Laurel Heights: Return To You Part 22

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Ah. So it was his daughter who was making this profound difference in Elaine. He wasn't sure yet if he should thank her or curse her. "You and Olivia have gotten close."

"It wasn't difficult. Olivia is wonderful. You're fortunate to have a daughter like her. She'll realize how much you love her and come around," Elaine said sagely. "Just give it time."

Her gaze seemed to see right through him. It made him uncomfortable. He wanted to tell her this was a mistake. He wanted to leave, to go back to LA and establish the old boundaries.

Then her hand covered his. It was slightly chilled and he instinctively reversed their grip so he could warm it.

Elaine's eyes widened, pure beautiful gray. She smiled at him. When she smiled at him like that he could almost believe he could be a better man.

The waiter un.o.btrusively brought them menus. "Can I bring you anything to drink?"

"We'd like a bottle of-" Parker studied Elaine. He'd thought a cool bottle of white would suit her best, but now he was tempted to order something darker and spicier. "A bottle of Chateau Margaux. The 1969."

"Yes, sir."

Parker felt the waiter slip away but his attention remained focused on the woman across from him.

"Is this a special occasion?" Her thumb rubbed a soothing path on his palm.

"That remains to be seen." The measuring look she gave him, simultaneously open and coy, caused a thrill of excitement to course through him.

The waiter returned. As he opened the bottle for inspection, he rattled off the specials for the day. To get rid of him, Parker quickly ordered for the two of them. He wanted Elaine alone so he could puzzle her out.

She pulled her hand out of his. He frowned but didn't say anything until the waiter left. "Is something the matter?"

"Let's get one thing straight." She lowered her voice and leaned closer to him across the table. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes glittered. "You may be my boss in the office, but on personal time, we are equal. I'm capable of ordering for myself."

"Elaine, I had no idea you were so-"


Pa.s.sionate. "Pro-feminism."

"Being treated respectfully has nothing to do with feminism."

He tipped his head in concession. "Agreed. I apologize if I offended you."

He could practically see the ire drain out of her. "Just don't do it again."

"A toast?" He raised his gla.s.s up. She followed suit. "To the unexpected."

He saw the momentary surprise on her face when the wine hit her palate. He watched the surprise turn to general enjoyment and then pleasure. "You like it."

"You knew I would." She dabbed her lips with her napkin.

"Do you know me so well?"

She gazed at him thoughtfully. Finally she asked, "Truthfully?"

He c.o.c.ked a brow. "You don't think I want the truth?"

She laughed softly and he felt it in the pit of his stomach. "Not if it's something you disagree with."

Touche. "Tell me."

"I know you better than anyone else."

He was saved from having to digest that tidbit by their salads arriving. He directed the rest of the conversation carefully. He didn't need any more revelations, not until he could think about what she said.

At the end of dinner, he helped her into her coat, his hands lingering on her shoulders longer than necessary. With a touch on the small of her back, he guided her through the restaurant and out the door.

The wind whipped at them and Parker instinctively pulled Elaine close to block her from it. She faced him. As she stared into his eyes, he could read her thoughts like they were broadcast. Kiss me.

"What are we doing here, Elaine?"

He wished he hadn't asked when her smile faded. She tried to pull away but he held her next to him. He needed to see those clear gray eyes.

"I just thought-" She broke off and stared at him. Finally, she whispered, "Don't you want to be here?"

No, he didn't want to be here. He wanted to be in a big bed with her under him.

Her hair tickled his chin and he pulled her closer. She smelled like wildflowers. He didn't expect that. Wildflowers were unrestrained and hedonistic.

"How is it you've escaped my notice for so long?" He traced the edge of her hairline and caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers. Soft.

Her mouth dropped open as he brushed her lower lip, but she said nothing.

He shook his head. "This is impossible."

"What is?"

"How can I resist you when your eyes are begging me to kiss you?"

In her guileless way, she asked, "Why resist?"

He studied her. "Why indeed?"

The first taste of her lips felt refres.h.i.+ng, the second was intoxicating. He watched her eyes close as she twined her arms around his neck and gave herself to him.

He stood in shock for a moment, taken away by how selflessly she gave herself. He wanted to push her away and berate her for opening herself up to such danger. At the same time, he wanted to hold her tight and keep her to himself.

He felt something he hadn't in a long time: humbled. He closed his eyes and savored the moment.

Chapter Twenty-nine.

"Ms. Adams, where should these hors d'oeuvres go?"

"The hors d'oeuvres table would be the best spot." Lainie pointed to one of the tables lining the far right wall.

"Okay. Thanks."

She smiled at the server. Incompetent questions couldn't get her down today. Not even the fact that Sophie Martineau, star of the movie and the belle of the ball, hadn't shown up yet, could burst her bubble. Life was good and she intended on reveling in it.

The wrap party was in full swing, cast, crew, and select locals mingling merrily. Lainie surveyed the crowd, seeking out Everett. She found him talking to a couple of the minor cast members. Tonight he wore a tuxedo and looked more das.h.i.+ng than Sean Connery.

And he was hers.

