The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 27

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"You were a health freak," I sn.i.g.g.e.r and run my finger over a menu after he slides it to me across the breakfast bar. "I don't mind what we eat." I'm not feeling too hungry.

"I could go out and get something?" He suggests, looking at me with concern in his eyes. "You should eat."

"No, stay." I blurt a little too frantically. "I just, I mean, umm..." b.o.l.l.o.c.ks.

Smiling, he picks up his phone and walks around the bar until he's standing beside me. He orders random items from the menu, lifting me onto the bar with his free arm. My body heats when he nudges my legs open and stands between them.

"Half an hour?" He asks into the speaker and waits for a response before hanging up. "Half an hour."

"I heard." I gulp when he leans in and takes my lower lip between his teeth. My eyes flutter shut.

"We have half an hour." He repeats, his mouth moving to my neck.


"That's not enough time."

Time. My eyes snap open. "What happens now?"

Leaning back, he hooks his hands around my knees and pulls me to the edge. "Let's just enjoy the now. Let's just enjoy this."

I knew it was inevitable, but saying it out loud only solidifies it, making it so much worse. "We're never doing this again are we?"

He lets out a deep sigh and nuzzles my neck. "We can't. I could lose my job and your reputation would be ruined." I know he's right and I hate it. "So let's just enjoy each other until we can't anymore."

"Okay," I agree, arching my back when he flips open my robe, pulls down the top of my towel and sucks my nipple into his mouth. "Oh... G.o.d."

I thought I knew pleasure before. I thought I had all of the answers and knew my body. I was wrong. I discover just how wrong I was when his mouth drifts down my body, kissing, suckling and nibbling as he goes.

I gasp when he pulls my towel and robe away and pushes me gently back onto the cold counter top. I want to curse; it's f.u.c.king freezing. His mouth soon takes my mind off that, though, and the feel of his fingers between my legs makes me forget about everything.

He sits on the stool and his lips trail moist kisses along my inner thigh. I want to giggle and push him away. I want to moan and force his head between my legs. I want to escape the millions of sensations crawling over and under my skin. It's too much. It's not enough.

I choke out a moan, along with a series of other noises I can't stop myself from making.

He teases me relentlessly, getting closer and closer to my core before pulling away and working on my other leg, my hips, my midriff, my hands. I want to cry and scream at him to make it stop. I've never felt so sensual and frustrated at the same time.

And then I feel his tongue there, licking, sucking and probing as his finger enters me, dipping and stroking the entrance of my core.

"Isaac," I cry out before I can stop myself. "Please."

I feel his smile against me and want to watch what he's doing to me, but my body can't handle it. I arch my back and shut my eyes as wave after wave of pleasure vibrates through me. He was right. Half an hour just isn't long enough. I never, ever want this to end.

Chapter Nineteen.

Isaac We sit on the floor on a thin blanket, facing each other, food spread out around us. I stare at the red headed female in nothing but my lucky s.h.i.+rt. Her legs are crossed and her smiling eyes are on me.

"Favourite movie?" She asks, popping a piece of bread into her mouth.



"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" I chuckle, swallowing a mouthful of rice. She shrugs and waits for me to ask her something. "Favourite song?"

"Depends on the day and my mood. Yours?"

I grin, yet another thing we have in common. "Me too. Though today it's s.e.x on Fire by Kaiser Chiefs." I feel the balled up napkin hit me in the head before I see it.

"That's not even funny."

"Yet you're laughing."

"Because of how corny that was and I know corny; I'm surrounded by eighteen year old boys!" We both fall silent at that, both of us sad at the way this has to end. If she weren't my student, if she were just a few years older... I could see myself dating her. I could see myself being with her for longer than just a night.

It's typical. I go through life sleeping with women only one time, or at most a handful of times, and never form a connection. And then I sleep with the only person I've ever connected with and felt like this about and I only get one night. This is Karma teaching me a lesson.

"I'm almost twelve years older than you." I answer the question that I know she's asking in her mind.

"Age is nothing but a s.p.a.ce in time," she whispers and smiles softly at me. "Would you like me to leave?"

No. "It's probably best if you do." Her face falls at my words. "But I don't want you to, not yet."

"Me neither." She chews on a final bite of food before standing and gathering the tubs.

"Leave them..."

"So they'll still be here a year later? I don't think so."

"It wasn't that bad," I grumble, because it really wasn't.

"There was mould moulding mould."

Okay, maybe it was that bad. "Fine..." I help her gather the tubs and place them in the fridge before taking her hand and pulling her back to the bedroom. "Have a nap with me?"

We climb into bed and I pull her into my chest, making sure to tuck the blanket over the both of us. She sighs and buries her face in my neck as I pull her leg over my waist and roll onto my back, keeping her pinned against me with my arms.

"You can trust me," she whispers sleepily.


"I won't tell anybody."

That thought never even entered my mind. "I know. You can trust me too. This isn't something I've done before."

