Desire: A Novel Part 15

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I didn't move, my body not allowing me to. I was vaguely aware of Charlie shuffling out of his clothes. First his s.h.i.+rt went, and then his pants. He reached up, uniting my hands. He gently rubbed my wrists where the material of the bra had been scoring against my skin.

"I want you on top of me, Kaitlin. I want to see you lying over me." I forced myself out of my lull, silently wis.h.i.+ng I'd had more time to enjoy the aftermath of my o.r.g.a.s.m. Then again, I wasn't the one paying four grand for this.

I should be thankful I was enjoying this at all. The things I'd make someone do if I were paying them that amount of cash.

He was already hard, I gently rubbed his length as I hovered over him. I positioned myself over him, lowering myself down onto his hardness. I gasped, my s.e.x still throbbing from the pre-show.

He watched me, a smile etched across his face as I rode his length. My hair flailed around like I was standing in the middle of a windstorm. I closed my eyes, again picturing Devon below me.

Mauve handed me a check for almost six thousand dollars. My week's earnings. My face flamed as I remembered what I'd done for this cash.

Stop it, Kaitlin, for f.u.c.k's sake, grow a pair!

Why be embarra.s.sed? I'd enjoyed it, and it's not like I had a boyfriend or anything to feel guilty about.

How was this less acceptable than picking up in a bar? At least this way I was protected from disease and earning a s.h.i.+tload of cash.

"See you next week." I smiled at her as I gathered my things.

"Sure. Let me know if you want to take on other clients. I think you'd be quite popular. You have that whole innocent virgin look about you." I laughed. Innocent? Me? Far from it.

"I'm good thanks Mauve." I called as I walked out the door. I waved at Barry, who smiled back at me.

I went through the drive through of Chuckey's on the way home, to treat myself to a thick shake. So much for my diet.

On the other hand though, I was getting more exercise than I ever had in my life, thanks to all this s.e.x.

Chapter Twenty-Three.

The light was on again at home, no doubt Ara was up late again, studying hard. I felt a pang of guilt. I rarely studied, yet I always seemed to get straight perfect results. That was the one area of my life I never had to worry about.

I walked into the lounge room to find Ara lying on the couch, hands inside her top, moaning softly into the phone.

"Hi Luke." I said loudly. Ara jumped, her face bright red. She held her s.h.i.+rt together with one hand, and the phone with the other.

"s.h.i.+t." She gasped, frazzled by my interruption. I giggled at her vagueness.

"Studying hard, I see." She poked her tongue out at me and stalked off to her room. I shook my head and collapsed on the couch, sore all over from working myself so hard. My phone buzzed.

I'm taking the risk that you've just finished work and are still awake.

I tried to convince myself that I wasn't excited to hear from him, but I was.

a.s.sumption correct.

I kept my reply was short and blunt, worried that anything else would lead to me saying something I might regret.

Can I come over? I know it's late, but I need to clear something up.

Really? He wanted to come over at 3 in the morning? I so badly wanted to say no. Only I knew that if I said no I'd be awake all night trying to work out what he wanted to talk to me about.

Yeah, sure.

After the world's quickest shower, I waited on the couch for Devon, not sure what he could possibly have to tell me that was so urgent it couldn't wait until morning. I turned the TV on low. An episode of Community was playing.

My phone buzzed. He was here, outside.

My stomach flipped as I opened the door and saw him standing there. As always, he looked hot. He wore the same suit from yesterday, a slight shadow of stubble was finding its way through his clear skin, which if possible, made him even s.e.xier. His lopsided grin sent waves of desire through my body.

Maybe letting him come over in the middle of the night wasn't the smartest move on my part.

"Thanks for letting me come over." He smiled.

"Well, at three in the morning, I figured it must be pretty important." I raised my eyebrows. A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips.

"So are you going to let me in?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded and waved him in.