At least, she was working on it. They'd gone out several more times and each time was better than the last. He was everything she ever thought he'd be-gallant and fascinating and attentive. During the day, he was circ.u.mspect, ever the demanding employer. At dinner when they went out, he was different. And the way he kissed... She rubbed at the gooseb.u.mps that rose on her bare arms.

She'd been a nervous wreck the day after their first kiss outside the restaurant. They'd gone home separately. Actually, she went home and he went someplace else. She heard him come back an hour after she did. She lay in bed and listened to him move around the house. She wanted to crawl into his bed and wait for him but she just couldn't. Even if she were bold enough she knew it would be a tactical error. Subtle, Olivia would tell her. Make him fall to his knees.

The next day, he gave no indication that the kiss had ever happened and she'd been beside herself. But that night he'd taken her out to dinner again-just the two of them. They weren't out of the restaurant three steps before he drew her to him and kissed her. Really kissed her. And then they went to the car and kissed some more.

She sighed happily. Everett lifted his gaze and met hers, c.o.c.king his brow. His eyes flickered over her quickly before he returned his attention to his conversation.

There was promise in his gaze. She felt a flush creep up her chest to her face even as she tingled on the inside.

They hadn't progressed beyond their steamy kisses and a few masterful caresses on his part. She stopped him before they got very far. She didn't want to ruin this by going too fast.

Sometimes she wanted to say to h.e.l.l with caution. But there was more at stake here than momentary pleasure.

"Elaine, wow! You look great."

She turned to smile at the director of photography, who was dressed in his customary jeans and heavy metal band T-s.h.i.+rt. "Thank you, George." She smoothed her dress over her hips.

His whistled appreciatively. "I mean-wow. I've never seen you in anything like this before."

She smiled. There wasn't much call to wear strapless dresses to the office.

"Can I get you a drink? Maybe a gla.s.s of champagne?"

"Okay," she said, a bit puzzled. He wasn't coming on to her, was he? He was a good ten years younger than her.

He squeezed her hand warmly. "I'll be right back."

She looked up to find Everett scowling at her. She tipped her head inquiringly and the frown lines around his mouth deepened.

She blinked. Could he be jealous?

"Here you go, Elaine." George handed her a gla.s.s with a smile. He touched his gla.s.s to hers. "Here's to getting to know you better."

What did that mean? She was puzzling it out when she felt a solid wall move in behind her. She stilled, recognizing the magnetic force.

Everett took her elbow. Possessively. "George."

George took one look at the way Everett was holding her and stepped back, giving them a measuring look. He lifted his gla.s.s to Everett in salute. Everett acknowledged him with a lift of his brow. George bowed, turned on his heels, and disappeared into the crowd.

Lainie faced Everett. "What was that about?"

"He was about to fall face first into your decolletage."

Her cheeks burned. The dress was a little indecent. It was red, strapless, tight, and barely covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Olivia insisted it looked great on her. "That concerned you?"

Everett didn't move, but suddenly it felt like they couldn't get any closer. "I don't share, Elaine."

His voice was low and rough and made the goose b.u.mps come back with a vengeance.

She cleared her throat and looked away. Didn't he know if he kept staring at her like this that she wouldn't be able to refrain from throwing herself at him? "The party is a success I think. Everyone's mingling nicely."

When he didn't reply, she went on nervously. "The caterer did a great job. And we were lucky to find a band that can play such diverse music. Not many can go from Duke Ellington to salsa so seamlessly."

"Dance with me."

"Excuse me?" She couldn't have heard correctly.

"I want you to dance with me." Not waiting for her answer, he steered her toward the makes.h.i.+ft dance floor where people were swaying to a slow, romantic tune. He gathered her close and masterfully glided her around.

Lainie sighed and settled into his arms. It felt right to be there. She wasn't sure how much longer she'd be able to hold out. It was torturous being so close to him without being close to him.

He pressed his hand against the small of her back, bringing her close enough to whisper. "You look stunning tonight, Elaine."

"Thank you."

"Red suits you. I'm surprised you never wore much of it before."

"You noticed?"

"I can't believe I didn't notice more." He tightened his grip on her. "We need to-"

A commotion at the front door caught their attention. Sophie walked in, resplendent in peac.o.c.k blue, followed by her entourage. Sophie required her a.s.sistants to wear only black. Lainie once heard her say black made the best backdrop for her.

Sophie Martineau may be one of the businesses most difficult actors but no one could deny how stunning she was. Men all succ.u.mbed to her sweet blond radiance, not seeing the claws she kept so well trimmed. Lainie didn't know of any man who wouldn't want to be with Sophie.

She glanced at Everett, wondering if he found Sophie attractive. He looked impa.s.sive but she could see a hint of impatience in his regard.

Then he frowned.

Lainie followed his gaze. Sophie homed in on Michael, clinging to his arm like a parasite. From the way Michael ran his hands down her back, he didn't seem to mind.

"Oh no." Lainie searched the room, hoping Olivia, who'd come in with Michael, was in the restroom.

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Laurel Heights: Return To You Part 22 summary

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