She nods against my neck. "Good."

I smile and kiss her forehead, inhaling her sweet scent mixed with my shower gel as I do.

When I wake to the sound of my alarm blaring, I immediately notice the sun spilling through the tiny gap in the curtains. My arm reaches out, looking for a warm body, but all I find is an empty bed.

She left before I awoke.

A pang of disappointment kicks me in the chest, but I push it away and climb out of bed. I have to work.

Eloise "Was it Garrett?" Hayley asks excitedly as I hand in a final application at a phone store in the town centre. "Why won't you tell me? Do you have any idea how much trouble I went to, lying to my mum, saying you'd decided to stay home and then..."

"Intercepting your mum's phone and sabotaging it, just in case my dad decided to call." I throw her a look. "And remind me... how many times have I done that for you?"

"Details," she cries, startling the people around us. "Please tell me who it was and, if you won't tell me who it was, then tell me how good it was."

I roll my eyes, but can't stop the smile that lights up my face.

"That good, huh?" She pinches my cheeks with her hands. "I'm so f.u.c.king jealous. Give me details!"

I check my watch. "We need to get to cla.s.s." I wonder how Isaac will react when he sees me. I wonder if he'll react at all. There's something strangely exciting and thrilling about all of this.

"You can tell me on the way. Please? I share everything with you."

I laugh loudly and slap her arm. "Against my will!"

"Who cares? I still share."

"Okay, it was s.e.xy."

"Yeah? Go on!"

"Pa.s.sionate... hot... exciting." I smile dreamily before hitting her with a stern look. "And none of your f.u.c.king business."

"You're such a b.i.t.c.h."

I stick my tongue out at her and pull her away from the crowds. "We really do need to get to cla.s.s."

"Wait." she stops and wags her eyebrows at me. "Is he in our cla.s.s?"

Eye roll. "No, Hayley. He isn't in our cla.s.s. Will you shut up about it now?"

"Fine, fine. But I'm grilling you about it later."

"Good luck with that."

"Didn't you get the teaching a.s.sistant job?"

"Unfortunately not. Hence the fact you've been helping me look for a job all morning."

She blinks, her eyes rounding with wonder. "Is that what we were doing?"

"Oh my G.o.d, I swear your mum dropped you as a baby."

"She did. What's that got to do with anything?" She's serious too.

Holy f.u.c.k. "Remind me to never have a baby with you."

"I don't have the right equipment anyway." She starts thrusting her groin into my hips, her eyes clenched shut and her teeth biting into her lower lip.

I place my hand over her face and shove her away, ignoring her cackle as she flies backwards and collides with a rather handsome man. Dark hair, dark eyes, tall and with a seemingly large chest... yep, Hayley's type. Oh dear.

"What the h.e.l.l?" He snaps, shocked that there's now a happy looking female peeling herself out of his arms.

"Well h.e.l.lo." Hayley grins brightly at the man, who still looks majorly confused.

"Come on." I grab my friend by her collar. "Sorry, Sir."

"Sir?" He grumbles. "I'm twenty three!"

"Are you single?" Hayley screeches as I pull her around the corner.

I skip through the school, feeling happier and lighter than I've felt in a really long time. The afterglow of s.e.x is so f.u.c.king strong. I love it.

I start to feel nervous the closer I get to cla.s.s, but at least Hayley is no longer obsessing about my night out. She is now obsessing over her apparent future husband, who I ripped her away from. She's so dramatic.

We enter the cla.s.sroom and my eyes immediately connect with Isaac's. He smiles politely and nods equally as politely, as he does to the rest of the students.

This isn't so bad. I thought it would be awkward, but instead I just feel lucky.

I got him for an entire night. If Shannon knew, which she never will, she'd be so f.u.c.king jealous.

I take my seat and pull out my books. Hayley does the same, still talking about the guy she collided with, until Wesley finally enters the cla.s.sroom.

I listen intently but keep one eye on Isaac at all times. I'm disappointed when he doesn't look my way, but I understand. He's still my teacher. Even though we are consenting adults, it's still illegal. It's just hard to believe that only twelve hours ago he was wrapped around me, breathing softly in his sleep.

The thought makes me press my thighs together and, even though I'm a little sore, it doesn't stop me from aching for more of everything he did to me last night.

"So we have some new text books. Yes, they're yours for the remainder of the year and if you don't hand them in when asked, you will be charged." Isaac announces and starts handing them out individually, something he's never done before. He usually gives them to the first desk and instructs us to take one and pa.s.s them down.

It's not until he gets to me that I realise why he's done this. A note peeks out from between the first two pages of the book I receive. He heads back to his desk as I grasp the note tightly in my fist, my heart hammering in my chest.

He starts the lesson, but I'm not paying attention. I'm too busy looking for the perfect opportunity to read the note. I place it back between the correct pages and read his scribble quickly before shoving it into my bag.

'See me after cla.s.s.'

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The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 27 summary

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