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About the same Time, a _Guard le Coast_, of _Porto Rico_, commanded by one _Matthew Luke_, an Italian, took four _English_ Vessels, and murthered all the Crews: He was taken by the _Lanceston_ Man of War, in _May_ 1722, and brought to _Jamaica_, were they were all but seven deservedly hanged. It is likely the Man of War might not have meddled with her, but that she blindly laid the _Lanceston_ on Board, thinking she had been a Merchant s.h.i.+p, who thereupon catched a Tartar. Afterwards in rummaging there was found a Cartridge of Powder made up with a Piece of an _English_ Journal, belonging, I believe, to the _Crean_ Snow; and upon Examination, at last, it was discovered that they had taken this Vessel and murthered the Crew; and one of the _Spaniards_, when he came to die, confessed that he had killed twenty _English_ Men with his own Hands.
S. Jago de la Vega, Febr. 20. _A Letter from his Excellency Sir _Nicolas Laws_, our Governor, to the Alcaldes of _Trinidado_ on _Cuba_, dated the _26_th of _Jan. 1721-2.
`THE frequent Depredations, Robberies, and other Acts of Hostility, which have been committed on the King my Royal Master's Subjects, by a Parcel of Banditti, who pretend to have Commissions from you, and in Reality are sheltered under your Government, is the Occasion of my sending the Bearer Captain _Chamberlain_, Commander of his Majesty's Snow _Happy_, to demand Satisfaction of you for so many notorious Robberies which your People have lately committed on the King's Subjects of this Island; particularly by those Traytors, _Nicolas Brown_ and _Christopher Winter_, to whom you have given Protection. Such Proceedings as these are not only a Breach of the Law of Nations, but must appear to the World of a very extraordinary Nature, when considered that the Subjects of a Prince in Amity and Friends.h.i.+p with another, should give Countenance and encourage such vile Practices. I confess I have had long Patience, and declined using any violent Measures to obtain Satisfaction, hoping the Cessation of Arms, so happily concluded upon between our respective Sovereigns, would have put an effectual Stop to those Disorders; but on the contrary, I now find the Port of _Trinidado_ a Receptacle to Villains of all Nations. I do therefore think fit to acquaint you, and a.s.sure you in the King my Master's Name, that if I do meet with any of your Rogues for the future upon the Coast of this Island, I will order them to be hanged directly without Mercy; and I expect and demand of you to make ample Rest.i.tution to Captain _Chamberlain_ or all the Negroes which the said _Brown_ and Winter have lately taken off from the North-Side of this Island, and also of such Sloops and other Effects as they have been taken and robbed of, since the Cessation of Arms, and that you will deliver up to the Bearer such _English_ Men as are now detained, or otherwise remain at _Trinidado_; and also expect you will hereafter forbear granting any Commissions, or suffer any such notorious Villains to be equipp'd and fitted out from your Port: otherwise you may depend upon it, those that I can meet with, shall be esteemed Pyrates, and treated as such; of which I thought proper to give you Notice, and am, _&c._
_A Letter from Mr. _Joseph Laws_, Lieutenant of his Majesty's s.h.i.+p, _Happy_ Snow, to the Alcaldes of _Trinidado_._
`I Am sent by Commadore _Vernon_, Commander in Chief of all his Majesty's s.h.i.+ps in the _West-Indies_ to demand in the King our Master's Name, all the Vessels, with theirs Effects, _&c._ and also the Negroes taken from _Jamaica_ since the Cessation of Arms; likewise all _Englishmen_ now detained, or otherwise remaining in your Port of _Trinidado_, particularly _Nicholas Brown_ and _Christopher Winter_, both of them being Traytors, Pyrates and common Enemies to all Nations: And the said Commadore hath ordered me to acquaint you, that he is surprized that the Subjects of a Prince in Amity and Friends.h.i.+p with another, should give Countenance to such notorious Villains.
In Expectation of your immediate Compliance, I am, Gentlemen,
Off the River _Trinidado_, _Feb._ 8. 1720.
