Guardian Witch: Burning Both Ends Part 22

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Uh-oh. What was the gestation period for cats?


"Sixty to sixty-seven days is the normal length of pregnancy." Claris sat at the kitchen table, her laptop open in front of her. Coffee cup in hand, Ari peered at the screen over Claris's shoulder.

"Does it say how many?"

"They don't call them litters for nothing."

Bella's owner groaned. "That's multiple, right? Like more than one."

"Yes, but don't worry. It'll be fun. They'll be beautiful kittens, and it should be easy to find good homes. I'll put up a sign in the store window as soon as we know for sure she's pregnant. Start screening potential adoptive parents."

"I already know for sure," Ari grumbled. "So does he. Look at him."

Hernando, the white Siamese male, sat was.h.i.+ng his paws and privates in the greenhouse window. The door between Claris's living quarters at the back of her shop and the attached greenhouse had been left open, and Hernando had trotted past a few minutes earlier and was enjoying the morning sun.

Ari had been at the shop door, cat in hand, thirty minutes before Claris opened at 8:00. Bella was at home sleeping it off. Only this wasn't like getting over a hangover. Ari intended to have a serious talk with Bella about future behavior. Abstinence or the vet. As far as she knew, there was no safe s.e.x for felines.

"If this is the worst outcome from the last few days, you should consider yourself lucky," Claris said, as she looked up from the screen. While Claris had searched for the cat info, Ari had brought her up to date on events in Toronto and Steffan's rescue. Claris wasn't pleased with Ari's secrecy, and her lips formed a slight pout. "You should have told me sooner. I could have worried with you, and I wouldn't have been bugging you about Hernando."

"It all happened so fast. How would it help to have you worry over something you couldn't fix? I didn't even tell Ryan. Andreas did that."

Claris closed the laptop, got to her feet and refilled the coffee cups. "Sometimes I feel like you shut me out."

Surprised, Ari sat down and thought about it. "If I do, it's because you're the sane part of my life. I'm not sure I want you involved in the chaotic Otherworld stuff. I certainly don't want you involved in the risks." She produced a wry grin. "I've got to have some place to go when the fighting's over."

"But you don't act like it's over this time. You're edgy. I see little worry lines, and fussing about Bella's condition isn't like you."

"I know." Ari let out a heavy sigh. "I shouldn't be this way. Andreas and Steffan are both fine. In fact, Steffan's thrilled that the coalition was approved late last night after everyone made some adjustments. I should be satisfied how everything ended. Yet it feels unfinished."

"Because of Andreas." It wasn't a question. "I can tell you miss him, and I know how much I hate it when Brando goes to his conferences."

"It feels like a part of me is still in Toronto." Once she started talking about Andreas, Ari let it all spill out. The effects of the legend on their bond, the moments she'd spent in Andreas's head, the on-going concerns about his safety in Toronto, and her belief that long distance relations.h.i.+ps couldn't survive for long.

Claris argued with her, reminding her that three hours wasn't that far away. "You could fly up there every weekend if you wanted."

But when Claris was called up front to take care of customers in the shop, Ari still wasn't convinced. It wasn't as simple as Claris thought. Ari couldn't be gone from her responsibilities that often.

She leaned forward in her chair, propping her head up with one hand and elbow on the kitchen table. She felt out of control. Ari was used to fixing things, but her personal problems were defying solution.

Short of dimension-hopping, which was a demon thing, there wasn't any way to bring Toronto and Riverdale into close proximity. They'd just have to live with that. But if she understood the bond better, perhaps they could gain some control over it. Andreas was taking everything better than she was, but neither of them was very happy about their unpredictable link or the current separation.

Ari sighed and got up from the table. Why was that always the way with them? Pulled together, torn apart.

