The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 18

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"That it was."

"We should do something nice for the students to thank them when it's all done."

I was thinking that myself. "We'll think of something."

"I think most of them are just happy to have their names in the paper," Katherine jokes and she's not wrong. "It's funny, because half of the kids that are working on this are the kids I'd consider the naughtiest. They're the ones I'd least expect to help a good cause."

My mum sighs softly. "It just goes to show that these kids are good kids. They just need something to focus on."

She's not wrong.

As I'm driving Katherine home, the subject that is Eloise's pregnancy comes up. I wish I had never said anything. It wasn't my business to share.

Katherine believes differently. "Maybe you could leave a note for her father or mother... I just feel so bad knowing what I know and not being able to do anything about it."

"I don't see why. It's none of your business; keep it that way."

"I overheard her and her friends talking about a possible night out clubbing. If she goes, she's endangering that poor foetus."

"And again," I snap, my hands tightening on the wheel. "It's none of our business. Besides, they haven't even made plans for her birthday."

"Oh, and how do you know that?"

"Because when I dropped the costumes off, Hayley, Eloise's closest friend, told Eloise to make a plan for her birthday." I'm exasperated. "Look, I told you that in confidence. If you say anything, you'd be breaching student confidentiality, which could cost you your job."

Her mouth drops open. "You're the one who told me, remember?"

"Yes, but because as a fellow teacher I know I can trust you to do the right thing by the law. If you break that trust, it's on you." I finally pull up outside of her house, hoping she'll climb immediately from my car and b.u.g.g.e.r off. "Goodnight, Katherine."

"I won't say anything, okay?"

"I'm tired; it's been a long day." I lean over her and pull on the handle to open her door. She huffs but finally exits my vehicle, storming towards her house.

I drive away quickly, wanting to put as much distance between myself and that woman as possible. Lord knows I can't stand her anymore. Sure she's nice enough and she cares about her students, but sometimes she can be intolerable.

When I pull up to my apartment building, I make quick work of grabbing the rubbish that is littered across the floor of my car. I stuff it into an empty carrier bag and dig under the seats for more. My hand connects with something small and soft.

Pulling it out from under the pa.s.senger seat, I frown in confusion.

Did Katherine leave her bag in the car?

I'm almost certain she grabbed it on her way out. Plus I'm sure it was bigger than this one.

I turn the overhead light on and run my fingers over the dark red velvet. It's a very small bag. I doubt it could fit more than a purse and a phone.

Opening it up, I find nothing but two packets of chewing gum, a purse and an empty carton of apple juice. The second I see the carton I know who it belongs to, but I open the purse to check. It's empty, save for Eloise's ID and, hidden between the card slots, a condom. Nice. I thought only men carried condoms this way.

It's a shame she didn't use it when she needed it.

I immediately make note of the girl's birthday. She turns eighteen the day before Halloween. How unfortunate for her, having to share her birthday back to back with a famous holiday.

I'll give it to her tomorrow. She seemed to forget about it, so it's not like she needs it urgently. Although I am pa.s.sing her house, it might be a bit odd if I take it so late. She could be at work.

I'll just drive by and see if any of the lights are on, though I don't know what that will prove.

Her house, which isn't huge but is larger than most and definitely fancy with its fresh paint job and controlled ivy climbing the walls by the main door, is completely dark. I pull up by the gates guarding the long driveway and notice a lack of cars. I'm sure she mentioned that she uses her mum's car on occasion, which means her dad probably has his own car.

I should just knock. I don't know why I'm making a huge deal out of it.

Eloise I pull my dressing gown tight around me and pad down the stairs, flicking on the light as I go.

Maybe Mum forgot her keys. It wouldn't surprise me, although her coming home this early would definitely surprise me.

I open the door and almost slam it shut again when I see who's standing on my porch.

"Mr Price." I run my fingers through my hair as my other hand clutches my gown closed. "Is there a problem?" He holds up a small bag and a memory hits me. "I completely forgot about that."

"I figured you did. I just found it in my car and was driving past so..." He holds it out, a smile on his face. "Here."

I take it and place it on the table by the door. "Thanks for bringing it back."

"No problem," he answers and chews on his thick lower lip. He stands there for a moment and I'm not sure why. When he realises that he's lingering, he blinks and stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Well, goodnight, Eloise."

