The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 33

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"I'll see you in cla.s.s on Friday." I stand and quickly dust myself off with my hands.

He follows me to the door, remaining silent. "Please come to me tonight."

"I don't need to. We've spoken already. What's the point? This isn't going anywhere." I open the door a crack, looking out before pulling the door open all of the way. "I'm not worth losing your job over."

And with those parting words I walk away and I don't look back.

It's when I'm lying in bed at midnight, playing with my new bracelet and struggling to sleep, that a text comes through.

Isaac: What if it could? Would you try?

I don't even have to guess what he's talking about. I instantly know. The unfortunate thing is, I don't know the answer to that question. At least I think I don't, but then my thumbs seem to move across my screen anyway and type the answer for me.

Isaac Her text comes through and I open it with trembling hands.

Eloise: You owe me a trip to France.

I smile, unable to contain myself, before stuffing my phone under my pillow and rolling onto my front. I can still smell her scent on the sheets; it's intoxicating.

When my phone vibrates again twenty minutes later I s.n.a.t.c.h it eagerly, hoping it's something good and praying it's not a last minute rejection.

Eloise: Open the door.

I do as she asks and pull her inside. Before she can even speak, I'm claiming her mouth in a kiss that rules over all others.

She wraps her arms and legs around me as I close the door behind us and she trembles when I carry her to the bedroom.

I'm not sure how it happened. I'm not sure when it happened, but this girl has become my addiction and suddenly I don't care about anything else but sinking into her and making her mine.

And when I finally do, I'm in heaven and this time I feel no guilt, only an afterglow and adoration towards the sleeping female sprawled across my chest.

I now understand the lyrics to 'Counting Stars' by 'OneRepublic'. 'I feel something so right, doing the wrong thing'.

I should let her go.

I just don't want to and I wouldn't have the strength to.

Chapter Twenty One.

Isaac I yawn loudly; I can't help it. I've had so many late nights. I don't regret them; in fact I like that I'm tired. It means I'm doing something right.

I don't like that Elle is tired, though. I also don't like that she's fallen asleep on my parents' couch.

It's my fault. I've been dragging her from bed every night, encouraging her to sneak to mine.

Well, not every night, but almost every night.

We've been careless though. Her parents will catch her sooner or later.

I know it's hypocritical of me to say, but she's eighteen for crying out loud. She's allowed her freedom. She should be allowed to stay out. Then I wouldn't have to sneak her out every night.

It's the best part of my day when she does, though.

I just wish it didn't have to be a secret. I wish I could hold her hand in public, like I know she wants. I wish I could take her to work and kiss her delicious lips as I see her off. I wish I could cuddle with her on the couch right now and sleep beside her.

I can't though.

We're careful for this reason.

She doesn't want me to lose my job and neither do I. I probably deserve it, but I'm not some psycho student molester, preying on innocent women.

We connect. It's never happened before and I doubt it'll ever happen again. I couldn't imagine myself being with anyone else.

Eloise is just... she's just it for me right now.

We've been playing it extremely cool in public, though. My parents still think she hates me and she does a d.a.m.n good job of convincing them she does. I suppose it's her way of punis.h.i.+ng me for what I did. I don't care. She's s.e.xy when she's p.i.s.sed at me and cute, like a snarling cub.

Her body is curled up in the foetal position and I'm sat at the end of the couch, only inches from her legs. I want so badly to slide my hand up her thigh, to tickle her skin in the way I know she loves.

Am I creepy? Am I suddenly a creepy teacher?

The way I look at her, the way I talk to her at times, the way I touch her all of the time... is it creepy? But I care about her. How can it be creepy when I'd kill anyone who hurt her, when I'd risk my career for her? How is that creepy?

At first it was scary. I could tell she was scared of getting caught, but now, the more time that, the more comfortable we're getting lying to everyone. It's been six weeks since I made a decision I knew would change my life and I don't regret it. What I regret is the sad look on her face when we both agreed that Christmas together would be a big no, seeing as she'll be visiting with her family and I'll be staying with mine.

I'm worried about losing her to a guy her age, of course I am, but I don't dwell on it. For now I'm accepting that she's mine and I'll b.l.o.o.d.y well show her how happy I am about that.

Eloise I hear a camera click as a flash lights up my eyelids.

Confusion sinks in before I remember I'm visiting the Price's.

"Wouldn't they make such a lovely couple?" I hear Judith say with a sigh. "Such pretty babies."

I almost choke, but Mr Price Senior jumps in. "Judith, she's his student. Remember?"

"She is?" Judith gasps. "Oh. But dear, look at them. That red hair with his lips and her pretty eyes..."

"Judith," Mr Price hisses, shus.h.i.+ng her immediately. "She's his student. I'm sure it would upset her to hear you talk that way. And Isaac."

Judith gasps with glee. "Isaac is here? My Isaac?"

My eyes burn, but I don't open them. I leave Mr Price to handle his wife. I don't think I can cope with it.

"Such a handsome boy. Such a sweet boy."

