knowing there was no way I'd get everything unpacked and put in its place in one night.

My mother pushed through the maze of boxes, toppling them everywhere. "Pizza's here."

It was past lunchtime, and my stomach rumbled. My German shepherd pranced around in a circle and barked.

"Mom," I said, "Max needs to be walked first."

She brushed her hair behind her ear and smiled. "Go ahead and take him out, then, but don't wander off too far."

I kissed her cheek. "Of course not."

She pointed to my eyes. "What's with the dark circles?"

"Uh...I'm sure it's just makeup, or maybe just because I've been getting absolutely no sleep?"

"It's your makeup," she said, smiling. "You look like a racc.o.o.n."

"See? I'll fit right in with the wildlife out here."

My mom laughed. "Well, maybe the racc.o.o.ns can adopt you. They're nocturnal too."

"I just can't sleep at night. I can't help it."

She wrapped her arm around me. "Is this about the breakup with Sean? Honey, it's been six months. Remember what we talked about? We're here for a new beginning, a fresh start."

"I know," I said, wincing because the whole thing still hurt.

Sean had dumped me out of the blue, and getting dumped sucked, no matter the reason. I had given him my heart, and he had trampled all over it. The breakup absolutely blinded me, and I didn't see it coming when he called me and said, "Taylor, this just isn't working for me anymore."

I knew it was time for me to move on with my life, with whatever grace and dignity I could muster. We'd both made mistakes in the relations.h.i.+p, and neither one of us were perfect by a long run. Still, I refused to let that relations.h.i.+p define who I was. Just because we didn't work out and clearly weren't meant for each other, that didn't mean things wouldn't work out with someone else in the future. My friends set me up on stupid dates that never worked out, and I wondered if I'd ever find the "spark" again. For the time being, I decided I was done with guys. I was just going to enjoy my fresh start and focus on my pa.s.sion, painting. The yard was overrun with weeds and vegetation, but my dad had hired someone to fix it up, and when he was finished, it would be the perfect place for me to pursue my art.

I threw my black, curly hair into a messy ponytail, then slid my feet into my white tennis shoes. I wore a white t-s.h.i.+rt and my favorite pair of skinny jeans that hugged my curves so tight they felt like a second skin. I'd washed them so many times that they were faded and super soft, form-fitting in all the right places. The right knee had a large rip in it, but that only gave them originality. Silver and leather bracelets dangled from each of my wrists, and silver rings adorned my fingers. I looked into the mirror and wiped the smeared eyeliner from underneath my brown eyes, then headed outside.

It was so beautiful there. Our yard was surrounded by towering trees that stretched high into the sky. The birds chirped, the sun shone on my face, and a cool breeze ruffled my hair. I loved my back yard woods. Inhaling the clean air, I smiled. I'm really going to enjoy my fresh start here...and so is Max, I thought as the dog explored the back yard, fascinated and intrigued by all the new smells and sounds.

Suddenly, Max's ears shot back, as if he had noticed an animal in the woods. Peering closer, I glimpsed a whitetail deer sipping from a puddle. My heart melted at the sight of the adorable animal. Max's bark scared it almost to death, and the poor animal darted off into the vegetation. He wasn't used to all that natural wildlife, but I knew he was going to love it there as much as I was, if not more. He barked fiercely, then suddenly bolted through the trees, deeper into the woods, and I guessed he was chasing the deer. I decided then and there that I'd have to keep him on a leash.

"Max!" I yelled. "Come back!"

He didn't listen.

I glanced back at the house, wondering if I should get my parents for help. The woods and its inhabitants scared me, but I debated on what I should do. Finally, I decided to just go a little ways into the woods, but I did-if only for a brief second-wonder what the chances were that I'd run into a bear.

I stepped through the vegetation and took a tentative step. Glancing around, I didn't see Max, so I called for him a few times, only to get no response. When I heard a bark in the distance, I took off through the woods that surrounded our property. I pushed aside some green vegetation and glanced ahead and could finally see my beloved and ornery pet. "Max!" I shouted. "Come back!"

He gave me the dog version of the I-see-you-but-I-don't-care look, then started sniffing the ground.

As I walked toward where he was, I seriously considered obedience A thorn grazed my skin, and I bit my lip to stave off the pain. I swore I'd never let that cantankerous canine off the leash again.

I stumbled left and tripped over a pile of termite-ridden, moss-covered, rotting logs, then burst through more towering ferns. Max disappeared into the thick vegetation once again. I couldn't see him anywhere, but I could still hear him barking. Panting, I spun in a slow circle. I was afraid if I went in any deeper, I'd get lost, but I couldn't just desert my best friend.

The snap of a twig behind me, followed by the unmistakable crunch of dried leaves, halted me mid step, and I strained to listen. Was that...Max?

The snap of another twig drifted through the forest.

I peered around the trees and high gra.s.s. "Max?" I yelled. "C'mere, boy."


I swept an uneasy glance around the trees, my senses on full alert, and I whistled. "Here, Max! C'mon, boy. Let's go home."

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 28 summary

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