Your humble Servant, _Joseph Laws_.
_The Answer of the Alcaldes of _Trinidado_, to Mr. _Laws_'s Letter._
Capt. Laws,
`IN Answer to yours, this serves to acquaint you, that neither in this City, nor Port, are there any Negroes or Vessels which have been taken at your Island of _Jamaica_, nor on that Coast, since the Cessation of Arms; and what Vessels have been taken since that Time, have been for trading in an unlawful Commerce on this Coast; and as for those English Fugitives you mention, they are here as other Subjects of our Lord the King, being brought voluntarily to our holy Catholick Faith, and have received the Water of Baptism; but if they should prove Rogues, and should not comply with their Duty, in which they are bound at present, then they shall be chastized according to the Ordinances of our King, whom G.o.d preserve. And we beg you will weigh Anchor as soon as possible, and leave this Port and its Coasts, because upon no Account you shall be suffered to trade, or any Thing else; for we are resolved not to admit thereof. G.o.d preserve you. We kiss your Hand.
_Trinidado_, _Feb._ 8, 1722.
Signed, _Hieronimo de Fuentes, Benette Alfonso del Manzano_.
_Mr. _Laws_'s Reply to the Alcaldes Letter._
`YOUR refusing to deliver up the Subjects of the King my Master, is somewhat surprizing, it being in a Time of Peace, and the detaining them consequently against the Law of Nations.
Notwithstanding your trifling Pretence (for which you have no Foundation but to forge an Excuse) to prevent my making any Enquiry into the Truth of the Facts I have alledged in my former, I must tell you my Resolutions are, to stay on the Coast till I have made Reprizals; and should I meet any Vessels belonging to your Port, I shall not treat them as the Subjects of the Crown of Spain, but as Pyrates, finding it a Part of your Religion in this Place to protect such Villains.
Off the River _Trinidado_, _Feb._ 8. 1720.
Your humble Servant, _Joseph Laws_.
_The Answer of one of the Alcaldes to Mr. _Laws_'s Reply_.
Captain Laws,
`YOU may a.s.sure your self, I will never be wanting in the Duty of my Post. The Prisoners that are here are not in Prison, but only kept here to be sent to the Governor of the _Havana_: If you (as you say) command at Sea, I command on Sh.o.a.r: If you treat the _Spaniards_, you should happen to take, as Pyrates, I will do the same by every one of your People I can take up: I will not be wanting to good Manners, if you will do the same. I can likewise act the Soldier, if any Occasion should offer that way, for I have very good People here for that purpose.
If you pretend any Thing else, you may execute it on this Coast. G.o.d preserve you. I kiss your Hand.
_Trinidado_, _Feb._ 20. 1720.
Signed, _Bennette Alfonso del Menzano_.
The last Advices we have received from our Plantations in _America_, dated _June_ 9th, 1724, gives us the following Account, _viz._ That Captain _Jones_ in the s.h.i.+p _John_ and _Mary_, on the 5th of the said Month, met with, near the Capes of _Virginia_, a _Spanish Guard del Coast_, commanded by one _Don Benito_, said to be commissioned by the Governor of _Cuba_: She was manned with 60 _Spaniards_, 18 _French_ Men and 18 _English_, and had an _English_ Captain as well as _Spanish_, one _Richard Holland_, who formerly belonged to the _Suffolk_ Man of War, which he deserted at _Naples_, and took Shelter in a Convent. He served on Board the _Spanish_ Fleet under Admiral _Cammock_, in the War in the _Mediterranean_; and after the Cessation of Arms with Spain, settled with several of his Countrymen (_Irish_) in the _Spanish_ _West-Indies_. This _Guard del Coast_ made Prize of Captain _Jones_'s s.h.i.+p, and kept Possession of her from 5th to the 8th, during which Time she took also the _Prudent Hannah_ of _Boston_, _Thomas Mousell_ Master, and the _Dolphin_ of _Topsham_, _Theodore Bare_ Master, both laden and bound for _Virginia_: The former they sent away together with three Men and the Mate, under the Command of a _Spanish_ Officer and Crew, the same Day she was taken; the latter they carried off with them, putting the Master and all the Crew aboard Captain _Jones_'s s.h.i.+p. They plundered Captain _Jones_ of thirty six Men Slaves, some Gold-Dust, all his Cloaths, four great Guns and small Arms, and about four hundred Gallons of Rum, besides his Provisions and Stores, computed in all to 1500 _l._ Sterling.