After the conversation with Claris, Ari spent more time researching the legend and talked with Rosalina again. Since no one had bonded with a vampire before, the seer wasn't much help. Ari called Andreas and read him the story from the Book of Shadows. Ari was intrigued to finally learn that Ramora, the witch whose indecision had begun the legend, had chosen the good father from among her three suitors. It didn't provide any insight into the powers of the bond, however, and no matter how many times she read it, the legend still decreed an unbreakable link would be forged between a Calin witch and her soul mate.

At first, Andreas was skeptical any witch's curse or spell could have that kind of long-range effect. For a vampire, he held an inexplicable belief in self-determination. After Ari explained Rosalina's interpretation-that the bond merely strengthen an existing attachment-he began to see the similarity with a vampire bond. It was very possible they were dealing with some unique linking of the two magical enchantments.

Ari kept digging for more information, turning to her own family history in the cedar trunk she used as a coffee table. Among the mementoes, notes and papers that belonged to her deceased relatives was a packet of her mother's letters, and she finally located a pa.s.sage that seemed significant. The letter had been written by her mother, a practicing Calin witch, to her father, a non-practicing descendant of another witch clan: Dearest, I miss you and long to be home. Yet you were with me today. When I was at the door of the crypt, you stayed my hand. How did you know? Without your warning, the demons inside would surely have killed me and your unborn child. Your touch was so real! As if your hand held me back. I don't know how that was possible, but I thank the G.o.ddess for it. Gran said the strength of the Ramora bond is greatest when both mates are witch born, but it can manifest in many ways. This must be our way. I will light a candle of grat.i.tude. We must speak of this again when I return.

After reading the letter, Ari and Andreas experimented long distance with sharing thoughts or pictures of what they were doing by using the gate. The concept wasn't quite so scary to Ari when they put a label on it. The real difference was knowing her parents had also shared some form of telepathy. Still, there were moments when she remembered her vampire soul mate had powers of his own, powers she didn't yet understand and couldn't predict.

Despite their mutual concerns, they made progress in sharing only what and when they chose. When it worked right, they could turn the gate on and off at will. Andreas mastered it quickly. Ari was frustrated by her early attempts but was getting better. She kept reminding herself that he'd had a lot more experience with this telepathic thing. It might have been easier if they weren't working over so great a distance.

Her failure to control the gate had only been one source of Ari's funky mood over the last week. Olde Town had been free of serious crimes or disputes. With too much time on her hands, she'd been feeling a little sorry for herself. She almost wished dispatch would call with a new murder. Not that she was eager for someone to die, but if another murder was on the schedule anyway, this would be a good time for it to happen.

Ari settled back into a regular routine of counseling Otherworlders during the day and patrolling every night. She and Ryan were called out one night when a couple of drunk college students got overly friendly with a young vampiress, but it was settled before anyone got hurt. Afterward, she and Ryan went for coffee.

Ari stirred her black coffee, stalling before bringing up the strain between them. "I'm sorry," she finally said. "Claris tells me I push people away, but I don't mean to."

"You do," Ryan agreed. "Sometimes I feel pretty useless, but it really was my fault this time. This wasn't a joint case. I had no right to insist on being included."

"But that wasn't the point, was it?" She widened her eyes in question, but he just shook his head. "Well, I'm glad Andreas had the good sense to call you."

Ryan grinned. "I always knew he was a smart man."

Ari laughed. Somehow Andreas's appeal to Ryan for help had made a difference. She didn't pretend to understand men, but was glad her relations.h.i.+p with Ryan seemed to be on the mend.

Two days later, the werewolf f.a.gan and his friends finally surfaced. They claimed they'd been unexpectedly called out of town. Steffan figured they'd been laying low, refusing to be involved in the search and hoping he wouldn't be found-or that he'd be found dead. When f.a.gan proposed leaving the pack to start his own group, Steffan gave him his blessing.

By the end of two weeks, Ari still hadn't figured out how to handle the pieces of her own life. It was Thursday night, the night Andreas used to sing at the club. A few weeks ago, she would have been looking forward to the evening, sipping a little wine, chatting with Lilith or Russell, and watching the show.