"Only because it's freezing outside." I s.h.i.+vered, rubbing the goose b.u.mps that had risen on my arms. He moved past me, into the warmth of the house. I shut the door after him.

"So?" I prompted, sitting on the couch. I grabbed the blanket that was hanging over the top and wrapped it over me, the chill wearing off slightly, "Are you going to speak, or just sit there staring at me all night?"

"Is that an option?" He joked. I glowered at him. "Okay, okay." He held up his arm at my annoyed expression, "I wanted to apologize."

"Really? Three in the morning for an apology? It couldn't wait till morning?" This guy was driving me f.u.c.king insane. He sat forward, his head in his hands.

"Kait, can you just listen for a minute?" His voice rose, "I'm trying to apologize here, if you'd just listen."

"For starters, keep your voice down, and secondly, I'm not in the mood for games. I don't have the energy for you to be into me one minute, and not the next." I retorted angrily.

He knelt down on the floor next to me, reaching for my hands. I didn't resist.

"You have no idea how much I love being with you. I do want you. I'm just....scared." He finally finished. I stared at him as he rocked back onto his knees.

"Scared?" I repeated, "Of what?" He didn't reply. "Devon?" I pushed.

"I'm no good at relations.h.i.+ps. I've told you that." He stared at the floor, "When I was eighteen, my girlfriend was killed." I gasped, reaching for his hand. I never for a moment thought there would be such a reason behind his issues with commitment.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, genuinely feeling horrible for him, "What happened?"

"Melissa was my life. She meant the world to me. One day, I'd called her to pick me up from a party I'd been drinking at. It was late. Four in the morning." Devon paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts, "She was. .h.i.t head on by a truck that had swerved into the wrong lane. The best part was the string of abusive messages I'd left her while I waited for her to pick me up."

"s.h.i.+t Devon, I don't know what to say."

"I don't want you to say anything, Kait. I just wanted you to know. I do like you. I like you a lot. But there is a lot I haven't dealt with, and because of that, I don't always handle things the best way."

We both sat there in the silence, neither sure what to say to the other. At the very least, this explained some of his behavior toward me.

"Okay." I raised my eyes and met his. By now he was kneeling in front of me, a hand resting on each knee. I looked in his eyes and I saw something I'd never seen before. I saw pain, and fear. He edged my legs apart, pulling me close against him. One hand curled itself around my neck. I s.h.i.+vered at his touch.

"Cold?" He murmured, pulling the blanket around me. I shook my head. I bowed my head, meeting his soft lips in a kiss. "Oh Kait. Kait, Kait, Kait." He mumbled. He pushed up my skirt, his embrace engulfing me.

"Not here, Devon." I whispered. Pus.h.i.+ng him away just enough for me to struggle to my feet, I laced my fingers in his, "Come with me." He stood behind me, arms wrapped around my waist, kissing my neck, feeling my stomach as we walked as one down the hall. I stopped outside of my room. Turning, so we stood facing each other, I kissed him deeply.

Backing into the room, I smiled, lifting my top over my head. I raised an eyebrow at him "Are you joining me?" I pouted playfully, unzipping the back of my skirt and letting it fall to the ground.

"How could I not?" He breathed out deeply, his eyes filled with l.u.s.t. My eyes trailed down to the obvious effect my little show was having on him, which made me smile more.

"Do you like watching me take off my clothes?" I c.o.c.ked my head innocently, running my fingers over my bra strap before slowly flinging it downward, exposing the top of my breast. "Does it turn you on?" Devon chuckled as he leaned against the shut door, his arms crossed.

"What do you think, Kait?"

"I think it does turn you on." I put on my best sultry voice as I reached behind me and unclipped the bra. I dangled it over my little finger before letting that fall to the floor too, "Are you going to stand over there all night?" I pouted at him. Devon laughed, and shook his head.

Slowly and deliberately, he walked towards me.