CHAP. I. OF Captain _AVERY_, And his CREW.
NONE of these bold Adventurers were ever so much talked of, for a while, as _Avery_; he made as great a Noise in the World as _Meriveis_ does now, and was looked upon to be a Person of as great Consequence; he was represented in _Europe_, as one that had raised himself to the Dignity of a King, and was likely to be the Founder of a new Monarchy; having, as it was said, taken immense Riches, and married the Great _Mogul_'s Daughter, who was taken in an _Indian_ s.h.i.+p, which fell into his Hands; and that he had by her many Children, living in great Royalty and State; that he had built Forts, erected Magazines, and was Master of a stout Squadron of s.h.i.+ps, mann'd with able and desperate Fellows of all Nations; that he gave Commissions out in his own Name to the Captains of his s.h.i.+ps, and to the Commanders of his Forts, and was acknowledged by them as their Prince. A Play was writ upon him, called, the _Successful Pyrate_; and, these Accounts obtained such Belief, that several Schemes were offered to the Council for fitting out a Squadron to take him; while others were for offering him and his Companions an Act of Grace, and inviting them to _England_, with all their Treasure, least his growing Greatness might hinder the Trade of _Europe_ to the _East-Indies_.
Yet all these were no more than false Rumours, improved by the Credulity of some, and the Humour of others who love to tell strange Things; for, while it was said, he was aspiring at a Crown, he wanted a s.h.i.+lling; and at the same Time it was given out he was in Possession of such prodigious Wealth in _Madagascar_, he was starving in _England_.
No doubt, but the Reader will have a Curiosity of knowing what became of this Man, and what were the true Grounds of so many false Reports concerning him; there fore, I shall, in as brief a Manner as I can, give his History.
He was born in the West of _England_ near _Plymouth_ in _Devons.h.i.+re_, being bred to the Sea, he served as a Mate of a Merchant-Man, in several trading Voyages: It happened before the Peace of _Ryfwick_, when there was an Alliance betwixt _Spain_, _England_, _Holland_, _&c._ against _France_, that the _French_ in _Martinico_, carried on a smugling Trade with the _Spaniards_ on the Continent of _Peru_, which by the Laws of _Spain_, is not allowed to Friends in Time of Peace, for none but native _Spaniards_ are permitted to Traffick in those Parts, or set their Feet on Sh.o.r.e, unless at any Time they are brought as Prisoners; wherefore they constantly keep certain s.h.i.+ps cruising along the Coast, whom they call _Guarda del Costa_, who have the Orders to make Prizes of all s.h.i.+ps they can light of within five Leagues of Land. Now the _French_ growing very bold in Trade, and the _Spaniards_ being poorly provided with s.h.i.+ps, and those they had being of no Force, it often fell out, that when they light of the _French_ Smuglers, they were not strong enough to attack them, therefore it was resolv'd in _Spain_, to hire two or three stout foreign s.h.i.+ps for their Service, which being known at _Bristol_, some Merchants of that City, fitted out two s.h.i.+ps of thirty odd Guns, and 120 Hands each, well furnished with Provision and Ammunition, and all other Stores; and the Hire being agreed for, by some Agents for _Spain_, they were commanded to sail for _Corunna_ or the _Groine_, there to receive their Orders, and to take on Board some _Spanish_ Gentlemen, who were to go Pa.s.sengers to _New-Spain_.
