Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 48

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"He's not my boyfriend...yet."

"You need to break off all communication with him as soon as possible, Taylor."

I met his gaze straight on. "If what you're saying is true, maybe I want to tame him."

"You can't tame a ravage beast." Fred stood. "I don't think I have anything more to say to you."

"Wait, Fred! Come back!" I yelled as he started to step off the porch in a huff. "You said you have solid proof, evidence. How did you come to this conclusion anyway?"

Ignoring me, he went back to work.

"Thank you for the necklace," I said. "I won't take it off. I promise."

When he continued to ignore me, I just shook my head and headed back into the house, rubbing the cross between my thumb and index finger. Fred was more than a little troubled, but I couldn't help but be flattered by his urge to protect me.

Chapter 17.

A few days later, Amy, one of Julie's friends, invited Jesse and me on a boat ride. I hadn't given her an answer yet, so Julie wouldn't quit calling. When I saw her name on my caller ID again, I moaned. "h.e.l.lo?" I said, answering my cell.

"Are you coming or not?"

"I went night-fis.h.i.+ng with Jesse a few days ago," I said. "I kinda got freaked out on the boat." The image of the white buck flashed across my mind.

She blew out a long breath. "How many times do I have to tell you it's all just some stupid myth? How can you let them scare you like that anyway?"

"I wasn't scared-just a little freaked out."

"I talked to Jesse, and he's coming. I just hope one of those girls doesn't ask him out."


"What? You know they'll be all over him like ants on a picnic."

"Fine. I'll go," I said.

"I knew you'd see it my way," she said, wearing a smirk that I could hear through the phone.

"Ha-ha! Can I bring Max?"

"Sure. Be there in an hour."

"Bye," she said.

After I hung up the phone, I threw my bathing suit on, then slipped a pair of blue shorts with a cute lace tank-top. I brushed my teeth and left my hair down. I quickly packed some sunscreen, a towel, some bottles of water, and a few other things I thought I might need.

Outside, I opened the car door, put my on, and called Max. He hopped into the pa.s.senger's side and barked, and I put the window halfway down for him.

"Ready to have some fun, Max?" I asked.

He barked again, and I laughed at his answer as I pulled out of the driveway.

At the docks, Julie spotted me and squealed my name. "We're gonna have so much fun," she said.

"Is Jesse here yet?" I asked.

"Yep." Julie reached down and petted Max. "Hi, Max."

He barked and wagged his tail.

I climbed onto the boat and found Jesse sitting on the bow, surrounded by an entourage of bikini-clad, giggling girls. One was showing off her bellyb.u.t.ton ring, and another was asking his opinion of her tramp stamp.

When Jesse met my gaze, he smiled.

Max started barking at Jesse again, and I secretly hoped he'd chase away his fan club.

Jesse left the swarm of girls and walked straight to me. "Hi. You look amazing."

"Thanks," I said, almost smiling back at the girls who scowled at me and walked away.

He embraced me in a long hug, then kissed my lips.

"Sadly, ladies," a brunette said, "it appears Jesse is taken by the new girl."

"Yep," another said, shaking her head.

"Not to worry. My fun boat brings all the boys to the yard," she said with a grin, pointing in the direction of the dock.

I turned and saw a whole herd of guys climbing onboard, some in trunks and others bravely donning Speedos.

Julie smiled. "Whoa. Talk about precious cargo. I got dibs on the blond."

We all burst out in laughter.

Jesse smiled at me, set me on his lap and wrapped his arms around me. I loved being the object of his affection, and I was beginning to feel very comfortable with him.

"With all those animal attacks happening," Amy said, "I thought this would be a good idea. What could be safer than hanging out in water in the middle of the lake?"

"It's brilliant!" Julie squealed. "Most animals can't swim, and as far as I know, there aren't any sharks in the lake."

The sun beat down on my skin, but the last thing I wanted was to look like a lobster in front of Jesse. I drizzled sunscreen from the bottle into my hands, then smeared the coconut-scented cream all over my arms and legs. "I do feel a lot safer here," I said.

Amy smiled. "Me too."

