Walk Of Shame: Hemy Part 8

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He's standing next to a table with another guy. I recognize him from Jade's party. He's one of the three strippers that danced that night. I recognize the black hair and tattoos. Realizing that he must be here to watch one of the girls, my gut tells me to get Hemy out of here.

He might a.s.sume I'm giving into him, but I'm really just trying to preserve my secret a bit longer. He seems different, but I'm still scared.

Clearing my head and coming down from my temporary high, I walk over to the table, stopping in between him and the other guy. I place my hand on Hemy's chest and can't help the moan that slips out of my mouth. Just touching him has me all worked up.

"Wait for me outside. I'll go grab my things and meet you by your truck."

Biting his bottom lip, he grabs both of my hands and runs them up his chest, before pulling them up to wrap around his neck. He presses his body flush with mine and gives me a hooded look. "I don't have my truck. We'll take my motorcycle."

I smile at the memory of when the bike was his. After a while, he gave up on it and got a new one. I couldn't leave without it, because it brought back too many memories. I needed it as my safety net. I needed it to fall back on when I missed him too much, so after I packed my things and left that night, I sent my brother to pick up it up from storage. I made it mine with the memories of him.

"You mean my bike?" Smirking, I turn around in his arms and walk away, making him release me. If I know Hemy still, he'll be outside as soon as I'm out of sight.

After quickly grabbing my things and changing, I make my way outside to see Hemy leaning against my bike. Seeing him standing in front of it causes my heart to clench in pain. It brings back too many memories of us as teens, me holding on tightly as he learned how to ride it. It didn't take long and I always trusted him to keep me safe; a part of me still does.

He sees me approaching and walks over, placing the helmet on my head. "Give me the keys," he orders.

I think about it for a second and almost consider making him ride on the back, but that would just look too weird to even enjoy. Hemy is definitely too dominant for that. Alpha male is what he'll always be. s.h.i.+t, it's such a turn on.

I toss him the keys without a fight, pull my helmet on, and put my backpack on. My black boots dig into the gravel as I hop on the back and watch as Hemy jumps on the front.

I don't know how much more of this I can take while guarding my heart.

I need to figure something out and fast . . .

Chapter Eleven.

Hemy The feel of her arms wrapped around my waist brings me back to the past. After I learned how to ride this motorcycle for the first time, she spent almost every day on the back of it, the two of us just riding to forget. Those are some of my happiest memories.

I can tell she's thinking about it too, because she hasn't said a word since we left the club, and not to mention that her arms are practically squeezing the life out of me. She always did that unintentionally in the past when she was deep in thought, and man does it feel good. This is exactly what I was hoping for. If I want another chance with her, then I'll have to remind her of the good stuff.

Riding past my block, I make a turn down the street that leads to Mitch's shop. Mitch's family has owned Greenler's Mechanics his whole life. Onyx and I spent a lot of time in it, playing and fooling around, when I was working on my motorcycle or showing off my mechanic skills to get her worked up. She always did have a thing for a dirty, hardworking man. I'm sure that hasn't changed much. At least, I can only hope.

Onyx doesn't bother looking up until we are already pulling up to the shop and parking. I can tell from her lack of smarta.s.s remarks. That, and I can feel her chin resting against my back. I don't think it's intentional, but I would dare say a word at the risk of her moving it. I feel her grip loosen as she lets out a little surprised breath. "Seriously, Hemy?" She releases my waist as I kill the engine. "Why would you bring me here? I thought we were going to your place."

Not bothering to respond, I help her off the bike and watch as she walks up to the building and stands there in silence. She probably hasn't even thought about this place in over four years. Bringing her here is sure to get the memories flowing in. It has to. I'm counting on it. h.e.l.l, I'm having a hard time just being here with her. I could do it alone over the years, but having her here makes my chest ache. It always will until she's mine again.

Grinding my jaw and pus.h.i.+ng back my emotions, I grab Onyx's hand and pull her along with me as I walk around to the back and pull out my key. I've been meaning to work on my Harley for a while now, but I've been so d.a.m.n busy working on other projects for Mitch that I haven't been able to touch it. It's about time I get my baby running good.

I push the door open and flip on the light. I feel Onyx's hand squeeze mine, and then she lets go and steps inside. "I haven't thought about this place in years, Hemy." She looks around, her face void of emotions. "It looks exactly the same." She cracks a smile. "As a matter of fact, I think you guys are still working on the same vehicles too."

I let my own smile take over as I watch her laugh at her own joke. d.a.m.n, her laugh is just as beautiful as ever. I never could get enough of that sound.

I step up beside her and nudge her with my shoulder. She looks up at me. "I love that sound," I say softly.

She looks around as if listening for something. "What sound?"

"When you laugh," I say honestly. Her smile fades as I look down into her eyes and then walk away.