"Elle," I tell him before he turns away. "You should umm... call me Elle. Everybody else does." My heart stutters and panics before fluttering with a thousand b.u.t.terfly wings when he smiles that charming smile I think I might have a mini crush on.

"Right..." He clears his throat and takes a step back. "Goodnight, Elle."

I nod, my face flus.h.i.+ng. "Goodnight, Isaac."

His shock is apparent but I close the door before I can apologise and then lean my forehead against the cool plastic. I can't believe I just said that and with a smirk too... what is wrong with me?

I don't move away from the door until I hear his car drive away and even then I can't seem to steady my heavy beating heart.

Chapter Fourteen.

Isaac I can't believe I agreed to this.

Seriously, why did I agree to this?

As I stalk behind the latest group of unsuspecting people, I my prop knife against the lockers, barely stifling my laughter when the lights flicker, showing them my form for only a brief second. The lights go off, plunging us into darkness. Not a single light can be seen and only their screams can be heard.

I stand beside one of the young girls in the group and tug on her hair. The lights flicker and, still screaming, they take off towards the next area and I quickly return to my original position to wait for the next group.

I have to admit, this job does have its perks.

The ear piece glued to the inside of my ear crackles before I hear my father's gruff and quiet voice. "Be ready. Here they come."

Luckily Eloise's Dad was nice enough to lend us the equipment his personal team of builders use to communicate when on a larger job site. I'm grateful to have communication with at least one person throughout this evening.

The ear piece crackles again, but this time it's another voice whispering into the device that controls each ear piece individually. "Mine and Hayley's parents are in this group. Scare them good."

"I'm on it," I murmur to myself, smiling wickedly when I hear the doors creak open.

I've made a few fully grown men scream in the past hour, but these really take the cake. The women laugh out of fear as the men use them as s.h.i.+elds. I'm not sure who is who in the dark, but I make sure to get as close to the men as possible after the lights go out and I wait until they flicker, forcing one of the men to stumble into the other in a bid to escape.

I have no idea how anybody does this kind of thing without laughing. I'm no actor and this is hilarious.

"The next group will be in soon. Are you ready?"

I shake my head and pull the mic clipped to my s.h.i.+rt closer to my mouth. "Give me a second," I pant through my laughter and race back to my slot in the wall. "You should have seen that."

"Miss Hart just told me my dad wants to go home." Eloise giggles. "I can't wait for him to step through that exit." She pauses and clears her throat. "Your dad just sent the next group in."

"I'm on it."

Eloise The walk through the school lasts about ten to fifteen minutes, depending on how fast the groups move, but everybody exits unharmed and looking as excited and as scared as I hoped they would.

I accept their appraisals of the event before throwing the walky-talky type device back to Mr Price Senior and going outside to check on the food sales. There are a few stalls set up where people can buy food, drinks and souvenirs. It's actually really amazing. Not only are people getting an awesome scare, but they're also able to sit and laugh about it with their friends with hot and cold drinks in hand.

Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to truly appreciate the walk yet, not like the rest of the helpers have. I'm too busy keeping the event from falling apart.

The waiting line is ma.s.sive, but it's moving along quickly. More than half of the town have arrived already and are enjoying the creepy music blasting through the outdoor speakers. More and more arrive with their kids in costume and, by the size of their sweet bags, I'd say they've just been trick or treating.

"How's it going?" I ask Crystal, who is serving food alongside a happy looking Judith. Even though she's in a wheelchair, she's having the time of her life wrapping the sandwiches and party favours she made.

"Excellent and, if my calculations prove to be correct, with food sales and ticket sales we've made enough to provide quality rooms on the children's ward." Crystal responds and Judith nods, smiling brightly.

"That definitely makes me feel good." I beam along with them, feeling overwhelmed with emotion. "If it wasn't for you, Crystal, this wouldn't have been possible."

Crystal waves me off and throws me a sandwich. "Take this to Mr Price. He'll be getting peckish."

"Will do. I need to go and wait for my parents to exit the scare school anyway." My smile is wicked this time, especially when I prepare the camera that hangs around my neck. "This should be good."

"Don't forget about yourself." Mrs Price chuckles and throws me an extra sandwich. "Eat, keep your energy up."

"Thank you, Judith, I shall. Give me a shout if you need anything."

"We will."

