The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 23

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Eloise's mood darkens and the way she eats is rushed and slightly enraged. My dad and I look at each other as the girls seem to size each other up. He smiles secretly and rolls his eyes, turning to his own food.

"Well it's nice of you to visit, Katherine," my mother says politely. "And thank you for the lovely scented candles."

"I got the idea from Isaac. They're the same ones he has in his apartment. I figured he's your son, so your tastes must be similar."

Eloise tenses, but doesn't look up from her plate. She finishes her food before the rest of us and places her plate on the tray on the table before pulling out her phone and tapping away at the screen.

My dad looks between Katherine and I and for some reason I feel extremely defensive. "It was just a visit."

Katherine's smile doesn't falter. "I forgot we had company." She nods to Eloise and even though the red headed girl isn't looking, she knows it's her she's referring to. I can tell by the sudden way her body just tensed.

"Eloise isn't the type of person who goes around spreading rumours," my mother says with admiration. "Are you, my dearest Elle?"

Elle looks up and gives her the nicest smile she can muster. "Not at all. It's none of my business. I'm just here for the free food."

I sn.i.g.g.e.r, but it stops when Katherine s.h.i.+fts the conversation. "Well I was hoping Isaac would join me tonight. I have tickets to see that new show that's playing in Skegness."

"What show?" My mother asks excitedly. "My Isaac loves a good performance."

"It's Little Shop of Horrors. It's playing at the, but the tickets have been sold out. I was lucky to get my hands on two."

"Doesn't that sound like fun, Isaac?"

I nod reluctantly. The show does sound like fun; it's the company that's intolerable. "Yes."

"So it's settled then? You'll go with me?" Katherine beams, placing her barely touched plate of food on top of Elle's.

"Go on, it's been a while since you did anything fun." Dad says, giving me a stern look. "It'll be good for you to get out."

"And suddenly I'm seventeen again." This is stupid. "I have things to do."

"Like?" Katherine frowns at me. "Come on, it'll be fun. Please? Don't make me go by myself."

My eyes linger on Elle for a moment, who continues playing on her phone. I don't know why I'm bothered by what her reaction will be. Maybe it is time I accepted at least a simple date to a show. "Sure. I'll go."

Eloise's shoulders slump slightly and something powerful flutters in my chest. It doesn't vanish when I clear my throat; it only gets stronger.

"I'll give Eloise a ride home," I say. "I didn't see your mum's car outside." The need to have just a moment alone with her overrides my better judgement.

"We'll all go." Katherine stands and brushes her skirt down, forcing her to bend slightly so her a.r.s.e is level with my face. "We'll drop her off at home and then drive straight to Skegness."

"I can walk," Eloise snaps, shoving her phone in her pocket and grabbing her bag. "Don't go out of your way for me."

"It's no problem." Katherine links her arm through Elle's. "See you later, everybody."

"I'll come by in a couple of days." Elle allows the female to pull her from the room and I can practically taste her animosity towards Katherine in the air.

Eloise I'm forced into the back of Isaac's car, even though I'd rather walk and I wasn't even ready to leave yet. Katherine climbs in the front and smiles brightly at Isaac as he takes his own seat.

I'm not sure why I feel so hostile towards her, but when she places her hand on his wrist that rests on the console between them, I almost hiss at her like a feral cat.

Instead I give her a polite smile and go back to my phone.

"Have you applied to any universities yet? I'd gladly give you a reference if you need one."

I'm shocked at her offer and wonder if my hostility is totally misdirected. "Thank you for the offer, that's really kind, but Mr Price Senior has already done one for me."

"He's a good man." We both share a silent moment of agreement. "So where are you looking into going?"

"Boston, Lincoln, places that are only a few hours away so I can come home when I want to."

"I went to Boston," Isaac puts in, finally starting the car. I catch his eyes in the rear-view mirror, but quickly look away.

"Your mum said. Is it a good school?"

"Excellent, if you want to do Business. They have some great courses."

"Yeah, I still need to look into that." I cringe at the thought. "I just hope I get grades good enough to get in."

Katherine again shows her nicer side. "You're doing brilliantly in my cla.s.s and if you do need any extra help, I'll gladly step in."

"Th... thank you." What's her game? Why don't I believe she's genuine?

Isaac seems to soften towards her. I see him smile her way and it's gentle, the kind of smile I've only ever seen him direct at myself and his mother. "That's really good of you, Katherine."

"Thanks for the ride," I say as we turn down my street, eager to jump out of the car. "Have fun at your show."

Katherine grins wickedly. "We will."

Isaac nods to me, but doesn't say anything. He only pulls up outside my house and drives away the second I close the car door after me.

f.u.c.k... are they dating?

There were rumours, but I thought they were just that. Rumours.

This is stupid.

He looked at her like he likes her, like he's attracted to her. I suppose it's hard not to be attracted to her; she's a d.a.m.n G.o.ddess! All of the guys in school are sporting for her and most of them aren't secretive about it. She laps up the attention too.

Stupid wh.o.r.e.

Okay that was mean.

I'm starting to wish I'd gone out for my eighteenth. I'm also starting to wonder if the reason I've been acting so f.u.c.king mature and hardworking is because I secretly wanted Isaac to see me as somebody he can relate to. Who am I kidding?