I keep on walking, making my way to the back where my motorcycle is parked. It doesn't take but a few seconds before Onyx is standing right behind me. She's so close that I can feel the warmth from her body. I can sense her eyes studying me as I stand here.

"Why are we here?" she finally asks.

"I need to work on my bike. Why else would we be here?"

"It's like midnight. Don't you ever sleep?"

"Not anymore. I told you, I can't sleep for s.h.i.+t without you naked and next to me." I walk away, unb.u.t.toning my s.h.i.+rt, before pulling it off and setting it on the closest car.

I kneel down in front of my Harley and reach for my tools. Onyx watches me in silence for a few seconds before she drops her bag down beside her and takes a seat on the hood of the car next to her. "I've kind of missed this, you know." She pauses and waits for me to respond, but I don't. I want her to keep going. "You working on your bike here and me watching. Us laughing and talking. I miss you like that."

I continue to work on my bike, not looking back at Onyx. "You always made it hard to get any work done. Your smell alone was enough to arouse me, but when you would undress behind me, sitting on a car . . ." My words trail off and I smirk to myself, knowing by the sound of her breathing that she's reliving the memories.

"What," she breathes. "Don't stop there, Hemy."

"All I could think about was burying myself deep between those thighs." I stand up, drop my tools, and walk over to stand between her legs. Placing my hands on her thighs, I trail my hands up them. "My thighs. All I wanted to do was to own your little p.u.s.s.y and release myself so deep inside you that I would ruin you for anyone else."

Her breathing picks up as I spread her legs and step between them. "Mmm . . . and I wanted you deep inside me. I never could watch you getting dirty without wanting you to get me dirty. Funny how that works." She leans forward and runs her tongue over my mouth, her tongue lingering on my ring before sucking my lip along with it into her mouth. "You were so d.a.m.n s.e.xy working on your bike that my clothes practically fell off. That look you made when concentrating on your work. Oh s.h.i.+t, I'll never forget that look."

I tangle my fingers in the back of her hair and look down at her with a serious look of concentration, imitating what she just described. It's not all just an act. I'm taking my time and concentrating on every last inch of her beauty. I bite my lip as she closes her eyes and breathes in. I know I have her. "This one," I question, stepping in closer to press my erection between her thighs.

Her body jerks from below me as I grind my hips a little. "Oh G.o.d, yes." She opens her eyes and takes in my face, her eyes filled with l.u.s.t. "That one, exactly. Why are you doing this, Hemy? You knew this would happen if you brought me here. We can't keep doing this. I can't let myself fall in love with you again."

"You falling back in love with me is the only thing I want." Gripping her hair tighter, I crush my lips against hers, owning her lips, breath, and taste. Everything that she is right now is mine and I intend on keeping it this way. I'm taking this moment and owning it.

Her lips instantly part, allowing me entrance just like in the past. Everything about this moment brings me back to four years ago, and it only makes me want her more. Pulling back, I breathe against her lips, my hands still tangled in her hair. "You taste so d.a.m.n good, baby." I bring one hand down and rub my thumb over her cheek before trailing down and over her bottom lip. "Seeing you up on the hood of this car makes me want to take you right here." I kiss her neck and make my way up to her ear, stopping to whisper. "Do you want that, baby? Huh? You want to remember what it was like, me taking you here, me all dirty and sweaty?"

"No," she whispers, pus.h.i.+ng on my chest. "That's the last reminder I need, Hemy."

Grabbing her chin, I force her to look up into my eyes. I can tell by her heavy breathing and fidgeting that she's lying. She always did have a hard time hiding her feelings from me. "Dammit, Onyx. Don't lie to me. Tell. Me. The. Truth."

She nods her head, her breathing picking up as she reaches up to let my hair down. She looks lost in thought for a moment before she speaks. "You have no idea how s.e.xy your hair is. Every time I look at you, all I can think about is gripping onto it as you make love to me."

My heart beats wildly in my chest, but then sinks to my stomach as she turns her head away in shame. She does that when she says something she didn't mean to. Every part of me wants her to mean those d.a.m.n words. I may not have made love to her in the past, but things have changed. I've changed. I'm willing to give her anything she wants.

I pull her face back to mine and bring my lips down to hover over hers, our heavy breathing mingling together. "If you give me a chance," I bring my eyes up to meet hers," I'll make love to you. I'm capable of more than you think now, Onyx."

She stares at me for a second, not saying a word, before a small smile creeps over her face. "Well, not tonight." She grips my hair and pulls on it roughly. "Tonight, I want you to f.u.c.k me like you did four years ago." She yanks my hair harder before releasing it. "Show me the old Hemy. My Hemy."

Her words set me off and before she can register what I'm doing, I have her back pressed against the hood of the car and her pants in my hands, yanking them down her legs. Kissing the inside of her thigh, I pull her boots off and toss them, before tossing her tight little jeans next to them.

