The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 73

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_Mi ne povas trovi la_ I cannot find the book you want.

_libron, kiun vi deziras._

Demandaj Frazoj. Interrogative Phrases.

_Kio estas? Kio okazis?_ What is it? What is the matter?

What has happened?

_Kiu estas? Kiu estas tie?_ Who is it? Who is there?

_Kien vi iras?_ Where (whither) are you going?

_Kion vi faros, kiam ...?_ What will you do when ...?

_Kion vi diris?_ What did you say?

_Kion vi volas (deziras_) What do you wish (desire) _(postulas) (bezonas)?_ (require) (need)?

_Kie vi estas?_ Where are you?

_Kioma horo estas?_ What o'clock is it?

_Je kioma horo vi levigas?_ At what time do you get up (rise)?

_Kion vi volas diri?_ What do you mean?

_Kiun daton ni havas hodiau?_ What is the day of the month?

(lit., what date have we to-day?)

_Cu vi audis? Cu vi ne audis?_ Did you hear? Did you not hear?

_Cu vi konas Sinjoron B.?_ Do you know Mr. B.?

_Cu vi komprenas min?_ Do you understand me?

_Cu vi parolas Esperanton?_ Do you speak Esperanto?

_Cu vi parolas serioze?_ Do you speak seriously?

_Certe vi sercas?_ Surely you are joking?

_Cu la vespermango estas preta?_ Is dinner ready?

_Cu la veturilo jam alvenis?_ Has the carriage come (arrived)?

_Cu estas la horo por foriri?_ Is it time to go away?

_Kio estas la nomo de ci tiu urbo?_ What is the name of this town?

_Cu vi venos kun mi?_ Will you come with me?

_Cu estas leteroj por mi?_ Are there any letters for me?

_Cu vi estus tiel bona?_ Would you be so good?

_Cu vi havas la bonecon?_ Would you have the goodness?

_Kian agon (kiom da jaroj)_ How old are you?

_vi havas? Kiomjara vi estas?_

_Kie vi renkontis lin?_ Where did you meet him?

_Kial vi ne respondas?_ Why don't you answer?

_Kion vi bezonas?_ What do you want?

_Kiom kostas ci tiu objekto?_ What does this article cost?

_Kiam ni haltos por tagmangi?_ When shall we stop for (to take) lunch?

_Kia estas via opinio?_ What is your opinion?

_Kion vi diris al li?_ What did you say to him?

_Kie (kiam) vi renkontis sin?_ Where (when) did you meet her?

_Cu vi vidis sin sur la strato_ Did you see her in the street _au ce sia domo?_ or at her house?

_Cu vi ne diris al si tion,_ Did you not tell her what _kion mi petis, ke vi diru?_ I begged you to say?

Ordonaj Frazoj. Imperative Phrases.

_Venu ci tien._ _Foriru._ Come here. Go away.

_Rapidu._ _Haltu, veturigisto!_ Make haste. Stop, coachman!

_Diru al li, ke li venu._ Tell him to come.

_Restu ci tie momenton._ Stay here a moment.

_Auskultu min._ Listen to me.

_Komencu._ _Daurigu._ Begin. Continue.

_Atentu, ke vi ne falu._ Take care you don't fall.

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 73 summary

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