I gasped as his hands touched the arch of my back. He nuzzled into my neck, breathing in my smell. I ran my hand through his thick, soft hair, gripping tightly as his fingers sought out the most sensitive areas of my back. I gasped. The feeling was almost o.r.g.a.s.mic.

With every gasp I arched my back further, pressing myself closer to him, grinding against him. He slipped my underpants down my thighs, until they floated unaided to my ankles. I kicked them away.

Lowering my arms so they were around his neck, I kissed him, every kiss unleashed a new feeling of desire deep inside me.

My hands ran under his unb.u.t.toned s.h.i.+rt, over his bare naked skin. The ripples of his muscles, the softness of his skin, the way he reacted to my touch all excited me. I traced a finger around his nipple.

"That's a dangerous game you're playing." He smiled at me, his eyes narrowing.

"Oh?" I my lips curved up into a grin, "How so?" I squealed as he lifted me up and onto the bed. Stepping out of his pants, he eased himself on top of me, hard and ready.

Wrapping my legs around his a.s.s, I pressed myself against him. I gasped as he entered me, his force driving me upward on the bed.

"Ow." I giggled as my head hit the bedhead.

"Want me to move you down?" He laughed, as each motion sent my head smack into the bedhead. I giggled and shook my head, not wanting to lose the feeling of him inside me. I c.o.c.ked my head to the side to avoid some of the force. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Hold on." Before I could ask why, he flipped over onto his back, taking me with him. I laughed as I looked down at him.

"You could've warned me." I giggled.

"I did," He laughed, "I told you to hold on." His expression turned serious as he watched me above him, I rocked myself back and forth on his length, the feeling of him deep inside of me indescribable.

His hands grasped my hips, moving them in sync with mine.

"Oh G.o.d Kait." He groaned, arching his back. I rocked faster and harder, as his hands tightened on my hips. "Yes. Yes." He gasped, his breathing becoming heavier.

I placed my hand on the bed head and picked up the rhythm, my own breathing increasing.

"Oh, yes." I gasped, grabbing his hand and placing it over my breast. I squeezed his hand, indicating what I wanted. What I needed.

"f.u.c.k, yes." I gasped, as he squeezed my nipple.

"I'm...oh yeah." Devon cried out as he climaxed. I dropped my hand over his mouth to smother his screams, giggling as the o.r.g.a.s.m pulsated through my own body.

"Shh." I whispered, laughing, falling over next to him on the bed. He turned his head, his eyes closed.

"Wow," He mumbled, rolling over to spoon me, "Wow, wow, wow." I giggled, loving the feel of his strong arms around me.

"Wow is right." I laughed softly, my eyes heavy from the aftermath of the o.r.g.a.s.m. He gently stroked my thigh, the sensation almost unbearable.

Chapter Twenty-Four.

"Kait I think I left my-Oh."

I shot upright to see Sam standing at the foot of the bed, his mouth hanging open. His eyes darted from Devon, to me, and back to Devon. I glanced at Devon, who looked asleep, but from his sheepish grin I could tell he wasn't.

The b.a.s.t.a.r.d was leaving this one all for me.

"Sam." I gasped, thankful that in sitting upright, I'd brought sheet with me. How was I going to explain this?

"Devon was tired, so I thought it was best that he didn't drive home..." I could feel Devon shaking beside me. He was laughing!

"Oh... Then why aren't you wearing pajamas?" Sam looked confused. It was a reasonable question. One I didn't have an answer to.

"They were in the wash?" I said meekly. It was all I could manage. Devon continued to shake silently next to me. I shook him.

"Hey Devon, why don't you answer this one?" I said sweetly.

Devon glared at me. He sat up, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed.

"Hey Sam." He began, reaching up and rubbing his neck.

"Hi." Sam replied suspiciously, eyeing Devon's bare chest.

"As Kait said, I was really tired, so I stayed here. Then I was feeling sad, so Kait was hugging me to make me feel better. Then we got cold, so we took our clothes off so we could share body heat..."

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Desire: A Novel Part 15 summary

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