I spread her legs further and kiss my way up to her stomach while reaching for her white tank top. "f.u.c.k, Onyx." I love the way she looks laying across the hood of a car. I nibble my lip ring while pulling her s.h.i.+rt above her head and reaching behind her to release her bra. I take a few seconds to admire her body before gripping her thong in my hand and pulling her body into mine. Nothing is standing in the way of being inside her now but my jeans and her tiny lace thong. It's exactly like it was when we first fell in love. It's just too bad she never knew it.

Twisting her panties in my hand, I rip them off, the white lace coming untied with little effort. Onyx lets out a moan and arches her back as I lace one arm beneath her and bite down into her shoulder. "Oh G.o.d, Hemy," she pants. "Hurry up and get those jeans off."

Smiling against her neck, I work on taking off my jeans with one hand, while reaching down with my other to rub circles over her swollen c.l.i.t. "Mmm . . . you're so wet for me, baby." I slide my jeans down my legs and let them drop, before spinning Onyx around and slamming her down onto the hood, grabbing the back of her hair.

"Spread your legs, baby." I lean down next to her ear and growl as she bites my arm. "Show me how bad you've missed me inside you."

She bites me harder, causing me to squeeze her left a.s.s cheek before slapping it. She cries out with pleasure as I slap it one more time before gripping her a.s.s with both hands and spreading her cheeks. "It's so d.a.m.n beautiful," I whisper, while running a finger up her slick folds. "Hold on, baby. I'm about to take you for a ride."

Gripping my c.o.c.k, I align it with her opening, rubbing the head of it over her slickness, teasing her with my piercings before shoving it deep inside with a moan. Holding onto her hips, I pound into her hard and fast, causing her to grab onto the hood and scream. The faster I go, the more she begs for me to go harder.

Grinding my hips, I yank her hair back with one hand, pus.h.i.+ng hard and deep. I want her to still be able to feel me inside her after we're through. I want her to know she's mine and mine alone. I may have shared her once, but that'll never happen again.

She sticks her a.s.s up higher, gripping onto my hand as I thrust into her. I'm already as deep as I can go and she still wants me deeper. We never could get enough of each other, even when it hurt her.

A few thrusts later, I feel her clenching around my c.o.c.k, so I give her one hard thrust before yanking her neck to the side and pressing my lips against hers, right as she moans out. I wait for her to stop shaking before I pull out and spin her around to face me.

I crush my lips back against hers, both of us breathing heavy, as I pick her up and walk until we're pressed against the wall in our favorite corner. It was where we went to f.u.c.k when Mitch's a.s.s wouldn't leave for the night. Even though he could still hear us, it kept us hidden pretty well in the shadows. The risk of getting caught made it more of a rush.

Pulling away from her lips, I wrap my hand around her throat and push myself inside her, causing her to shake in my arms. "Remember this spot, baby?" I pull her bottom lip into my mouth and bite into as I start thrusting hard and fast, pus.h.i.+ng her up the wall with each movement.

I reach down and grab her hands, binding them in one hand, and raising them above her head. Both of us are breathing heavy, me holding her hands above her head while holding her up with my opposite arm supporting her waist.

"Hemy!" She pulls back on my hair as I push into her one last time, feeling my o.r.g.a.s.m build before I release myself deep inside her.

We stand here, me holding her and her holding onto me as we fight to catch our breath. Lowering her back to her feet, I tangle my fingers in her hair and press my forehead against hers. "I f.u.c.king love you," I breathe out. "I love you so much that it hurts."

Sucking in a breath of shock, she places both her hands on my chest and shoves me away. "d.a.m.n you, Hemy!" Rus.h.i.+ng over to her clothes, she struggles to get dressed while muttering under her breath and holding back tears.

I don't blame her for her reaction. I hurt her beyond words, and me dropping the L word like this was probably the last thing she expected . . . but I don't give a s.h.i.+t. I love her and she needs to know, no matter how much she hates me. I missed my chance the first time. It won't happen again. I'll never lose her again because I couldn't tell her how I felt.

I feel my heart shattering in my chest as she throws on her boots and reaches for her bag. As much as I know she needs to go, I don't want her to. She heads for the door, but then stops to turn around and throw something. Whatever it was. .h.i.ts the wall before she buries her face in her hands and shakes her head.

"Do you even know what pain feels like, Hemy?" Her jaw clenches as I stare at her. "Well, do you? Do you even feel pain?"

"Oh, I feel it alright. That burning sensation deep down inside that feels as if my heart is dying, being crushed." I look up from the ground and right into her eyes. "I felt it the minute you walked out my d.a.m.n door."

She stands there, unable to say anything, before turning around and walking out the door, slamming it closed behind her. I have no one to blame but myself. I did this to her . . . to us.