Of one of these s.h.i.+ps, which I take to be call'd the _Duke_, Capt. _Gibson_ Commander, _Avery_ was first Mate, and being a Fellow of more Cunning than Courage, he insinuated himself into the good Will of several of the boldest Fellows on Board the other s.h.i.+p, as well as that which he was on Board of; having sounded their Inclinations before he opened himself, and finding them ripe for his Design, he, at length, proposed to them, to run away with the s.h.i.+p, telling them what great Wealth was to be had upon the Coasts of _India_. It was no sooner said than agreed to, and they resolved to execute their Plot at Ten a Clock the Night following.
It must be observ'd, the Captain was one of those who are mightily addicted to Punch, so that he pa.s.sed most of his Time on Sh.o.r.e, in some little drinking Ordinary; but this Day he did not go on Sh.o.r.e as usual; however, this did not spoil the Design, for he took his usual Dose on Board, and so got to Bed before the Hour appointed for the Business: The Men also who were not privy to the Design, turn'd into their Hammocks, leaving none upon Deck but the Conspirators, who, indeed, were the greatest Part of the s.h.i.+p's Crew. At the Time agreed on, the _Dutchess_'s Long-Boat appear'd, which _Avery_ hailing in the usual Manner, was answered by the Men in her, _Is your drunken Boatswain on Board?_ Which was the Watch-Word agreed between them, and _Avery_ replying in the Affirmative, the Boat came aboard with sixteen stout Fellows, and joined the Company.
When our Gentry saw that all was clear, they secured the Hatches, so went to work; they did not slip the Anchor, but weigh'd it leisurely, and so put to Sea without any Disorder or Confusion, tho' there were several s.h.i.+ps then lying in the Bay, and among them a _Dutch_ Frigate of forty Guns, the Captain of which was offered a great Reward to go out after her; but _Mynheer_, who perhaps would not have been willing to have been served so himself could not be prevail'd upon to give such Usage to another, and so let Mr. _Avery_ pursue his Voyage, whither he had a Mind to.
The Captain, who by this Time, was awaked, either by the Motion of the s.h.i.+p, or the Noise of working the Tackles, rung the Bell; _Avery_ and two others went into the Cabin; the Captain, half asleep, and in a kind of Fright, ask'd, _What was the Matter?_ _Avery_ answered cooly, _Nothing_; the Captain replied, _something's the Matter with the s.h.i.+p, Does she drive?
What Weather is it?_ Thinking nothing less then that it had been a Storm, and that the s.h.i.+p was driven from her Anchors: _No, no_, answered _Avery_, _we're at Sea, with a fair Wind and good Weather. At Sea! _says the Captain, _How can that be? Come_, says _Avery, don't be in a Fright, but put on your Cloaths, and I'll let you into a Secret: -- You muse know, that I am Captain of this s.h.i.+p now, and this is my Cabin, therefore you must walk out; I am bound to _Madagascar_, with a Design of making my own Fortune, and that of all the brave Fellows joined with me._
The Captain having a little recovered his Senses, began to apprehend the meaning; however, his Fright was as great as before, which _Avery_ perceiving, bad him fear nothing, for, says he, if you have a Mind to make one of us, we will receive you, and if you'll turn sober, and mind your Business, perhaps in Time I may make you one of my Lieutenants, if not, here's a Boat a-long-side, and you shall be set ash.o.r.e.
The Captain was glad to hear this, and therefore accepted of his Offer, and the whole Crew being called up, to know who was willing to go on Sh.o.r.e with the Captain, and who to seek their Fortunes with the rest; there were not above five or six who were willing to quit this Enterprize; wherefore they were put into the Boat with the Captain that Minute, and made their Way to the Sh.o.r.e as well as they could.
They proceeded on their Voyage to _Madagascar_, but I do not find they took any s.h.i.+ps in their Way; when they arrived at the N. E. Part of that Island, they found two Sloops at Anchor, who, upon seeing them, slip'd their Cables and run themselves ash.o.r.e, the Men all landing, and running into the Woods; these were two Sloops which the Men had run away with from the _West-Indies_, and seeing _Avery_, they supposed him to be some Frigate sent to take them, and therefore not being of Force to engage him, they did what they could to save themselves.