To him I'm just a kid with a crush. He's been so kind to me and helped me so many times.

But he touched me; he played with my hair and stroked my neck. I know it was a difficult day and he's never touched me like that before, but it has to mean something.

No... I'm this way because I chose to be a better person for myself and for my family. It has nothing to do with some blond haired guy with a great smile and a great body and a great laugh.

I am so screwed.

This has to end right now.

It's only going to end in a pain I can't handle on top of the rest.

I seriously need Crystal right now and part of me hates her for leaving me during such a vulnerable time. I don't even care how selfish that is.

Speaking of Crystal... I really need to start looking for another job. Maybe my Dad will hire me to work the phones in his office or something, although working with him doesn't sound like a great idea.

I wish I'd asked Crystal's family what they're doing about the cafe, but it seemed like such an inappropriate thing to ask at the time.

I read the text that comes through to my phone seconds after I step into my house.

Hayley: We should totally go clubbing!

Eloise: It's a Tuesday.

Hayley: Quid a drink in Sliver.

Eloise: It's tempting...

Hayley: I'll buy your first five drinks.

Eloise: Sold.

I guess I better make myself look pretty.

Isaac My hands rip at the bottom of her skirt, forcing it up and over her hips, as my mouth devours hers. I feel her thigh, digging my fingers into her flesh as my other hand grasps at her breast. It's soft and warm through her s.h.i.+rt, but I need to feel her skin.

Ripping the front of her s.h.i.+rt, I pull the cup of her bra down with my teeth before sucking the taut nipple into my mouth. She moans and it rushes straight to my groin. I love the sound of a woman's groan when you know she's enjoying herself.

You can always tell women who fake it, not just by the way they sound but by the way their body reacts. If your man doesn't notice, he's pretending because he doesn't give a f.u.c.k. I don't know how they can't give a f.u.c.k. That groan and the way a woman responds to the right touch is the s.e.xiest thing you can ever experience.

I lift her legs and press her harder into the wall, our groins separated by nothing but my trousers.

"f.u.c.k me," she hisses in my ear, throwing her head back when I sink my teeth into her neck and lap at the trapped flesh with my tongue. "Now... please!"

My hands cup her a.r.s.e, holding her up as her hands work at my belt. It's been so long. Too long. I need to release this frustration and I need to release it now.

"Condom, wallet." I pant and drop one of her legs to the ground.

The darkness of the hallway disorients my vision. I swear for a moment I'm staring into the piercing, angry green eyes of a familiar redhead.

I shake it off and quickly release the condom from my wallet as Katherine drops to her knees and takes me in her mouth.

I wince immediately at the feel of her teeth and cringe further when starts to suck at only the head. What the f.u.c.k?

"How is that, Sir?" She says seductively as her head falls back and her hand moves up and down my length.

Sir? Are we suddenly role playing?

I wrap my fingers in her short hair and her silky strands seem to turn that deep red colour that I can't seem to s.h.i.+ft out of my brain. Suddenly Katherine isn't kneeling before me and my stomach lurches.

"f.u.c.k..." I gasp as startled green eyes look at me solemnly. My guts twist and turn and guilt overwhelms me. "Stop... Stop..."

Katherine stands and flicks on the light, clearly not ashamed of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s spilling out of her s.h.i.+rt. Not that she should be. "What the h.e.l.l is wrong with you?"

"I have no idea," I tell her, looking down at my now flaccid length. "I think it was the teeth..."

Her hand flies to her mouth and her fingers run across the surface of her pearly whites. "What's wrong with my teeth?"

I tuck myself away, ashamed of my own body. It has never betrayed me before. "You bit me. It f.u.c.king hurt."

"I did not!"

I'm lying; it was uncomfortable but it didn't hurt. "Maybe it's too soon."

She lets out a startled laugh. "Are you f.u.c.king kidding me? What are you? A teenage girl?"

"I think I should go." I fasten myself up and scoop my jacket off the floor. "Thanks for a wonderful evening."

"Wait... I didn't mean to insult you. I've just never had a guy go soft on me before." She c.o.c.ks her head and leans in slightly. "Is it a problem? Do you need v.i.a.g.r.a? I don't mind."

"I don't have a problem!" I yell. She just insulted my f.u.c.king manhood! "Maybe if you used less teeth and more tongue..."

"I've never had any complaints."

"I'm going before this gets out of hand." I tuck the condom into my pocket, along with my wallet, and pull the door open. "Goodnight Katherine."

"s.h.i.+t!" I hear her curse before I slam the door to her house closed behind me.

"Thanks a lot," I whisper to my unresponsive p.e.n.i.s after climbing into my car.

I guess it's for the best. It would have made for an awkward morning after, even more awkward than the result of this event.

My car speakers start to ring. I press the b.u.t.ton on my steering wheel to answer the call from a number I don't recognise.

"h.e.l.lo?" I ask curiously.

"I think..." Pause. "That I've called you three times now." Followed by a hiccup.

"Who is this?"

"Umm..." Giggle. "I'm drunk."

It doesn't take a genius to work that out. "Who is this?"

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The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 23 summary

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