The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 32

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That same tingle I continue to feel at random times returns and I realise at this moment what it is.

It's jealousy and possessiveness.

I don't like him touching her... I don't like the thought of anyone touching her.

He continues kissing her for the longest time and everyone looks at me, wondering what I'm going to do about it.

I want to rip his throat out. I want to slam him against the wall and punch him in the face until he no longer has one. I've never been violent on purpose before. I'm not about to start now.

"Are you in this cla.s.s?" I snarl and Garrett finally looks up, Eloise's sparkling lip gloss spread across his lips. He looks dazed and I feel even more jealous. I remember that dazed feeling well. I remember exactly what those perfect lips can do to a man.

"No, I'm just stopping by," he grins, leaning in for another kiss. Eloise doesn't even look at me. She only clutches the boy's collar, holding him close and tight. When he finally pulls away, everyone cheers again and then they laugh when I push him from my cla.s.sroom.

I don't chastise her. I don't say a word. I just rub my chest and start the lesson.

It's not until the bell rings that I actually pay her an ounce of attention.

"Eloise Blackburn," I call, as she laughs and chats with her friends while packing away. "You'll stay after cla.s.s."

None of her friends seem to find it odd that I've asked. They probably knew she'd get into s.h.i.+t for her public display of affection.

I'm shocked that she does stay and I find myself lost for words.

Eloise He locks the door and stares at me, neither of us saying anything. I know that if I open my mouth I'll lose my temper and I figure he's probably scared of what I'll say if he does make me any angrier.

After a minute I stand and grab my bag. I'm not waiting in here if he isn't going to talk and I'm not going to say anything. What's the point?

I move to the door, relieved when he steps out of my way. My hand moves to the lock and suddenly his hand is on mine, stopping me from twisting it.

He still doesn't talk and neither do I. I figure he'll let me go eventually if I ignore his presence.

"Elle," he finally says, releasing a solemn breath.

The softness in his voice makes my eyes burn with remembrance. How could he betray me so badly? How could he hurt me like that?

My hand tightens on the metal lock and his hand tightens on mine, almost as if scared I'll pull away.

"Elle, look at me."

I don't and he still doesn't move.

"Elle..." His hand comes to my face and gingerly and tentatively pushes until my eyes are facing his. "I'm so..."


My hand burns and his head whips to the side. I just slapped him. I've never slapped anybody before.

We both stand, suspended in time. He looks as shocked as I feel inside and my tears spill when I see the red mark slowly appear on his cheek.

"I hate you," I whisper, pus.h.i.+ng the honesty in my words forward so he not only hears it but feels it.

His head snaps back, his eyes full of pain now on mine. "G.o.d... Elle..."

I try to twist the lock, but his hand tugs my hand away and pins it above my head. My chest heaves as I stare into his eyes, hating the longing I feel to have him close. I just want to hate him.

He takes my other hand and pushes that against the door above my head, pinning both wrists with his one hand. His eyes stay on mine and I see my longing mirrored in his, my pain mirrored in his, but not my hatred. I don't see hatred in his eyes. I see remorse.

"I'm sorry," he says quietly and rests his forehead against mine. "I don't know what I was thinking. I keep going back to that night in my mind..."

"You need to let go of me."

"I don't want to," he admits, stepping into me so my body is flush with his. I try to swallow but can't. My body is betraying me and I need him to let me go before I forgive him, just to be given the chance to kiss him once more. "I don't want to."

"I'll scream," I pant and he shakes his head, almost as if nuzzling my nose with his.

"You're not a screamer."

I feel his words in my groin. I feel him swell against my hip and sink my teeth into my lip. "Let me go."

"Forgive me."

"You ruined everything." I try to tug my hands free, but his grip is tight and I'm too weak; weak of mind, weak of body and just plain weak for him.

"I'll make it up to you."

"Will you pay for my trip to France?" I snap, my anger returning momentarily.

He winces and pulls his head back slightly. "If that's what it takes."

Snort. "I don't mean anything to you, remember?"

"I was angry. I'm not used to being challenged like that. You said something hurtful and I said it back."

My mouth falls open. "I said something hurtful? What I said was the truth."

"You honestly believe I used you?"

"What else would you call it?"

He winces again. "I..." His cheeks swell before he blows out a breath. "Then you used me too."

Touche. "Let me go."

"Come to mine tonight. We'll talk." His eyes are sincere when he says this and I hate how badly I want to accept.

"If you just want to talk then we can meet somewhere else. Or we can sit down right now, totally separated, and talk it out."

"Fine, but not here. Where do you want to meet?"

Blink. "I don't want to meet. I just want you to let me go."

"If you wanted me to let you go, you would've pulled yourself free already."