He guessed where they were, and sent some of his Men on Sh.o.r.e to let them know they were Friends, and to offer they might join together for their common Safety; the Sloops Men were well arm'd, and had posted themselves in a Wood, with Centinels just on the out-side, to observe whether the s.h.i.+p landed her Men to pursue them, and they observing only two or three Men to come towards them without Arms, did not oppose them, but having challenged them, and they answering they were Friends, they lead them to their Body, where they delivered their Message; at first, they apprehended it was a Stratagem to decoy them on Board, but when the Amba.s.sadors offered that the Captain himself, and as many of the Crew as they should name, would meet them on Sh.o.r.e without Arms, they believed them to be in Earnest, and they soon entered into a Confidence with one another; those on Board going on Sh.o.r.e, and some of those on Sh.o.r.e going on Board.
The Sloops Men were rejoiced at the new Ally, for their Vessels were so small, that they could not attack a s.h.i.+p of any Force, so that hitherto they had not taken any considerable Prize, but now they hop'd to fly at high Game; and _Avery_ was as well pleased at this Reinforcement, to strengthen them, for any brave Enterprize, and tho' the Booty must be lessened to each, by being divided into so many Shares, yet he found out an Expedient not to suffer by it himself as shall be shewn in its Place.
Having consulted what was to be done, they resolved to sail out together upon a Cruize, the Galley and two Sloops; they therefore fell to work to get the Sloops off, which they soon effected, and steered towards the _Arabian_ Coast; near the River _Indus_, the Man at the Mast-Head spied a Sail, upon which they gave Chace, and as they came nearer to her, they perceived her to be a tall s.h.i.+p, and fancied she might be a _Dutch East-India_ Man homeward bound; but she proved a better Prize; when they fired at her to bring too, she hoisted _Mogul_'s Colours, and seemed to stand upon her Defence; _Avery_ only canonaded at a Distance, and some of his Men began to suspect that he was not the Hero they took him for: However, the Sloops made Use of their Time, and coming one on the Bow, and the other on the Quarter, of the s.h.i.+p, clapt her on Board, and enter'd her, upon which she immediately struck her Colours and yielded; she was one of the _Great Mogul_'s own s.h.i.+ps, and there were in her several of the greatest Persons of his Court, among whom it was said was one of his Daughters, who were going on a Pilgrimage to _Mecca_, the _Mahometans_ thinking themselves obliged once in their Lives to visit that Place, and they were carrying with them rich Offerings to present at the Shrine of _Mahomet_. It is known that the Eastern People travel with the utmost Magnificence, so that they had with them all their Slaves and Attendants, their rich Habits and Jewels, with Vessels of Gold and Silver, and great Sums of Money to defray the Charges of their Journey by Land; wherefore the Plunder got by this Prize, is not easily computed.
Having taken all the Treasure on Board their own s.h.i.+ps, and plundered their Prize of every Thing else they either wanted or liked, they let her go; she not being able to continue her Voyage, returned back: As soon as the News came to the _Mogul_, and he knew that they were _English_ who had robbed them, he threatened loud, and talked of sending a mighty Army with Fire and Sword, to extirpate the _English_ from all their Settlements on the _Indian_ Coast. The _East-India_ Company in _England_, were very much alarmed at it; however, by Degrees, they found Means to pacify him, by promising to do their Endeavours to take the Robbers, and deliver them into his Hands; however, the great Noise this Thing made in Europe, as well as _India_, was the Occasion of all these romantick Stories which were formed of _Avery_'s Greatness.
In the mean Time our successful Plunderers agreed to make the best of their Way back to _Madagascar_, intending to make that Place their Magazine or Repository for all their Treasure, and to build a small Fortification there, and leave a few Hands always ash.o.r.e to look after it, and defend it from any Attempts of the Natives; but _Avery_ put an End to this Project, and made it altogether unnecessary.