I skip back inside, smoothing down my black tutu as I go. I decided this year to be a dark angel, complete with black feathered wings and black contacts that completely cover my eyeb.a.l.l.s, save for a red ring around my pupil. My red hair is curled to my shoulders, with black ribbon twisted around random locks. To complete my look, I added fish net stockings and matching gloves that smooth over the curve of my elbow. I definitely look creepy, but s.e.xy style of course.

I just wish I'd brought my leather jacket. It's b.l.o.o.d.y freezing and I envy those with coats on.

"Here's a gift from Crystal and your wife," I tell Mr Price and throw him a sandwich.

He smiles and takes it eagerly. "Thank you, Elle. Is everything running smoothly?"

Another group bursts through the exit door, screaming and laughing. "It seems that way, but it is Halloween. I don't doubt that something will happen sooner or later."

"As long as n.o.body toilet papers the school while we're not looking, I'm sure we'll be fine." He winks at me and turns back to the waiting group. After discretely talking into the device, he waves them through the entrance doors and waits until the screaming stops before sending the next group in.

"What about you?" I move behind the ticket sales booth where Hayley and Wesley take money in exchange for homemade tickets. She looks awesome as a dead jester, killed by a king long ago, ready to reap her b.l.o.o.d.y revenge on the world. "How are you getting on?"

"Brilliantly." She nods to the janitor, who watches the three of us with eagle eyes. "Apparently we're going to steal all of the money."

I roll my eyes at the man dressed as himself and turn back to my friends. "Ignore him; he's just a necessary precaution. He's actually here to protect you guys." I say this last part loudly and he only rolls his own eyes in return. "So other than eagle eyes over there, everything else is good?"

"It's brilliant." She smiles and counts the heads of the next group of people before charging them accordingly and handing them their tickets. "Honestly, I can't wait to walk through it myself."

"Me too." Wesley pouts, looking longingly at the entrance. "When are the news guys coming? I thought they were sending someone to take pictures?"

I scan the crowd and lower my voice, just in case of listening ears. "They're already here but want to remain inconspicuous. They said people will just get all up in the camera otherwise and this way they get the actual event on camera. I think they've already been through the scare school."

"Oh my G.o.d, so I could have already been filmed?" Hayley looks mortified at the thought and pulls a pocket mirror from her bag before checking her face paint for any smudges. "Well, I still look good so I suppose that's okay."

"Get back to work." I order playfully and move out of the booth. "Call me if you need me."

"Your look great tonight by the way." She points to the lace up corset that pulls my ribs and chest in more than should be physically possible. My not too large and not too small b.r.e.a.s.t.s are definitely up there, I won't deny.

"Keep the talk PG," I laugh as a guy in Freddy Krueger get up gives me a creepy up and down twice over. I keep moving back towards the entrance, biting into my sandwich as I go. I'm not hungry, but it's better to eat at this point than not get a chance later and have to starve myself. Plus the sandwich tastes brilliant, even though the bread has been dyed green and the egg mayo is dark red. A simple favourite, made awesome by someone's creative mind.

Isaac After three hours my legs are killing me and I'm losing the will to pretend kill. I'm hungry, tired and I definitely need to use the toilet soon. I knew I shouldn't have drunk three cans of Redbull before tackling this job.

Luckily there is a break scheduled in only ten minutes where we actors get a ten minute break to touch up our makeup if we have any, use the loo and eat something. Then we work for a further two hours. I can do this. I'll just moan internally during the whole event.

My break, when it finally comes, just doesn't last long enough. I had to eat whilst peeing... n.o.body should ever have to eat whilst peeing. It's disgusting and I still only just made it back to my section in time to have a one minute sit down to rest my aching legs.

This is getting lonely.

I can only imagine how the fictional Jason must have felt.

I didn't even get to say hi to anyone during my break. We should have pushed for fifteen minutes.

There's a crackle in my head piece only thirty seconds before I'm supposed to be working again and a female voice sounds, one I haven't heard tonight. "Okay guys, it's Hayley and I have the best, most evil plan that will rock a certain person's f.u.c.king night so badly she'll have nightmares for a week. Are you listening?"

Oh I listen and I smile wickedly the entire time. Suddenly my night just got less boring.

Eloise "We have a problem," Mr Price Senior tells me, looking disgruntled.

"But we're so close to finis.h.i.+ng," I whine, looking around the empty hall and watching longingly as Crystal and a few students pack away the few of leftover food.

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The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 18 summary

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