The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 8

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vilag-o, _a village_, vilag-an-o, _a villager_.

London-o, _London_, London-an-o, _a Londoner_.

-AR- Denotes a collection of the idea implied in the root (ar-o, _a collection_, _flock_), (par. 273):

arb-o, _a tree_, arb-ar-o, _a wood_.

hom-o, _a man_, hom-ar-o, _mankind_.

-CJ- These letters, subst.i.tuted for one or more of the letters of a masculine name, make it an affectionate diminutive (par. 274):

Petr-o, _Peter_, Pe-cj-o, _Pete_.

Vilhelm-o, _William_, Vilhel-cj-o, _Willie_, Vilhe-cj-o, _Will_, Vil-cj-o, _Billy_, Vi-cj-o, _Bill_.

For feminine names insert _nj_ instead of _cj_ (par. 274):

Mari-o, _Mary_, Ma-nj-o, _Polly_.

Helen-o, _Helen_, Hele-nj-o, _Nelly_, He-nj-o, _Nell_.

-EBL- Denotes possibility, similar to the English terminations _-able_, _-ible_ (ebl-a, _possible_, ebl-e, _perhaps_), (par.


leg-i, _to read_, leg-ebl-a, _legible_.

tra-vid-i, _to see through_, tra-vid-ebl-a, _transparent_.

-EC- Denotes an abstract quality of the idea conveyed in the root, like the English terminations _-ness_, _-tude_, _-ity_ (ec-o, _a distinctive mark_, or _quality_), (par. 271):

bon-a, _good_, bon-ec-o, _goodness_.

ric-a, _rich_, ric-ec-o, _wealth_.

-EDZ- Denotes a married person (edz-o, _a husband_), (par. 276):

doktor-o, _a doctor_, doktor-edz-in-o, _a doctor's wife_, lav-ist-in-o, _a washerwoman_, lav-ist-in-edz-o, _a washerwoman's husband_.

-EG- Denotes augmentation, intensity of degree (eg-a, _intense_, eg-ec-o, _intensity_), (par. 277):

grand-a, _great_, grand-eg-a, _enormous_.

pord-o, _a door_, pord-eg-o, _a portal_, _outer-door_.

-EJ- Denotes the place specially used for, or allotted to, the idea implied in the root (ej-o, _place_, _location_), (par. 278):

preg-i, _to pray_, preg-ej-o, _a church_.

tomb-o, _a grave_, _tomb_, tomb-ej-o, _a graveyard_, _cemetery_.

-EM- Denotes propensity, inclination, disposition (em-o, _a disposition_, _bias_, _tendency_), (par. 275):

babil-i, _to chatter_, babil-em-a, _chattering_.

pac-o, _peace_, pac-em-a, _inclined to peace_, _peaceful_.

-ER- Denotes one of many objects of the same kind, a small fragment (er-o, _an item_), (par. 273):

sabl-o, _sand_, sabl-er-o, _a grain of sand_.

mon-o, _money_, mon-er-o, _a coin_.

-ESTR- Denotes a chief, leader, ruler, or head of (estr-o, _a chief_), (par. 272):

sip-o, _a s.h.i.+p_, sip-estr-o, _a captain of a s.h.i.+p_.

imperi-o, _an empire_, imperi-estr-o, _an emperor_.

-ET- Denotes diminution of degree (et-a, _little_, _small_), (par. 277):

mont-o, _a mountain_, mont-et-o, _a hill_.

rid-i, _to laugh_, rid-et-i, _to smile_.

-ID- Denotes the young of, offspring, descendant (id-o, _offspring_), (par. 279):

saf-o, _a sheep_, saf-id-o, _a lamb_.

Izrael-o, _Israel_, Izrael-id-o, _an Israelite_.

-IG- Denotes the causing, making, or rendering anything to be in the state implied by the root (ig-i, _to cause_, _to make_), (par.


mort-i, _to die_, mort-ig-i, _to kill_.

pur-a, _clean_, pur-ig-i, _to clean_, _purify_.

-IG- Denotes the action of becoming, turning to, and has sometimes a reflexive force (ig-i, _to become_, _to be made_), (par. 280):

rug-a, _red_, rug-ig-i, _to become red_, _to blush_.

ric-a, _rich_, ric-ig-i, _to become_, or _grow rich_, or _to get rich_.

-IL- Denotes the tool or instrument or means by which something is done (il-o, _a tool_, _means_), (par. 281):

tranc-i, _to cut_, tranc-il-o, _a knife_.

pres-i, _to print_, pres-il-o, _a printing press_.

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The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto Part 8 summary

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