Instead, she and Bella were settled on the couch with the TV on-some late night host, but Ari wasn't paying much attention. She'd been more unsettled than usual this evening. She ran her hands up and down her arms to discharge the energy tingling on her skin. Sometimes her thoughts of Andreas were so strong she felt his magical power as if he was beside her. Powerful stuff. She often hoped it meant he was thinking of her.

Sometimes her imagination was more persistent than others. Tonight it began during patrol and hadn't gone away. Now she was on edge, faint s.h.i.+vers skimming over her skin. It was self-delusional, annoying. It also made her want to hear his voice. To re-establish that magical connection.

So why not? Wasn't that what phones were for? It was late, the middle of the night, perfect time to call a vampire. The worst he could do was say he was busy. She'd still hear his voice.

She thumbed the number. He answered on the first ring.

"Good evening, Arianna." His voice warmed her instantly. "Your timing is impeccable. I am delighted you called."

His magic reached out to her, and the funky mood dissolved. She sighed, no longer worrying about the things she couldn't change. This was enough; it had to be.

"I called to hear your voice," she admitted.

"I would rather see you, hold you."

"Hmm, me, too."

"Then perhaps you should open the door."

"What?" Ari bolted off the couch, dumping an offended cat on the floor, and froze. She focused on the apartment door, as if it would magically open. "Where are you?"

"Open the door, Arianna," he prompted.

She flew over, fumbling with the locks. The second she had the door open, she leaped into his arms, knocking his cell phone to the hallway floor.

Andreas laughed as he swung her around. "Glad to see me? Perhaps we should step inside."

Suddenly self-conscious, she dropped her arms and wiggled to get down. Andreas was having none of it. He trapped her against him with one arm and snagged his cell phone with the other.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me?" She craned her neck to see his face, winding her arms back around him.

"I wanted it to be a surprise. It seems I succeeded." He maneuvered them into the apartment and used his foot to close the door.

"Now," he said, allowing her body to slide down his until her feet touched the floor, "for a proper greeting."

His lips met hers with a gentle feathery touch-not overly demanding at first-but with a simple sense of belonging. He deepened the kiss, taking possession of her mouth, and she met him stroke for stroke. When they drew apart, breathing heavily, the last two weeks had melted away.

"How long can you stay?"

"So anxious to be rid of me already?"

"You know better than that. If not, maybe I need to kiss you again."

"A fine idea." He dropped onto the couch and held out his arms. "I do feel I need further convincing."

Ari laughed, sliding onto his lap. She ran her tongue over his lips and worked on convincing him. It wasn't quite as chaste as before. With a quick intake of breath, Andreas flipped her over, pressing her body with his hard contours. She reached under his s.h.i.+rt and skimmed her fingernails over the muscles of his back. Andreas groaned, grabbing her T-s.h.i.+rt and pulling it over her head. He looked at her a long moment, then began a trail of kisses down her throat.

Later, when they were cuddled on the couch, her head resting against his bare chest, and when Ari could think again, she started wondering why he was there. Wasn't it too soon for him to be away from the situation in Toronto? Would someone take advantage of his absence?

"Why didn't you call and tell me you were coming?"

"Until the last minute I was not positive it would be today. And...I really did want to surprise you."

He threaded his fingers through her hair, his touch distracting her. In fact, everything about him was distracting. How had she let herself get this involved with someone destined to come and go from her life? She sighed, determined to be satisfied with what they had.

"Why the heavy sigh?" He sat up and studied her face. "Would another surprise help?"

"What kind of surprise? Did you bring me something?"

"No. Yes, in a way."

She gave him an indulgent look. "Am I supposed to guess? Or can you be a little more specific?"

"I am back in Riverdale to stay."

Ari's mouth dropped open. Her emotions warred between thrilled and horrified. Had something awful happened in Toronto? He'd been overthrown? She couldn't have heard him right. She finally found her tongue. "How? Why? I don't understand."