True. "Just..."

"Don't talk for a second." He places his hand over my mouth and the door behind me begins to rattle.

"Isaac?" Miss Hart calls through the door and knocks.

"f.u.c.k," he hisses, his hand still over my mouth.

"Isaac?" The door rattles again before her heels finally click away.

"Please meet me tonight." He practically begs in a whisper and the phone on his desk starts to vibrate. "Wherever you want. Whenever you want."


Suddenly I'm flying backwards, a hand back over my mouth. My heart starts trembling along with my body, beating so fast I can hear it, as I'm lowered to the ground behind Isaac's desk.

"f.u.c.k!" He curses, both of us huddled in the corner of the room. "Katherine's at the window."

Now I'm seriously panicking. "Your phone is on the desk."

"She'll just think I left it behind." He squishes us further into the corner. "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have locked us in here."

"No, you shouldn't have." I s.h.i.+ft out of my uncomfortable position, annoyed, when he pulls me back against his chest. I should tell him to let go of me, but the way he's stroking my hair is soothing my terrified body.

"I got jealous." My body tenses. He continues. "I got so jealous, I was blind. I don't know what I was thinking." His hand stops stroking my hair and instead turns my head to face him. It's an awkward position, but not an uncomfortable one. "I find myself in a situation where I don't think I can let anyone else have you. I don't think I could stand it."

My heart misses a beat and a s.h.i.+ver runs through me, causing goose b.u.mps to p.r.i.c.kle along my arms.

"And I know I can't have you," he whispers quietly, his hand resting along my jaw. "I know it's not possible."

"Yeah..." I nod once and try to turn away, but his hand won't allow it. "I know."

"You're so young."

I frown at that.

"I have something for you." He reaches into his back pocket, mindful of his legs, just in case she's still looking through the window. I doubt she is. "I got it for your birthday, but never gave it to you, mostly because I was worried you'd read into it and then..." He shows me the gift box and allows me to move away before taking it softly. I have no idea what it is. The gift box is long, silver and rectangular in shape. "I was worried you wouldn't."

My breath catches when I lift the lid, revealing the beautiful charm bracelet inside. "Forever Connected..."

"You know the brand?"

"I've always wanted one." I stare longingly at the white gold chain, with its tiny links ready for attachments. "These aren't cheap. Why would you get me this?"

He doesn't answer. Instead he lifts it from the box and I notice a single charm dangling in the centre. It's the shape of a tiny book, translucent green.

"Why a book?"

He clears his throat. "Green's my favourite colour and a book is... well it was the only charm I could find that could kind of signify how we met."

"It's... I can't accept this." I place the box on his lap and pull my hands away. He grabs my wrist and quickly clicks the charm bracelet into place. It fits perfectly and it's so light and beautiful. "I really can't accept this."

"I'm not taking it back. Besides, it's too late. There's only a seven day return policy unless it's faulty."

I hold the small crystal book between my fingers and consider yanking the bracelet off. It's too precious to harm and it means too much to spoil over such a betrayal.

"I'm not forgiving you."

"That's not why I've given it to you." He frowns, closing the gift box and shoving it into my bag. "I just... I don't even know what to say to you. I wouldn't forgive me if I were you. My dad is furious at me, by the way..."

Blink. "Welcome to the club."

"I'm sorry." He sits up and peers over the desk, before looking back at me with the same amount of remorse in his eyes as earlier. "I hope you can forgive me eventually."

I finger the crystal once more, s.h.i.+fting onto my knees and looking at him in the eyes. "Thank you for my gift. I adore it."

He smiles and for a moment I return it, before peering over the desk myself and checking that the coast is clear. "Stay, a little longer."

Is he joking? "Your guilt is making you crazy. If we get caught, we're going to have a lot of explaining to do."

Why am I the only adult in here right now?

"Break it off with Garrett."

My eyes widen with surprise. "What?"

"Break it off with Garrett." His eyes have narrowed.

"I don't think you're in a position to be demanding anything from me."

"And I can't stand that twerp. He's not good for you."

"And you are?" He immediately closes his mouth at my words. "I like Garrett."

His eyes get dark and almost dangerous. "How did you suddenly go from drunken night of fun to full blown making out in public?" Then they get even darker and definitely dangerous. "Did you do something stupid?"

"Define stupid." I'm not liking where this is going.

"Did you sleep with him?"

"And if I did?"

"I don't want to know." He looks away and closes his eyes. "Just go. Make sure n.o.body sees you leave."

My phone starts to ring. I pull it from my bag and wince at the name flas.h.i.+ng. I don't answer, but it doesn't matter because Isaac saw it. He wasn't lying when he said he felt jealous; I see the flash of it in his eyes.

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The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 32 summary

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