The Rover Boys in the Land of Luck Part 50

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THE TOWER TREASURE--A dying criminal confessed that his loot had been secreted "in the tower." It remained for the Hardy Boys to clear up the mystery.

THE HOUSE ON THE CLIFF--Mr. Hardy started to investigate--and disappeared! An odd tale, with plenty of excitement.

THE SECRET OF THE OLD MILL--Counterfeit money was in circulation, and the limit was reached when Mrs. Hardy took some from a stranger. A tale full of thrills.

THE MISSING CHUMS--Two of the Hardy Boys' chums disappear and are almost rescued by their friends when all are captured. A thrilling story of adventure.

HUNTING FOR HIDDEN GOLD--In tracing some stolen gold the trail leads the boys to an abandoned mine, and there things start to happen.

THE Sh.o.r.e ROAD MYSTERY--Automobiles were disappearing most mysteriously from the Sh.o.r.e Road. It remained for the Hardy Boys to solve the mystery.

THE SECRET OF THE CAVES--When the boys reached the caves they came unexpectedly upon a queer old hermit.

THE MYSTERY OF CABIN ISLAND--A story of queer adventures on a rockbound island.

THE GREAT AIRPORT MYSTERY--The Hardy Boys solve the mystery of the disappearance of some valuable mail.

WHAT HAPPENED AT MIDNIGHT--The boys follow a trail that ends in a strange and exciting situation.

WHILE THE CLOCK TICKED--The Hardy Boys aid in vindicating a man who has been wrongly accused of a crime.

FOOTPRINTS UNDER THE WINDOW--The Smuggling of Chinese into this country is the basis of this story in which the boys find thrills and excitement aplenty.


Packed with all the thrill and color and action that have made this author famous!


The Young Forester

Kenneth Ward, a young eastern lad just out of preparatory school, goes west on his summer vacation to join a friend, d.i.c.k Leslie, a government forest ranger in Arizona. Ken, honest, loyal but hot-headed runs into plenty of excitement and trouble when he finds that a big lumber steal is going on.

The Young Lion Hunter

Ken Ward and his kid brother, Hal, spend a summer on a forest preserve in Utah with Ken's pal d.i.c.k Leslie. The government rangers are out after the mountain lions and the boys from the east are glad to share in the thrilling work.

The Young Pitcher

When Ken Ward entered Wayne College to pursue his study of forestry he discovered that as a freshman he was on the bottom rung and had to fight to win his way to recognition. His first claim to fame comes when he pummels a prominent soph.o.m.ore in self-defense.

Ken Ward in the Jungle

Ken Ward and his younger brother Hal take a trip into the wilds of Mexico--Ken to try his hand at field work in the jungle and Hal, who is ambitious to become a naturalist, to collect specimens. The boys set out to solve the mysteries of the Santa Rosa River, an unknown course of about a hundred and seventy-five miles through uncharted jungle.


_Zane Grey's baseball is as real, as dramatic and as thrilling as the western stories that made him famous._

The Redheaded Outfield

The Redheaded Outfield--three fiery-pated players who introduce a little boxing and plenty of comedy into the game will delight you. The Rube--who is all that a rube should be--appears in a whole series of these stories and is a character you won't forget.

The Short-Stop

Chase Alloway developed a mean curve that had the small town players buffaloed. They called him "Chaseaway", the "Hoodoo" and "crooked eye"

and one small town team was all for having him tarred and feathered! A story crowded with hard and fast baseball--and a dash of romance!


The Last of the Plainsmen

"He'd rope the devil and tie him down--if the didn't burn," it was said of "Buffalo Jones," one of the last of the famous plainsmen who trod the trails of the old West. Killing was repulsive to him and the pa.s.sion of his life was to capture wild beasts alive.

A real hunting trip--with constant danger threatening from wild beasts, Indians and the hazards of wild country untouched by civilization.

Roping Lions in the Grand Canyon

A true story of Zane Grey's experiences capturing lions alive, which makes ordinary hunting with guns seem, in contrast about as exciting as a Sunday-school picnic. The account of how they captured six of the tawny, fiery-eyed demons which infest the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and got them into camp alive and growling, will enthrall the great host of Zane Grey's boy readers.

The Last of the Great Scouts

_The life story of "Buffalo Bill" by_


_With Foreword and Conclusion by Zane Grey_.

"Buffalo Bill"--scout, pathfinder, hunter and Indian fighter is the most famous of all that great company of frontiersmen who opened up the West for civilization. Indeed no character in history makes a stronger appeal to the imagination than this daring hero of the old west.



In these thrilling stories of outdoor life the hero is a young lumberjack who is a crack rifle shot. While tracking game in the Maine woods he does some rich hunters a great service. They become interested in him and take him on various hunting expeditions in this country and abroad. Bob learns what it is to face not only wildcats, foxes and deer but also bull moose, Rocky Mountain grizzly bears and many other species of big game.


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The Rover Boys in the Land of Luck Part 50 summary

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