Mr Price leads her from the room and I sit up slowly. I hear her bed creak and realise he's taken her to lie down until this moment

Isaac wakes up too. His head was lolled back and his eyes were closed, but now I know he heard everything she said by the pain that s.h.i.+nes in his eyes.

I take his hand and smooth my thumb over his.

"She forgot who I was again," he whispers, shaking his head.

I don't say anything. I simply rest my head on his shoulder and wait for the kiss that I know will come. When I feel his lips touch my forehead before gently lifting away, I sit up and move to the other end of the couch.

I hate to put distance between us, but I can't do much else for him at this point.

"I'm here," I say, still holding his hand, until we hear his dad walking back to the room.

Susanna talks softly to Judith and I know that her moment still hasn't pa.s.sed. This is the longest one yet.

"You don't need to be here for this," Mr Price Senior says to me, his eyes tired and sad. "I'll take you home."

"I'll do it," Isaac says, but his father shakes his head. "No, I could use the drive."

"I haven't been totally honest with you," Mr Price tells me, pulling up outside of my house. The drive has been long and silent. "Remember when Judith threw that pasta at you?" I nod, yes. "Remember you left your University applications at my house?"

Please say you posted them Mr Price; you said you did. "Yeah?" My heart hammers, preparing for the heart break.

"Well, I posted them, but I opened them first." Okay, now I'm confused. "I shouldn't have done it, but I tweaked them a little. I perfected my reference and changed your bio." Now I'm definitely confused. "You were too modest. I only added to it and changed a few errors. I couldn't bear to see you fail, but now I look back I realise you wouldn't have failed."

I'm not angry at him for doing that. I'm just... baffled I guess.

"You've been such a solid member of our family. When you first started visiting I didn't think it would last, but I didn't blame you. Judith looks upon you like a daughter and I can't say I don't care a great deal for you. That's why I did what I did. I shouldn't have without your permission."

"It's okay." I smile the happiest and most rea.s.suring smile I can manage. "I swear. Thank you for tweaking them."

"My son cares about you." He scratches at his neck, stretching his beard slightly with the movement. "I think he cares a little more than he should."

My eyes go wide and I choke on air. "I don't think so."

"I shouldn't be saying this, but I realised what was going on the night he called your father. His irrational behaviour only succeeded to prove my fears." Oh s.h.i.+t, he knows... he knows. My palms start to sweat and I feel my heart beating in my throat. "I just want you to keep your distance from him for a while."

"Have I done something wrong?"

He blinks and turns to face me. "No, sweet girl, not at all. I'm just worried... that in this dark and lonely time for him, he'll do something stupid, something that could potentially make it a darker and lonelier time." Dark eyes scan my face, so I keep it shocked and slightly uncomfortable. "I hope I'm reading too much into it, but I'm thinking you might feel the same way and that worries me, because then there's nothing stopping you."

"I..." I can't promise him something like that. "I'm... I'm already seeing someone. Isaac, he's great and all, but... well he's kind of old and..." I take a calm breath when I realise I'm stuttering and trying to ramble all at once. "I'll keep my distance as best I can. Do you, umm..." This time I scratch my neck. It does seem to help break eye contact. Maybe that's why they do it. "Do you not want me to come around anymore?"

"I want you to come as often as you like. Like I said, you're a solid member of our family. I just want you to guard your heart and be careful. Isaac is a good man, but people do strange things when grieving and Isaac is grieving. As are you."

"I'll do my best." It's not a promise, but also not a rejection. "I won't say anything to him either."

He pinches my cheek fondly and motions for me to exit the car. I do so, still smiling awkwardly, and race into my house. Then I text Isaac.

Eloise: We really need to talk.

Isaac: Is everything okay?

Eloise: Long story short, your dad wants me to give you distance because he thinks you have feelings for me. Do not say anything to him... I will kill you.

Isaac: I like it when you kill me ;-) Eloise: I'm serious! I'll see you in a few days.

Isaac: A few days? I'm coming for you tonight.

He's so stubborn.

Eloise: Did you not read what I put??????!!!!!

Isaac: I'll handle my dad. I'll see you tonight. Same time same place.

My dad pops his head into my room. Normally he'd knock, but my door is already open. "How was school?"

"Thrilling," I reply sarcastically.

"You've been quite tired lately."

I shrug. "I'm working hard, Dad. Is that a problem now?"

He frowns, irritated at my tone of voice no doubt. "I just don't want you to exhaust yourself."

"How the f.u.c.k else am I going to get out of here?" I mumble, but he only hears just that, a mumble. I'd probably be grounded if he heard what I said.

"Are you joining us for dinner?"

"No, I already ate."

He steps further into my room. "I saw you and Mr Price talking outside."

"So? He gave me a ride home."

"Is everything okay?"

"Probably not." I put my pen on top of the books I have spread across the desk. "I have homework." He lingers. "Is there something else?"

"You're there a lot."

"Well done, Sherlock. Did you figure that out on your own?"

He frowns again. "Look, I know things have been tough at home, but you're leaving in a few months. It's almost the New Year and then you'll be away to university before I can blink."

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The Distraction Trilogy: Distraction Part 33 summary

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