Watching her face, his expression turned guarded, uncertain. "Daron is the new Prince of Toronto, and I-"

"Daron?" This time there was no doubt of the emotions that swamped Ari as she leaped to her feet. Rage. Betrayal. "How could he do that to you?"

Andreas rose and frowned at her. "Arianna, cara mia, why are you so upset?" He reached out, and his hands closed around her shoulders. "Daron did not do anything. I gave him the crown."

"Why? Why would you do that?" Surely it wasn't because of her. No, dammit! Andreas wouldn't do that without talking to her. Something had gone very wrong. Why didn't he call her? Follow the plan. It was only three hours by jet. She didn't know what to say to him.

"You're disappointed?" he asked quietly.

"Disappointed?" His understatement broke her restraint. "I'm p.i.s.sed as h.e.l.l. What about the others? Russell, Lilith, Gabriel. Tell me what happened."

Please G.o.ddess, don't let any of my friends be dead.

Andreas's face paled, his eyes hooded. "I thought you would be happy to have me in Riverdale," he said. "Apparently I misjudged the situation."

"I am, or I would be if things were different." She scowled at him. "How could I be happy when you gave up so much? I'm not that selfish."

His eyebrows shot up. "Cara mia, I do not know what you mean. Are we talking at cross purposes? I have given up nothing, except a huge headache." The cloud on his face began to clear. "All of us have returned safely. Daron and I formed an alliance, a business deal, and traded territories. You are scowling so disrespectfully at the new Prince of Riverdale."

She was speechless for a long moment. "Really? Truthfully? Why didn't you say so?"

"I just did." His chuckle was low, as his knuckles gently rubbed across her chin.

Ari peppered him with questions, and he filled in the pieces of the story, including his secret negotiations with Daron. While Ari had known Andreas and Daron had been talking, she hadn't known an exchange of territories had been under consideration since the night Sebastian died. Although Ari was annoyed he hadn't shared this sooner, she was beginning to know her vampire. He wouldn't understand her irritation. In his mind, it was vampire business and didn't need to be shared until it affected her. And she was too happy to have him home to start a fight that would gain her nothing.

She nodded absently, wiggling closer to his side on the couch, as he listed all the thinking that had gone into their final decision. Very solid and extremely practical choices. Quite businesslike, in fact. He pointed out that the Toronto court was too large and had too many older vampires for him to hold it indefinitely, that Daron was older and more experienced, that Daron's age and experience would gain him automatic respect from Sebastian's people, especially when the word circulated that Daron was the first son of an elder. Andreas also mentioned something about Daron's presence in Toronto might slow down the O-Seven. They'd have to think of some clever way to oust him, because his sire would never agree to an All good, sensible arguments, Ari thought, leaning her head against his chest. Blah...blah...blah. The rest of it went in one ear and out the other.

She listened to the rich vibrations of his voice, savored the familiar scent of his cologne. His magic cradled her, entwined with her own, shutting out the rest of the world. The words were simply lost in the process. Maybe she'd care about the details later and make him repeat it all-especially the part about the O-Seven. The vampire elders weren't likely to leave Prince Daron or Andreas alone forever. Not after the death of Sebastian and taking over the Toronto court. They'd need to plan for the possibility that bigger and better monsters would come. But not tonight.

When he finished the lengthy explanation, they remained on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms. Bella hopped up and curled beside them, her loud purr signaling her contentment. Ari's smiled to herself. She wanted to purr too.

"I'll miss one thing," she whispered just to tease him. "The private jet. I was beginning to get used to it."

Andreas stirred and murmured against her hair. "Then consider it yours. Because I brought that with me, too."

Ari turned her head to look into his dark, fathomless eyes. Her own mysterious vampire and a private jet. What more could any witch desire?

* About the Author *

Ally s.h.i.+elds is the pseudonym for Janet L Buck, a writer born and raised in the Midwest along the Mississippi River, the setting for her urban fantasy series. A former lawyer and juvenile court officer, she now writes full time. Visit her official author website at

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Guardian Witch: Burning Both Ends Part 22 summary

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