As they were Steering their Course, as has been said, he sends a Boat on Board of each of the Sloops, desiring the Chief of them to come on Board of him, in order to hold a Council; they did so, and he told them he had something to propose to them for the common Good, which was to provide against Accidents; he bad them consider the Treasure they were possess'd of, would be sufficient for them all if they could secure it in some Place on Sh.o.r.e; therefore all they had to fear, was some Misfortune in the Voyage; he bad them consider the Consequences of being separated by bad Weather, in which Case, the Sloops, if either of them should fall in with any s.h.i.+ps of Force, must be either taken or sunk, and the Treasure on Board her lost to the rest, besides the common Accidents of the Sea; as for his Part he was so strong, he was able to make his Party good with any s.h.i.+p they were like to meet in those Seas; that if he met with any s.h.i.+p of such Strength, that he could not take her, he was safe from being taken, being so well mann'd; besides his s.h.i.+p was a quick Sailor, and could carry Sail, when the Sloops could not, wherefore, he proposed to them, to put the Treasure on Board his s.h.i.+p, to seal up each Chest with 3 Seals, whereof each was to keep one, and to appoint a Rendezvous, in Case of Separation.
Upon considering this Proposal, it appeared so seasonable to them, that they readily came into it, for they argued to themselves, that an Accident might happen to one of the Sloops and the other escape, wherefore it was for the common Good. The Thing was done as agreed to, the Treasure put on Board of _Avery_, and the Chests seal'd; they kept Company that Day and the next, the Weather being fair, in which Time _Avery_ tampered with his Men, telling them they now had sufficient, to make them all easy, and what should hinder them from going to some Country, where they were not known, and living on Sh.o.r.e all the rest of their Days in Plenty; they understood what he meant: And in short, they all agreed to bilk their new Allies, the Sloop's Men, nor do I find that any of them felt any Qualms of Honour rising in his Stomach, to hinder them from consenting to this Piece of Treachery. In fine, they took Advantage of the Darkness that Night, steer'd another Course, and, by Morning, lost Sight of them.
I leave the Reader to judge, what Swearing and Confusion there was among the Sloop's Men, in the Morning, when they saw that _Avery_ had given them the Slip; for they knew by the Fairness of the Weather, and the Course they had agreed to steer, that it must have been done on purpose: But we leave them at present to follow Mr. _Avery_.
_Avery_, and his Men, having consulted what to do with themselves, came to a Resolution, to make the best of their Way towards _America_; and none of them being known in those Parts, they intended to divide the Treasure, to change their Names, to go ash.o.r.e, some in one Place, some in other, to purchase some Settlements, and live at Ease. The first Land they made, was the Island of _Providence_, then newly settled; here they staid some Time, and having considered that when they should go to _New-England_, the Greatness of their s.h.i.+p, would cause much Enquiry about them; and possibly some People from _England_, who had heard the Story of a s.h.i.+p's being run away with from the _Groine_, might suspect them to be the People; they therefore took a Resolution of disposing of their s.h.i.+p at _Providence_: Upon which, _Avery_ pretending that the s.h.i.+p being fitted out upon the privateering Account, and having had no Success, he had received Orders from the Owners, to dispose of her to the best Advantage, he soon met with a Purchaser, and immediately bought a sloop.
In this Sloop, he and his Companions embarq'd, they touch'd at several Parts of _America_, where no Person suspected them; and some of them went on Sh.o.r.e, and dispersed themselves about the Country, having received such Dividends as _Avery_ would give them; for he concealed the greatest Part of the Diamonds from them, which in the first Hurry of plundering the s.h.i.+p, they did not much regard, as not knowing their Value.
At length he came to _Boston_, in _New-England_, and seem'd to have a Desire of settling in those Parts, and some of his Companions went on Sh.o.r.e there also, but he changed his Resolution, and proposed to the few of his Companions who were left, to sail for _Ireland_, which they consented to: He found out that _New-England_ was not a proper Place for him, because a great deal of his Wealth lay in Diamonds; and should he have produced them there, he would have certainly been seiz'd on Suspicion of Pyracy.