It just means I need to work harder to show her the new me.

Chapter Twelve.

Hemy It's been four days since I've seen Onyx and it's taking everything in me not to go to Vixens' and claim her as mine. As much as it hurts, she needs time. Me forcing her to admit her feelings isn't going to do s.h.i.+t but make it worse on my part. I can't have that.

Taking a drag of my cigarette, I tilt my head back up to look at Slade. He's puffing on his own cigarette while texting Aspen. "You love her, man?"

Slade gives me a hard look before shoving his phone in his pocket and taking one last drag of his cigarette before tossing it. "With everything in me," he says with confidence. "There's not a thing I wouldn't do for that woman."

I can't believe I'm even doing this right now. Going to Slade for advice was the last thing I thought I'd ever do. "What would you do if you hurt her so bad in the past that she was afraid to open up and let you back in? What if you told her you loved her for the first time and she walked away?"

Taking a step closer to me, he grips my shoulder and smirks. "My guy's in love. This must be one bada.s.s chick." He shoves my shoulder before placing me in a headlock and rubbing the top of my head. "You've been holding out on me, my man."

I take one last drag of my cigarette as he releases my neck. "Yeah, she's bada.s.s. She's my first and only love, man. I f.u.c.ked up bad and I'm paying for it now." I toss my cigarette and take a deep breath before quickly releasing it. "I'm trying to be patient, man. It's been four days and I haven't heard s.h.i.+t." I steel my jaw while leaning into the building and digging my fingers into it. "How much time should I give her?"

Without hesitation, he answers, "You know me, man. When I want something I go after it, sometimes a little too hard. If it's love, then you need to let her know that you're not going anywhere. Let her know you want her without pus.h.i.+ng her away. You get me?"

I nod my head, getting what he means. I can still let her know I'm not going anywhere without being too pushy. My s.h.i.+ft is almost over for the night, so as soon as I'm out, I'm going straight to Vixens'.


We both look over at the sound of Sarah's voice. "The group dance is up next. You better hurry and get your fine a.s.s in there." She smiles at Slade before shoving his shoulder. "Your woman is at the bar waiting on you. You better hurry before someone else snags her s.e.xy a.s.s up."

Oh boy. She just had to go there.

Without hesitation, Slade stalks off, rus.h.i.+ng inside to his woman. He knows d.a.m.n well he has nothing to worry about with Aspen, but he's still so d.a.m.n protective. He reminds me a lot of myself. When we find that special woman, we'll do anything for her. I just wish I wasn't too late.

"Thanks, Sarah."

"Yeah, yeah. Just hurry your a.s.s up," she teases.

If there's anything that I hate, it's doing a stupid dance routine on stage. It involves costumes and all of us men putting a dance together. It makes us all feel like f.u.c.king idiots. That's why we only set up a dance routine once a month. It's the one thing that some of the women travel to see. It's the biggest night of every month, packed to maximum capacity.

Adjusting my tie, I laugh at Stone as he jumps up on a table and thrusts his hips while gripping onto his hat and tilting it down, over his face. "Man, I'm such a stud in a suit."

"Is that right, a.s.shole?" Cale asks.

"Um . . . f.u.c.k yeah," Stone replies while jumping down from the table. "Don't get mad when I get all the tips. I have this routine down pat, bros."

"Alright, stud." I slap the back of his head before reaching for my black hat and putting it on, tilting it a bit to the side. "This is the biggest crowd you'll see for a while, so you better show them Slade's not around anymore. A lot of them come just for that motherf.u.c.ker."

"I'm the new Slade," he says with a smirk. "These women will leave screaming Stone. You feel me?" He gives both Cale and I the middle finger before jogging up the steps to the back of the stage.

This kid really has no idea what he's getting into right now. Some of these women still even scare my a.s.s with all that shrieking.

The stage is dark when we line up next to our chairs. I can hear the screaming of hundreds of women as soon as the music starts playing. This used to get me hard at one point. Undressing for all these h.o.r.n.y women. Now, I don't feel s.h.i.+t. I just want to get this over with.

Out of instinct, my body instantly reacts to the music when the lights flicker on, lighting up the stage. Placing one foot on the chair, I grab the top of my head and grind my hips to the music, the other two doing the same.

I thrust my hips slow and seductively as if I were f.u.c.king someone with deep pa.s.sion. This causes the girls close by to lean over the stage and start waving a handful of cash while others toss some onto the stage.

I reach up with one hand and loosen my tie, swinging one leg over the chair to straddle it, rocking my hips a few times just before grabbing the chair and lifting it up to place at the end of the stage.

I look out into the crowd and motion with my finger for the closest girl to come up on stage. With little effort, I grab onto her arm and pull her up next to me.

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Walk Of Shame: Hemy Part 8 summary

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