Jesse reached for the lotion with a smile. "Need some help?" he offered.

"Sure," I said, holding my hair up. "You've always got my back, huh?" I punned.

"I have spray-on sunblock," one of the girl's said.

Julie laughed. "I'm sure Jesse prefers the hands-on method."

"It works better to really rub it in," Jesse said.

"Yeah, I bet," Julie said with a chuckle.

My heart sped up as he rubbed the lotion slowly down my shoulders and across my back.

"I can do your back if you want," I said. "It's only fair."

"Nah, I'm good."

"What's the matter, Jesse? You got a gorilla back or something like those apes in the zoo where you work?" Julie asked.

"Ha-ha," he said.

A popular tune came on the radio, and some of the girls started dancing. Others laughed, talked, and sipped on their drinks they'd taken from the two coolers that were loaded with sandwiches and sodas.

One of them casually said to Amy, "I heard about the breakup. What happened?"

She frowned. "Well, he's doing drugs and getting all possessive."

"Wow. It's good you broke it off now then," Julie said, "especially if he's hooked on drugs."

Amy's brown eyes sparkled in the sun as her long, reddish-brown hair blew in the wind. "I don't wanna talk about my pitiful love life. Let's jump in!" And with that, she did a cannonball into the lake.

Jesse followed her, and I laughed.

"Oh my gos.h.!.+ It's freezing in here!" Amy said.

Jesse glanced up at me. "Come on in! And don't worry. I'll keep you warm."

Taking the offer I couldn't possibly refuse, I dove in, then wiped the hair out of my eyes.

Max barked and was next to jump into the water "Come on, Max!" I coaxed.

He started dog-paddling toward us.

I then turned to Jesse. "You left your s.h.i.+rt on again."

"Like Julie said, I'm shy."

"Liar, liar, trunks on fire," I said.

He grinned widely.

"I don't care about your scar, if that's what you're worried about."

"It's just-"

"You don't have to explain."

"Jesse, you need to lose the s.h.i.+rt and put on a Speedo like some of those other guys," Julie said, right before she jumped in, splas.h.i.+ng us. "I think a leopard print would really bring out your eyes."

The whirring of a boat engine caught my attention as it approached.

"c.r.a.p. I was also hoping my nutcase ex-boyfriend wouldn't find me here," Amy said.

When the boat got closer, a guy about our age called Amy's name. "Hey, I just wanna talk."

Max started barking and causing a ruckus.

The guy shot us a look. "Shut the dog up before I shut him up for you."

"Max!" I said, petting his head and trying to calm him. "Shh!"

Amy looked at us. "I've gotta go talk to him for a minute, or else he'll never leave."

"Just be careful," Julie said.

When I noticed that all the guys were drinking something a bit stronger than Mountain Dew, I realized it might not be a good idea for Amy to be alone on their boat. "You oughtta stay here, Amy," I said. "They all look wasted. They shouldn't even be driving a boat."

She ignored me, swam over, and climbed aboard the boat. It didn't take long for their calm conversation to turn into a full-blown argument.

"That's no way to talk to a girl!" Jesse yelled.

"Shut up," the guy said. "Just mind your own business."

"Well, it is my business when you pull up next to our boat," Jesse said.

"p.i.s.s off!" the guy replied.

I nudged Jesse. "We need to go get her," I said, fearing they might try to take off with poor Amy held captive on their boat. "Amy," I pleaded, "please come back to our boat."

She looked in my direction, her cheeks red. "You're right. He's stubborn and bullheaded, and I don't want to be anywhere near him."

I swam closer to the boat as Amy climbed over the rail. Just as she began to jump off, her hotheaded ex-boyfriend grabbed her and pulled her back on deck. She shouted a few curses at the guy, and in the next second, he pulled out a knife and angrily lunged at her.

Next, it was like everything went into slow motion. In a flash, Jesse was on the boat, knocking the knife out of the guy's hand and throwing him about twenty feet. Amy and Jesse jumped back in the water, and we all climbed back on our boat.

"Are you okay?" I asked Amy.

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Darlings of Darkness: A Vampire Anthology Part 48 summary

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